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Successful Self Employment

Andrea Conway Law of Attraction Marketing Coach

Originally sold for $97.00

Secrets of Attracting Prosperi ty in Hard Times

Marketing consultant, M.Ed. Law of attraction certified coach publisher of

Andrea Conway

the Successful Self Employment in Any Economy Newsletter website: andrea@successfulselfe blog:

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times


The information you are about to read is so vital for people to know in these hard times that this e-report comes with permission for you to forward it to anyone you know who might be helped by it.


That's so people who like it can find me and take advantage of all the other resources I offer, many of which are free including: Successful Self Employment (SSE) News - read by thousands worldwide, SSE News helps anyone interested in the Law of Attraction and work feel more empowered and attuned to the well-being at their core. Subscribe here: There's more information about me and using the Law of Attraction in business at: - main website - my blog And you can connect with me here: Twitter - Facebook - LinkedIn -

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times

Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times

The Invitation

Before you begin reading this e-report, I invite you to rate your current fears about the economy on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 = very little fear and 10= I am afraid all of the time. Your Score: As you read this e-report, your mind receives new information that releases fear and enables you to find the self-empowerment hidden in any difficult situation. You'll have a chance to re-visit your score at the end.

Introduction (starts off gloomy, but keep reading!)

A first version of this e-report was published in 2005. My sense then was economic times would become difficult for many people, particularly as the corporate world continued to decline -- slashing jobs from the payroll as it shrank. But back then easy credit and home refinancing were in full swing and the stock market was high -- presenting the image of a strong economy, even as corporations continued to downsize and the mortgage markets were headed toward collapse. Though I revised this e-report in March 2008, I decided to revise it again in early 2009. In 2008 it was technically too soon to declare a recession in the United

Successful Self Employment. All rights reserved.

Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times States (you need two quarters of negative Gross National Product growth to do that). We'll, we got them Today we're wondering just how long the current economic turmoil will last. Even affluent people, most of whom suffered losses in the financial markets, are cutting back their spending and worrying how much more they will lose. Maybe you're reading this wondering: why is Andrea leading us through all this doom and gloom again -- don't we get enough of it already? I'm leading you through it because I want you to notice the emotions in you that get triggered. Anxiety? Worry? Fear? It's extremely important to be honest about what we feel and not try to cover it up by "being positive." The Law of Attraction responds to how we really feel -- not how we think we should feel, or how we'd like to feel. If you're worried, it doesn't work to pretend you're not. Admit it fully. That's the first step toward change.

Now for the good news: the Law of Attraction responds to each of us individually. That's right. It doesn't matter what's happening on the macro level in your city, state, country or even the world at large. You always have the ability to attract prosperity to you. This e-report explains my four secrets to creating a "personal economy" for success under any condition. It includes new ways to change your mind -- which changes your circumstances. And contains four of my favorite Law of Attraction exercises to use whenever you need to shift out of negative emotion. Not cover it over. Shift out of it into genuine faith.

Successful Self Employment. All rights reserved.

Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times "And when you realize that the intentions and desires that arise in you are the very intentions of the universe, you can . . . let the miraculous life you were born to lead unfold in all its unimaginable magnificence." -- The Spontaneous Chopra Fulfillment of Desire, Deepak


Here they are: Secret #1: The seed of prosperity is within you Secret #2: Discern the dual nature of reality Secret #3: Choose your vibrational alignment with the new Secret #4: Action: create your personal economy Maybe they don't sound all that exciting to you. Maybe you were expecting something more thrilling, something that would feel ecstatic even. Well, just wait until you hear enough to understand them. Most secrets are right in front of us, not hidden. We're just too blinded by our habitual thoughts and feelings to perceive them. Important: If you are tempted to jump right to secret #4, don't. It's essential to have a basis of understanding before you take action. Most of the time when we're uncomfortable, we can't wait to take some action to soothe ourselves. But action taken from a place of discomfort only attracts more discomfort. Take time to understand all of the secrets before you move into secret #4. Ready? Here we go Secret #1: The Seed of Prosperity is Within You Skills you will learn

How to distinguish between facts and reality (it's true -- they're not the same thing at all!).

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times Understanding why the seed of prosperity is always within you and how to nurture it.

Let's step into one of your probable futures right now Imagine yourself looking at your bank balance one year from today, feeling ecstatic. Your business has become everything you dreamed it would be. Now your new dreams for it are more exciting and more expansive than ever. It took courage to have faith in yourself when times were hard. Most people told you to give up, get a job, stop investing in yourself and "face facts.." You decided to listen to your heart instead. You believed. Your decision to listen to your heart and believe is the seed of prosperity. Note: most of the time the promptings of your heart will not look like what the world calls "facing facts." Especially at the beginning.

Facts are not necessarily reality. Think about a walk in the woods on a deep winter day. Everything looks frozen. The ground is cold to the touch, and the trees appear lifeless. That's a fact. If you didn't understand the four seasons but had just arrived on planet earth this day, you might conclude that all the vegetation was dead. But underneath the frozen ground, invisible to you, new growth is already beginning to stir. That's reality. You won't be able to see it yet, but it exists nonetheless. Facts: In these times, economic and business behaviors seem unpredictable. The old tried and true ways no longer work. More and more businesses are failing-- even some of the oldest and most reliable.

Successful Self Employment. All rights reserved.

Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times Reality: Even in this time of economic change, some people -- those willing to believe in the seed of prosperity -- find a faith in spirit even now that keeps them well cared for and successful regardless of how the world changes around them. You can find examples of people whose businesses are thriving and whose incomes and skyrocketing. Will you be one of the people who thrives? Your decision to read this e-report indicates you have the interest in understanding spirit that enables you to break free from the pack, express your heart's desires and achieve great success regardless of what's happening in the world of facts. Let's step back and look at the reality behind the facts I believe our current period of economic upheaval -- the beginnings of which I trace back to 1999-2001 including 9/11 -- is setting the stage for a new era of personal satisfaction and freedom in work for more and more individuals. For society as a whole, it may be a long time in coming. But no matter how long it takes society as a whole, Law of Attraction has a message for us: as an individual you don't have to wait to join the new era of personal satisfaction and freedom. When you enter it is, perhaps surprisingly, up to you. It all depends on what you do with the seed within. If you continue to look at reality, not at the so-called facts, you see that the trends toward increasing satisfaction and freedom in work are already present and have been for some time, even as the old ways of being in business continue to crumble.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times You may have noticed that more people than ever before are starting their own businesses. That's no accident, and it's not simply a pragmatic response to the loss of job prospects. Interestingly, more young people than ever seem to be catching on to self employment quickly -- they're entrepreneurs in high school. I predict most of them won't ever work for a boss.

Crumbling corporations are a fact. But crumbling corporations are not the cause of greater levels of entrepreneurship than ever before. Reality: crumbling corporations are the effect of more people -- at a soul level -- desiring to have work that's more fulfilling and rewarding. We've actually been evolving in this direction for centuries. Though we still have unfortunate pockets of slavery on this planet, on the whole fewer of us receive such treatment, compared with the many centuries when most people were serfs or slaves -- and when society accepted that as normal. Today mass consciousness is prepared to leap forward into a new era of expanded freedom of livelihood. The one collective soul -- or source energy (of which we are an integral part) is the only cause of this kind of evolution. Abraham-Hicks ( explains that we encounter problems so that the solution -- which already exists, always -- can be experienced. Think about that. The solution -- let's call it a collective soul desire for meaningful work that we have more personal control over -- already exists and the problem -- our unstable economy -- is here to help us experience that solution. You may have noticed many times when you've asked for change, but then when you had to give up something you were used to, you resisted the change you asked for!

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times That's why so many people stay in unhappy relationships or unhappy jobs. They'd like the wonderful relationship and the fulfilling job. But they don't have the courage to leave. Leaving the old can be scary. But hanging on to it means we're blocked for locating the solution we want. In order to break free and move toward the solution, we must nurture the seed in our hearts. The seed Often our first response to a loss we think we didn't ask for, or a problem that seems to appear out of the blue, is one of disbelief. We may even feel victimized: this shouldn't have happened to me! In every case where someone appears to lose a job, at the soul level that person has been asking for something better. When we remember that the solution to any problem already exists, because we've been asking for it at a soul level -- we can shift our thinking. We can view the desires that spring from the apparent problem as the seeds of the solution. Abraham-Hicks also teaches that "contrast gives birth to the desire." The desire, I've come to understand, is already in our hearts, put there by spirit. The contrast simply awakens us to it at the right time. The seed of whatever we want is implanted in the desire that's automatically triggered when we encounter a situation we don't want. When you know you don't want to lose your income or be unable to pay your bills, you have the seed of what you do want. It's up to you to define that seed.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times "I want fulfilling work that expresses my soul purpose and brings me an abundant income." "I want to have sufficient income to pay all my bills in full whenever they arrive." Instead of viewing these desires as wishful thinking, view them as seeds to be planted, gifts from the universe leading you to more life, because the universe always calls us to more. These thought seeds that are birthed from our awareness of what we don't want and our decision to know what we do want are no different from how an acorn becomes an oak tree. Or how a fertilized egg becomes a human being. At the moment an egg is fertilized, inside the egg is everything required for growth and development throughout the being's entire lifespan. We aren't here randomly. We're here as parts of the one soul, and we all have a reason to be here during these times, otherwise we wouldn't be. It's time we accepted that we belong exactly where we are. There's an ancient spiritual principle stated "As above, so below." Doesn't it make complete sense that the unfolding of life from a tiny seed or egg takes place not only on the physical level of the organism but at the soul level of all humankind? What is in the mind of the creator is expressed in the physical planes through our minds. If you're willing to consider this possibility that you're on a divine mission, it becomes easier to see that the changes happening now in the economy and in work are happening as part of the divine plan of evolution. When you consciously accept that the desire spontaneously arising when you experience what you don't want is really the seed of the solution you do want, it becomes a lot easier move your attention to the solution.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times You stop dwelling in the problem or the victimhood; staying there only keeps you stuck. When you plant the seed, you move into the energy of growth and evolution. You're no longer resisting change but eagerly partnering with it. Then the Law of Attraction swiftly matches you with the solution. When you decide to plant the seed of prosperity in your heart, don't expect to know every detail how it will grow. The seed has the intelligence of its growth already programmed within it. Our job is simply to decide we will go with growth. In every moment we have a choice whether to resist the flow of evolution or to plant the seed within and flow with it. As a result of reading these words, you now have more consciousness about the reality that's happening in our society right now. This consciousness gives you choices and places you among the elite who create their own favorable conditions, even in turbulent times. (Unlike other elite groups, this one is open to any and all who choose it.)

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times

Mastery Exercise: Secret #1: The Seed of Prosperity is Within You You have just learned that prosperity is within you and that you have the choice to plant it as a seed in your consciousness. You have this choice no matter what is going on in your work and in your life. What old patterns of fear and victimhood are you being called to release now? What is it you don't want? What is it you do want to evolved toward? Are you ready to plant the seed of evolution in your heart? Take a few minutes to record your answers, insights and questions. Writing helps you adjust your focus to gain the most benefit as you continue reading this e- report. Record your insights and questions here:

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times

Secret #2: Discern the dual nature of reality Skills you will learn Discern what's really going on in any situation (facts vs. reality) How to take an active stance toward change -- even before you know what changes to make What's going on with the economy When I wrote the first version of the e-report in 2005, here's what I predicted: Corporations, continuing their desperate grasping for economic viability, will continue merging with other corporations and laying off thousands of "excess" workers. The government will continue to bail out bankrupt corporations (back then I said airlines, today's it's been the entire financial and mortgage industries, U.S. auto manufacturers etc.). I stated that these rescues would throw good money after bad and fail to improve economic health, because the business models of these dying corporations are no longer viable, and no one wants to admit it. Many of the new jobs created by official channels (such as corporations and institutions) will be low-paying ones. Professional jobs will continue to move off shore and use a contract labor (i.e., no benefits) business model. Defense-related spending will continue to claim a greater share of the national budget, reducing the money available for domestic well-being. I didn't foresee the huge economic burden of the war in Iraq, spiraling consumer credit debt, or the decline of home equity and property valuation in most parts of the country.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times

