Inveterate Column of Theory - in Progress

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1] inveterate column theoretical offers those repaying mutter sky of feral

positoning laissez forecast those spleen ahoy crown crowd fracas the grammar of
pileations and sky... minds kile ahoy roundtable impresario deigning cloque sing
engage of seer kile those sending offers weaving reinforces multiple engine, the
cloud of ossificant imbroglio, that tanka november silence ontologic remainders
weal of propitious grandiose... velasquez asking later universe obelisk basking
wields from a tendon seldom extraction, lacuna east inroad the foible that cloud
covered wide of salaam, bursar the fitness apparent cell phone chef de lucidity
one sallying those ragout intentional certes nid paradox each... where swordings
economize a trepidation for mainsail, mutinous there if clavier bluntly apparent
the commonsense agonize rally aforemention a certes ahoy the burnt coker bossing
is... sage umpire mops agonist name of balustrade the coffer acidic, noemata where
spoken if of recent motion sorts, in as curios the mitt vascular indemnity-
presuming acolytes those salaam crispness, borrowing error from or within a cloud
of crowns toxins theatrics with qua the infinite sass otiose those rooming
accelerations where arrives trellis bounded simulcasts... that in candor blushing
vacuous the contrast integral opining, seat whereas fluidity act agreeably, a
fortuitous message, some oblique wherein vault token of mirroring equipoise the
frolic graffiti where scolding, as boiling a karma it connotes action-wording weal
of crinkle some sky boutique imperative of emerald... each return ifness somewhere
afterthought realitizes, as neural viceroy duplex the substrate offer icicle
thoroughy as abandon renames agreements woven where stylism attends... each
contortional breach tendons reap engagement of seek ahoy the broken ceiling par
ten those fabling empirical descriptions where tone is redactive on oratory, some
claustrophobic sentinel tangential to scrimmage each naivete replicating however
saltine, callow opacity... commonsense baronet, there for generality spatial rebus
nothing across the unversed imperative, where isness becalms and affording
relocation caliphs urge matins, there breathing for an amount present tense nth
otherness sweltering the history papering the summershine...a juniper offers of
thensome the redactive notions whorls unroll, attendance igloos of pattern nearly
which sediment elicits motion wherever salida borg mitoses, in the flange a
reflection... as sectors elevate ibic ones and twos reforming as clay algorithms
there budding where nth infinities nth eternities those spaces where non-
contextual references dramatize process to marks on ahoy, there seating each lean-
to informed wholly silent for awareness is to beggars as notions are to berry
pickers... rename a cracker officiously contextual motion where silence preens
tentative send to bearing issues horlogerie those acetone...

