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Archaeological SCIENCE

Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 9911008

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Laboratory goals and considerations for multiple microfossil extraction in archaeology

James Coil a, M. Alejandra Korstanje b, Steven Archer a,c, Christine A. Hastorf a,*

Department of Anthropology, University of California at Berkeley, 232 Kroeber Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-3710, USA b a y Museo, Universidad Nacional de Tucuma n 1545, 4000, Tucuma Instituto de Arqueolog n, San Mart n, Argentina c The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, P.O. Box 1776, Williamsburg, VA 23187, USA Received 8 May 2002; received in revised form 10 November 2002; accepted 20 November 2002

Abstract We discuss some recent trends in archaeological microfossil research, including approaches using multiple microfossil data sets (e.g. pollen, phytoliths, starches, and microscopic charcoal). We review eight types of microfossils, with reference to their physical characteristics, their uses in archaeology, and specic requirements for laboratory extraction and microscope viewing. Rather than presenting any single processing protocol, in order to assist individual researchers or laboratories in developing safe, eective, and economical procedures for extracting their microfossils of interest, we provide guidelines based on previous studies from various elds of microfossil research. We articulate the various general goals of extraction and slide-mounting protocols, and tabulate the potentially destructive eects of discrete methodological procedures on individual microfossil types, including raw sample preparation, disaggregation, deocculation, clay removal, organic and mineral destruction, heavy-liquid otation, slide-mounting, and light microscopy. Finally, we present two illustrative archaeological case studies: (1) an example of developing a microfossil extraction protocol to accommodate refractory volcanic soils from the Hawaiian Islands, and (2) a discussion of the development of a low-chemical laboratory approach for extraction and interpretation of multiple microfossil types from agricultural and pastoral archaeological sites in an Argentinean high valley.  2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Phytoliths; Pollen; Spherulites; Charcoal; Starch; Paleoethnobotany; Geoarchaeology

1. Introduction Microfossils, herein dened as biogenic particles invisible to the naked eye, and deposited in any type of soil or sediment context, are familiar to scientists in elds such as paleontology, limnology, paleoecology, and, increasingly, archaeology. Although some microfossil types have well-established histories of use in archaeology, such as pollen or silica phytoliths [11,23,71,86], results obtained by research projects can be constrained by the interpretive limitations inherent in individual microfossil data sets. Several microfossil researchers in archaeology have begun to practice more pluralistic or conjunctive
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-510-642-3391; fax: +1-510-643-8557 E-mail address: (C.A. Hastorf).

approaches towards the incorporation of microfossil data in their research designs, based on the combined recovery and interpretation of more than one type of microfossil from individual soil and sediment samples, or in other cases, from the same sediment cores [10,30,41,43,50,69,72,73,79,92,99,100]. We see these approaches as recent manifestations of a long tradition in archaeological theory, that promotes the epistemological advantages of conjunctive research, and suggests that eorts to combine multiple lines of evidence can help overcome limitations or biases in individual data sets [12,35,36,46,65,94]. Microfossils are presented in this study as an ideal domain of mutually reinforcing data, and we stress the potential for studies involving multiple microfossil types to strengthen archaeological interpretations. While aspects of microfossil research, such as eld sampling, taxonomic systematics, quantication methods,

0305-4403/03/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0305-4403(02)00285-6


J. Coil et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 9911008

and anthropological and ecological interpretation, are important, our focus in this study is on issues related to laboratory extraction and viewing of microfossils. For researchers using multiple types of microfossil data in archaeological studies, the idea of developing ecient laboratory extraction protocols that might allow simultaneous recovery of more than one type of microfossil is compelling, as extraction procedures tend to be both time-consuming and labor-intensive. However, while such goals are attainable to a degree, they can also be fraught with diculties [30]. In this study, in lieu of advocating a panacea protocol for extraction of single or multiple microfossil types, we present considerations of: (1) physical qualities of several organic and inorganic microfossil types, (2) the general goals of microfossil extraction protocols, including the destructive or limiting factors inherent in many commonly used procedures, and (3) two case studies that demonstrate both the practical challenges and archaeological benets of methodological experimentation. While some researchers may not agree that the development of conjunctive approaches is the proper direction for microfossil research to take, we believe that the information compiled in this study will be useful even to those who advocate a more traditional focus on single microfossil types. The information we present in this article has been assembled from a wide range of published and unpublished literature, experiments both formal and informal conducted by ourselves and others, and conversations with helpful colleagues.

We restrict our discussions in this article primarily to the rst of these microfossil contexts, especially in our following discussion of extraction protocol development. Samples from archaeological sites often come from developed surface soil horizons, buried soils, or contexts enriched by anthropogenic midden. Archaeological samples can therefore require extraction methods which dier signicantly from those used by, for example, pollen core analysts. 2.1. Microfossil types We begin with a brief review of eight microfossil types, which have histories of use in archaeology, focusing mainly on physical characteristics, which aect microfossil preservation in the ground and during laboratory extraction. The microfossils we subsequently discuss are either remains of entire biological organisms (such as diatoms), portions or fragments of such organisms (such as pollen), or their organic and inorganic byproducts (such as faunal spherulites). Fig. 1 contains sample images of these microfossils, all of which have been extracted from archaeological contexts. We divide our microfossil discussion below into organic (numbers 14) and biogenic mineral (numbers 58) groups, because microfossils within each of these categories share some fundamental characteristics relevant to preservation and extraction. 2.1.1. Organic microfossils Pollen and spores. Pollen grains are the reproductive male gametes of seed-producing plants. Spores, on the other hand, are produced in fungi and nonowering plants, such as lower pteridophytes (ferns and fern allies), mosses, and algae [17,24]. The decayresistant portion of both pollen and spores is composed of sporopollenin, an organic compound. Because of their distinctive morphologies and surfaces, fossil pollen and spores can often be taxonomically assigned to their plants of origin with a high degree of precision, often to species level. Preservation of pollen and spores over time is aected by characteristics related to both taxonomic origin and depositional environment. Pollen preservation suers the most in the conditions of high soil-redox potential, since oxidation is the natural process that is most destructive to pollen [11]. On-site archaeological pollen studies from dry soil and sedimentary contexts, where preservation and contextual integrity is much more variable than wet contexts, and where selective preservation of only the most resistant pollen and spore types may have occurred, have had decidedly mixed, but nonetheless often interesting results [21,34,44,97]. Methods for improvements in dry context pollen extractions have been discussed by Fish [26] and Kelso et al. [44], who suggest that sampling from beneath artifacts in

2. Microfossils in archaeology Archaeological researchers whose laboratory work is focused on microscopic plant remains are increasingly associating their work with the larger subject of microfossils [53,74,75,87]. In this study, we wish to adapt the paleontological denition oered by Brasier [8, p. 1], that any microscopic biogenic substance that is vulnerable to the natural processes of sedimentation and erosion may be called a [micro]fossil, irrespective of the way it is preserved or of how recently it died. The contexts from which microfossils can be recovered may be divided into four groups, each of which requires dierent sample collection and microfossil extraction considerations: 1. Dry soils and sediment samples from sites of archaeological or environmental study. 2. Wet sediment cores, taken from lake or ocean oors, swamps, bogs, marshes, etc. 3. Residues adhering to artifacts, such as stone cutting or grinding tools. 4. Samples from sedimentary rocks, which are dissolved away from their microscopic contents.

