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2nd International Conference on Nuclear Science and Engineering in Iran

Numerical Solution of Multigroups Point Kinetic Equations by Simulink Toolbox of Matlab Software
K. Hadad, A. Mohamadi,H. Sabet, N. Ayobian, M. Khani
Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz Iran


The Simulink toolbox of Matlab software was employed to solve the point kinetics equation with six group delayed neutrons. The method of Adams-Bashford showed a good convergence in solving the system of simultaneous equations and the obtained results showed good agreements with other numerical schemes. The flexibility of the package in changing the system parameters and the user friendly interface makes this approach a reliable educational package in revealing the affects of reactivity changes on power incursions. Keywords: Point Kinetics Equations, Reactivity Excursions, Matlab Simulink, temperature Reactivity Feedback
1- Introducation

In reactor kinetics the point kinetics model is found to be the best approximate in modeling small research reactors as well as the power excursions of large reativity change [Hetrick 1967]. The point kinetics equations have been solved analytically for one group as well as few groups of delayed neutrons. However the soulution for many groups is neither efficient nor possible. For many groups the numerical solutions are found to be reliable and produce acceptable results. 30 groups delayed neutrons are recommended by ANS to be used in solving large reactivity excursions for reactor kinetics and reactor dynamics modeling.
2- Methods

reactivity excursions. The governing equations as are follows:

6 dn = n + ici dt i =1 dc i i = n ici dt

Where n is the neutron concentration or reactor power, is the total reactivity (in dollars), is total fraction of delayed neutrons, i is delayed neutron decay constants of group i, Ci is delayed neutron concentration of group i and is the effective neutron generation time. These equations are coupled with moderator and fuel temperature reactivity feedbacks to take into account the feedback mechanisms. The feedback equations are:

The data from a TRIGA Mark I reseach reactor operating at the University of Arizona was used to simulate different

dT F = K ( n n ) dt Q m ( he hi ) dT M = h dt pC vV Where:

2nd International Conference on Nuclear Science and Engineering in Iran

TF = fuel temperature, TM = moderator temperature, = reciprocal of heat capacity, = temperature coefficient of reactivity, Qh = Energy output in Btu, m = mass flow rate of coolant (lb), he and hi = Exit and entrance specific enthalpies (Btu/lb), p = thermal power (MW), Cp = specific heat at constant pressure V = total volume. The reactivity term is the sum of the different types of reactivity insertion or removal and is represented by: cram R = A + B t + F (T F T Fo ) + mod + RCS +S Where A is any positive or negative reactivity inserted manually, B is the coefficient of ramp input reactivity, F is the temperature coefficient of fuel reactivity feedback, pmod is the total moderator temperature reactivity feedback, RCS is the reactor control system. reactivity insertion or withdrawal and Scram is the SCRAM reactivity. TF is the fuel temperature. The Simulink schematics of the mathematical modeling is shown in the Figigure 1. in Figure 2 a typical detailed subsystem which represents the delayed neutron is shown for the precursor concentration in group 5 of the delayed neutrons..

Figure 1. Simulink modeling of point kinetics equations with temperature and reactivity feedbacks.

2nd International Conference on Nuclear Science and Engineering in Iran

Figure 2. The expansion of Subsystem of delayed neutron precursor for Simulink Model in Figure 1. 3- Results The output of simulation by the Simulink modeling for different reactivity inputs are shown in Figures 3 to 5 Normal reactor power vs. time is plotted for different input reactivity in dollars. As could be seen for reactivities lower than a dollar (prompt critical) , the power excursion is under dumped and decreases from normal power to the delayed neutron tail power. When the input reactivity exceeds 1.0 dollar, the power starts to increase. Once the power reaches to maximum power predicted by Nordheim-Fuchs model, the feedback mechanisms overcome and it reduces to delayed neutron tail again.

Figure 4. Power excursion vs. time for 1.2 dollars input reativity without feedback.

Figure 5. Power excursion vs. time for 1.2 dollars input reativity without feedback.

Figure 3. Power excursion vs. time for 3 dollars input reativity without feedback.

References Dynamics of Nuclear Reactor, D. L. Hetrick, University of Chicago Press, 1978.

2nd International Conference on Nuclear Science and Engineering in Iran

Nuclear Reactor Analalysis, J. Duderstat, L. J. Hamilton, J Wiley and Sons, 1976. Kinetics equations for neutron distributions, Journal of Nuclear Energy. Parts A/B. Reactor Science and Technology, Volume 19, Issue 8, August 1965, Pages 619-639,R. K. Osborn and M. Natelson Analytical solution of the point kinetics equations, exponential mode analysis, A. E. Aboanber, Progress in Nuclear Energy , Volume 42, Issue 2 , 2003, Pages 179-197.

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