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中国  趙紫陽  天安門事件  回顧録 


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 中国政府中枢にいた人物による直接の証言は極めて珍しい。『Prisoner of the State(国家の囚人)』と題する











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Geoff Dyer and Jamil Anderlini

((C)FINANCIAL TIMES,2009 May. 15)










注:『Prisoner of the State: The Secret Journal of Zhao Ziyang』(Simon & Schuster)から抜粋 Page 3 of 4
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China fails to silence voice from the grave

By Geoff Dyer and Jamil Anderlini
Published: May 15 2009 19:11 | Last updated: May 15 2009 19:11

When former Chinese Communist Party boss Zhao Ziyang died four years ago, the only news published
in China was a two-line statement on Xinhua, the state news agency.

The Beijing authorities were afraid the death of the leader ousted for opposing the violent crushing of
demonstrators in 1989 would re-open debate about the Tiananmen killings.

Mr Zhao has not been easy to silence, however. Just weeks before the 20th anniversary of the crackdown,
his secret memoirs are about to be published, based on 20 tape recordings that friends and associates
managed to smuggle out of the country.

An extremely rare first-hand account of elite Chinese politics, Prisoner of the State argues that the
decision to impose martial law in May 1989 was illegal and the violent suppression of the protests was a

It also casts light on Deng Xiaoping, the former paramount leader, suggesting it was Mr Zhao who was the
real instigator of many of the country’s economic reforms and that Mr Deng was a fervent supporter of
one-party dictatorship.

Mr Zhao spent 16 years under house arrest, leaving his Beijing home only
A driving force behind for an occasional game of golf, but in 2000 he started secretly recording
his thoughts on top of tapes of Peking opera.
Zhao Ziyang was
secretary-general of the
Chinese Communist party
“By publishing the English version first, [this book] will get recognition from
when the student protests the international community and China won’t be able to deny the credibility
in Tiananmen Square or the very existence of this book by banning it or erasing it,” says Bao
began in April 1989. He Tong, a former aide to Mr Zhao who helped organise its publication.
argued in favour of
negotiating with the Chinese authorities go to great lengths to shut down discussion about the
students but lost a power
struggle with conservatives Tiananmen protests and have already started clamping down on pro-
at a meeting on May 17, democracy intellectuals ahead of the June 4 anniversary.
when the decision to
impose martial law was However, Mr Zhao argues that the confrontation could have been avoided.
made. Few of the protesters were opposed to the Party, he writes, and many
He was later stripped of his were raising legitimate complaints. Yet conservatives within the leadership,
positions and put under especially Premier Li Peng, radicalised the students by adopting more
house arrest until he died in confrontational tactics and manipulated Mr Deng into taking a hard line.
2005. Apart from a brief
period during the Cultural
Revolution when he was After asking for a personal meeting with Mr Deng, he turned up at his
first detained and then house on May 17 to find the rest of the Communist Party’s standing
forced to work in a factory, committee there. Mr Zhao lost the argument about using force against the
he spent most of his career students. In contrast with other accounts of the meeting, he argues that as
as a provincial party official,
no vote was taken on imposing martial law, the decision was illegal.
including stints running
Guangdong and Sichuan
provinces. Although the material about Tiananmen is the most politically sensitive,
After pioneering rural historians will be interested in his descriptions of China’s economic
reforms in Sichuan, Deng reforms.
Xiaoping brought him to
Beijing, where he became Mr Deng is credited with supporting reform against opposing conservatives,
premier in 1980 and was but Mr Zhao writes that many of the ideas were his own. It was Mr Zhao
one of the driving forces
behind China’s economic who pushed for the break-up of farm communes in the early 1980s, he
reforms. He was promoted says, and it was he who persuaded Mr Deng to support the creation of
to the top position in the special free-trade zones which sparked the export manufacturing boom.
party in 1987.,dwp_uuid=7f5f6b12-2f66-11da-8b51-00000e2511c8,print=yes.html Page 1 of 2 print article 12/06/09 7:45 AM

“Reading Zhao’s unadorned and unboastful account of his stewardship, it

becomes apparent that it was he rather than Deng who was the architect
of reform,” says Roderick MacFarquhar, a Chinese politics expert at Harvard University, in the introduction.
“Deng did not make the conceptual breakthrough. Zhao did.”

The book includes a scathing political attack on Mr Deng, who in speeches often appeared to flirt with
reform ideas. He says Mr Deng believed in a dictatorship managed by the Party, and when he talked of
democracy, “they were no more than empty words”.

Mr Zhao’s own politics emerge as a tentative endorsement of democratic reform. He denies that he was a
supporter of multi-party democracy when he was in power, but says he has come to believe China’s
economic reforms can only work if there is greater accountability, freedom to organise and a more
independent judicial system.

“It is the western parliamentary democratic system that has demonstrated the most vitality,” he says. “If we
do not move towards this goal, it will be impossible to resolve the abnormal conditions of China’s market

Quotes from Zhao Ziyang’s memoir

On Tiananmen:

“I told myself that no matter what, I would not be the general secretary who mobilised the military to crack
down on the students.” ”On the night of June 3rd while sitting in the courtyard with my family, I heard
intense gunfire. A tragedy to shock the world had not been averted, and was happening after all.”

On economic reform:

“It was not easy for China to carry out the Reform and Open-Door Policy. Whenever there were issues
involving relationships with foreigners, people were fearful, and there were many accusations made
against reformers: people were afraid of being exploited, having our sovereignty undermined, or suffering
an insult to our nation.”

On Deng Xiaoping’s real political views:

“Deng has always stood out among the Party elders as the one who emphasised the means of
dictatorship. He often reminded people about its usefulness. ... Deng’s creed was not only that the ruling
status of the Communist Party should never be challenged: he also adored the high concentration of
power and believed they should be retained.”

On political reform:

“If a political party has no check on its power, its officials easily become corrupt.”

Taken from: ‘Prisoner of the State: the Secret Journal of Zhao Ziyang’ (Simon & Schuster)

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