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Building Your Emotional Grid for the Law of Attraction

The Emotional Grid is the most recent way that Abraham Hicks is describing the mechanics of the Law of Attraction, how the vibrational component of thoughts, beliefs and ideas accumulates and eventually manifests into physical reality. It is mostly synonymous with the Vibrational Escrow, the Vortex, and your Vibrational Reality. It is a way of visualizing how your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and attention gather together and structure themselves around you to create the experiences you manifest. (You can jump straight to the Real Life Law of Attraction interactive "build your emotional grid" tool, or keep reading on...) Imagine it like this: Do you remember the Rubiks Cube? It was a 9X9 collection of colored cubes, with one in the center that held them all together. Picture that kind of structure, but made completely out of energy, on a huge scale, with YOU in the center.

If you are the center cube, you have 6 cubes that are directly touching your cube, and then you have 12 that are indirectly touching at an angle, and 8 that are on the outside edges. If you imagine that the thoughts you are thinking and the subjects to which you are giving your attention, and the emotions you are experiencing are "filling in" each of the energetic cubes in the emotional grid around you, when they are all filled-in, that is what you draw more of toward you, and experience more of. How the Emotional Grid works: When you are thinking about something specific, and have an emotional reaction to it, that vibration, that energy, that thought or belief goes into one of the spaces "cubes" in your emotional grid -- it takes it's place in the energy field around you, and you start attracting more thoughts and ideas like it. The more similar thoughts, or memories, or ideas, words, actions, and reference material that you think of and put your attention on, the more and more of the cubes in your emotional grid get filled-in. When enough of the spaces in your emotional grid are filled-in with a similar energy, or vibrational tone, then you manifest those emotions and the experiences to suit them into your current reality.

If you are focusing on something that makes you mad, or upset, or worried, that energy and those thoughts are going into your emotional grid. Then, as you think of other things that are frustrating, scary, or make you feel pessimistic, those thoughts and ideas go into your grid. Then, when you talk to somebody else about it, or write a note about it, or take some action with that energy in mind, then you are really filling in the grid and the manifestation of similar ideas and experiences will really start popping. But the trick for a fun and satisfying experience with the Law of Attraction is to use the grid in a positive way, to magnify, enhance, and attract more of what you DO want instead of what you do not! How to deliberately work with the Emotional Grid: Step 1) Imagine something you desire in your life; an enriching love relationship, a fulfilling career, a nurturing home environment, vibrant health, an active social life, etc. Pick one thing to start with. Step 2) Now list 6 positive emotions that you expect to and desire to experience when you have that thing. For example, if I was reaching for something new and exciting in my career, the 6 most important emotions that I might want to feel with that experience might be: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Passion, loving what I do Enthusiasm, excitement, interest Satisfaction of contribution, feeling like I am doing something important Appreciated, rewarded, fulfilled, and compensated Connection, flow, ease - doing something that is natural for me and suits my talents Creativity, growth, expansion

Step 3) Starting with the first one of the list of six emotions you just listed above, think of three or more examples of experiencing that feeling, that emotion, from your memory or your imagination, from any area of your life or past. What does experiencing that emotion FEEL like to you? What memories do you have of feeling that way? What do you imagine it might FEEL like? What are some other types of experiences that might have that kind of feeling? For Instance, for #1 "Passion and loving what I do", I could spend a moment or two remembering these three examples from any area of my life or past:

1a) When I was redecorating my old house, I would get SO into it -- I loved thinking about the spaces, finding furniture, organizing solutions, paint colors, shopping for just the right thing. It consumed my attention, I dreamed about it, I loved expressing my creativity. I was passionate about the design, the colors, the fen shui, and my own aesthetic principles as I figured it all out and put the rooms together. 1b) I love, love, love floating in the pool on a warm afternoon on my inflatable chaise lounge. It is such a simple thing, but I just love it - I feel like I am floating on clouds in heaven, looking up at the sky, weightless and free. 1c) I positively adore going out to eat at fantastically yummy restaurants. I

love food. I love food. I love food. If I could eat at a different restaurant every day, I would be the happiest person in the world. Just remembering the delectableness of the chopped salad at Cowboy Ciao (yes, a salad!), or the risotto at Bossa Nova, or the katsu curry at Wagamama sends my heart soaring. I could go on, and on, and on, I love delicious food. A food website will probably have to be my next endeavor, because I love food so, so, so much.
If I were going to list some examples from my life, memory and imagination for#3 "Satisfaction of contribution, feeling like I am doing something important", I could spend a moment or two thinking about these experiences:

3a) Even though it was just a movie, I am very proud of my work on the movie Titanic. I knew that it would capture the world's imagination, because it captivated mine. I loved seeing the real images of her undersea resting place, and using my talent to bring the images of what she might have looked like to life. It was a land-mark piece of work, and I was honored to have contributed to it, to have been a small, but integral part of that team. 3b) I am not normally a political person (at all) but I am passionately involved in the campaign to re-elect President Obama. I feel so proud thinking about how much things have improved in the last three years, and how much better they will continue to get as we keep moving forward together as a country. I get tears in my eyes when I think about the courageous decisions the president has made, especially about healthcare, which benefit ALL people in this country (even those that do not know they are benefitting from it!) I am honored to be helping the country I love move forward and grow. I get so excited to share ideas with like-minded friends and supporters, and am happy to be a part of a movement which is so positive, hopeful and optimistic. I got to shake Michelle Obama's hand the other day, and I'm still thrilled. It gives me so much peace to know that the President has my best interests at heart, and the best interests of most of the people in my country - that makes me so happy. 3c) I love helping people by sharing my knowledge of the Law of Attraction on the Real Life Law of Attraction web site. Nothing makes me happier, or feel more proud than to receive a note, an e-mail, or a comment from someone telling me that my words have touched them, have inspired them, or have made the difference. I feel so connected to my readers, even though we have never met -- each one is my friend -- and there is no greater glory than helping a friend. I am truly honored, and humbled to be able to fill such an important place in the lives of such precious and special people as my readers.
These examples are not to say that I should make a career out of any of the things I used as example for the feeling of passion, nor did my examples even all come from my past (or imagined) working life - they were merely in order to conjure examples of the emotion, and what it felt like to feel that emotion, regardless of the context or situation. The point of this step is to spend at least 17 seconds imagining and feeling the desired emotion -- your memory and thoughts serve as the catalyst for you to get into the feeling of what experiencing that emotion is like. When you can maintain that emotional place for 17 seconds, and do it three times as you feel around in each memory, your are building a strong and attractive emotional grid.