But I saw that as the old institutional and corporate economy dissolved, many people would be forced to change the way they work for a living. Now, here's the thing: dissolution doesn't happen in by itself. There's an overall principle of balance in the universe. When something leaves, something else is arriving. Whenever we face "the facts," we also have the opportunity to look for the reality within those facts. Initially reality will appear to be a very small counter-trend. That's because it's still in the seed stages. From the universal soul point of view, the trends and counter trends exist simultaneously. But from our point of view, the reality we're moving toward will at first seem faint and far away. Here are some ways you can start to identify more confidently with the new creation. New creation: counter trends to watch for Just as each half of the yin and yang symbol contains a small circle of the opposite element, things are never all black or all white. Running counter to the trends toward diminishment in the corporate world are the signs of a new era far more hospitable to personal fulfillment. While counter trends may seem small, in comparison to obvious facts, that's only because they're not yet part of mainstream thinking. But they can be part of your thinking whenever you choose. In reality, counter trends are actually stronger than the trends of decline, because they are sourced in the eternal expansive energies of the universe.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times Seeing the truth in the counter trends is the key to using Secret #2. You stop worrying or resisting the obvious trends (breakdown) as you put your focus on the counter trends you prefer (breakthrough). It is not enough to plant the seed, as we did in Secret #1. Now we have to keep our focus on what we prefer -- even though all around us are the "facts" of what we don't want! The difference in strength between the old energy leaving (weak in spiritual growth) and the new energy entering (strong in spiritual growth) may be why we see such phenomena as "the tipping point" or the 100th monkey. In other words, factors that seem small or isolated contain the seeds of a hidden power. It doesn't take as much power as you might expect to create major, positive changes for yourself that go counter to the visible trends of fact. What matters is whether or not you planted the seed of prosperity and are lined up with the energy of expansion.

Current counter trends that embody the energy of expansion Growing interest in self-employment among all generations - we want more control over our incomes. Continued convergence of global communications available to individuals we want mobility in our lives; technology increasingly exists to support that. Continued awareness of our global interdependence - it started a couple of decades back with the growing consciousness that we all share one planet. Now globalization has evolved into the realization that our financial markets and our economies are also interdependent. These awarenesses have never been present on this planet to the extent they are now. You can call that unfortunate or realize it as a sign of evolution.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times Greater personal self-expression in all aspects of life. You may or may not personally agree with social changes such as gay marriage or states' rights to permit medical marijuana use. But I encourage you to see these winds of change as signs of more personal choice in the evolution of our planet. The individual today possesses a greater level of freedom than ever before, an evolutionary trend that will continue. Individuality with interdependence is what's really going on. One book that sums up the counter trends embodying expansion is Tim Ferriss's Four Hour Work Week, published in 2007. It's a manifesto for living as part of the new wealthy, achieved through self employment, globalization and personal fulfillment. I don't always agree with Ferriss, but I take the publishing and wild success of his book as a sign that the energies of the new are gaining strength and visibility.

How to work with the dual nature of reality In the dual reality, the old is always fading as the new gains momentum. It's true not only when we think about social or economic change. It's also applicable to the entire human race: babies keep being born and older people keep dying. Therefore, it's also applicable to each of us individually. In fact, how you as an individual understand and act on the dual reality process for yourself is your key to mastering it. The Law of Attraction responds specifically, individually, and impartially to every single one of us, without exception. In times of transition your choice is very simple: to align with the new energy coming in -- even before you know how it will affect you -- or to cling to the old energy leaving.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times Whenever you notice your work has gotten stale or is no longer as profitable as it once was, don't clutch at it desperately, fearing the worst. Instead, stop everything, sit quietly, and ask yourself two questions: 1. What is it that I want to let go of now? 2. What is it that I'm becoming more interested in now? The answers you receive in the quiet of contemplating these questions are your personal key to understanding what's really going on. Trust that whatever is leaving no longer has a big role to play. Once you accept it's time for the old to leave, your work is to line up with the exciting momentum of the new energy. We get to chose in each moment which side of dual reality we want to align with. When we go with our intuition -- even if it's not the "safe" route -- we assist not only with our own evolution but with the world's evolution as well. I've come to know that the difficulties I and others face in transitional times stem primarily from clinging too long to our old way of being. In the 20th century our evolution birthed new means of assisting people with change, such as psychotherapy and alternative healing. Now in the new century it's time for our society to teach people to embrace the new wholeheartedly so they can move through transitions with resilience and speed. People who cling to the old become a drag on themselves and everyone else. You can probably think of someone who has, by clinging to a past that no longer exists, created a life of self pity and resentment. These people are dramatic examples to all of us of what happens when we try to hold on to a past that is over. At the same time, it's important to acknowledge our feelings of loss, panic, worry, anger and so forth when a transition feels forced upon us. The key is not to take up permanent residence in those gloomy places. While I don't think you can use willpower to move through life's major transitions in a flash

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times -- the bodymind seems to have its own timetable for these periods -- I do believe that you can build your resilience and commitment to the new, even as you wait for the clouds to clear. Taking an active stance toward change It sometimes takes a while before we're clear about the new direction that our soul is inspired to. That's OK -- there's no need to rush and, in fact, if we do rush into action too soon, we often find we need to change directions later. Until your guidance is clear, the key attitude to cultivate in the early stages of transition to new energies coming in is: willingness. When you can see that the old ways are not going to continue working, ask yourself: am I willing to change? Then sit quietly and wait for the answer. If you listen deeply enough, you will hear the "yes." If you don't get a yes, reassure yourself that you don't have to change anything till you are ready. Tell yourself "I want to be willing to change, even though I'm not willing right now." That is all the effort it takes, spirit will do the rest. Willingness to change, or the desire to be willing -- even when you don't know what the change will be -- enables you to open to the new energies coming and eventually leads you to attract your personal economy of success. The beauty of willingness is that it gives us room to breathe in the old reality while aligning us squarely on the side of evolving into the new reality. Willingness allows spiritual energy to move within us and lead us. It releases us from resistance. Willingness waters the seeds of prosperity in so-called hard times and enables them to sprout. Affirmation: I am willing to change (and it's OK if, right now, I have no idea how)

