Department of Labor: 96 14091

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Federal Register / Vol. 61, No.

109 / Wednesday, June 5, 1996 / Notices 28599

deportation that became final before DEPARTMENT OF LABOR DC 20201, telephone (202) 219–6375
June 13, 1995, may be eligible to apply (this is not a toll-free number), fax 202–
for suspension of deportation pursuant Employment Standards Administration 219–6592.
to section 244 of the Immigration and SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
Proposed Collection; Comment
Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. 1254, if they:
Request I. Background
(1) Have been present in the United
States for at least 7 years; (2) are persons ACTION: Notice. EPPA prohibits most private
of good moral character; (3) are persons employers (Federal, State and local
whose deportation would impose an SUMMARY: The Department of Labor, as governments are exempted from this
extreme hardship to themselves or to part of its continuing effort to reduce Act) from using any lie detector tests
paperwork and respondent burden, either for preemployment screening or
their spouse, parent, or child who is
conducts a preclearance consultation during the course of employment. The
either a United States citizen or a
program to provide the general public law contains certain limited exceptions
lawful, permanent resident. The INS and Federal agencies with an
further advised that to apply for such which authorize polygraph tests under
opportunity to comment on proposed certain conditions, including (1) Testing
relief, aliens with final orders must file and/or continuing collections of of employees who are reasonably
a motion to reopen with the information in accordance with the suspected of involvement in a
Immigration Court pursuant to 8 CFR Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 workplace incident that results in
3.23 and 242.22 or the Board of (PRA95) (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)). This economic loss or injury to the
Immigration Appeals (BIA) pursuant to program helps to ensure that requested employer’s business; (2) testing by the
8 CFR 3.2 and 3.8. data can be provided in the desired Federal government of experts,
The INS also announced certain format, reporting burden (time and consultants, or employees of Federal
transitional criteria for the processing of financial resources) is minimized, contractors engaged in national security
work authorization requests filed by collection instruments are clearly intelligence or counterintelligence
Nicaraguans affected by the termination understood, and the impact of collection functions; (3) testing of some
of the NRP and whose employment requirements on respondents can be prospective employees of private
authorization no longer would be properly assessed. Currently, the armored car, security alarm, and
extended automatically. Specifically, Employment Standards Administration security guard firms; and (4) the testing
the INS provided that it would treat the is soliciting comments concerning the of some current and prospective
proposed revision collection of the employees in firms authorized to
filing of a motion to reopen deportation
Application of the Employee Polygraph manufacture, distribute or dispense
proceedings accompanied by an
Protection Act (EPPA) of 1988. controlled substances. Employers who
application for suspension of violate any of the Act’s provisions may
deportation as a sufficient basis upon A copy of the proposed information
collection request can be obtained by be assessed civil monetary penalties up
which such a person may apply for to $10,000. This information collection
contacting the office listed below in the
work authorization. In such cases, work is necessary to carry out this Act and
ADDRESSES section of this notice.
authorization may be granted upon a require the keeping of records necessary
DATES: Written comments must be
finding that the alien has met the or appropriate for administration of the
submitted to the office listed in the
physical presence requirement for Act. In addition to recordkeeping
ADDRESSES section below on or before
suspension of deportation. requirements which were previously
August 8, 1996. The Department of
In an effort to moderate any lingering Labor is particularly interested in cleared under OMB 1215–0170, this
disruptive effects that the termination of comments which: information collection contains a third
the NRP may cause, the transitional • Evaluate whether the proposed party notification which was not
criteria for suspension-based work collection of information is necessary previously subject to PRA.
authorization applications filed by for the proper performance of the II. Current Actions
Nicaraguans subject to orders of functions of the agency, including The Department of Labor seeks the
deportation that became final before whether the information will have revision approval to collect this
June 13, 1995, will be extended for one practical utility; information in order to carry out its
year, through June 12, 1997. This • Evaluate the accuracy of the
responsibility to ensure that individuals
extension will afford Nicaraguans agency’s estimate of the burden of the
subjected to polygraph testing are
affected by the termination of the NRP proposed collection of information,
afforded the rights and protections
who have yet to file a motion to reopen including the validity of the
contained in EPPA. Failure to collect
their deportation proceedings to apply methodology and assumptions used;
this information would make it
• Enhance the quality, utility and
for suspension of deportation as well as extremely difficult for the Wage and
clarity of the information to be
those who will not have met the seven- Hour Division to enforce the provisions
collected; and
years physical presence requirement for • Minimize the burden of the of the Act. Hours for third party
suspension of deportation by June 12, collection of information on those who notification not previously in the
1996, the opportunity to benefit from are to respond, including through the information collection are now
these transitional criteria. use of appropriate automated, included.
Type of Review: Revision.
Dated: May 24, 1996. electronic, mechanical, or other Agency: Employment Standards
Doris Meissner, technological collection techniques or Administration.
other forms of information technology, Title: Application of the Employee
Commissioner, Immigration and
Naturalization Service.
e.g., permitting electronic submissions Polygraph Protection Act of 1988.
of responses. OMB Number: 1215–0170.
[FR Doc. 96–14031 Filed 6–4–96; 8:45 am]
ADDRESSES: Mr. Rich Elman, U.S. Affected Public: Individuals or
Department of Labor, 200 Constitution households; Businesses or other for-
Ave., NW., Room S–3201, Washington, profit; Not-for-profit institutions.
28600 Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 109 / Wednesday, June 5, 1996 / Notices