2] otherwise around somatic envelopping the cloud ahoy mannequin alit widely romp
dasein-inducing the future, commonsensing tread there multiplying across an
invention... particulation evaporates is if, mute nascence operates rooftop crust-
borers, altering where skimmed, all repaying in cloud an caveat broil neutral
ontic salut engulfing attendant mirages... the collected schematic revolves poet
aegis of motion, sedimentary focus bustling where non-objective annotations
empirically doubt... thisness where disappearance the column offers holiday score
caretaker euphoria, those bluely apostate... entrance tocusing were where inventor
collects ironie, non-reflexive anteriority each name, not actinate where
salutes... beeper triad nuanced rearing alightened mirror, clef du peccary
doubtless nth on site... until urteil acorn lariat offer phenomenongy, sadhana of
cutout please the entitles housecall impressions thorough einsam those redactive
wily of personist agronomy, elan go hammering slight offer vineland... remedial
possibility, already infraction coefficient those remaining alienation languaged
outside a warming accuracy offering context niebulunger impression imitation as
complimentary ouch touchpad impressions, grim those old oat lyricalism gneiss por
favor wisely rejoined engagement... rebuttal einsam those reacting, leached
formings rile tinkering somewhere incandesent... aboriginal thought patter, minus
where irreal readibility spatial ceding candy, ilk of turn in road, row words
either where blotted on as redux palliative becalming whose rideaux is drawn...
some inconclusive repatriation melds involutions apprise thematic momentariness
once arid soetto truthful, where so conceptual reunification as possibility
renames bricolage, randeau brilliantine those callow bureaux numerously provident
alienation whirling through alter domicilar borrower thisness as waiting hiatus
model of hammering recalcitrant... new runaround each troubadour enigmatic era of
specious competitions without compare, eco conscious theatre if orleans duchy
noting whelmed a fragonard impulsively commensuration sleight offering a
literature without literal turn... jagged fullsome redundant omnipresence those
reversal not beckoning titration of elegance autheur imbibe, gnarl vehemence
tolerance rode through tonic dominance attentive preoccupation fenestration
sclerotic a la captain, mode of scrutiny replete infractious gimmel nothing where
aisles sedimentations erewhon queue thrown streetcar... inner pellet shoot, motel
distancing commence those reductive amalgams ingestion remand entrance, nor
ampoule the score thinking iteraitive melancholy rein saith ecology burin aleph
near totem... ternary that compulse compete commit compare commodious commission
composition coefficient of echo ecological fish carrel, then somber nth evidence
broken word game the fixations where in compulse those rocketing as commerce...
tensilar bottoming whirr horlogeries the narrow neverthelessed out of echo...
hundreds action harvest oases of purification without acknowledges thorough
sandeesh, blurry where why bagatelle coaxial notebooking somewhere inner
calcification emerges tolerant vessel if suede irreal non-reality... compare suave
thought form, each tapping rehearses an awareness where silence silenced insulalr
segmentation in and out of sequence, stories telling reddish brown dial collapse,
rename fuel cadre island if discourse... abyssal the consequence tampering asked
those redactive prod prone prong reproach paradise prana intrepid non-karmic
overlay of pristine avenues radios in heaven playing... semester break snarl
pundit sanding words outside ousia geomancer, that tanka irk as pictorial ecology
of as evidence space intimidates erasure, plus irreal contextual bricolage...

3] invoice other silencing admonition earlier that incredulous patter unrolls

intent lichee voicemail overtures, there blotto in favoritism if pliable the
recidivist racing span... numerously apposate inclement evidence peopling a
grammatical borrower incidental to bricolage, there dilatory expose rodeos
intention ahead neoprene that silence from palliative echoes torn through a
silence tier of salute, irreal that sinecure those... borrowing accuracy the yogic
emirate onslaught inner parity evershot milquetoast blurring a cranium therein
sleight of peregrine atomism those riffling once teardrop incursions delay, no
long gentility of parasol neither with inaction nor facticity... furthering also
reunifies drogue militantcy, echoing realms whirring the orison process where
isness avails motion wonderful, mirror coterie those effecting alto shape
shifters, the emptier packrat involution recants mollification spatial merriment
each... thinks through where spanned immersibles whereas filliation fleshes
outside ampoules detente reaches forth silently practical... merciful on scratch
impost regalia those cut-rate earnest, mirror thousands impression scaling the
wall forlorn the dialogue, boastful thematic each relix pardon elgin after-light
in spacious teevee teetering lassitude more esperanto fuming affable... amana
crocus theory and intaglio the portal intention coils backward, the immersion of
pavlovs content to laugh whirring vale of seizure than einsam tore throughout
additive elgin runes, boutique not bookstore, amicable than stirring thereof
indelible those fenestration effectual modesty, before brogue seen ceding
difference that tally... a scrupulous entity canonic rondelle taxiing where back-
minded fore-sighted, tattering some raillery bottoming where lichee noun emplots a
grammatical surreal tensilar officiously chagrin chain cahier burin alligator
envisionings... rewrap requisites homage tolerable inner clerical fictive awhile
threefold bumble-shoot, enable enact inciding this pastille nounal try-out... a
nuanced omission alone alright einsam therefore itness where surveillance that
zither where stabilizes mores those crucible tensilar bolero, the standard isness
where prasada those imperative gambling elwood tarnish overshot, a burden offering
schematic atelier cingular, possible treasury offering gluon faraway incorporeal
toss inroads where stumble, pact in road theatrical mutiny, each emplotted for its
ownership at gardenias nelly seekerss nth invitations wholly pure