Step 4) Now repeat the process of finding three examples for each of the six emotions you identified in step two. The more time you spend imagining these positive emotions and feelings, the more the Law of Attraction can fill-in your emotional grid with positive experiences and the more fun you will be having more of the time! Filling in the Grid If you want to be really thorough, you can list out the other 20 emotions, memories or positive reference ideas that you want to be included in your emotional grid on that topic, but you do not have to... You do not have to worry about filling in any of the other spaces (cubes) in your emotional grid, the Law of Attraction will do that for you. If you focus on just the six most important spaces (the ones "closest" to you emotionally), or even just one, the grid will fill itself in around you. I have a question I like to ask myself every time I catch myself thinking about, talking about, or taking action on something that has negative emotions around it:

"Is this something I want in my grid?"

Since the answer is always NO (when the emotional component of what I had been focusing on was not uplifting, joyful or happy) then I can deliberately stop my thought on that topic, and shift my attention onto something I DO want in my emotional grid. I find that simply asking myself "Is this something I want in my grid?" is enough to get me to STOP thinking about an aggravating topic and put my attention onto something more optimistic. The effect of the Emotional Grid When you deliberately spend time imagining the good feeling thoughts, feelings and memories around a certain emotion that you would like to associate with your desires, very quickly you will be experiencing more of that emotion. When you experience more of a positive emotion more of the time, then you will start to attract experiences that "fit" with that positive emotion. As you have more and more similar experiences, all of which "fit" with that positive emotion, you will attract more and more to feel that way about, and more ideas and inspiration, which will lead to opportunities and more experiences to be happier and happier about. You CAN do this! It just takes a little bit of practicing and being deliberate about your grid! The power is within you right now! Try the Real Life Law of Attraction interactive "build a grid" tool now.

The "Build Your Grid" Interactive Tool: How to Manifest Your Desires
This page, and the form below, is a tool to build your grid and then send it to the Universe. This tool will send you a copy of what you write via e-mail, so you can print it, and keep a copy to add to a notebook and refer to again and again. If you have been to, or heard any of the Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction workshops recently, you have been hearing a lot about the Emotional Grid. The grid is the most recent language that Abraham has been using to describe how the Law of Attraction and the Vortex accumulate the bits of your thoughts and emotions around you to manifest your experiences. The necessary first step to manifesting ANYTHING into your reality, is to conjure the emotion of it first -- the emotional grid is a a way to comprehend and understand how that works, and a more concrete process for doing it. For more explanation about the emotional grid before using the tool, see "The Grid" page, or to jump straight to the build your grid tool, click here. For detailed instructions on using the build your grid tool, read on...

How to Build Your Grid: Use the tool below to build your emotional grid by filling in the blanks with words describing imagery and memories that have as much emotion as possible. Imagine something you desire in your life; an enriching love relationship, a fulfilling career, a nurturing home environment, vibrant health, an active social life, etc. Pick one thing to start with. Do a separate grid for each area of your life that you want to amplify and/or manifest something new in. Many different grids will have overlapping emotions, and that is normal, but honor each separate life desire by giving it it's own grid. Start by imagining yourself having the experience you desire, thinking about what it will feel like after you manifest it, and the kinds of emotions you will most enjoy while having that experience. Briefly describe that in the first large block for text. Then identify the six most important (most desired) positive emotions that you are looking forward to experiencing AFTER you have your manifestation, and list them in the text boxes for the desired emotions. For each emotion, describe three examples from any OTHER part of your life, past memory, (or imagination) of experiencing that emotion. The more you can write for each example, the more vividly you can describe feeling the emotions of the example, the better for you -- because simply by conjuring that emotion into your mind, you are simultaneously manifesting experiences to go with it! You can write as much as like, you are not limited by the size of the text box -the more the better! And, as long as this window is open you can continue to write in the form, there is no time-out feature.

The beauty of the grid concept is, that the more you find ways to FEEL the emotions that you have listed in the grid tool, regardless of the circumstances, or what kind of situation inspires the emotion, the faster your manifestations will follow. The key is finding ways to experience and FEEL those emotions, as often as possible -- that is what attracts your desires! (...And it feels really good too!) After you have completed the grid tool, you can print the page. Or, when you submit your emotional grid to the Universe, the system will send a copy of it to your e-mail address (so please make sure it is accurate before you submit) where you can keep it, print it, and refer to it as often as you like. (*NOTE: Your e-mail address will never be used for any other purpose.)

Build Your Own Emotional Grid Tool

First Name* E-mail Address* Grid for life desire What is it that you DO want in that area of your life?

Desired Emotion #1 Desired Emotion #2 Desired Emotion #3 Desired Emotion #4 Desired Emotion #5 Desired Emotion #6 DESCRIBE 3 examples from life, your past, or your imagination of FEELING "Emotion #1"

DESCRIBE 3 examples from life, your past, or your imagination of FEELING "Emotion #2"

DESCRIBE 3 examples from life, your past, or your imagination of FEELING "Emotion #3"

DESCRIBE 3 examples from life, your past, or your imagination of FEELING "Emotion #4"

DESCRIBE 3 examples from life, your past, or your imagination of FEELING "Emotion #5"

DESCRIBE 3 examples from life, your past, or your imagination of FEELING "Emotion #6"

What can you do TODAY to FEEL one of those emotions? Is the above E-mail Address correct?* Yes

"Nothing is More Important than That I Feel Good!"

Good is good. Sometimes people forget that good is good. To feel good is good, feeling good about something is good, and feeling good because of something is good... Many people think of "feeling good" as just an emotion, or a state of being, but it is also a message in itself. When you are feeling good, you are automatically attracting all the good things you want (and have ever wanted) to you. ...Feeling good is your message from your own Internal Guidance System (Emotional Guidance/Inner Being) telling you that you are on the right track. ...It feels like it just feels good, or that you are just happy, but it is actually a message TO you - not just a feeling! Feeling bad = you are going the wrong direction and thinking thoughts that are incorrect for you and what you want Feeling Good = you are on the right track, going the right direction, thinking thoughts that ARE in alignment with how the Universe & Source Energy see you and want to tell how to proceed To declare for yourself that nothing is more important than feeling good, is to make a habit of noticing EVERY time you feel bad, and stop, breathe, decide what you DO want/why you want it, and start to imagine how nice it would be if it worked out the way you DO want it to. ...To change whatever it was you had been thinking about (overall) when you first noticed yourself feeling bad! Deciding that there is nothing more important than feeling good is a commitment to always do your best to keep your attention, feelings, thoughts and attitude pointed toward what you DO want, what IS going well and what feels good when you think about it happening - that is that way to be attracting it! You attract what you ARE - when you are "making the best of it" and looking for reasons / ways to feel content DESPITE whatever may be going on in your life right now, you ARE allowing! ...And allowing - becoming an energetic match to what you would like to attract is the ONLY way to manifest anything! To TRY to feel happy or content is the fastest way to match the energy of that which you want - that is HOW you ALLOW it into being! So, go out there and FEEL BETTER today! ...Look for reasons to FEEL APPRECIATIVE! ...Try to find things to FEEL PLEASED about, and more GOOD will find you! Look for the good things in your life Try to find reasons to feel at peace, contented, and good

List the positive aspects of situations and people around you Think of ANY ways in which your life is just right right now Search for examples of good news Watch happy shows, focus on comedy, and read uplifting material Collect stories and memories of the good things that have happened in the past and are happening still, all around you Ask the Universe to give you experiences to feel really happy about (...And, best of all, when you are FEELING GOOD, the particular good that you like BEST of all is the GOOD you are attracting more of!

