Week 2-Life Through Gods Presence-Oct 6

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Life Through Gods Presence Week 2 Sept 30-Oct 4, 2013 Psalm 16:1-11 Monday: Read Psalm 16:1-6
In verse 1 we see David offer up a petition to God for his preservation on the basis of his taking refuge in Him. According to verse 2 what does it look like to take refuge in God? Martin Luther has said that to have a god is to expect all good, to take refuge in all distress, and to trust and believe in with the whole heart. Are you expecting all good from anything or anyone other than the Lord? Are you taking refuge from distress in anything or anyone other than the Lord? Are you trusting with your whole heart in anything or anyone other than the Lord? Pray that God would search your heart & show you where you are expecting good, seeking refuge, and trusting in anything or anyone other than Him.

Tuesday: Read Psalm 16:1-6

In verse 3 we see David affirming the joy he receives from fellowship with the godly among those in Israel. Do you desire fellowship the people of God in the church? If so, why? If not, why not? How can you open your life up more fully to the delight of fellowship with godly members of your family of faith? Pray that God would open opportunities to connect on a regular basis with other men & women who are seeking to honor God with their lives and lifestyles.

Wednesday: Read Psalm 16:7-11

In verse 7 we see David blessing God for the guidance [counsel] he has received from Him. How have you sensed God guiding you in the past? What choices or decisions are you currently facing in which you need guidance [counsel] from the Lord? Pray that the Lords guidance would be clear and that you would follow His counsel regardless of the cost.

Thursday: Read Psalm 16:7-11In verse 8 David describes the experience of being firmly rooted because of Gods
presence in His life. What does it mean to set the Lord before us? According to this verse, what benefit is associated with fixing our hearts and minds upon the Lord? How would you rate your current experience of feeling stable and secure? Is there something else that you have fixed your heart and mind upon which is causing instability & insecurity? Pray for the faithfulness to fix your heart and mind upon the Lord so that you might experience the blessings of stability & security in an ever-changing world.

Friday: Read Psalm 16:7-11; Acts 2:29-33; Acts 13:34-39

Verses 9-11 speak of resurrection [9-10] and everlasting joy [11]. The book of Acts unfolds for us the ultimate fulfillment of what is written about in verses 9-11. Who is the true holy one whose soul was not abandoned & whose flesh saw no corruption? To whom has the fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore been made known? Spend time in prayer thanking the Father for the person and work of Jesus, whose soul was not abandoned, whose body saw no corruption, and who is now, through the resurrection, at the right hand of God once again tasting of everlasting joy. It is only through Him that we can enjoy these promises as well. May you fix your heart and mind upon Him, seek his counsel, connect regularly with people who love Him, and expect good from/find refuge in Him.

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