J. Coil et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 9911008 Fig. 1. Photomicrographs of the microfossil types discussed in this articleall of these examples have been extracted from archaeological soils and sediments: (a) pollen grain; (b) starch; (c) cellulose ring (plant tissue); (d) microscopic charcoal; (e) silica phytoliths; (f) chrysophyte; (g) calcium phytolith; (h) faunal spherulite; (i) diatom; (j) spores. 993


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stratigraphic proles may help to recover pollen sheltered from wetting and drying processes. Horowitz [39] also suggests that processing larger samples, and using low-chemical methods, can often yield substantial pollen counts from contexts with poor preservation conditions or low-pollen concentrations. Starches. Starches are sub-cellular food storage units formed in all parts of plants. Of greatest interest to archaeologists are the starches formed in plant storage organs used as human food sources, such as seeds, roots, and tubers. Such structures tend to produce starches in greater abundance, and frequently in greater size and morphological distinctiveness, than the transient starches found in other plant parts, such as leaf tissue or wood [96]. Starches are composed of two organic polymers, amylose and amylopectin, which form a series of laminated layers around a central hilum [80]. Like other organic microfossils, preservation of starches over time seems to depend on microcontextual conditions, although the specic conditions most amenable to starch preservation are not yet well understood. However, recent research has clearly demonstrated that starches can survive long periods of time in a wide range of contexts. Starch research in archaeology has focused on residues extracted from tools [4,42,56,57,76,78], as well as sediments and soils [19,92,95]. Plant cellular tissues. This category includes undecomposed plant cells that can form a signicant component of a soils non-mineral fraction, and archaeological samples may contain any of the several types of cellular material. For example, cellulose rings from spiral thickenings in primary xylem cell walls [104] appear commonly in the samples from Argentina discussed subsequently in case study 2. Palynologists can sometimes use the presence of undecayed plant tissues in their samples, such as trichomes or stomata cells, to derive supplemental information on pollen transport or origins [24], and paleobotanists have also used preserved plant tissues to interpret the environmental context of fossil plants [93]. In archaeological tool residue studies, microfossils are sometimes found still articulated within their cellular contexts, such as epidermal tissues or parenchyma cells, providing further information on the taxonomic origins of identied microfossils [3,19]. Microscopic charcoal and carbon. Composed mainly of elemental carbon, charcoal cannot strictly be said to be either organic or mineral. We include this microfossil type with the organics both for convenience, and because the study of microscopic charcoal has largely been taken place by palynologists, who, following the pioneering work of Iversen [40] (cited in Ref. [83]), began counting charcoal particles that commonly appeared on their pollen extraction slides. Microscopic

charcoal extracted from archaeological samples from cultivated soils or o-site comparative sediments may be useful as an indication of eld clearance by burning, natural re regimes, or post-burning erosion. The literature on microscopic charcoal is growing, as researchers conduct further experiments for more precise taxonomic identication of microscopic charcoal particles [98], and improved extraction methods [83]. A newly utilized class of microscopic carbon is also represented by the carbonaceous soot particles [82,84,102], which sediment core researchers have begun to recognize as airborne byproducts produced during the burning of peat, coal, and oil. 2.1.2. Biogenic mineral microfossils Silica phytoliths. Silica phytoliths are microscopic casts of cells, aggregates of cells, or intercellular spaces in silica-accumulating plants, which include some ferns, as well as gymnosperms and angiosperms [37,71]. Composed of non-crystalline silicon dioxide (SiO2), silica phytoliths are the most commonly studied biogenic mineral microfossil in archaeology. Their silica composition gives them an enhanced degree of durability in soils and sediments compared to many other microfossil types, although dissolution of silica phytoliths does take place in some contexts, such as in highly alkaline conditions [64], or over longer spans of geological time [31]. The ability to correlate individual phytolith forms with taxonomic groups is highly variable. However, phytolith literature is extensive and much is now understood about silica accumulation patterns and the nature of soil phytolith assemblages [6,65,66,70,71,81,85,87]. Other biogenic silica. Other types of organisms produce biogenic silica particles that share many physical properties with silica phytoliths. Therefore, they can be extracted from soils using similar methodologies, and possess similar optical qualities under the microscope. Diatoms are non-agellate, single-celled algae that produce opal silica frustules, or shells, with taxonomically distinctive morphologies. Diatoms occur in two main groups: (1) radially symmetrical forms (centric), and (2) bilaterally symmetrical forms (pinnate). Diatoms exist in both fresh and salt water, or in nearly any condition where moisture is present, including soils, tree trunks, brick walls, and clay deposits [38]. Also, like silica phytoliths, diatoms can have dierent degrees of silicication, and can therefore be dierentially preserved in deposits [63]. Archer and Bartoy [1] found that using a very simple distinction in diatom morphology could be useful in a study of archaeological microfossils from plowzone assemblages, as centric diatoms tended to correlate only with sub-surface features, while the pennate diatoms were ubiquitous. Another archaeological case study with

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diatoms used in conjunction with phytolith evidence is found in the study by Brochier et al. [10]. Other algae of the order Chrysophyta produce two types of durable silica shells known as scales and cysts. While these preserved microfossil particles are less taxonomically specic than the entire living organism, some researchers have begun to classify these siliceous remnants [20]. Sponge spicules represent another type of biogenic silica microfossil. Although sponges are commonly thought of as marine animals, scores of species occur in freshwater habitats. Spicules are inorganic support structures in these sponges [90], and are found even in soils far removed from oceanic resources [103]. Various types of chrysophytes and sponge spicules may potentially serve, like diatoms, as indicators of general environmental conditions or as evidence of ooding, hydrological change, or soil transport. Calcium phytoliths. Calcium phytoliths, like their siliceous brethren, are produced and deposited in living plant cells and tissues, and are released into the soil following the decomposition of the plants. Calcium phytoliths are made up of either calcium carbonate or calcium oxylate. Calcium phytoliths, which have been found in comparative reference material, are less likely to be recovered and identied archaeologically, because of these microfossils susceptibility to destruction in acidic depositional or laboratory conditions. Because of their crystalline growth patterns, there is also a limited range of forms in which calcium phytoliths tend to occur [15,29,61]. Archaeological case studies involving calcium phytoliths can be found in the studies of Scott-Cummings [91] and Loy et al. [57]. Faunal spherulites. Spherulite is a geological term referring to a small crystalline body with a radial fabric [27p. 284]. Spherulites of interest to archaeologists are spherical or semi-spherical calcium carbonate particles produced in the digestive tracts of certain mammals, such as sheep, goats, cattle [9,1416], and camelids including llama and alpaca [49]. These microfossils, because they become incorporated in animal dung, have been called faecal spherulites in some sources [14,15], although we use the term faunal spherulites because it gives a more general indication of the faunal origin of these particles. The calcium carbonate composition of microfossils suggests that faunal spherulites may be preserved in only a limited range of depositional conditions, and will be destroyed by most standard extraction procedures incorporating acidbased processing steps. In archaeology, spherulites have been reported in studies of microstratigraphic thinsections [59], while Brochier et al. [10] have also described and analyzed soil-extracted spherulites.