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times Example: As some of you know, in 2007 I dropped all of my corporate consulting work to coach full time. Though I had great confidence in my ability to thrive financially and in all other ways as a coach, the factual circumstanced I experienced at first were quite different from my fantasies. What I experienced, painfully, was my previous abundant income slowing to a trickle while I reached into savings to keep myself going. I felt shocked, even betrayed. I began to question whether I was meant to be a coach. I found myself feeling drawn into increasing fear of the future. Remember I have studied the Law of Attraction and lived by it for twenty years. I want you to know that it's easy for anyone to slip into fear. I don't remember the exact point at which I decided that fear and victimhood were no longer acceptable to me, but I did take renewed responsibility for my own wealth. That caused me to make many changes in my coaching business: everything from changing my pricing to coming up with new structures for coaching to inventing new ways to market my services. My learning: I had to admit that I hadn't been acting the way top coaches act. I didn't want to admit that, but once I did, and once I began to act as if I were a top coach, things began to turn around. The change happened inside first, then I took the actions that matched it, as you will learn about it secret #4. I discovered there was nothing wrong with me or with the Law of Attraction. My desires were simply ahead -- temporarily -- of my thinking and the actions I took to express my thinking. The desire to be amazingly successful as a full-time coach planted the seed of prosperity in me. That was secret #1. But then I had identify the new coaching behavior coming in for me (secret #1) and let go of my unproductive old coaching beliefs and behaviors.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times My financial slump was the problem spirit sent me so I could find the way to my success as a coach -- a success that was waiting for me. I was actually right on track with my coaching dreams all along. I just had to make some necessary changes to allow myself to match the perfection of my coaching career. To make those changes, I had to stop focusing on what was wrong (the old, fact-based reality): "I decided to take the leap into coaching full time, and I'm terrified I will fail. Poor me." Instead, I had to nurture the seed of prosperity in my heart. "I know that it is my heart's desire and highest purpose to be a successful coach" became my chosen reality -- and I accepted it 100%. That enabled me to become willing to change my limited thinking so I could attract the fulfillment of my desire.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times

Mastery exercise: Secret #2: Discern the dual nature of reality You have just learned about discerning the dual nature of reality -- both in the world at large and in your individual life and work. Now apply it to your own situation. Think of a situation you seem stuck in. What are the so-called facts of it? Now reach into your heart and identify the seed of prosperity in this situation. What is it you deeply know in your heart? Are you willing to focus on and accept what your heart knows as more real than the temporary factual situation? Are you willing to make the changes that this new focus will call you to? (You don't have to know what those changes are right now.)

After you've answered the questions, take a few minutes to record any new thoughts or insights. Record your thoughts here:

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times Secret #3: Choose your vibrational alignment with the new Skills you will learn:

Three tools to manage your vibration through hard times What's going on when everything feels terrible How to let in the next right choices for you Assume for a moment that the worst has happened. You are a management

consultant whose major client, Bizwell Corporation, was recently bought by a competitor. Tens of thousands of loyal Bizwell workers are being laid off -including the managers who have given you lucrative and interesting consulting projects for the past five years. Your current contracts end in 30 days, and if they aren't renewed, you stand to lose 75 percent of your income. What do you do? If you were discussing this situation in a management class or reading about it after the fact in a business journal, the tale would be told in terms of what actions were taken, and everything would appear to make perfect sense. During my brief time pursuing an M.B.A., I used to wonder why the case studies never rang true for me. It was because they were being told through the lens of the past -- the case study writers knew the outcome and the teaching points. But when you are dealing with the dual nature of reality, you don't have a clue what the outcome is going to be. What do you do then?

When life catches you off guard, resist the temptation to leap into action. Let your only actions, at first, be to manage your own vibration. Managing your vibration through hard times These three tools help you take action vibrationally instead of physically. Using them, you master your vibration and align on the side of the new energies coming in. The tools are: The instant fear quencher

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times The royal decision journey The To Feel list

Most of us have a tendency to freeze up when we're in fear about something. Or we deny that we're really worried. I think some of that is because we haven't had a tools to use in these situations. Now you have three tools, and I hope you will use them as often as you need to, because they work. The instant fear quencher I'm grateful to my coach, Judy Katz, for teaching me this technique. Use it whenever you feel emotional fear, from mild concern to severe distress. When in emotional fear we lose our grounding, and we lose touch with who we really are: aspects of spirit that are integral to the whole and eternally connected to our source of well-being. Use the instant fear quencher whenever you notice yourself in ... fear! It returns you to yourself. 1. State your awareness: "I am in fear right now." Isn't it a relief just to say it? By acknowledging what you feel, you strengthen your ability to notice your emotional states, which is essential to navigating the dual aspects of reality. Your awareness lets you know what your vibration is. When you are aware of feeling fear, you can know you are vibrating fear and can choose to do something about it, such as this exercise. 2. Put your hand on your second chakra/lower stomach and focus on your hand. Say: There is nothing to fear here. It will probably sound false to you at first, but quietly continue to repeat the statement. 3. Breathe slowly, repeat the statement, focus on your hand resting on your lower stomach. Insist on knowing the truth about your situation. 4. You will find your body coming back to center as fear releases. 5. Take a moment to note your new awareness/new vibration. "I feel centered."