How "vital" it is to feel good is a reference you have no doubt heard if you have listened to any of the Abraham-Hicks recordings or been to any of their events. But, even if you have not, it is an excellent quote to commit to memory and say often! In terms of the Law of Attraction, there is NOTHING that is more important than FEELING GOOD!!! In a nutshell, there are 4 reasons for this: 1. The deeper longing underneath almost every goal, wish, dream, desire or wanting is usually happiness, joy, fulfillment, satisfaction, wellness, peace - to feel better than you did before - to FEEL GOOD! What you think about expands... When you feel happy, content or peaceful you are simultaneously attracting more of what your inner self (true self, higher wisdom, heart of hearts) wants for yourself! Even if feeling good is not "because" you are making progress on whichever goal is foremost in your mind - just feeling good is making ALL of YOUR wishes and desires manifest more quickly for you! This is a part of the Law of Allowing - when you FEEL GOOD you are ALLOWING your desires to manifest FOR you!



Even if you do not know why you may not be feeling that hot, or don't know how to feel good in that moment, simply stating the desire "I want to feel good! Nothing is more important than that I feel good!" will begin to bring your attention to that which can make you feel better and better, and begin to raise your vibration. Feeling good JUST FEELS GOOD!!!


Now that may sound flippant, but it is actually very true the shortcut to attracting more of what makes you happy is to look for reasons to feel happy now! It is the essence of the Law of Allowing make yourself a vibratory match to that which you are seeking.

FEEL GOOD and prosper!

Law of Attraction Q & A: Why Do Negative People Surround Me?

Question: I seem to attract a lot of negative people into my life -- I have the understanding that situations that do arise are of our own creation (since everything is our creation), correct? But, we have created those situations to do what? To show us areas of resistance (?) within ourselves? Does that mean we are projecting these things, e.g. if we are surrounded by negative people, does that mean we are primarily negative? Again for example: for some unknown reason I am surrounded by fairly negative people, although most people would say that I am extremely positive. And when I'm speaking with them, I always try to find the next best thought for them, or something positive for them to concentrate on. But does this mean that somewhere in the deepest darkest recesses of my Id [refers to: Id/Ego/Superego - a Jungian psychological construct for the deep Inner Self], I am harbouring dark and dreary thoughts? Answer: I can really relate to your question - thank you for asking it! I myself have often wondered what it means when I seem to have a pattern of attraction (that I don't much like) going on, and wonder HOW (or why) I am attracting it! Though what you attract can indicate thoughts and beliefs which are buried in the recesses of your soul, there is a much simpler way to work with, learn from, and expand through what you are experiencing than digging up all that old stuff. It involves noticing what you are attracting, and then adjusting and fine-tuning your ideas and feelings ABOUT the subject to reflect more of what you DO want to experience (and why) rather than frustration with its' opposite... We are attracting everything we experience through the Law of Attraction, but it is not "designed" by some higher power to "show" or teach us anything... It is a much more simple cause and effect relationship. If you are focused on the overall attract others who are examples you will attract people who want want to be that way, who DON'T and who are bad examples... subject of being positive (or negative), you will of it (either in the positive OR the negative) to talk about it, want advice about it, who DO want to be that way, who are good examples

...Because BEING positive/negative is the overall subject matter of the idea you are thinking about! When you notice a pattern in yourself by what you are attracting, like attracting negative people, it is almost NEVER so direct as to mean that you, yourself, are a negative person. (...Or, if that was the reason, you most likely wouldn't notice at all, because the other people wouldn't seem negative in comparison, they would seem normal!) What we attract is based on what kind of energy we are putting out, and what ABOUT the kind of subjects our attention is focused on - not which version of the

subject (positive or negative). The version of the subject is dictated by how you FEEL about the subject! Therefore, if you are very focused on one extreme end of the "positive-negative" spectrum (being positive yourself), chances are very good that you will attract a lot of people who are the polar opposite of that, because: If "being positive" is an important virtue, then the chances are that its' opposite ("being negative") feels like a vice, and carries the energy of something to be avoided... (Resistance) Resistance / Trying to avoid something (anything) is a very powerful ATTRACTOR... In this case, avoiding both "being negative" oneself, and trying to avoid other people who tend to be negative, will have the effect of attracting those exact tendencies from others Or, when you do have an abundance of a quality, you will also attract people who need/want more of that quality - like moths to a flame - they will sniff you out energetically and flock to you, because you are a generally positive person and you DO help them to feel better! Then the cycle perpetuates itself and continues, because you are thinking ABOUT someone who is feeling negative, you want to do something to fix that, you give attention to that subject and the person feeling that way, then you attract more of that...

The overall net effect is that a "positive person" can attract a lot of negative people because: Being positive is good = attract people who are breaking that "rule" = attract negative people You DO want to attract positive people because you enjoy feeling upbeat and optimistic = attract positive people You DO want to attract positive people because you aren't crazy about negative people = attract negative people You don't want to attract negative people = you always attract what you don't want = attract negative people You are a positive person = you attract people who want to feel less negative = attract negative people You attracted a negative friend = you get more of whatever you are "feeling" ABOUT currently = attract negative people

Whew! Quite the quandary - it can be all-out depressing - especially for a positive person like you or me! But there is hope!! ...and it's actually an easy fix!!