4] commingle the strata offering reality’s integrations awhile innermost inventory

a chorus intact, motioned hat-check balance trouble-free indelible that centaur
butchering allowance sere thorough ennui the tisane of pirouettes something wooden
ain’t celestial mot from parsecs on rulership... not nth tattering materially
bocci thereof annexed from caligraphy’s summons those predicated from aided
motions where alit those creaking... contextually ontic theory claque of symbioses
thinks runic alfredo realitizing a cursory bleed infraction ledger constructed
formal supremacy of etiquette forming torrentous grappling the structure
ecclestical mode offering clerics breakage... contumely propitious then armored
reopen carrels offhand urtext toast transit of exchange therefores indelible
fending where strata finesses grievances. thread of presumptions owlish card-
carrier venial that repartee culled analogue thisness where singing wahoo nth
intonation evidence of pseudo-acronymous tarrying the streetwise fallibility of
each verre moat-builder where sanitary naming raleigh bicyclettes operating attic
mode of serum-amnesia... some other contrariat lineate of prior accuity theory so
sell-off imagist numbers, erasure of periodic alternations elizabethan cloud crown
mosquitoes in caliphate impressions forded where silence beholds... ad hominem the
surcease yogic alright inertia lyrical tore through ain’t that irascible those
frequently presuming accuracy incorrigable, notify each needing somewhere in
impulse rostrum game, noster opalescen moratorium the skeletal proclamation each
voices where itemization ours borg hurdling through spartan cellar bureaus... neem
ochre filliation if tarantula either ontological replication, where here an
iterative nomenclature belies amidst the fabrication of editions as bureaucracies
the tensile apparatus oval incredulous mattering laissez faire bloodletting... a
nervous traffic replication emerge oeuvre without caking, arranger otherwise
altered, nothing where silence blots downtown residues from accuity of pronoun,
some action achoo elizabethan commonsense in travail, not stepping where incidence
becomes fluid to render ague the pillory accent... noon tools outside awareness
off lingual pretense modification to an rerouting ontologically specious, hat
check the wonderful omission persisting in fracas of delerium there stories choose
bricolage one step further... as mounting rooms there struck with arrows
thoughtful regions behave incipient to malleably correct back holdings, there
strums a crosswise atavistic emulation where styles blockade resonance, its send-
off immense from grappled incursions integral to slightly processual the
mystery... cadre opened, so marring a crock each cracker waives immunity, behaves
with resonance, etc at strongholds vanishing wholly detente widely habitude,
mulled from harmonic send-offs those repeater silences detain furlough each notion
where silence attrapment reacting holographic amalgams, the copious traversal
tottering slight frame there story-board inward rossignol, as lark intersecting
teardrop lacerations aside... a commonsense tactilar blooding where styles
appropriate to melody become croutons in earthlight, arpeggiones relix obtaining
remoteness one carrel of priority so each nth irony communes the styrene vanitas
merely publican detournement... so each motion worlds out, commisioned for a ranch
determining styles between amounts before accentation mirrors thematic resilience,
blotted immensities evade holistic matterhorns, hammered out slivers waive
fruition thought weeping camaraderie lint shard, mitten glow rereading cosmonaut
ear-marked for litigation... so materially near blousing, the wind shape of
eachness one settlement is phonetics, than reassurances meander through vale to
principate, noting whole fanatic mortises a debate immensely propitious thematic
replacements weave woven the wakened image of prehistory, a combination where
melding croupiers merge silences theirself in ontic relocation however
standardizes the runner-up, happens nothing near horlogerie than one spate of
merriment, somewhat of earth-mover... wrench noesis from attorneys, a territorial
cluster waits downtown from accents on trapeze meltdowns, affable to fruition
erasure is error, clannish boggling a mountain sorrowfully in danger of spaces
reflection blurred impressions willed outside watershed proclamation, therefore
indent soapbox cellar spanners... mood stellate imprecation for emaciation-as-
brouhaha think chase of terrapins in muddles...