3. Extraction goals and practical choices 3.1. Methodological concerns In many archaeological projects, combining data from more than one type of microfossil may appear to be an attractive option. The microfossil types reviewed in the previous discussion have much in common in terms of the methods used in sample collection, as well as in laboratory extraction, identication, and interpretation. Most microfossils fall within a similar size range, have specic gravities below that of most non-biogenic minerals (which aids in separation by gravity sedimentation or heavy-liquid otation), and behave similarly in their reaction to post-depositional movement or mixing. The wide areas of overlap in the basic knowledge required of pedology, chemistry, biology, ecology, and microscopy greatly facilitate the ability of a single researcher to incorporate recovery and interpretation of multiple microfossil types into eld and laboratory research designs. However, the microfossil types previously discussed also dier in signicant ways. One critical aspect of microfossil variation is dierential susceptibility to damage or destruction during laboratory extraction procedures. When extraction goals involve simultaneous extraction of multiple types, diculties can increase [30]. Performing the juggling act of retaining a variety of chemically diverse microfossils, while destroying a similarly chemically diverse set of unwanted soil compounds, is the single most problematic task in designing microfossil extractions. Heat (including exothermic reactions), excessive exposure to extreme pH levels (either basic or acidic), and other chemical reactions are the main agents of damage or destruction for dierent microfossil types. During our various research eorts on microfossil extractions from archaeological soils and sediments, we have come to appreciate the oft-cited warnings that there can be no single ideal protocol for every data set or every site [32,65]. In lieu of advocating one overarching protocol, experienced researchers tend to suggest the development of customized protocols, specic to the research goals and conditions of individual projects or sample characteristics. To this end, we summarize the main goals that successful extraction protocols must achieve, as well as alternate ways of accomplishing these required tasks (Table 1). We also review many of the more specic points in extraction procedures where each type of microfossil becomes most susceptible to loss, damage, or destruction (Tables 4 and 5). The content of these tables is discussed further in subsequent sections. In our experience, we have found many published or otherwise shared protocols to be dicult to follow because of both vagueness on one hand and overly detailed exactitude on the other. While cryptic


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Table 1 Summary of overarching goals of microfossil extraction, and various means of accomplishing them Goals Sample preparation Laboratory considerations and options Quantity to use depends on microfossil density and on soil and sediment qualities (e.g. sandy/silty/clay-rich/humic/O-horizon?). Usually 1100 g Initial soaking in water may improve the eectiveness of later steps Mechanical disaggregation (e.g. crushing, grinding, stirring), breaks up larger aggregates, but may damage some microfossils Chemical disaggregation through destruction of humic and/or carbonate components. May be necessary for some soils, but may harm some microfossils Deocculationfor clay dispersalcheck for Brownian motion of individual clay particles under microscope to determine state of deocculation. Dierent clay types respond best to dierent deocculants Chemical destruction (oxidation for organics, dissolving of clays with strong, hot acids) Size/density separation is achieved by gravity or centrifugation, with decantation used to remove unwanted particles Sieving/ltration can trap and remove particles of almost any size Microwave digestion can destroy unwanted organic and mineral components and preserve silica microfossils [62]. The eects of this method on other microfossil types remain unknown Size/density separation (as previously described) Sieving: single or nested sieves can capture microfossils, while smaller particles are ushed through, or vice versa, with larger particles being removed. Such methods are common in micropaleontology [8] Heavy-liquid otation: lower specic gravity microfossils oat, heavier mineral particles sink Staining can improve visibility of some microfossils [2,88] Factors for choosing a mounting medium include preserving mobility (by using a viscous liquid mounting medium), and using a medium with a refractive index that allows clear, high-resolution viewing of microfossils of interest Petrographic, transmitted-light compound microscopes provide best routine microfossil viewing. SEM use can also be valuable, but is generally too time-consuming or costly, for routine use

Sample disaggregation and deocculation

Removing unwanted organic or mineral components

Separating and concentrating particles of interest Slide-mounting and microscopic-viewing issues

procedural statements like organics were removed by oxidation can be frustratingly vague, detailed specics can also be confusing. For example, use a Whitman number 42 lter paper to rinse your sample can be too preciseis it the Whitman lter paper that is crucial, or the size 42 lter paper, or are other brands or sizes of lter paper also acceptable? Further, one might wonder, How do I rinse phytoliths? Do we time the centrifuge from when it reaches 1000 RPM, or from when it starts rotating? Do we have to pay $50 for ultra-pure water? We also recognize that successful extractions must not only attain the overarching goals subsequently discussed, but also do so safely, economically, and eciently. While space restrictions prevent an in-depth discussion of eld sampling, laboratory equipment, and safety in this study, we note that many pieces of costly laboratory equipment can be regarded as luxuries rather than necessities. On the other hand, use of proper safety equipment, such as gloves, goggles, and fume hoods, must always be considered essential, and researchers new to the subject should understand basic laboratory safety procedures and be fully aware of hazardous properties of any chemicals they are using (see Ref. [50] for an extensive summary), before proceeding with extraction and slide-mounting work. 4. Physical requirements for microfossil extraction Understanding the underlying physical goals of microfossil extraction is the key to adapting and devel-

oping detailed, specic laboratory protocols. We therefore have structured our discussion of laboratory extraction methods in three parts. First, what are the main goals that must be accomplished in a successful microfossil extraction? These include: (1) preparing a sub-sample of the eld sample for processing, (2) disaggregating and deocculating the sample so that individual mineral and organic particles are free to move independently, (3) removing unwanted particles, which can interfere with viewing of microfossils, from the sample, (4) isolating (separating and concentrating) microfossils from unwanted soil particles, and (5) slide mounting and microscope viewing. Table 1 summarizes these general extraction goals and some of the various ways they can be accomplished. Next, we more specically discuss issues related to the performance of these general procedural steps, such as sieving, destruction of organic or mineral components, heavy-liquid otation, and microscope slide mounting. Finally, we briey discuss the nal stage, which is the construction of specic, step-by-step written protocols that allow standardization of extraction procedures, and which can be tailored to suit the preferences and laboratory conditions of individual researchers. 4.1. Procedural steps The following discussion is included to provide more details related to the procedures presented in Table 1.