Find the positive aspects of whomever (or whatever) you are attracting, and focus your attention on THAT instead! ...You don't have to share it with the person, just mentally focus your mind to think about what IS good about the person, their dreams, who they are inside, what they want, what they long for, what their tender sweet parts are, how they can be lovable - anything that you can think of that IS positive about them! List THOSE qualities in your mind every time you think of them or interact with them, and before you know it, they will either move any remnants of their negativity right on along to someone else, or they may even surprise you by suddenly feeling more optimistic themselves! And, in general, make it a practice to not only focus on what you DO want to attract and experience, but also get in the habit of asking/verifying for yourself WHY you want that - and make sure it is for positive and uplifting reasons! It is MUCH easier to attract something you DO want because you like how it makes you feel, or because it makes you feel good, as opposed to trying to attract something because you do not like it's opposite. As we saw in the example above - it is both trying to go around the hard way, and it often backfires! ...I hope this answers your question!!!

No Love Lost... What To Do When Annoying People Get You Down

So what ARE you supposed to do when there is no love lost between you and that person Im trying to tell you to think of positive aspects about? Or when a few annoying people in your vicinity are just too darned irritating to think of anything positive about?! When there is bad blood, scorn, blaming, resentment, a grudge, or if they are just plain old hard to love? I have certainly crossed paths with plenty of difficult people who got on my nerves, so I know how challenging it can be to try to turn that feeling on its ear to focus on good things about them especially when there is no love lost between you! And, even if you can come up with something positive, its going to be pretty shallow, and it doesnt seem to do anything to make you feel better The problem is that holding a grudge, and carrying around resentment or blame only really hurts you! ...Its like holding poison in your own mouth with the intent to spit it at the object of your scorn, but then never running into them while the poison slowly seeps into YOUR system!

Also, while you are focused on the animosity (holding on to the "no love lost" poison) you are NOT focused on the kinds of things that will increase your ability to attract all the GOOD things you want for YOUR life! Your feelings are perfectly legitimate, but the Law of Attraction is also continuously magnetizing more and more and more of whatever kind of experiences you are holding in your attention most of the time. ...If you are focused on scorn, the "no love lost" sentiment, or the bad blood that has passed, you are poisoning your own manifestations. Law of Attraction will elicit experiences and feelings that are in harmony with the feeling you have most of the time throughout the day It may seem unfair, but that is how it works. The only thing to do is to try to find a way to clean it up in YOUR mind not for them, but for YOU! A good friend of mine (and fellow Law of Attraction coach), Theresa Tetley, recently shared this idea she came up with for what to do when someone is just too annoying to think of positive aspects about (at least for the moment!) Instead of trying to come up with good qualities about the other person, she makes a list of what that person might be able to use in order to become happy! ...Its a great idea when you think about it, people who are irritating, are usually in a great deal of pain themselves. They are most likely totally stressed out, under a lot of pressure, and extremely unfulfilled or unhappy that is why they arent so pleasant to be around. (...And that is WHY there is no love lost on them!) On the other hand, genuinely happy people tend to be more naturally pleasant and easy to be around (when you can find them!) If you could think in terms of what kinds of things, situations, gifts, qualities or experiences could transform someone who is "hard to love" into someone who is happier, you can START to imagine what they MIGHT be like if they weren't having such a tough time right now... Give it a try; write a list of at least 10 things that might make them truly happy: What kind of job or career might be truly fulfilling for them? Are they in a happy relationship? Would they secretly (or not so secretly) like to be? What kind of relationship would make them feel loved? How about health, body, physique and general happiness with themselves? What do you know they WISHED they looked like or felt like? Do they need money? Is life hard right now? What would turn that around for them? What kind of clothes would they love to be wearing? What kind of car would they dream of driving? What kind of activities do they wish they were

doing? What kind of luxuries might they dream of being able to afford or do guilt-free? Do they crave freedom, travel or adventure? What kind? How often? What about family or children are things good in that area? What kind of dreams do they harbor in that regard? What would make them happy? What do they wish / dream they could be? This is NOT something you should share with them, they most likely wont take it well its one thing to want good things for someone, but if they were to know its because you think they are being a jerk without it, they wont see it as a compliment... (And, believe it or not, they probably do not feel the same "no love lost" feeling that you do anyway! Really.) This is ESPECIALLY true if the person in question is actually a good friend, someone very close to you, or someone you interact with everyday. Everyone can grate on our nerves once in a while. And, sometimes, the consequences are even worse for you in those cases, because you can also tend to feel a level of guilt for not being able to see that person in a good light even MORE reason to clean it up! Cleaning up the "no love lost" energy and neutralizing it has WAY more benefits for you than it does for them the ONLY real point of this exercise is to get YOUR mind thinking in a new direction... When you do, you can expect these benefits: When you take time to imagine and visualize good things happening for anyone, it is as good as if you were imagining it for yourself even better actually! Because when you are vividly imagining it for someone else, YOU are still the one imagining it (where the power is) but without the resistance of simultaneously reminding yourself that it is not real for you yet, because its not supposed to be! As your feelings start to ease up about the other person, you will be more able to feel at peace inside your own heart when you hear their name, think of them, or even when you are interacting with them again. When YOU feel a sense of peace and contentment in your heart, THAT is when the Law of Attraction is magnetizing the good things YOU desire. The only reason most of us ever really want anything is because we hope that it will make us feel good, or at least feel better. When we start thinking in terms of what kind of things will make someone else feel better, YOU are attracting things that will make YOU feel better. When you are thinking about and attracting that which will make you feel better, the natural result is that YOU feel good! Relationships are complicated in the real world the more ways we can find to see others with kind eyes and a peaceful heart, the more in alignment we are with Source Energy. Source Energy is pure love, and it is aligning

ourselves with that vibration that attracts all the good we desire THAT is why we try to find positive aspects! Finding the positive aspects of people and life around us is the single best Law of Attraction and manifestation tool there is especially when there had been that no love lost feeling prior the bigger the obstacle the bigger the reward when it is overcome! Go find those positive aspects and YOU are the one who will feel good for it!

Angry Rants, done privately, are Great! ...So, LET IT OUT!