Total Respondents: 328,000. (2) Location Secretary of Health and Human Services
Frequency: On occasion. The meeting will be held on both days on matters relating to the administration
Total Responses: 328,000. at the Ramada Inn Downtown (Beehive of the Act, will meet on June 26, 1996,
North & South Room), 230 West, 600 in Room N4437 B–D of the Department
Average Time Per Response for
South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101. of Labor Building located at 200
Reporting: 1⁄2 hour.
Phone: 801–364–5200. Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
Average Time For Recordkeeping Per DC. The meeting is open to the public
Record: 1 to 5 minutes. The Secretary of Labor established
this advisory committee (60 FR 5947) to and will begin at 9 a.m. lasting until
Estimated Total Burden Hours: approximately 4 p.m.
develop recommendations for improved
standards or other appropriate actions Agenda items for the morning will
Total Burden Cost (capital/startup): addressing: permissible exposure limits include a brief overview of current
$0. to eliminate black lung disease and activities in the Occupational Safety and
Total Burden Cost (operating/ silicosis; the means to control respirable Health Administration (OSHA) and the
maintenance): $0. coal mine dust levels; improved National Institute of Occupational
Comments submitted in response to monitoring of respirable coal dust levels Safety and Health (NIOSH), as well as
this notice will be summarized and/or and the role of the miner in that an extensive planning session to
included in the request for Office of monitoring; and the adequacy of determine issues and topics for future
Management and Budget approval of the operator sampling programs to committee action. The afternoon will be
information collection request; they will determine the actual levels of dust devoted to a discussion of current
also become a matter of public record. concentrations to which miners are ‘‘partnership initiatives’’ and how they
Dated: May 31, 1996. exposed. The advisory committee is fit into the overall mix of OSHA
Cecily A. Rayburn,
chartered through September 30, 1996 interventions.
(60 FR 55284), but must complete its
Director, Division of Financial Management, Written data, views or comments for
Office of Management, Administration and
deliberations by August 19, 1996.
The agenda for the fourth meeting consideration by the committee may be
Planning, Employment Standards
will include discussions on: submitted, preferably with 20 copies, to
(1) Ventilation plans. Joanne Goodell at the address provided
[FR Doc. 96–14091 Filed 6–4–96; 8:45 am]
(2) Permissible exposure limits. below. Any such submissions received
(3) The application of the Respirable prior to the meeting will be provided to
Dust Program to surface mines and the members of the Committee and will
Mine Safety and Health Administration surface miners. be included in the record of the
(4) Medical surveillance, including meeting. Anyone wishing to make an
Advisory Committee on the Elimination the use of medical records. oral presentation should notify Ms.
of Pneumoconiosis Among Coal Mine (5) Role of miners. Goodell before the meeting. The request
Workers; Meeting A presentation will be made regarding should state the amount of time desired,
the University of Utah’s study on air- the capacity in which the person will
AGENCY:Mine Safety and Health stream helmets. appear and a brief outline of the content
Administration, Labor. of the presentation. Persons who request
The public is invited to attend. The
ACTION:Notice of advisory committee chairperson will provide one hour the opportunity to address the Advisory
meeting. during the afternoon of the meeting on Committee may be allowed to speak to
June 20, 1996, to allow interested the extent time permits, at the discretion
SUMMARY: This notice announces the persons to make comments. Official of the Chair of the Advisory Committee.
date, time, place, and agenda summary records of the meeting will be available Individuals with disabilities who need
for the fourth meeting of the Mine for public inspection at the above special accommodations should contact
Safety and Health Administration’s MSHA address. Tom Hall one week before the meeting
Advisory Committee on the Elimination at the address indicated below.
Dated: May 31, 1996.
of Pneumoconiosis Among Coal Mine
J. Davitt McAteer, An official record of the meeting will
Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and be available for public inspection in the
Patricia W. Silvey, Director, Office of [FR Doc. 96–14108 Filed 5–31–96; 3:53 pm] located in Room N2625 of the
Standards, Regulations, and Variances, BILLING CODE 4510–43–P Department of Labor Building (202–
Mine Safety and Health Administration, 219–7500).
4015 Wilson Boulevard, room 631,
For additional information contact:
Arlington, Virginia 22203; phone 703– Occupational Safety and Health
235–1910. Joanne Goodell, Directorate of Policy,
Administration Occupational Safety and Health
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A public Administration, Room N–3641, 200
meeting of the advisory committee will National Advisory Committee on
Occupational Safety and Health; Full Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
be held as follows: DC 20210, telephone (202) 219–8021,
Committee Meeting
(1) Date and Time ext. 107.
Notice is hereby given that the Signed at Washington, DC this 30th day of
a. June 20, 1996, in Salt Lake City, National Advisory Committee on May, 1996.
Utah. The meeting will begin at 8:00 Occupational Safety and Health
a.m. and end at 9:00 p.m. Joseph A. Dear,
(NACOSH), established under section
b. June 21, 1996, in Salt Lake City, 7(a) of the Occupational Safety and Assistant Secretary of Labor.
Utah. The meeting will begin at 8:00 Health Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 656) to [FR Doc. 96–14089 Filed 6–4–96; 8:45 am]
a.m. and end at 3:30 p.m. advise the Secretary of Labor and the BILLING CODE 4510–26–7

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