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4.1.1. Raw soil and sediment samples Firstly, using proper technique and making meaningful choices in eld sampling are essential considerationsless experienced researchers can consult textbook sources, such as by Pearsall [65]. When subsampling the eld samples, care should be taken to obtain representative splits by using a rie box, cone-and-quarter method, or by thoroughly mixing the sample [54]. Gravel-sized particles (>2 m) are often removed by sieving before further processing begins. It is advisable to record the dry weight and/or volume of a given sub-sample before processing, as this can be important in later determinations of microfossil concentrations. The appropriate amount of sub-sample with which to begin will depend on the concentration of the microfossil(s) of interest, preservation conditions, and the desire to generate additional extract for archiving or re-analysis. As there is no general rule for how much soil to use, testing small samples for their content before standardizing protocols is advisable. Sample quantities used by microfossil researchers tend to range from 1 to 100 g. Most microfossils fall in the size range of silts and ne sands (5150 m), so samples which are particularly clay-rich, or which contain mostly sand or gravel, will often require increased initial amounts of sample. Protocols that split samples at various points for extracting dierent types of microfossils, or into size-based fractions for facilitating visibility [13,71], may require larger amounts of raw sample, as dierent microfossil classes will invariably be present in dierent concentrations. Introduction of an articial marker to samples, such as prepared spore tablets or manufactured glass microspheres [5], can facilitate calculation of microfossil counts and concentrations. 4.1.2. Dehydration In some protocols, samples are initially dried for a variety of reasons, such as to calculate standardized dry weight. Heat sterilization of imported soil samples may also be required by law. This can have a destructive eect on certain microfossil types, and nding options for complying with regulations that will not harm organic microfossils may be necessary. If heat is used for sterilization or dehydration, starch grains are particularly vulnerable, since they may begin to gelatinize in the presence of water at 4050 (C [96]. Oven-drying wet samples may also cause clay particles to bake together, making later deocculation and removal of these dicult [28]. Air-drying in sealed paper bags is another approach, which allows moisture to leave the sample, while preventing airborne contaminants from entering. Finally, rinsing out water from samples with a volatile liquid, such as alcohol or acetone, then evaporating under a fume hood, can also accomplish the process of dehydration without the use of heat.

Fig. 2. Partially disaggregated sample during processing. Opaque black microscopic charcoal fragments clearly show a duality of states, either aggregated with other particles near center of photo, or as individual disaggregated particles towards edges of photo. Scale bar100 m, photographed in transmitted light at 100 .

4.1.3. Disaggregation and deocculation Disaggregation and deocculation are closely allied processes that both address the need to break up the organic and mineral constituents of samples into individual particles, before attempting to separate or concentrate them further. In most soils and sediments, particles are bound together by organic, mineral, and/or electrostatic glues. These bonds must be broken and/or the bonding substances dissolved in order to separate individual particles from each other. Failure to adequately disaggregate and deocculate samples before attempting to separate microfossils can lead to a low or biased yield of some particles [30,71]. Disaggregation refers to the process of breaking apart the soil aggregates with chemical or mechanical actions, such as crushing in a mortar and pestle for larger soil aggregates or shaking/ stirring for ner ones. Chemical steps to dissolve binding agents such as humic substances or soil carbonates are often necessary to achieve adequate sample disaggregation. These procedures are discussed in more detail in subsequent paragraphs. Aggregation (or lack thereof) is easily monitored beneath the microscope. After soaking a sample in water, place a single drop on a microscope slide and observe. With only a little practice, it is easy to distinguish soil aggregates from individual particles, as seen in Fig. 2. Deocculation refers to the process of inducing a state of electrical charge repulsion between clay-sized (<24 m) mineral particles, so that these can be separated from larger particles and ultimately removed from the samples. Clay can be dened in two ways: as mineral particles of a particular size class (usually <2 m), or more technically by soil scientists as the products of rock weathering, which have undergone mineralogical metamorphosis [28]. While the rst denition is in many ways


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sucient for our purposes, it is also important to realize that clay minerals vary greatly in their molecular structures and electrical charge properties [25,28,105]. This variability can aect deocculation of clays, and can necessitate exibility in deocculation methods for diverse samples. Deocculation is commonly accomplished via a combination of agitation (hand or mechanical stirring with the sample either dry or soaked in water) and/or the addition of a chemical deocculant, which allows positively charged cations to bond with negatively charged clay particles and causes clay particles to repel one another [28]. If deocculation is not properly achieved, clays will continue to stick together and will be dicult to remove from samples. Deocculation can be checked under the microscope by observing the phenomenon of Brownian motion. At 400 magnication, clays appear as small dots, the size of a typed period or so. If they are well deocculated, they will appear to vibrate energetically, and individually, on a water-mounted microscope slide. Folk [28] reviews several chemicals commonly used to deocculate clays, and recommends a side-by-side deocculation test among them to determine the best deocculating agent for any given set of samples. Most of the commonly used deocculants are sodium phosphates, and are generally non-destructive to microfossils, as well as are non-toxic to humans. Deocculants should be chosen with regard to the ionic properties of samples. Some clays actually carry variable or weak negative charges and even positive charge, and such samples will not react well to standard deocculation methods [28]. For some samples, deocculation may be most eectively achieved with nothing more than plain water. Also, some clays from volcanic or tropical soils may be forced into a state of loose aggregation during acid-based steps in protocols, and will be dicult to remove from samples if this has occurred. Solutions to this problem may be found by using a very strong acid treatment suggested by Zhao and Pearsall [105] to help remove these clays, or by avoiding protocol steps inducing an acidic pH in the sample until after clays have been removed. 4.1.4. Sieving In many protocols, larger particles are removed at some point using a ne-meshed sieve. This removes larger silt and sand-sized particles, and helps eliminate modern contaminants, such as rootlets or leaf fragments. However, if particles are not suciently disaggregated and deocculated rst, soil aggregates may also be inadvertently removed from the sample. Again, testing a drop of suspended sediment under the microscope can reveal what the sieve is actually removing. The majority of microfossils are found in the silt and ner sand fractions of sediments (2150 m), although there are some larger classes of diatoms and dicotyledon phyto-

liths [71]. It is generally desirable to remove particles both larger (by sieving or settling) and smaller (see clay removal in subsequent discussion) than this target size range. Many protocols use 250 m as the upper limit for recovery, i.e. soil is at some point sieved through a 250 m mesh to remove large particles. If these larger forms are of interest, it may be necessary to either separately process a >100 m sample, or examine the particles removed by the sieve to ensure that larger microfossil forms are recorded. A 125150 m sieving step is a compromise solution, allowing recovery of some large class phytoliths while removing larger sand particles. Sieving procedures can also be used in other stages of the extraction process, such as to separate larger diatoms from smaller phytoliths where overabundance of diatoms is a problem (D. Pearsall, personal communication, 2000). 4.1.5. Clay removal Clay removal is essential to microfossil extractions, as unremoved clay particles can interfere with heavy-liquid otation attempts and obscure visibility of slide mounted microfossils. Clay removal steps in most protocols are based on Stokes Law, which establishes that tiny clay particles will settle most slowly in a column of water (or under centrifugation in an analogous approach). Larger particles are allowed to settle to the bottom, and clays which remain in suspension are poured or siphoned o. Deocculation is a prerequisite to clay removal, since Stokes Law assumes that clays are behaving as individual small particles, rather than as clumps or chains. Both gravity and centrifuge approaches to clay removal have their proponents, although the main dierence between the two methods is one of time economy. Both methods require removal steps to be repeated several times (in some cases even 20 or more). Gravity sedimentation without a centrifuge requires samples to be attended for a few minutes, with long periods of undisturbed settling taking place in-between. Centrifugation accelerates the settling process to about 13 min per cycle, but requires constant attention. Centrifugation may also be problematic for larger volumes of soil, possibly requiring samples to be split among several centrifuge tubes. Because settling times determined by Stokes Law are based on particle density as well as size, light organic microfossil types, such as starches or pollen, are subject to slower settling than similarly sized mineral particles. One must therefore decide where to draw the line between the sizes of smaller clay mineral particles to be removed, and larger organic particles to be retained. Lentfer [50] has produced a series of tables based on Stokes Law for determining both gravity and centrifuge settling times required for retention of specic size/ density particle classes. While such tables are helpful in