Angry Rants can be one of the most powerful tools in your how to Law of Attraction tool chest In the Law of Attraction context, the only REAL problem that most of us have is resistance and suppressed feelings of anger. But most of us, myself included, often try to suppress feelings of frustration, anger, or a bad mood hoping that if we can just ignore it long enough, it will go away, it will get better, or well at least get through the day. Occasionally we are successful, but rarely (if ever) will that technique EVER lead to bobbing back up to the truly natural state of contentment, peace, joy and love that life is supposed to feel like! The unfortunate truth is that we have to PURGE all those negative feelings out of us keeping them in is like drinking poison it is toxic to the natural state of well-being. In my opinion, prolonged anger, grief, frustration, stress, sadness, feelings of victimization, anxiety, powerlessness, insecurity and worry is what is at the HEART of all sickness, disease, and the negative experiences that we attract. We HAVE to learn how to get those feelings out to make room for, and allow, the good to start to flow in! Now Im no doctor, not a psychiatrist, not a psychotherapist, not even an aficionado of psychological conditions But I do know the dull ache of a halflived life, because something or someone hurt us, scared us, angered us, abused us, took advantage of us, was mean to us, OR, a whole collection of hurts have built up over time and we havent done anything about it. It sucks. When you are feeling uneasy, apprehensive, angry, fearful, guilty, frustrated, obsessed, anxious, sorry, uncomfortable, victimized, resentful or ANY other negative feeling, it is absolutely, positively NECESSARY for YOU to get those feelings OUT! Out of your head, off your heart and out of your thoughts! The best way I have ever found to do this is to write Angry Rants to the Universe! You can write your own (anonymously), and SEND IT DIRECTLY TO THE UNIVERSE, using the tool below! Its the only thing that has ever really helped me when Im really pissed off. It is a tool to get your feelings OUT get them OUT so that they arent poisoning

YOU anymore!

Write an Anonymous Rant to the Universe!

Subject Get your feelings OUT - rant, rage, scream, vent - let it ALL out:

Please enter the word that you see below.

Send to the Universe

Anger and frustration are what causes and attracts disease and unhappiness you are the only one who can get the anger OUT, and its not as hard as you think it is! Its just writing. Good Angry Rants can be A LOT of writing, but its just writing, and its the only way to get it out of YOU, where it cant hurt you anymore, and allow your mind the space and peace to receive the good feelings and thoughts you deserve!

...The bad feelings, anger and hurt MUST be removed to make way for that which you dream of! The problem is that you cannot release feelings by talking yourself out of them -pretending they arent there, trying to take the high road (taking the fake high road as a friend of mine says), suppressing them, ignoring them, hoping theyll go away, or just distracting yourself to think about something different. The ONLY way I know of to remove them is by writing them out ranting, venting, and releasing them in Angry Rants to the Universe. The really great thing about this tool for writing Angry Rants to the Universe is that once you get it out of you, you will not have the opportunity to re-read it. You will be releasing it to the Universe, where it will be transformed for you, on your behalf, for your benefit. Once you have written all the poison out of you, you do NOT want to put it back in by reading what you had written, so, DO NOT REREAD it again!!!

The primary reason that privately ranting is GOOD to do, is that ALL THAT MUCK all those thoughts, feelings, imaginings, mental re-hashings, and what-if scenarios that play over and over and over in your mind are causing YOU harm, and, are doing nothing more than attracting more of that same situation (and others like it) vibrationally to you. The Law of Attraction brings you experiences that are in harmony with what is MOST on your mind. When, you are really pissed off about something, it tends to be REALLY sticky, hanging around in your thoughts over and over, and it has a LOT of emotional energy attached to it this is VERY attractive!! If you want to feel good, you MUST clear your head of ALL the emotion about the frustrating person or situation completely, before you can think straight about it, before you can be open to receiving any clear, positive, or accurate intuition about it, and BEFORE you can move forward from the situation in a way that is accordance with YOUR dreams and intentions! Before the Universal Law of Attraction can even begin to bring you what you DO WANT! Writing your own private Angry Rants (that you **ONLY** send to the Universe) does this clearing function beautifully! In it, you will GO TO TOWN with ALL your feelings - rant, rave, rage, scream, vent, curse, yell, cry and get ALL your feelings OUT! Write out everything you have EVER wished you could say, and everything you would never say - write your feelings, write how hurt, angry, fearful, resentful, disappointed, angry, frustrated, or even wishful you are toward the person or situation the point is to get ALL your feelings OUT OF YOU!! Write as much as you possibly can, and when you feel done, write some more. Send in two sessions if you have to but write until you cannot possibly write

any more! You may find that your angry rants also contain unrequited feelings, or even love, caring, and tenderness thats okay keep going! When you are done, you are going to be sending it to the Universe, to release it back into the Universal Source Energy, both where it belongs and where it can be transformed. This is a real world tool that YOU can use right now, without paying anybody else to help you, to feel good and rid yourself of what has been holding YOU back! Just pick a thread and pull, and watch the thick wool sweater of suppressed feelings unravel. Start with the thing that currently angers you the most, and write your angry rants

Developing a Positive Attitude is About FOCUS ...LoA Does the Rest!

What are you focusing on? No, REALLY, what are you focusing on??! Before we set about developing a positive attitude, try this little exercise:

Think of a couple of areas in your life in which you have goals and/or ideally you wish some improvements were made... Perhaps your job, the state of your home (I mean its organizational appearance as opposed to the area of the country you live in but either, if a problem, will do), maybe how much fun & recreation you are getting these days, your health, your social life/personal relationships, love, money, money, money, finances, money...
Now, for each one of those areas that youd like to improve a bit, what is the FIRST thought/image that pops to mind when you think of it? ...Be REALLY honest with yourself here it IS a matter of life and death to your true desires! ...WHY does that aspect of life need improving? If you are like most people, myself included, the chances are that the VERY FIRST image that comes to mind when you think of those areas (on the subjects that need some improvement) is what is WRONG with them, or, what you DO NOT have! When I think of my house, the FIRST thought that comes to mind is that it is a mess... When I think of money, my brain instantly races to the bills that need to be paid... When I think of my body/health, I can just feel the little roll over the top of my jeans and my sore back... ...And I am not alone! I have many a friend, who, when asked about his or her love life, will almost instantaneously reply that "there isnt one" before I have even finished asking the question!

THAT is what you are focusing on! (...And, THAT is what you are creating more of!)
Developing a positive attitude requires us to shift the focus AWAY from that kind of thinking! The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, and that what we think about expands. If you have seen The Secret, you have heard the expression that "where attention goes, energy flows". Well, those pictures, images and feelings that flash across your mind when you think of a subject ARE where YOUR ATTENTION is going! ...THAT is what you are focusing on, and, consequently, it is what you are getting more of in your life even if it is what you DON'T want or DON'T like. Bummer. The antidote, and the way to start developing a positive attitude about yourself, your life, and what you DO have, is to start to form pictures in your mind of what you DO WANT in the life areas that aren't perfect yet... (Emphasis on the word "YET"!) EVERY time you catch yourself snapping to the depression inducing woes of what is wrong, say to yourself and fill-in an ANSWER for this statement:

That is not my reality! ...My reality is __________

And then form a vision of what it might look like if it already WAS they way you DO WANT it to be! Envision what your house would look like if it were neat and organized... Picture your accounts payable box as empty and a lovely sum on your bank statement... Imagine what it would feel like for your clothes to be loose, and to be totally healthy... Compose an vignette in your mind of being with that special someone and filled with joy... As you start to attract new desired experiences (because your attention has shifted and the Law of Attraction MUST follow) developing a positive attitude can come more easily, because you have new evidence that supports you! To strengthen it even more, seek out inspirational stories that support how you DO want your new reality to be, look for it everywhere you, find MORE evidence! When you see someone else experiencing what you desire for yourself, mentally (or out loud) say: "That's for me!" Do anything and everything you can to always bring your focus back around to what you DO WANT to be experiencing and imagining it as ALREADY SO NOW! Developing a positive attitude is as simple as creating a new habit of deliberately shifting your attention onto declaring what you DO WANT and taking a moment to picture it as if it were actually your reality now! ...THAT is then energy that the Law of Attraction will pick up on, bring you more of, and start to manifest for you!