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times

Because we are conditioned to think of emotional healing as hard work requiring much time and effort to accomplish, we lose site of how naturally our bodymind returns to center when we take a moment to work with it consciously. Alignment with spirit is easy and natural for us. The instant fear quencher exercise assists us in realigning and truly is instant. Use it as often as needed. Affirmation: Alignment with spirit is easy and natural for me. The royal decision journey When we are in shock over what we fear is a pending disaster, it's natural to feel a loss of personal power. We can, in fact, feel like victims of our circumstance, which means that we begin to vibrate with victim energy. The royal decision journey is used to reclaim our inner power. It's a good journey to take once you have used the instant fear quencher so that your basic survival fear is no longer activated and you're able to access your spirit-connected self again. However, there is no need to wait until you are perfectly lined up with spiritual connection, because the royal decision journey helps you line up. Give yourself at least 20 minutes to do this exercise. Start by setting the intention to discover whether the situation you are facing with your work offers you any opportunities to: a) Let go of activities that are no longer serving you b) Let in a new direction for your business 1. Imagine that you are the ruler of the land. "The land" is the territory of your life, including your work, and you in fact have supreme authority over it. Take some moments to connect with your royal queen or king energy. Feel your authority. This authority does not assert itself aggressively; it simply emanates from you without effort. You are in charge of your life, and you know this deeply.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times 2. If any aspects of life or work feel like they are getting in the way of your being able to feel in charge, imagine that you have a wall or circle of light around you and place the aspects out side of the wall or circle. You don't have to change them, just move them out of the way for now. If it helps, try imagining them very small, or talking in baby talk, or with circus music drowning out their voices -- experiment with visual or aural changes that reduce their importance. Once they are removed from your personal space, take a few moments to tune into your feeling of authority. 3. From this place of authority, ask yourself "What have I been doing in the area of work that is no longer serving my land?" Sit quietly and write down any thoughts that you have in response to this question. Try not to judge the thoughts -- just record them. Give yourself 5 minutes or so for thoughts to enter your mind. 4. Next, again from your place of regal authority, ask yourself "What does my land need from me in order to be able to thrive?" Again, sit quietly and write down any thoughts that you have over the next 5 minutes or so. 5. Now take a moment or two to sit quietly, feeling your queenly or kingly self and your rulership of your life. Affirmation: I am the author of and the authority in my life. As you come out of the royal decision journey review your notes and decide what step or steps feel manageable for you to take within the next week. You probably do not need to immediately take any steps that feel drastic or as if they will put your life into upheaval. One of the most challenging aspects of trusting our own guidance is to learn our own personal balance of change and security. There are no rules to follow. (That's good -- the whole purpose of trusting our own guidance is to get beyond externally imposed rules. But it's not always easy to find our own rhythm.)

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times If you are a beginner at hearing and acting on your guidance, my advice is to take things slowly. Have your goal be to make one manageable change that you feel good about and that does not throw you into worry. Use the To Feel list (next exercise) to help you maintain your balance. The To Feel list This exercise, which I learned originally from Jerry and Esther Hicks and Abraham (though I haven't seen it in the recent books), is a tried and true favorite for helping me invoke the vibration I desire. Most of us are enamored of our To Do lists, forgetting that doing without vibrationally aligning first can actually work against our goals. The To Feel list enables you to claim the vibration first. Because this exercise is fast and simple to do, you may be tempted to think it's not very powerful. Think again. If I had to choose only one vibrational exercise or process to use for the rest of my life, the To Feel list would be it. If some of the guidance you received during the royal decision journey left you feeling apprehensive ("Fire your admin assistant," "Dump that big client who doesn't pay you enough," "Move to that bigger office in a better location even though it costs more," etc.), you can use the To Feel list to help you prepare vibrationally for steps that you don't want to take until they feel manageable and natural. If you push yourself too fast, you are likely to trigger feelings of worry or being overextended -- and having those feelings in your vibration can delay your results. Here's how the To Feel list works. I recommend you do it first thing in the morning, but you can do it anytime. 1. Take a blank sheet of paper and write "I want to feel" at the top. 2. Notice your awareness/vibration before you start to write. 3. For 5-10 minutes write down how you want to feel today. 4. Do not think too much about it, just write what comes to you. 5. When time is up stop and take note of your awareness/vibration: has it changed?

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times People typically find that the mere act of writing the list has already helped move their vibration toward alignment with their intentions. Remember to keep the focus on feelings, not actions or thoughts. Some examples are: I want to feel confident about the changes I am making. I want to feel inspired. I want to feel balanced today. I want to feel appreciation for my life. I want to feel guided. I want to feel balanced. I want to feel energized for the XYZ project. I want to feel in rapport with my customers. I want to feel competent.

Affirmation: I have the power to change my feelings in any moment. Letting in the next right choice for you Any one of these three exercises is a practice in Secret #3 -choosing vibrational alignment with the new. As panic and worry subside, your natural alignment with your inner power sends you inspiration and guidance. Consistently turning to these exercises is a way to cultivate your vibrant seeds of prosperity into healthy life-giving plants. Here's the good news. This is not about positive thinking. You don't have to conquer 100 per cent of your negative emotions in order to align with your good and cultivate your crops. Fortunately! You only have to stop tolerating negative emotion by making the choice to feel differently -- and any one of these exercises gives you a means to make this choice. Sometimes I see coaching clients getting into a battle with their negativity. But resisting negative feelings doesn't do anything to help you reclaim your power. You need not resist: just notice. And take a few minutes to adjust your vibration by using one of these exercises -- or any other tools you have to make yourself feel

