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The Pearl

Love and Sacrifice

♥ When Coyotito is stung by a scorpion, Juana willing to bring

Coyotito to the doctor because she knew that the doctor will not
come to her house.
♥ Kino and Juana went to the beach to find the brown seaweed and
then made flat damp poultice of it and she applied to the baby’s
swollen shoulder so it will not get worse.
♥ Juana had advised Kino to throw back the pearl to sea so that they
will continue their life with no trouble.
♥ Juan Thomas sheltered and protected Kino, Juana and Coyotito in his
house from the people who were looking for them.
♥ Kino is afraid to go to the capital but for the sake of his family’s
future, he has to venture to the capital to sell his pearl. He has to
meet the challenge if he wants his son to make it in life.
♥ Even though Kino strikes and kick her but still Juana keeps her
loyalty by considering not to throw away the pearl back to sea. She
looks for Kino and when she found him, she calms him down and
they leave the place immediately.
♥ They then head towards Loreto. Kino noticed that the trackers were
following the. He asked Juana to hide with the baby while he tried to
attack and kill the trackers so that he and his family will be safe.
♥ He then attacked them but one of them shot Coyotitio, mistaking
him for a coyote pup.
♥ Both Kino and Juana return to their village. Kino looks at the pearl
and he only sees the faces of evil. Kino throws the pearl with all his
might. Because of the pearl, their life had been destroyed and his
son was killed.

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