I know, I know, its easier said than done, I know! But it only takes practice, and it has GOT to be better than spending the kind of time I have been spending picturing (focusing on) exactly what I dont want and expecting the opposite of that to suddenly just appear! ...I'll let you know when my house is clean.

Law of Attraction Q & A: What is the Art of Allowing?

Question: My questions are about the Art of Allowing. I have only read the Abe book [The Teachings of Abraham; Esther Hicks / Abraham-Hicks] about Allowing once, but I'm not sure that I have 'got it'... So here goes: When Abe is talking about 'allowing', (I understand that they are primarily talking about allowing what we want to create to come to us,) but aren't they also talking about allowing other people to get on with their lives as they want? Answer: Yes, you are absolutely right. In terms of the Law of Attraction and the Art of Allowing, it means to 'make peace' with ALL things AS THEY ARE - including what other people are doing. To gain some insight, we can look at the definition of the word ALLOW:

allow (verb) 1. To give permission for something to happen or somebody to do something, or take no action or make no rule to prevent it 2. 3. To let somebody or something enter or be present in a place To let somebody or yourself have something, often a benefit or pleasure of some kind

(Source: Encarta World English Dictionary 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.)

When used in the context of how to use the Universal Law of Attraction, the word 'ALLOWING' indicates biggest possible sense of the word, meaning an overall state of allowing (letting) EVERYTHING to be 'OK WITH YOU exactly as it is... Allowing yourself to be happy with yourself even if you are 20 pounds heavier than you wish Allowing your neighbors to be noisy without getting upset about it, because you can choose to practice focusing on something else Allowing other drivers on the road to behave as they do, affirming for yourself that you are safe, and that you remain in pristine condition wherever you go Allowing economic problems around the world to rage-on around the world and consciously decide for yourself that it is not your problem to fix (even if you could)

Allowing yourself to love your kids, your spouse, your friends, your family even if they don't do what you want/think they should Allowing yourself to see beauty and find small pockets of comfort, even if there is pain around you Allowing other people to make their own choices (and live out the consequential experience of those choices) for themselves, knowing that your guidance is for you and only they can create for them In other words, doing whatever you can to let life, other people, and all situations to be as they are - no matter how challenging that may be to do sometimes! ...That is the Art of Allowing! In my experience, this does take work, and practice, because it is very hard to not have strong feelings for, and about, the people and any situations that we care about. For instance, when I see the news about the fires in Australia, or plane crashes, or natural disasters occurring around the world, or even the struggling economy, and think about the people (and animals) affected by them, my heart nearly breaks. But then I remind myself:


It is not something I can change or control The situation is not affecting me, my family, or my life personallyexcept for my choice to focus on it As much as I may want to be sometimes, I am not the world-police - and it is NOT my job to fix those problems (or any, really) The only valuable thing I CAN do is to send love and light, and pray for the highest GOOD for ALL concerned!




The full circle of life is FAR greater than I can understand, and if I let myself get caught up in what might be considered very sad for the people who ARE experiencing it, the only vibration I am sending out is "sad"... Then, through the magnifying lens of Law of Attraction, I start to mess up my own vibration AND what I am trying to attract for myself! Most of us, myself included, have a really bad habit of getting our noses into what is really none our business - at least as far as the Law of Attraction is concerned! It can be very difficult NOT to do, especially when the other person in question is someone very close and/or whose experience will have direct consequences on our own interaction with them; that we may feel. The antidote though, tough as it may often be, is to see/imagine/mentally experience that person as happy, whole, healthy and complete, and imagine them living the life of their own dreams. If you can believe that FOR them - you are doing FAR more to support them than words or actions EVER could! ...And doing wonders for your OWN vibration as well! ...The trick will be to NOT discuss it with them - not to try to convince them of what you can see for them, not try to influence their behavior to make it happen, not even to share the warm-fuzzies you feel when you are thinking about your Utopian vision (even if it is about someone else)!

Because, unfortunately, other people will inadvertently snap you right out of it. ...It will have to be your little secret, because trying to explain it to someone else takes the magic of what is WAY beyond words right out of the vision! The best you can do is to imagine all other people and situations as you'd like them to be, as YOU think THEY would like to be, and know that it is in the process of being created. All is well. Everything is ALWAYS working out for the BEST for everyone - in the long term at least! ...KNOWING that ALL IS WELL is truly what it is to be practicing the Art of Allowing!

Block about how to manifest anything in new career

by Nicole (California) Question: Although I have had great success and happiness with LOA (the Law of Attraction), I tend to slip from time to time, almost forgetting everything I know to be true. Then I find myself starting over learning the simple lessons of peace and harmony over and over again. Why can't I remember the basics? It's very emotional and I feel exhausted, but I do love learning things I may have missed before. I am so willing to go further but I go only so far then I go blank, as if my memories of the "how to" never existed. I have a huge block right now about a new career, for reasons I have no idea, but I know there is something wonderful just outside the door and for some reason I can't open the door. I know it's fear but of what I don't know. I can't pin point it! And for that my dreams of helping others are blocked. How can I get past this, where do I start searching for answers? Real Life LoA Answer: This is a NEW answer to your original question, when you first wrote I was in a place in my own life where all I could share was what I was doing to shift my own energy. A number of people still refer to this Q&A looking for the 30-day Law of Attraction Rx Plan (FREE pdf), which can be downloaded until I post a full set of detailed pages on that plan. Now, THIS answer will focus specifically on Law of Attraction principles in the workplace and blocked career dreams. First of all, it's impossible to stay up, on, in the flow, in the vortex, or "doing it right" all the time. That is against human nature, and is not even preferable. Even Esther Hicks, of Abraham-Hicks fame, who can access Abraham Law of Attraction wisdom and guidance 24/7 cannot stay in alignment all of the time, and she often has blocks too--just like all the rest of us! So, the first step is to go easy on yourself. You are perfect, you are magnificent, you are right where you need to be, and it's all going to work out beautifully. Really, it will. But, with regard to feeling blocked by something, there may be 4 things going on:

A) Pushing too hard and working against "what is" right now, or trying to MAKE your dreams happen, rather than trusting the perfect timing of the Universe. "How To" is not your job; it is the ONE part of the process that you

do NOT have to do! B) Not accepting and appreciating your current reality AS IT IS now (then, instead of magnifying the good, the Law of Attraction magnifies the hardships.) You have to build UP from what already exists in order to attract something more. C) A career dream (and/or dedication to a current job) that doesn't provide enough growth or expansion for you, that is too safe, or that doesn't deeply activate your sense of passion. D) Letting the "shoulds" or the idea of what would be a noble pursuit outweigh the value of what is really going to give you your highest excitement.
The first point, (A), is both the easiest, and in some ways, the hardest one to master. It is challenging for us, in our action-oriented society to not want to help push things along, make it work, or mentally design every last detail of our desires. Also, society is constantly asking: "How are you going to do that?" or "How is that going to happen?" Ignore it. In the Law of Attraction, "HOW" is not your job. "HOW" is none of your business -- "HOW" is the Universe's job. That goes for the dream itself, as well as how to do it on a day-to-day basis. It is actually even normal to forget the basics of the Law of Attraction, because there is nothing that you have to do, or be, or know, or remember--you are always in the right place. The best thing you can ever do is to "let go of the oars" and relax into doing something fun, peaceful, interesting, or exciting for you and just allow the rest of it to work itself out. Things that aren't working out right will naturally start to fade away when you give them less and less of your attention, and deliberately focus only on what you want MORE of. Which brings me to point (B)... There is a common misconception in both the Law of Attraction and in society that tells us we have to fix what is broken, but that is not true. Attention to what isn't working simply creates and attracts more experiences and situations that don't work. But, it is also human nature to some degree to allow our attention to wander over to, and focus on whatever it is we do not like. So, it requires a great deal of practice, at first, to love and appreciate what IS working now, DESPITE the challenges around you. One of the MOST effective Law of Attraction tools is appreciation for your life/environment AS IT IS RIGHT NOW. It is imperative to learn to focus your attention onto what IS good now, and the positive aspects of every situation you are in: * Write down 25 things you like about where you are and the things around you, right this minute * Only give your attention to something if you want MORE of it * Make a list of what IS working well in your life, or is pretty good, or that doesn't need major changes. Then pick one to put even more energy and attention into * Choose someone who is "easy for you to love" and spend two minutes imagining them happy, laughing, and joyful (C) Your dreams should be bigger than you have ANY IDEA of how to achieve. As you think about reaching your dreams and goals, it should seem like a tiny bit more than you can handle--only then will it be something that is big enough for you. If you feel like you can handle it easily right now, you've already outgrown it, and there is no room to be challenged or expand. Your Inner Being ALWAYS

wants to be growing, learning, and having new exciting experiences. But, that can also feel quite scary, so many tend to shy away from the dreams that feel too big, too far, too hard, or unreachable. A few nights before I moved from a tiny cottage I'd lived in for 13 years, to go to a much bigger house in a new city, I was filled with doubts. Even though I was bored, and I'd outgrown the tiny house, I was scared, worried, and afraid of leaving everything that had become familiar, and that I DID still love about it. But then it hit me: "In order to live in the new large house, you have to be willing to leave the old, small house!" I had to consciously remind myself that to have a bigger LIFE, I had to FIRST be willing to leave the small one--you can't live in both at the same time! That is how life is: We MUST expand! The Universe is always expanding, and so are we. If you're not growing, you will experience friction, pain, and trauma when a big change finally explodes into your experience. ...In order to LIVE a bigger life, you have to be willing to leave a small one. Let your own passion help you stretch into more than you currently think you can be:

"When you sit down to do something at 7:00am, and then you get hungry so you go to get something to eat and you realize it is 7:00pm--that's your passion. That's what you love. Find something around that, that you can make your career. The idea of making money, the idea of fame, the idea of being powerful is meaningless--it's ONLY that you are happy, and you are only going to be happy doing what you love." ~George Lucas
Doing it because you love it is the key, and when you really love it, it's hard not to keep doing more and more of it! Which leads to point (D): Follow your highest excitement! Some of the best advice I've ever heard is in this video, about following your highest excitement (on another Real Life LoA page.) The idea is that when you let your heart lead you on ALL things, your heart will ALWAYS lead you the right way for you. When you have a choice about what to do, or what to take action on (even things like: get a cup of tea, make a phone call, or read a report) you should do the one that is most aligned with your highest excitement first. Then, let that energy lead you in making the next choice, etc. Your highest excitement is very closely aligned with your heart, your Inner Being, your intuition, and consequently, the Law of Attraction. So whatever seems like it will be the most fun for you, while not compromising other important values, will always be the most efficient path toward your big-picture goals and dreams (even if you cannot comprehend HOW it is going to happen at the outset.) WHY you want to do what you want to do (or have what you want to have) is the most important criteria for attracting it. And, it's tricky, because some goals can seem so pure, but they might actually have a low-energy motivation. 'Helping people' can be like that, because sometimes we want to help others when we think they need fixing, our that our own strength will help to lift them, or that they cannot do it on their own. But none of that is true in the eyes of the Inner Being--theirs or yours! But, when you are practicing your skills, honing your craft, sharing your services,

or using your talents because it is FUN for YOU to do, then you will not need to wait for any block to clear before you can get started doing it in some capacity, and your clients will naturally find you, when the time is right for everybody involved. Do what makes your heart sing JUST because you want to do it, and work toward it every day, even if only reading, researching, or practicing, and even if it is only for 10 minutes a day, but work toward it EVERY day. "You do not have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step!"