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times better. If you can consistently turn from negativity toward a better-feeling emotion, you will find yourself making great progress -- gently, easily and steadily. Important: this is not about immediately turning from discouragement to great joy and inspiration. That would be like changing from a couch potato to a marathon runner in one weekend. Heroics aren't necessary or, for the most part, even possible. Just turn toward a better-feeling emotion. A feeling state that I like to aim for when I notice myself agitated with worry is, simply, self acceptance. I can get there by doing any of these exercises, by reading a few pages from a wise book, by having an appointment with my coach, by listening to sacred chants Your job is simple: consistently turn toward something that feels a little better -- that's really all it takes. Choosing alignment -- when it all feels terrible The early stages of transition to the next level in our businesses can sometimes feel plain terrible. I believe it depends on how long you've been resisting the change. With practice you get better at noticing the new energies calling to you. But right now you may find yourself in a situation where it's hard to see any good at all. Life coach Martha Beck refers to these kinds of transitional times as Square One: Death and Rebirth. It's as if you go back to the beginning, and you no longer know what you thought you knew. Beck advises clients to check in with their "internal compasses" frequently during these times. That's good advice, because our internal navigational systems are sourced in the one spirit and, when listened to, safely guide us through any change. The Secret #3 exercises naturally activate your internal navigational system. You can tell because you end up feeling better. Your guidance system naturally leads you toward the new energies coming in.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times

Once you stop resisting change -- which naturally happens when you do these exercises -- you find yourself hearing your guidance more clearly. You know what you want to do as a result of this transition in your business: the new open window will appear right in front of you, as you vibrationally align with the new. Moving through the window brings you to the 4th Secret: Action: Creating Your Personal Economy.

Mastery Exercise: Secret #3: Choose vibrational alignment with the new Over the next 24 hours experiment with each of the three tools in this section: the instant fear quencher, the royal decision journey, and the To Feel list. What do you notice as a result of using these tools? Record your insights here:

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times Secret #4: Action: create your personal economy "If you don't know what your passion is, realize that one reason for your existence on earth is to find it." -- Oprah Winfrey

Skills you will learn:

The role of action in an attraction-based universe Why time delays exist Processes for minimizing delay When to take action You planted the seeds of prosperity (secret #1) and watered them with your

focus on reality instead of fact (secret #2). You consistently chose to release fear and to align with the energies of evolution (secret #3). Now your consciousness is aligned with the vibration of the new, and your prosperity seeds have taken root and are pushing through the surface of the soil. The time has come for secret #4: action to create your personal economy. If you don't nurture your inner crop of prosperity, you can't grow a harvest, take it to the market, and exchange it for income. Relatively few of us trust our ability to take the right actions because we've been taught to play it safe. When we do finally risk something, our subconscious mind doesn't believe in our success. Secrets 1-3 break those old patterns so that you are now aligned with the success you desire. We learned in secret #1 that our individual desires are a facet of spirit's plans for evolution of the universe. You are not alone out here with some exciting but fragile new desire that has a near-zero chance of success. In the beginning it can sure feel that way. But as you work through the first 3 secrets, you prepare your mind to accept success. In secret #4, to create a personal economy of success, you take the actions that lead to it.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times The role of action Because we've learned that we live in a vibrational universe, many spiritual entrepreneurs begin to believe that action isn't important. We get the idea that if our thinking is lined up with what we desire, results will "just happen." In my experience that's not how it works. Most of the time when people have the belief thinking will solve everything, they're actually resisting action. For example, if you're in a network marketing business, and you hate to sell, it can feel very comfy to believe that if you "think good thoughts," sales will happen. Only, it doesn't work. That's like thinking that if you want to be a neurosurgeon you can think good thoughts and it will happen. As business owners we must master marketing and sales by studying and putting into action the latest information about it -- the same way a doctor becomes a neurosurgeon. We live in the physical world, the plane of action. In order to magnetize our big dreams, we must think and act in accordance with them. This means stepping outside -- way outside -- your comfort zone. If you own a business, you won't have the level of success and income you desire until you master marketing and sales. I can tell you from personal experience that -- if you dread selling and marketing -- it's your beliefs and actions that have to shift. The Law of Attraction can't match you up with enough good results when you dread the #1 activities of a business. You must experience that you can love selling. I learned to do this, which was part of my journey to becoming a successful full-time coach, and if I did it, so can you.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times This holding back from sales that many spiritual entrepreneurs express often stems from a true dislike of the manipulative marketing and selling that's existed on this planet for centuries. If you have resisted selling through fear or some of the blatantly sleazy tactics we've all witness, good for you! What's wonderful about the times we live in is that a new way of marketing and selling -- a way that connects your soul to the souls of your customers -- is now being birthed on the planet. This is high-integrity marketing and sales, perfect for spiritual entrepreneurs with a sense of soul purpose about their business. I've named it Soul Power Marketing. I have a special offer for any of you interested in exploring Soul Power Marketing with me. Email and ask for "Andrea's Soul Power Marketing Offer." Time delays: the biggest remaining obstacle Once you understand the role of action, the next big barrier to address is why we have time delays in our manifestations. Although we read a lot about miracles and instant manifestation, it's rare to have results so quickly. Not impossible, just rare. The good news is results are even more likely to last when there's a delay between when you ask and when the universe delivers. And that you can shorten that delay -- considerably. We've all heard that the vast majority of lottery winners are no better off within a couple of years of winning than they were before. So let's become comfortable with time delays by understanding their gift. Reframing time delays I don't know about you, but I feel annoyed by any course/workshop/book/technique that promises "instant" transformation or

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times manifestation. They make you feel like you're doing something wrong if you can't pull a miracle out of the sky. Some manifestations -- most of the really big ones in fact -- take time. Instead of resisting delay and letting ourselves feel bad and self-judging about it, what if we considered the possibility that delay is working for our good? It's time we reframed the concept of delay. In that spirit, I'm going to reveal the top four reasons why people experience a time delay between asking and receiving. And I'll to give you a formula for handling and minimizing these delays. Once you understand time delays from this new framework, you can seal your vibration against negative influences as you confidently take action to create your personal economy of success. Top four reasons for time delays As Abraham explains it, when you ask it is given. But only if you are a vibrational match to what you've asked for. Your "work" is to achieve this vibrational alignment so that you can receive the prize that has your name on it and that spirit has already given you in the nonphysical planes. Why is it sometimes difficult to reach that vibrational alignment? For several reasons: #1 - When you are experiencing what you regard as bad times, you're clearly not a vibrational match to good times. Obvious, huh? But what's not always so clear is that the more you judge yourself for the bad times, feel fear, feel like a failure, and worry about the future, the more you perpetuate your separation from the good times. You have to find a way to feel OK about the bad times, and we'll talk more about that in a minute, when we look at the power of soothing. While the ultimate point of this e-report is to give you the tools to line up with the good times that are

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times always on your path, it's also important to acknowledge when, right now, you aren't a match to them.