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establishing target times for settling or centrifugation, it is advisable to check samples under the microscope at various points to ensure that only the desired particles are being removed, and that microfossils of interest are not also being inadvertently lost. Single-drop samples taken with a pipette from near the bottom of the water column or centrifuge tube before pouring or siphoning can reveal exactly what types of particles are being removed with a given process. This is especially important when developing centrifuge-based clay removal procedures, as dierent centrifuges accelerate and brake at dierent rates, aecting the total centrifugal force exerted on individual samples. Because clay removal is often the most time and labor-intensive part of the microfossil extraction process, some researchers have experimented with other approaches. Hydrouoric acid (HF) can be used, as in traditional pollen preparations, to dissolve silicate clays, although this also destroys silica-based microfossils and is especially hazardous. Zhao and Pearsall [105] have developed the fractionator, a device used to reduce the number of repetitions of gravity settling needed to remove clays from samples. Finally, use of vacuum ltration to remove clay particles has been attempted by some researchers as a faster alternative to settling-based approaches, although diculties with lter clogging and loss of particles larger than the mesh size have both been reported [52,105], indicating a need for further renements in these potentially more ecient approaches. 4.1.6. Organic destruction Organic components of soil include both living and dead ora and fauna, as well as various products of the decomposition process. As organic tissues naturally decompose, a diverse array of chemical constituents colloquially grouped as humic acids or humic colloids are produced [25]. While samples very high in undecomposed organic tissues (such as pollen samples from peat bogs or surface soil samples containing leaf litter) may require treatments to destroy undecomposed plant tissues, it is the partially decomposed humic colloids, which bind mineral particles in terrestrial samples and cause the majority of disaggregation problems. Therefore, even when the microfossils of interest are organic, some type of organic destruction step, designed to remove humic binding agents, can be critical for unbiased recovery. An oxidation reaction, such as that produced by hydrogen peroxide, either dissolves the organic matter directly, or converts it into a form (humic acids) that is soluble in a base [33, p. 369]. Both reactions usually occur simultaneously. It is this reaction and its products that help determine how organic destruction procedures can best be incorporated into an extraction protocol. Another potential approach (Ref. [71]; case study 1

subsequently discussed) is the use of strong bases such as KOH (potassium hydroxide) or NaOH (sodium hydroxide), in lieu of or in addition to the more commonly used acids. The base dissolves alkali-soluble humic components while other organic tissues may remain more intact compared to the treatments with aggressive acid. Hot alkaline treatments are carried out for dissolving humic compounds, and must be applied cautiously (i.e. for short periods of time) since such treatments may be damaging to silica or organic microfossils [39,65,89]. 4.1.7. Mineral destruction Procedures for isolating organic microfossils often specify destruction of mineral particles with chemical treatments. Extensive exposure to strong bases, or HF, will dissolve or damage silica phytoliths, diatoms, and other silica-based particles. Protocols designed for soils from arid environments, or with carbonate-rich parent material, often include an acid-based step to remove soil carbonates, which can precipitate from groundwater and bind particles together as aggregates. However, acids may also destroy calcium phytoliths and faunal spherulites. Acidic treatments to destroy carbonates can be less crucial in cases where soil pH measurements, or even a simple visual test for an HCl reaction (Scott-Cummings, personal communication, 2001), indicate low soil carbonate content. Glacial acetic acid may represent an underutilized alternative to HCl for carbonate removal, since it will dissolve carbonates, but it does not dissolve calcium oxalates including many calcium-based phytoliths [61,91]. In situations where mineral or organic content of soils does not inordinately interfere with the extraction or viewing of microfossils, some protocols dispense with both organic and inorganic destruction, and by doing so may avoid destruction of calcium-based microfossils. Gentle protocols do risk insucient disaggregation of individual particles, so microscope monitoring of actual results is again advisable to ensure that microfossils do not remain aggregated with other clastic particles. Finally, Parrs [62] method of phytolith extraction using laboratory microwave digestion may represent a more time-ecient approach to extracting silica phytoliths and possibly other microfossil types as well. By subjecting samples to digestion with nitric and hydrochloric acids in microwave conditions of high pressure and temperature, most unwanted organic and inorganic components of soil and sediment samples are destroyed, with only silicates remaining. However, the acids used in Parrs protocol would also be destructive to some of the less-durable microfossil types discussed in this article. Further experimentation with microwave digestion processing should help determine this new techniques most appropriate applications in microfossil research.


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4.1.8. Heavy-liquid otation Although microfossils can be separated by size using gravity-settling principles similar to those previously discussed in the clay removal section, most microfossil researchers now use heavy-liquid otation. To separate microfossils from the disaggregated sample, a highdensity heavy liquid is adjusted to a density above the specic gravity of the microfossil, but below that of other inorganic particles. Under centrifugation, lighter microfossils oat or remain in suspension, while heavier mineral particles sink. Microfossils can then be recovered with a pipette and put into a new tube for rinsing, or the entire heavy liquid can be poured o along with the suspended microfossils. Most analysts recommend repeating the otation process more than once to help ensure full microfossil recovery [30]. One reason for this is that the density of a heavy liquid will be reduced when added to a wet or damp sample. The eects of this heavy-liquid dilution can be avoided by either drying the sample thoroughly before adding heavy liquid, or repeating the addition of new heavy liquid. The dry chemicals used to make heavy-liquid solutions can vary greatly in cost, toxicity, as well as unforeseen reactions with various soils. Perhaps the heavy liquid most commonly used today is sodium polytungstate (Na6(H2W12O40), also known as sodium metatungstate, which is relatively expensive, but reportedly less toxic than many other media. Aqueous sodium polytungstate solutions have an acidic pH, however, and this is perhaps why some researchers have experienced problems with the formation of sludge during otation of certain soil types ([105]; see also case study 1 in subsequent discussions). This could represent aggregation of humic materials upon exposure to acidic conditions. Zinc iodide (ZnI2) is another heavy liquid recently introduced into the eld. It has been shown to be an eective otation solution for silica phytoliths [105] and has a low-toxicity level [22]. One problem with zinc iodide is its tendency to precipitate a hydroxide byproduct when diluted, although addition of a small amount of dilute hydrochloric acid or glacial acetic acid quickly re-dissolves this snow (Ref. [22]; K. Ezell, personal communication, 2000). Ezell also recommends using warm water to mix the heavy liquid and to rinse samples after otation to help avoid this problem. Zinc bromide (ZnBr2), mixed with water or HCl [65, p. 423] is a less expensive, but more toxic heavy liquid still favored by some researchers. Other heavy liquids used in the past by microfossil researchers include cadmium iodide and potassium iodide, tetrabromoethane and absolute ethanol, tetrabromoethane and nitrobenzene, and bromoform and nitrobenzene [71]. Most of these have fallen out of favor because of their hazardous properties. Disposal and recycling considerations should be considered as well when choosing a