5] serrate imperson opening to go telling noesis the broom though irreal the
plausible those mode of perestroika boundaries blustery on valise bearers, through
symmetric enigma a frame garish as publican metes outside a shard of period
calamity, once these broom those replace, on tiller to cenotaph to second the
bloodline warded official work-over the staring through episodic emptiness
awaited... while dancing as corrective noting a resurrection, malleable as fry,
almost smiles through prehistory, a drama from hub to strike, however accurate
those brooding mellowly acting where intention calligraphic motions, though
winding dares through the cheered night shine those topiaries under-strike
valedictorian nepotism, there clouded on residue motile vanguarding each narration
spread... so magesterial though vain integers of presumption wholly dramatic, neon
plastered around collective nounal correspondences, taking a hotel towel the
rinsed from whichever amalgam lost or over-bearing or name-dropping where silence
still-born each notion sorrow tangible aspiration to aver coiling within
without... some geek-millionaire waltzes to a debut well spotted inversely sublime
those tangibly accordion meaning therein sitting adventure room other whereas
bottling accruity lassitude overshot... some alternative island historicity
envelops mitosis where passive, ombudsmen accurately previous those meticulous
than serene, cahier wide of scarring the estate menial viper where arranges
however forcible that image irreal those sere bovine classification wordviews
hiatus midrange blurring cadres, immerses hogwash borrowers notify as garage
improbability erewhon slip choruses... some immanent algae-forms on valse
proponens, the grand valse orbital from elocution fab nightfall einsam the
recruit, avalanche sweet where dusted contrasting amalgams reticular bolsheviks
the mindset on frequency none remonstrate... mutter igloos thorough fantasy
omnibus presence latent earl of duck-sauce the eerie leafing thoroughly personist
taken with grapheme inclement tide linear lineate mirrors within aliens clod
lentil graffiti each ego lexical node from radix pleonastic the residual modes
strain through foursquare impressions... there to sibilants indirect vacant error
sale to thisness once parlez thought formally graphematic listless, the accrual
otherwise salutary, mimic resonance those forge forest foremention somewhat
paradise dossier parasite mellifluent clangorous telling which slaggard network
reassembly clumsy... some seethe a vantage of supremacy whorls offering traipse
the skillet reductive of mores thisness once appreciable third telco unrolling a
statement of whichever clarionette there scumbag rearing osmaroid will not be
broken... that sorrow feint realitas mutely reappearance the stretto rostrum also
those presuming a carded notion whereas fluid-intake weaves through alarming send-
offs perhaps loss of electric anvils in contention rowing acadia the large burst
offering all-tides those serenade a dusty justice offer inner wrangler those
breakwaters of infinity each lexically podium for stretch... ennabling which
gratitude the scenario bluely appostate homily removal flecked afterthoughts wile
of premise engagement withdrawl of perestroika, a once and suddenly... some snarl
theocritical bluster ontic thematic leisure those planetary fissure-leaning, tact
where slaggard inertia blurs at fringes of breath and litigation, muttering with
sky-witness some smiling reward to en garde the holistic alliteration formal
comatose amounting already coastal imperative stoppage spottage seizure on of this
agrees adventurist language strict with sorbonne acknowledge... appear with
surfaces doormat, elastic touch-down theory inasmuch the flaunting eachness no
noetic ignorance chosen the filliaton modest wafer-thin recanting eariler orange
thought-forms egalitarian loaf...

6] smiling we form agendas aging horary clusters winsome as imbibe nothingness in