#2 - You may be feeling self blame that you aren't fully aware of. Sadly, I most often see this in clients who think that the "cause" of their failure to manifest is an unconscious flaw, a faulty "core" belief, or a karmic/past life pattern they must struggle to overcome. It's sad because the real cause is rarely any of those things! I say this as a person who spent decades trying to heal myself: there is no mysterious flaw in you that you must struggle to fix. Yet people waste years and decades of their life feeling that they don't deserve success. What you ask for is always given. The only cause for not receiving it is simply that you haven't yet figured out how to vibrationally match it. There is no problem! That's good news, because the power to line up is always available to you. Once you access that power, it's yours forever. #3 - You've forgotten that bad times ultimately serve your good. Face it: if what you had been doing all along was working for you, you wouldn't be experiencing bad times. Bad times are a wake up call, not in the sense of the universe saying: "do this or suffer the consequences," but in a gentle and enticing way. Especially when you get the message early. The message is: "there is more to your life than this, it's time to change, your good is calling to you, just listen and trust and follow your joy." Spirit always calls us forth into more. If you spend your time resenting the bad times, fearing them, being angry that they have shown up, you are missing the message. The real message is: there is more for you on your life path, and that's why your current path is changing. There is so much more of what your heart and soul deeply desire, and it's calling to you now. Come toward it.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times Someday, for each of us that "more" will be our re-emergence into pure spirit at the end of this physical lifetime. Even death is the doorway to more for us, in this universe of eternal life. People often come into spiritual practice because of an upheaval in their lives: they know they must do something different. If things were going well for them, they would not be inspired to look for something else. The bad times are simply leading you to a new set of really good times. Most of us think we must struggle to reach good times. But all we really need to do is believe that more of what we want is ready to come into our lives and look for ways to let it in gently. # 4 - You've succumbed to social thought forms about lack. We all see people who appear to be suffering long-term consequences of bad times, and when we see them it's common to fear the same outcome for ourselves. Who among us has not feared being homeless and poverty stricken? These fears are exacerbated by the media attention they receive; the images of extreme poverty are embedded in the collective unconscious. Part of your successful journey through bad times is to refuse to accept the programming of the group mind, with its fear- and worry-based thinking. This does not mean that compassion for those less fortunate than you is misplaced. Give help as you are called to do so. It only means that you make a conscious choice not to identify yourself with misfortune. You make a conscious decision to know and affirm that you are on a different path. You make a conscious choice to be an example of what happens to a person who aligns with spirit. You make a clear decision to focus on the potential that anyone -- and I do mean anyone at all -- has for transforming misfortune in any moment. There's one more point about lack: it is a judgment and an illusion. In reality we are all the beloved, precious children of an abundant spirit.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times What do all of these "reasons" for time delay have in common? They are the result of flawed thinking based on lack, and they can be shifted by an adjustment in thinking. The formula to minimize time delays The formula says: The better you can feel about what you want, the faster it is coming to you. The key task is to find a way to feel better about the thing you do not yet have. Many metaphysical teachers taught us to ignore the things in our lives that were not working. They taught us to be positive thinkers and to use affirmations. I never had much success with this approach. If I was strongly bothered by, let's say, a terrible relationship, I couldn't ignore it. Affirming: "I am now in a wonderful relationship" was so patently untrue that it did nothing to shift my feelings and perhaps made me feel even worse because the affirmation triggered a sense of hopelessness. Feeling better about a situation where you do not yet see the results you want isn't easy, but it is the essence of the art of vibrational management. Fortunately, you don't have to use force to make yourself feel better about something you dislike. It wouldn't work anyway. The power of soothing All you need to do is find a way to feel soothed about the situation. Sometimes a momentary distraction (say, watching a really funny movie) works by giving you a vibrational break -- you find that you are more receptive to better thoughts. Other times the best you may be able to do is remind yourself that -even though you can't see a way out right this minute -- you intend to find a way to feel soothed.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times What I've noticed is that even the intent to soothe, invoked persistently, lightens my emotions and opens the way for change. Affirmation: I intend to find a way to soothe my vibration about this subject. I wish I could give you a magic trick that would soothe you every time. But each person and each situation require something personal and specific. Here is a list of activities and thoughts that many people find soothing. Experiment. The list of soothing things Distract yourself momentarily with something pleasant: put on some inspiring music, start researching your next vacation on the Internet, read a magazine devoted to your favorite hobby. If you aren't able to distract yourself with anything fun, perform a simple but useful task: fold laundry, clean your sock drawer, wash the car. Even this simple activity helps you feel better because distraction allows your natural good feelings to resurface. Ask yourself: if I knew with complete certainty that my next fantastic success was on its way, what would I do right this minute? Then, either do it or fantasize about doing it -- whichever feels more soothing. Hang out with your dog, cat, cockatiel, aquarium etc. Give yourself something you enjoy: make an appointment for a massage, buy a latte at your favorite coffee bar, decide on a fun trip to take over the weekend, plan something wonderful to do with a friend or a child. Make a list of what you love about one of your favorite people, places or pets. Read something inspirational. Meditate or pray.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times

Do something physical: work out, run, walk, garden... Ask your angel or higher self: what's true about me? Write down the answers you hear -- you'll love being praised by the part of you that knows you eternally. Review your habitual thoughts about the subject that concerns you. See if you can match your thinking to the results that you have been getting. When you can say "aha -- no wonder I haven't been able to accomplish I am vibrating about it!" you are already in the process of change. Remind yourself: what spirit has done for others it can do for me. Remind yourself: many enormously successful and wealthy people were once in the same situation that I'm in -- change is always possible. Remind yourself: I don't have to do all the work to change this myself. I only have to be willing to change -- then the power of spirit will help me. Remind yourself: I don't have to do it all right this minute. Remind yourself: spirit is all powerful. Remind yourself: spirit is always with me, because I am spirit. Give yourself time to come around. Sometimes when we're really in a funk, we can't immediately be soothed. Know your intention to find relief is being heard by and responded to by the universe. Let that be enough for now. -- look at what