heavy liquid. Recycling involves distilling and vacuum ltering used heavy liquid (see Ref. [105] for a detailed description of this process). After rinsing the heavy liquid from oated microfossil extracts, the extraction process is essentially complete (see Ref. [65], for descriptions of these nal steps). 4.1.9. Storage and slide mounting After separating microfossils and obtaining a quantity of pure microfossil extract, at least one microscope slide is usually made for viewing, and a small vial is lled with the remaining extract for later use. Extracts can be stored dry, in water, or in other media such as alcohol or oil. Silica phytoliths are quite resistant to any storage system, while calcium carbonate microfossils, such as spherulites, may dissolve over time during storage in distilled water, which can be naturally acidic [14]. Many permanent slide mounts begin with dried extract, and it may be advisable to test particular microfossils susceptibility to quickly evaporating drying agents, such as alcohol or acetone, before using regularly. Extracts containing pollen should not be allowed to dry, since dried pollen grains can collapse and stick together (R. Byrne, personal communication, 2001). Microfossil extract is most commonly suspended in a slide-mounting medium for examination with a transmitted light microscope. Use of a microscope with a polarizer/analyzer set is preferable, and somewhat indispensable for some microfossil types, such as starches or faunal spherulites. Various degrees of crosspolarization can be used to partially illuminate birefringent particles, to scan slides for illuminated starches or faunal spherulites while also seeing non-birefringent microfossils, or to photograph a particles surface and birefringence pattern simultaneously (e.g. Fig. 1h). Proper viewing of microfossils requires that they be suspended in a mounting medium of appropriate refractive index, generally higher than that of the microfossil. A mounting medium with a refractive index too near that of the microfossil will impart a faint, blurred appearance, although this can be mediated by staining. Diatom analysts tend to use media of very high refractive indices (RI) (>1.65) to highlight minute ornamentations on otherwise translucent silica. However, many media of very high RI are also highly toxic [60]. Cronberg [20] has reported a double edge eect produced on chrysophytes in some media, giving the false appearance of extra layers in a microfossil. This can be problematic for morphological classication where evaluation of ne laminations or layering is critical. Most microfossils described in this article can successfully be viewed using media with RI in the more common 1.531.60 range. Tables 2 and 3 provide summaries of the RI of common mounting media as well as the microfossils discussed, respectively.

J. Coil et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 30 (2003) 9911008 Table 2 RI (at 2025 (C) and general properties of several common mounting media for microfossils Mountant Water Permount Entellan Silicone oil Immersion oil Clove oil Naphrax


RIa 1.33 1.52 1.491.50 w1.4 1.52 1.53 1.70

Viscosity High Solidies Solidies High High High Solidies

Properties Evaporates, impermanent, dissolves CaCo3, good contrast for phytoliths (e.g. photos) Yellowing, clouding in slide mounts over time is possible Low RI very close to phytoliths, commonly used for pollen mounting Highly viscous, poor for starches, good for phytoliths Viscous Recommended by McLaughlin [60] for diatoms

information provided by manufacturers, see also White [101] and Loveland and Centifanto [55].

Table 3 RI of discussed microfossil types as known Microfossil Pollen/spores Starch Plant cellular tissues Microscopic charcoal SiO2 phytoliths Diatoms Chrysophyte statospores, scales Sponge spicules RI Variable 1.52 [96] to 1.53 [101] Variable N/A (opaque) 1.42 [71] 1.43 [101] Similar to phytoliths and diatoms Similar to phytoliths and diatoms

There are literally hundreds of agents that have been used as mountants for microfossilssee the study by Loveland and Centifanto [55] for an extensive historical review. Many commercially available mountants are preparations of resins dissolved in xylenes or toluenes, and solidify upon the eventual evaporation of the thinning agent over a period of days or weeks. Such solidied slide mounts may not be ideal for microfossil analysts, who often need to roll particles to locate diagnostic features or evaluate three-dimensional (3-D) morphology. Some analysts take advantage of the 12 week drying period required by some media, and view their slides fresh, before the mountant solidies. An alternative to resinous media is the use of permanently liquid or viscous media for slide mounting. Glycerine mixed with water can be a good medium for observing ne detail in starches (L. Perry, personal communication, 2000). Oils, such as essential clove oil, silicone oil, or microscope immersion oil, can be used successfully if cover slips are properly sealed (often with ngernail polish) to prevent leaking. Temporary water mounts are useful for monitoring results at various points in extraction protocols or taking photographs of microfossil assemblages (e.g. Fig. 3), but can be too ephemeral for anything but quick checks. Although water mounts can be too ephemeral for other purposes, R. Evett (personal communication, 2001) suggests that petroleum jelly applied to the edges of a cover slip before it is lowered onto a drop of water-suspended extract can help delay evaporation for 1 or 2 days. Because of

Fig. 3. Example of extracted microfossil assemblage from Valle del Bolso n, Argentina. Photographed in partially cross-polarized, transmitted light at 400 . Scale bar50 m.

variability in mountant and microfossil optical properties, some extracts containing multiple types of microfossils may benet from a series of slides prepared with dierent media. 4.2. Summary of procedural steps Tables 4 and 5 summarize laboratory considerations for successful extraction and viewing of individual organic and biogenic mineral microfossil types, respectively. We note that some of these assertions are tentative, and have yet to be empirically veried, or have been established by relatively informal laboratory experiments by others and ourselves. We therefore recommend treating these as guidelines. 4.3. Writing a protocol Once a series of procedures is decided upon to adequately address the extraction goals summarized in Table 1, a detailed protocol should be written. A protocol consists of a step-by-step list of sequential


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Table 4 Summary of possible eects of various processing treatments on organic microfossil types Pollen and spores Raw sample preparation Deocculation Samples should be dried or treated with fungicide No harm from common deocculants known Surface ornamentation may be abraded Starches Sterilization with heat should be avoided No harm from common deocculants known No known problems Plant cell tissue Samples should be dried or treated with alcohol No harm from common deocculants known Articulated cells or their contents may by separated Probably no concerns Microscopic charcoal No problems known No harm from common deocculants known May fragment charcoal and aect size distributions

Mechanical disaggregation Clay removal

Low specic gravity causes slow settling relative to size, see Lentfer [50] Organic Partially oxidized destruction/inorganic palynomorphs may be destruction damaged by common methods [39] Heavy-liquid No problems known oatation Slide Preserving mobility mounting/storage essential for rotating forms

Smallest forms (15 m) may be lost during clay pour-os

Still largely unstudied, but starches probably are damaged by acid/alkali organic destruction steps Therin has reported starch damage from CsCl2[96] Preserving mobility essential for rotating forms

Will be destroyed by many methods, including acid and oxidation (e.g. H2O2) treatments No problems known Preserving mobility useful for rotating forms

Probably not harmed at all

No problems likely Opaque, mobility not really necessary

Table 5 Summary of possible eects of various processing treatments on biogenic mineral microfossil types Silica phytoliths Raw sample preparation Other biogenic silica Calcium phytoliths Faunal spherulites

Starting sample quantity can be adjusted for silica microfossil concentrations after initial testing Deocculants generally harmless, long-term soaking in high-pH conditions could harm silica

