Assignment 1

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ME 372 Computer-Aided Mechanical Engineering Instructor: Emre Alpman

Assignment #1 Due Date: March 3rd, 2011 SINGLE DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM SYSTEMS

Problem Statement
Consider a solid disk which can rotate about a shaft which is passing through the origin as shown in Figure 1. The radius of the disk is Ro = 15cm and the radius of the shaft is Ri = 2.5 cm. The depth of the disk is d. A rectangular slot is cut off the disk as shown in Figure 1. The width of the slot is given as w. Originally center of gravity (G) of the disk is located at the origin. When the slot is cut off, the G location moves downward with an amount lG. The system is in equilibrium in the position shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the model. When the disk is rotated from the equilibrium point by an amount , the weight of the disk will try to bring it back to the equilibrium position. This can be seen in Figure 2. Also the friction between the shaft and the disk generates a damping force which is proportional to and in the reverse direction of the angular speed of the disk. The equation of rotational motion can be written as:

=mgl G sinc I


Where I is the mass moment of inertia, m is the mass, c is the damping constant and g is the gravitational acceleration. The above equation is nonlinear. If we make a small displacement assumption we can write sin . Then the equation of motion becomes: c mg l G =0 I (2)

0 =0 . With initial conditions 0 =10 deg. and

Figure 2. Free body diagram Parameters of the problem are given in Table 1. Table 1. Problem parameters Variable m I c lG

Unit kg kg.m2 kg.m2/s m

Value 0.6297 0.7176x10-2 0.01 0.8446x10-2

The exact solution of equation (2) is: t =e t C 1 cos t C2 sin t


(3) (4)

where n=

m g lg c , = , = n 1 2 I 2 I n

Lab Assignment
It is asked to solve for the dynamics of this model in time, using both analytical and numerical approaches, and a comparison between the two approaches be offered.

Numerical Solution
You are encouraged to continue using the modular and flexible programming approach shown in the last week's lab. First of all you need to rewrite equation (2) as a system of first order ODEs in the form by defining new variables: y ' =f t , y You should also rewrite the initial conditions given above in the form: y 0 = y 0= 0 0 (5)

[ ]


Then you would apply Euler's formula to solve the IVP given in equations (5) and (6) y k 1 = y k h f t k , y k (7)

In the lab, you (the student) are expected to complete the following list of tasks: 1. complete the programs to apply the above procedure 2. for a step size of h = 0.1, run your code to perform a numerical simulation of 20 seconds, and plot and compare numerical and exact solutions of angular deflection in time. The plot should look like Figure 3. 3. Repeat your solution for h = 0.2 and h = 0.05, test stability of the numerical scheme.

Figure 3. Comparison of numerical (red circles) and exact (blue stars) solutions of angular displacement. (h = 0.1)

Homework Assignment
Present and discuss the dynamic responses obtained using h = 0.05, 0.1, 0.2. How are accuracy and stability affected with step size? Perform a linear stability analysis for the Euler method you applied for the IVP described above and and find the stability limit on the step size h. What happens to the stability limit on h if the damping coefficient c = 0, 0.005, 0.02, 0.05. How do these changes affect the stability of the numerical scheme?

Report Format
Your reports should include all the details of your work including the programs you have used. Be consistent with your code formatting and your naming conventions. You should define variables in accordance with your report, and provide descriptions as comments in your code. Reports must contain an introduction section which describes the purpose of the work and summarizes the contents of the report, a results and discussion section in which you would present and discuss the results you obtained, and a conclusions part where you would comment on your findings. The text body should be written in Times New Roman, 12pt. All sections and subsections should be numbered. All Figures and Tables should be numbered, and referenced from within the text. You should include a References section at the end of your report, if necessary The reports should not exceed 5 pages excluding the title page if there is any.

Warning: Group working is NOT allowed. Cheating in homework assignments and/or exams will not be tolerated and will be officially reported to Dean's office.

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