Not recommended Talking to friends or family about the situation. In their well-meaning desire to sympathize, they typically end up reinforcing what's wrong.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times Tackling a big project that you aren't looking forward to in order to prove that you can "take control" of things. We've been taught that control is the ultimate state of being, and when we feel out of control, we often beat up on ourselves, criticize ourselves, and overrule ourselves to try to meet a goal. Too bad the approach doesn't work and can increase our feelings of failure. Don't use it. Using drugs, alcohol, food etc. as distractions -- while I believe that the healthy desire to soothe oneself is contributor to many addictions, what you are learning now are vibrational ways to soothe through thought. That bag of potato chips won't help. (And don't be hard on yourself if you eat it anyway.) Turning on the TV or reading a news or entertainment magazine or seeing the latest dramatic movie. These seemingly mindless distractions often transmit worry and fear thoughts because the mass media help maintain the cultural vibration of lack. They don't do this to control us. Rather the media exist to respond to the most common vibrations of the masses. You're not in that group! Therefore, random media entertainment is not recommended when you already feel vulnerable. Notice that in soothing you are rarely addressing your problem head on. This can feel strange because we are so used to tackling problems directly and forcefully. What you'll discover is that struggle is not a requirement for successful change. Put soothing into practice Choose at least one problem that you believe is contributing to the delays in the manifestation of your personal economy for success. Describe it here:

Are you willing to treat this problem with soothing? If so, write "I am willing to treat this problem with soothing for days." Date and sign this paper. Choose any of the items on the List of Things that Soothe and experiment with them.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times

At the end of the period of time you specified, write down any changes you noticed:

If you choose to soothe (by choosing a better thought) only slightly more often than you choose to enflame (by stewing in your worst thoughts), you must find your way to a better vibration. The choice to soothe vibrationally is the building block for creating your personal economy. While it may not feel as if soothing one small area of concern will make much difference when you have big goals to accomplish, try it. The more you form the habit of soothing vibrationally, the better you feel and the faster you can manifest. Soothing helps you trust yourself and your path. Example of an agitating thought: "My income is dropping, I'm moving in the wrong direction." Example of a soothing thought: "My income is temporarily dropping but it's no big deal. I'm following my inspiration to invest in new ideas that will return huge income to me in the future. I trust my inspiration." Taking action to create your personal economy Once you have developed the habit of soothing the doubts and worries that formerly added to your time delay in manifestation, it is time to move into action. Because of the vibrational work you've accomplished so far, now your actions can be thousands of times more effective than they would have been otherwise.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times It's time to experience your harvest and take it to the bank. As you create your personal economy of success, you are co-creating the next phase of your work and life with spirit. It's a co-creation that's ongoing and ever more life-enhancing. The personal economy plan When you are in action phase, you need an action plan. "Action" is the stage at which most planning resources begin. If you've ever been disappointed in those resources, it may be because you weren't vibrationally aligned with action yet. Now you are, and take action you must. Your personal economy action plan comes out of the inspirational seeds that have been born in your heart as you did your vibrational work. The plan helps you bridge inspiration with action. You may not know every step when you begin, and that's fine. Your path will always be unfolding. But you must have your end goal and at least a few steps to start with. Examples of inspiration: "My organic body care business helps hundreds of thousands of people treat their skin with products that are 100$% beneficial and is franchised in 10 countries." "As a spiritual financial planner, I help people create financial goals that are aligned with their spiritual values. Through my lectures and books, this approach reaches a million people over the next 5 years." As you've read this e-report and done the exercises, you've received inspiration and guidance from your spiritual inner being. Take a few moments to identify and record one of the inspirations you've received. Use the mastery exercise below to help you. You'll write down your inspiration and then identify three next steps.

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times If you keep your next steps simple, they won't create anxiety and you'll be able to accomplish them. As you accomplish steps, they will lead to others. As you build a track record of accomplishment you discover you can handle steps that would have seemed impossible earlier. As your confidence grows you close the time delays and move swiftly toward the life of your dreams.

Mastery exercise Secret #4: Action - create your personal economy Worksheet: My personal economy of success (copy this worksheet to use for all your inspirations) Inspiration # 1 - what is the most meaningful inspiration I've received lately.

My action steps - what steps can I take to act on this inspiration. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

When I will start and complete my action steps: Action date 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Start date Complete

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Secrets of Attracting Prosperity in Hard Times

Summary of the four secrets:

The seed of prosperity is within you Discern the dual nature of reality Choose your vibrational alignment with the new Action: create your personal economy

Pause for a moment as you complete this e-report and again rate your fears about the economy on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 = very little fear and 10= I am afraid all of the time. What's your score now? What has changed for you in reading this report?

Thank you for reading! To your happiness and success,

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Send comments on this report to -I'd love to hear from you! About the Author

Andrea Conway is the attraction marketing coach and mentor for solopreneurs and small business owners ready to make money from the business they LOVE. The secret is connecting with customers soul-to-soul, and Andrea's Soul Power Marketing approach to business teaches you how. Andrea brings entrepreneurs new insight into the process of self change, whether you're leaving a job, career or businessor taking the business you have to the next level.
Andrea Conway

Andreas advice is dedicated to helping you transcend fear, embrace the adventure and achieve real-world results. An avid student of Abraham-Hicks for more than 20 years, Andrea applied Law of Attraction in her own life to attract her soulmate (after two divorces), divide her personal and business time between homes in Phoenix and Denver (no more snow and ice!), and build two successful businesses so far. She's been self employed since 1992 and prior to that was a product marketing manager in a leading tech company based in Massachusetts.

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