Subject to dissolution in acidic pH conditions, which may include soaking in distilled H2O (which can be naturally acidic) Most common deocculants are basic in pH, so these should not be damaged during deocculation Probably subject to fragmentation (e.g. druses or raphides) Eects unstudied


Mechanical disaggregation Lightly silicied forms, or fragile forms or surface details, could be damaged Clay removal Organic destruction/inorganic destruction

Most forms large enough not to overlap with clay particle settling rates, and specic gravities are relatively high, so pour-o loss during clay removal is probably not a major concern. See Lentfer [50] These are unharmed by most organic destruction methods. Damage is possible with prolonged alkali treatments. Dissolved by HF (see Section 4.1.7) Dissolved by hydrochloric acid (but not glacial acetic acid), alkali treatments probably OK Dissolved by hydrochloric acid and glacial acetic acid, alkali treatments probably OK

Heavy-liquid otation

Specic gravities range from 1.5 to 2.3, unharmed by common heavy-liquid solutions Preserving mobility is useful for viewing 3-D morphology and surface decoration

Eects of various otation agents unstudied. However, the ones which are acidic in solution may damage these types of microfossils No special mounting concerns. Viewing of both of these types of birefringent minerals may be enhanced with polarized light microscopy

Slide mounting and viewing

activities that begins with raw samples and ends with isolated microfossils mounted on microscope slides. The order in which the various procedural steps previously discussed should be arranged is generally exible,

although experimental re-ordering of steps may help dispel certain problems, which can arise. Also it is important to thoroughly rinse samples between chemical treatments to avoid mixing incompatible chemicals.

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While exact adherence to a published or shared protocol may be desirable in some cases, deviations will usually become necessary while adapting to a dierent laboratory setting. Protocol modications should be carried out with the overarching goals of microfossil extraction in mind. Many of the details found in extraction protocols reect the availability of particular equipment, as well as personal preferences for certain types of tools, supplies and chemicals. Eventually, explicit enumeration and description of protocol steps is necessary to maintain consistency between the sample runs, between multiple laboratory workers involved in sample processing, and to allow accurate replication of extractions. 5. Case studies Finally, we briey discuss two archaeological case studies where conjunctive approaches to microfossil research are being developed with encouraging results. In the spirit of our overall subject matter, we focus on laboratory-related issues from these projects. Our development of laboratory procedures has beneted from both formally designed experiments [51,105] as well as from more expedient tests and trials. We also wish to emphasize that specic archaeological questions should be formulated to guide decisions about how or whether to attempt recovery of specic microfossil types. In the rst case study, Coil describes his eorts to extract multiple types of microfossils from archaeological samples from Maui, Hawaii, where extraction is complicated by the unusual properties of humus-rich, volcanic soils. In the second case study, Korstanje describes her recent eorts to apply a wider range of microfossil evidence to address research questions of agricultural and pastoral production in Argentinas Valle del Bolso n. 5.1. Case study 1: troubleshooting extraction problems, Kahikinui, Maui, Hawaiian islands In this study, microfossil research began with the goal of integrating phytolith data with plant macrofossil evidence excavated from a wide range of pre-contact residential and agricultural sites in Maui, Hawaii [18,45]. Eorts to extract microfossils from these organic-rich soils, derived from basaltic lava and pyroclastic tephra parent materials, began with following published phytolith protocols (such as Ref. [58]). In addition to the standard problems with attaining supplies and equipment, which confront new microfossil researchers, processing problems soon arose similar in nature to those reported by Pearsall and Trimble [67,68] in an earlier Hawaiian phytolith study. Attempts to apply standard extraction protocols to these samples failed in several

ways, with problems including inadequate disaggregation with oxidation and HCl steps, diculty in deocculating clays with sodium salts, such as sodium hexametaphosphate, especially after steps involving acids, and the problem with sodium polytungstate otation rst described in Ref. [105], where oated fractions consisted of a thick band of mysterious sludge, rather than a clean separation of microfossils. Another problem encountered with these samples was the inclusion of low-density pumice sand fragments with oated microfossils in some samples. When these were large, they interfered with slide mounting as cover slips were held aloft by these particles. Introducing a 150 m sieving step into the protocol largely eliminated this last problem. Other diculties were eventually resolved through exploration of the literature, consultation with other microfossil researchers, and experimentation. Soil pH levels tend to be slightly acidic in these samples, indicating little need for carbonate removal (Scott-Cummings, personal communication, 2001). Owing to the acidic soil, only one chemical treatment is employed, using hot KOH (potassium hydroxide 10%) to dissolve the soils alkali-soluble humic components [65]. Humic colloids appear to be the major source of particle aggregation in these samples. Also, clays are deocculated with plain water because sodium-based deocculants have little eect on these volcanic clays. After clay removal is complete, a drop of waterborne sediment reveals thousands of individual, non-aggregated organic and mineral particles ready to be separated. Separation is then performed using heavy-liquid otation with zinc iodide, which produces clean extractions including a range of organic and mineral microfossilsspores, pollen, silica phytoliths, microscopic charcoal, and diatoms. Starches do not seem to survive this protocol, possibly because of their susceptibility to destruction during the hot KOH step. Some of these extraction problems could have been surmounted in other ways, including strong acid oxidation, as used by Zhao and Pearsall [105] to process samples containing oxide clays. This may also have prevented the problems arising with using sodium polytungstate as the heavy-liquid oatation medium. Kealhofer, who routinely uses a strong acid oxidation step in her extraction protocols, has not experienced the sludge problem when oating phytolith samples with sodium polytungstate (personal communication, 2000). Extractions containing silica phytoliths, pollen, microscopic charcoal, and diatoms are now being analyzed. These data will be used to infer vegetation types contributing to microfossil assemblages from both on- and o-site contexts, as well as adding to our understanding of our study areas geological and geomorphological complexities. While interpretive challenges remain, it is gratifying to know that samples that were once considered highly refractory are now


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Table 6 Summary of microfossil-related research design considerations at Valle de Bolso n, Argentina Phytoliths Of the probable crop taxa, only maize, beans and cucurbits have diagnostic phytoliths. But frequencies and diversity of phytolith assemblages could also help to indicate dung deposition as fertilizer, since grass phytoliths in dung are found to be much more diverse, and appear in higher concentrations, than in other site sediments Starches seem to represent the best possibility for identifying the remains of cultivated tuber crops in these sites. Also, the variety in forms and frequencies might be taken into account as an estimation of variability between the dierent sites, structures and layers When identication is possible (especially in diatoms), these may help in the characterization of the conditions of microfossil deposition, especially as signals of changing moisture conditions or the introduction of irrigation practices Maize pollen is diagnostic to species level and tends to have a limited range of natural transport. We didnt know if pollen would survive in the semi-arid environmental conditions of the valley, but we now know that some does. Both animal husbandry and agricultural practices may have involved burning episodes as they do presently. The occurrence of microscopic charcoal fragments in the samples, as well as their taxonomic identities (e.g. grass vs. dicot.), size distributions, and concentrations, could be used as evidence suggesting various types of anthropogenic re regimes The occurrence of faunal spherulites in the samples can be taken as evidence of camelid dung deposition, with concentrations and archaeological contexts used to determine whether dung deposition at a given site may reect, for example, a sites use as a corral, addition of dung to cultivated elds as fertilizer, or natural deposition events by non-domestic camelid populations (such as in rock shelters)