Block about how to manifest anything in new career

by Nicole (California) Question: Although I have had great success and happiness with LOA (the Law of Attraction), I tend to slip from time to time, almost forgetting everything I know to be true. Then I find myself starting over learning the simple lessons of peace and harmony over and over again. Why can't I remember the basics? It's very emotional and I feel exhausted, but I do love learning things I may have missed before. I am so willing to go further but I go only so far then I go blank, as if my memories of the "how to" never existed. I have a huge block right now about a new career, for reasons I have no idea, but I know there is something wonderful just outside the door and for some reason I can't open the door. I know it's fear but of what I don't know. I can't pin point it! And for that my dreams of helping others are blocked. How can I get past this, where do I start searching for answers? Real Life LoA Answer: This is a NEW answer to your original question, when you first wrote I was in a place in my own life where all I could share was what I was doing to shift my own energy. A number of people still refer to this Q&A looking for the 30-day Law of Attraction Rx Plan (FREE pdf), which can be downloaded until I post a full set of detailed pages on that plan. Now, THIS answer will focus specifically on Law of Attraction principles in the workplace and blocked career dreams. First of all, it's impossible to stay up, on, in the flow, in the vortex, or "doing it right" all the time. That is against human nature, and is not even preferable. Even Esther Hicks, of Abraham-Hicks fame, who can access Abraham Law of Attraction wisdom and guidance 24/7 cannot stay in alignment all of the time, and she often has blocks too--just like all the rest of us! So, the first step is to go easy on yourself. You are perfect, you are magnificent, you are right where you need to be, and it's all going to work out beautifully. Really, it will. But, with regard to feeling blocked by something, there may be 4 things going on:

A) Pushing too hard and working against "what is" right now, or trying to MAKE your dreams happen, rather than trusting the perfect timing of the Universe. "How To" is not your job; it is the ONE part of the process that you do NOT have to do! B) Not accepting and appreciating your current reality AS IT IS now (then, instead of magnifying the good, the Law of Attraction magnifies the

hardships.) You have to build UP from what already exists in order to attract something more. C) A career dream (and/or dedication to a current job) that doesn't provide enough growth or expansion for you, that is too safe, or that doesn't deeply activate your sense of passion. D) Letting the "shoulds" or the idea of what would be a noble pursuit outweigh the value of what is really going to give you your highest excitement.
The first point, (A), is both the easiest, and in some ways, the hardest one to master. It is challenging for us, in our action-oriented society to not want to help push things along, make it work, or mentally design every last detail of our desires. Also, society is constantly asking: "How are you going to do that?" or "How is that going to happen?" Ignore it. In the Law of Attraction, "HOW" is not your job. "HOW" is none of your business -- "HOW" is the Universe's job. That goes for the dream itself, as well as how to do it on a day-to-day basis. It is actually even normal to forget the basics of the Law of Attraction, because there is nothing that you have to do, or be, or know, or remember--you are always in the right place. The best thing you can ever do is to "let go of the oars" and relax into doing something fun, peaceful, interesting, or exciting for you and just allow the rest of it to work itself out. Things that aren't working out right will naturally start to fade away when you give them less and less of your attention, and deliberately focus only on what you want MORE of. Which brings me to point (B)... There is a common misconception in both the Law of Attraction and in society that tells us we have to fix what is broken, but that is not true. Attention to what isn't working simply creates and attracts more experiences and situations that don't work. But, it is also human nature to some degree to allow our attention to wander over to, and focus on whatever it is we do not like. So, it requires a great deal of practice, at first, to love and appreciate what IS working now, DESPITE the challenges around you. One of the MOST effective Law of Attraction tools is appreciation for your life/environment AS IT IS RIGHT NOW. It is imperative to learn to focus your attention onto what IS good now, and the positive aspects of every situation you are in: * Write down 25 things you like about where you are and the things around you, right this minute * Only give your attention to something if you want MORE of it * Make a list of what IS working well in your life, or is pretty good, or that doesn't need major changes. Then pick one to put even more energy and attention into * Choose someone who is "easy for you to love" and spend two minutes imagining them happy, laughing, and joyful (C) Your dreams should be bigger than you have ANY IDEA of how to achieve. As you think about reaching your dreams and goals, it should seem like a tiny bit more than you can handle--only then will it be something that is big enough for you. If you feel like you can handle it easily right now, you've already outgrown it, and there is no room to be challenged or expand. Your Inner Being ALWAYS wants to be growing, learning, and having new exciting experiences. But, that can also feel quite scary, so many tend to shy away from the dreams that feel too big, too far, too hard, or unreachable.

A few nights before I moved from a tiny cottage I'd lived in for 13 years, to go to a much bigger house in a new city, I was filled with doubts. Even though I was bored, and I'd outgrown the tiny house, I was scared, worried, and afraid of leaving everything that had become familiar, and that I DID still love about it. But then it hit me: "In order to live in the new large house, you have to be willing to leave the old, small house!" I had to consciously remind myself that to have a bigger LIFE, I had to FIRST be willing to leave the small one--you can't live in both at the same time! That is how life is: We MUST expand! The Universe is always expanding, and so are we. If you're not growing, you will experience friction, pain, and trauma when a big change finally explodes into your experience. ...In order to LIVE a bigger life, you have to be willing to leave a small one. Let your own passion help you stretch into more than you currently think you can be:

"When you sit down to do something at 7:00am, and then you get hungry so you go to get something to eat and you realize it is 7:00pm--that's your passion. That's what you love. Find something around that, that you can make your career. The idea of making money, the idea of fame, the idea of being powerful is meaningless--it's ONLY that you are happy, and you are only going to be happy doing what you love." ~George Lucas
Doing it because you love it is the key, and when you really love it, it's hard not to keep doing more and more of it! Which leads to point (D): Follow your highest excitement! Some of the best advice I've ever heard is in this video, about following your highest excitement (on another Real Life LoA page.) The idea is that when you let your heart lead you on ALL things, your heart will ALWAYS lead you the right way for you. When you have a choice about what to do, or what to take action on (even things like: get a cup of tea, make a phone call, or read a report) you should do the one that is most aligned with your highest excitement first. Then, let that energy lead you in making the next choice, etc. Your highest excitement is very closely aligned with your heart, your Inner Being, your intuition, and consequently, the Law of Attraction. So whatever seems like it will be the most fun for you, while not compromising other important values, will always be the most efficient path toward your big-picture goals and dreams (even if you cannot comprehend HOW it is going to happen at the outset.) WHY you want to do what you want to do (or have what you want to have) is the most important criteria for attracting it. And, it's tricky, because some goals can seem so pure, but they might actually have a low-energy motivation. 'Helping people' can be like that, because sometimes we want to help others when we think they need fixing, our that our own strength will help to lift them, or that they cannot do it on their own. But none of that is true in the eyes of the Inner Being--theirs or yours! But, when you are practicing your skills, honing your craft, sharing your services, or using your talents because it is FUN for YOU to do, then you will not need to wait for any block to clear before you can get started doing it in some capacity, and your clients will naturally find you, when the time is right for everybody

involved. Do what makes your heart sing JUST because you want to do it, and work toward it every day, even if only reading, researching, or practicing, and even if it is only for 10 minutes a day, but work toward it EVERY day. "You do not have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step!"

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