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Computer Technology

Introduction to IT Business

Introduction to Information Technology

Learning Goal: Students will be able to identify technology adoption models Students will be able to describe business ontological models and data models

Ms. Hall

September 23, 2013

Learning Goal
Students will be able to identify technology adoption models Students will be able to describe business ontological models and data models

Learning Goal: Students will be able to identify technology adoption models Students will be able to describe business ontological models and data models

Scale Yourself
4 I can identify technology adoption models and describe business ontological models. I can teach others I can identify technology adoption models and describe business ontological models With some help I can identify technology adoption models and describe business ontological models Ive heard of technology adoption models and describe business ontological models I cannot identify technology adoption models and describe business ontological models

3 2 1 0

In your journal scale yourself
Do not forget to write the date Circle the number you write for your scale

Business Modeling
Ontology the study of how a particular knowledge domain, or system, is organized Business ontology describes the flow of information through a business hierarchy Ontology and IT Web Ontology Language (OWL)

Ontology is the study of how a particular part of a company, called a domain is organized.
Domain-system It describes how individual elements of a domain relate to each other, It is usually represented in hierarchical terms Describes how individual elements process information within the domain

Ontology Cont
An ontological study is a foundational step for programmers and designers of complex information technology systems. If properly conducted, an ontology allows software engineers and programmers to accurately map technology solutions to business models. It can help ensure that data is formatted in a universal manner so that it can be reused from on system to another.

Ontology Term Domain Individual/Subject

Description Represents an entire company or a division within a company The basic item within a domain. Also called an instance or an element. Example: A kayak manufacturing company would consider a kayak to be an object A particular type of object. Example: a particular model of kayak would be an example of a particular class of individual object. Also called a concept in some ontologies



A unique characteristic pertaining to a class. A class can have multiple unique attributes. Example: a particular model of kayak will have various attributes: Color Length Weight Type of materials its made of Description of how one particular object or class is related to another, usually in a hierarchy. Helps create a relationship between objects or classes Hierarchical description and vocabulary concerning a particular domain



Ontology and the business organization

A business ontology can be a description of the hierarchical organization structure of the business and how the various objects relate to each other.

The business ontology model shows the flow of information through the hierarchy.
Reporting structure of a typical business
Board of Directors CEO CTO CIO


CEO- Chief Executive Officer CFO-Chief Finical Officer CTO-Chief Technology Officer CIO-Chief Information Officer

Not all companies and organizations follow the previous model exactly. However, all companies and organizations should create a model that ensures accountability among departments and reduces conflict. Conflicts of interest occur when the duties and responsibilities of corporate officers are vague and incomplete.

In large organizations, top level managers generally consist of the chief executive level. Below top-level managers are: Middle level managers- directors and employees with managerial titles such as general manager, plant manager, regional manager, sales manager, and so forth.
Responsible for carrying out the goals set by top management by directing the activities of particular departments or other business units.

First-level managers- managers in the levels below middle managers who are generally known as first-line managers or supervisors.
Office managers, department managers, store managers,etc

Ontology and Information Technology

In business ontology, a domain and its data are described from the perspective of the business/ An ontology does not study an individual applications understanding of data. Rather it studies how the data is used by a business.

Web Ontology Language (OWL)

Various languages exist for defining ontological relationships. The Web Ontology Language (OWL) is the most current.

Data Modeling
Data modeling determines the requirements that a database must fulfill in order to function properly for an organization Data modeling steps:
Planning and analysis- identifying business requirements Conceptual design- creating the model as a pure concept Logical design-encoding the concept into SQL programming Physical design- determining exactly where data will be stored Implementation- applying the design to an actual database application, such as MYSQL or Oracle

Data modeling vs ontology

A business ontological study is meant to help create various complex systems Data modeling is meant for databases only In data modeling, the most important consideration is the database's ability to process data

The Importance of Standards

Standards help govern the ease with which information can be exchanged and understood between people, businesses and systems

Define Information Technology (IT) job roles Review career opportunities in the IT industry Describe the importance of successfully explaining technical issues to non-technical audiences Identify technology adoption models Describe business ontological models and data models Review the importance of adhering to standards during software, hardware and Web development

Exit Ticket
In your journal scale yourself
Do not forget to write the date Square the number you write for your scale

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