Diatoms and algal remains Pollen Microscopic charcoal Faunal spherulites

eectively processed with only potassium hydroxide, water, and zinc iodide. 5.2. Case study 2: low-destruction approaches for maximum microfossil diversity, Valle del Bolso n, Catamarca, Argentina In this study, we are attempting to identify early husbandry practices from archaeological open-air and rock shelter contexts in an arid, high-valley study area. We assume that economic strategies involving camelid herding, dry-farmed tuber/chenopod cultivation, and intensive, maize-focused irrigated agriculture, were all potentially practiced by the areas pre-historic populations. We are attempting to track the chronological and spatial distributions of these three types of economic activities. Phytolith analysis was initially recognized as a potential avenue for contributing to this investigation [47], inspired in part by low levels of macrobotanical recovery from open-air elds. As our processing of phytolith reference materials and archaeological sediment samples progressed, the limitations of a phytolith-centered approach became more apparent. Few of the indigenous tuber taxa potentially cultivated during the early phases of these occupations produce diagnostic or abundant phytoliths while others do not, nor do other important local crop plants such as Chenopodium sp. or Amaranthus sp. The only regional crops seemingly amenable to producing phytolith evidence are maize, beans, and cucurbits [7,75,77,78], but none of these would be expected during the early phases of occupation at these high-altitude sites (30003200 m.a.s.l). Eventually, our extraction and examination of additional microfossil types not only enhanced the interpretive potential of the phytolith data, but also produced data sets that were more relevant to the given research questions [49].

A specic example reveals as to how the analysis of multiple microfossil types is aiding our interpretations of site formation as well as function. Microfossil assemblages extracted from a well-preserved camelid dung layer in a rock shelter site suggest that domesticated camelids may have been fed with some of the same crops that humans consumed, since Cucurbita sp. and Zea mays phytoliths were found in the preserved dung. These results imply that crop phytoliths might have been deposited in open-air site contexts in the form of animal dung, rather than only as human-food remains. However, as was the case in the study of Brochier et al. [10], we realized that analyzing several types of microfossils together, especially examination of the relationship between phytoliths, diatoms, and faunal spherulites, could improve interpretation of the depositional origins of these assemblages. After realizing the advantages of incorporating multiple types of microfossil data in our study, we evaluated the potential contribution of these types for our research problem, as summarized in Table 6 . In the laboratory, we rst used a low-chemical, lowtech protocol based mainly on gravity separation, at the UNCIEPs laboratory (Uruguay), under the guidance of del Puerto and Inda. Later renements made at UC Berkeley included the addition of a heavy-liquid otation step, which both concentrated microfossils and improved their visibility. Because we developed our protocol mainly to preserve relatively fragile microfossils (e.g. starch and faunal spherulites), we conducted tests with modern starch to determine whether the zinc iodide otation step was damaging and destroying starch during sample processing. Out of four dierent tests controlling time, temperature, and dierent concentrations of the product, we found zinc iodide causes no damage to starch at room temperature, but may destroy some starches when heated in an aqueous medium [48].

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After establishing the possibility of using faunal spherulites as evidence for the deposition of camelid dung, we conducted experiments with modern dung samples from species Lama pacos and L. glama to determine the susceptibility of these microfossils to destruction by some common extraction chemicals [49]. An entirely chemical-free protocol might be the best choice to extract only the spherulite assemblage, but from our experiments, we can conclude that the low-chemical protocol we used for our multiple-microfossil extractions was suitable for spherulite recovery. Besides starch and faunal spherulites, samples from Valle del Bolso n contain a wide range of other organic and mineral microfossils, including silica and calcium phytoliths, diatoms, chrysophytes, cellulose tissue, palynomorphs, and microscopic charcoal (Fig. 3). An added benet of developing low-chemical and low-tech extraction protocols is the lower hazards and costs associated with such approaches. Our initial results suggest that a range of microfossil assemblages may most eectively address our research questions. When these lines of microfossil-based evidence are combined with information from more traditional archaeological avenues, such as architectural interpretation of site function, spatial distribution of material evidence for economic activities, and geomorphological signs of eld irrigation, the possible interpretive advantages of extracting and conjunctively interpreting several types of microfossils become apparent. 6. Conclusions Microfossil research in archaeology continues to develop on a truly international scale. New advances and old wisdom can both be found well beyond the mainstream of recent anglophone literature. Our own experience with microfossil research in archaeology is insucient to justify any programmatic statements as to how microfossil research should be done, although we believe that focusing more conjunctively on a wider range of microfossil types can contribute to archaeological problem solving. The further development of lowdestruction laboratory protocols is a direction that should help microfossil research in archaeology to further ourish and advance, and also to become accessible in a practical way to more archaeologists. Such experimentation must be balanced, however, with a recognition that the basic standards of microfossil recovery must be maintained in newly developed protocols. Acknowledgements We would like to thank members of the Society for Phytolith Research and Ancient Starch Research Group, too numerous to list by name, for much helpful

advice and discussion of microfossil related topics. Visitors to UC Berkeley including Arlene Miller Rosen, Lisa Kealhofer, and Deborah Pearsall supported our earliest attempts at microfossil extraction and provided guest lectures in Hastorfs Paleoethnobotany classes. Roger Byrne, David Wahl, and Maria-Elena Conserva of the UC Berkeley Geography Department provided generous assistance with emergency laboratory supplies and palynological advice. Other helpful discussions can be credited to Jaime Bartolome, Peter Hopkinson, and Rand Evett of UC Berkeleys ESPM department, Karol Chandler-Ezell, and Je Speakman at University of Missouri, Kelly Sullivan, formerly of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Je Parr and Carol Lentfer of Southern Cross University, Huw Barton of the University of Sydney, and Susan Bicknell of California State University, Humboldt. M.A.K. also gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Laura del Puerto and Hugo Inda, whose friendly generosity will be impossible to forget. We also want to thank Matthew Canti at Oxford University, for his generous long-distance assistance. Research by S.A. and J.C. was supported in part by National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships and equipment grants from the UC Berkeley Archaeological Research Facility Braun Endowment. S.A. would additionally like to thank the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation for nancial and other research support. J.C.s research in Hawaii has been supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant No. SBR-9805754, awarded to P.I. Patrick Kirch, and by the members of Ka Ohana o Kahikinui. M.A.K. received nancial support from a CIUNT Grant at the a y Museo (UNT) for conductInstituto de Arqueolog ing laboratory research in Uruguay and a Fulbright Visitor Scholarship for laboratory work at UC Berkeley. Two anonymous reviewers also provided helpful suggestions for editorial revisions. We of course absolve all of the above individuals and groups for any errors or oversights that may be contained herein. Finally, we note that this article was in preparation during the tragic world events of September 11, 2001, and was submitted during the continuing world violence of these events aftermath. In this context, the authors wish to acknowledge their collective thankfulness for the spirit of international cooperation and collaboration that exists among members of the scientic community, and for the fact that such collegiality continues to provide a working alternative model for how world relations can be conducted.

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