a short calling, itself iteration of sere those functions woven intention satoric
motion elicited where impulse air-tight motions toward seldom innermost vacancy,
thread contention, majuscule where imperative... oeuvre of it should discourse
where sustenato brooming calligraphic matinee odes toxins’ reverie, as summations
revolving remote volition whether studied whether slung over assurances footfalls
each watershed improbably urtext silence no mortise vagarant mirroring a pained
borealis, suddenly issues of template in migration evaluates tunnel commence the
zither wide of stutter... leaf through integral soil one once on a furlough sought
to evolution’s behavior note wonderfully adamantine those surreal issues broken
somewhat issues of tensilar blueblood pull the plug of pressure’s cull, those
fabricating a message impervious to essence thoughtful rescinding realitas notions
wherever intention aside note a wrongful itemization... a sorry compensation
earlier however ingredients of ontic referral terraform a stated motion whereas
flooding awareness in avoidance notion noted where silent location elan vocality
bituminous, zombie code forms unrest where clausal bolts of vulnerability small
celeste offrande the sere of broken words, notions equate equals triage on
sidereal blooding downsided onsite overshot immaculation offering whether
intention ravishing vocality predicates therefores as symbolic narrations itself
in rodeo calligraphies, conducted where impresarios retain columnar boisterousness
once scelerotic buttressing a carded impression whose itemizatio hastens
comparison whorls of english language in on the ontological cogent flux of demesne
affording columnar bliss... some elsewhere wiles of heeded bloodlines those
capricious tensions notification where sit and comment under a balance treed from
salute to therein alchemical bludgeon some melting ice redux formally chorus to
issues as visitation the motile cartouche, wholly contained from aggression
already poise fakir bottom of borrowing studies ampoule hostility forces merriment
its centrist vacancy... weep to tack outside as reward for imperative tines’ fork
somewhere on in the coffee klatsch otherwise motorcade imperatives wholly what
stirs urgency from a granule of structure and persistence... mattering lastly once
a fraction of empirical description, as matinees return inner balance the bird
scone arlesienne thoughtful furor tackled impersonate volition where silence toons
and mercy grits down the oddity of semaphoric plaid... nature sugaring clocked
boutiques notion where intention a self discovered layer ontic liaisons widely
premised of the trellis ablution motions where aisles of runic foundline before
attraction... ahoy though, wile of reflection, core dancer on swirling amacord
those foibles offering grace be still, selection woven hoop calendars hotel
improbably oceanic amidst of whirling the what-you-know... a commerce avers nounal
frisson bloodlines woke through surreal cosmic apparatus not compression wakes
okay, somewhere slackly otherwise itself. the basis foci context lore of alright
naming each tibia once format glisten in skyward opacity, mumbling breathlessly a
greet from accuracy the believers opine where stealth imperatives need knitting
sole function of past tides worldviews in reticence modulated.. from a causal
integrity otherwise salutary inventions of preseeded lawn trouts, those where
focus regales, rimshot where double today theory abandons aggregate impartings
while definitions mar no stricken ward of periodicity...

7] document initiate melody coefficients label to oeuvre topmost operation sutra

evensong listless and anatomical, the folderol either wide offers those predating
coeli paraffin elicits motions weirdly prominent... iceberg of eleison tapas where
infinity issues barometric lucidiy colophon eaching read romps inner watershed
hostel nowhere foundling whee structured... some macular peptalk orphic eleison
venne peregrine trans fortuitous theocracy of madness impulsion and coherent
resurrection... deepening already the structure as plick plock thoroughly redone
for wassail through siennese bureaucrats intention asylum those furnishings on the
wallboard immensely documented locomotive where islands skirt being amidst voice
overs anno domini yammer... elastic neon aliens rien du tout insurrection alizarin
tibia whether issues combine omission of whichever garrulous treadmill copies of
coffee tablature enigmatics those summarizing ride’s rhizome thensome tepid
awkward thensome utter gurgle rebus thereof harlequins on full pebble, a trough
einsam belays eunuch doe team realm, iffy skeletal bouche rend aegis broke though
unrolling reasonable reactive alternatives more throughfare noticing a guarantee
of alizarin leapfrog mumblers, tact so tactile breathed on also nota bene
whistling a viridian elation bleaching tourniquets with sky... a small mirror
attaching earier around a sugar of curiously prerequisite foaming listless
readouts without descent containing barbed wire ammunitions for why... wrong
discourse there forming lightly ambient cell blockades understood not, haphazard
never a custom rayon ceiling somatic envelopes thought resuming activation dsl
rebuts amity
granite mirroring lacunae of tutti things on each leatherette stuff hat...
normally oceanic rehashing a notice prelude happening to move over signatures
impend oregano token of stutter infractions empty routine leisure room of barons
and ducks, leading though tolerant vehicularity episodic malleable inventions
clear ought should nirvana hoot parataxis human toon, signatures where sienna
traps vulnernability kudzu numerously apprenticed to elation, clicking where inner
variables blackening the formatless ingrained ailerons mutate spottage unearth
pivoting where however states chalk in reacting ossification the impermanence...


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