My Understanding of Vethathirium

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Vethathirium explains Evolution of Universe

The essence of what I understand from his teachings...

(Late) Vethathiri is a Indian philosopher famously termed as the Common man's Philisopher. He
dedicated most part of his life in researching and teaching what God is, and how its
understanding can bring peace around the world.

Vethathiri believes that God and the Universe is one and the same. (அத்ைவதம்). Around 70% of
his concepts are primarily derived from the sacred ancient Indian texts such as Baghavath Geeta,
Upanishads, Thirukkural and Siddhar peoms. The rest 30% is the path breaking and
revolutionary one, because he has tried to scientifically explain the evolution of the universe
from its zeroth second, so that scientist can easily grasp them. Read on for a brief about it.

Vethathirium explains Evolution of Universe.................................................................................1
Zeroth stage: Static - Pure - Black...............................................................................................1
First stage: Formation of Formative Dust Particles from Space..................................................2
Second stage: Aggregation of Formative Dust Particles into Vethons........................................3
Third stage: Origin of repulsive force - Yogans - Universal Magnetism....................................4
Fourth stage: Aggregation of Vethons into higher Sub Atomic Particles...................................4
Fifth stage: Aggregation of Sub Atomic Particles into 5 physical states.....................................5
Sixth stage: Formation of life as a single celled micro-organism................................................5
Seventh stage: Human Consciousness.........................................................................................7
Supplement: Why does the static evolve?...................................................................................7
References and Foot Notes..........................................................................................................8

Zeroth stage: Static - Pure - Black

In the zeroth statge, the universe was completely static. Empty space, where ever we traverse.
Vethathiri [1][2] regards this static, empty space as the Almighty. He says that it is from this
empty space that the whole universe emerged. Some sacred ancient tamil texts also quote the
same. [citation needed] (This is the hidden reason why all idols of God in Hinduism is
black.) This whole static is described as the Unity.

I think there is no time estimate of how long the universe was in zeroth stage. And I wonder if
there was any concept of time in the zeroth stage!
Vethathiri says that the 'Static' space has some fundamental properties:

1. Omni-Present (Present everywhere)

2. Omni-Potent (Capable of everything)
3. Omni-Scient (Knows everything; Complete consciousness)

It is the Consciousness of the Almighty or the Static, that controls the evolution of its own
self. These properties make up the fundamental behind his model and evolution of the
Universe. Even though these things has been said in various ancient sacred texts, only Vethathiri
has said it in very clear terms.

First stage: Formation of Formative Dust Particles from

1. Due to the immense potential of the static / Almighty, the whole unit of static exhibits a
self compressive tendency. Vethathiri terms this to be Universal Gravity. This self
compression is extremely massive.
2. The static also exhibits a kinematic quivering (vibrating) force.

These two actions result in massive wreckage to the static state and countless infinitesimal
whirling globules are formed within a huge spherical region at the centre of the Static. [4] [5] .
These particles are called as Formative Dust particles.

The infinitesimal whirling globules of formative dust are the fundamental of all the particles in
this universe. It is the least measurable dimension of length in this universe.
Second stage: Aggregation of Formative Dust Particles into

Due to the continuous and consistent self-compression of the Static, the Formative Dust particles
are pushed towards each other. This causes collections of those particles, say a million in each, to
aggregate together and form a new kind of particle. This is termed to be Vethon. [9]

Generally, all formative dust particles exist as a part of Vethon. Free Formative Dust particles
always dilute as space, notwithstanding the massive self compression of space. (Refer third
stage) Thus Vethons are the smallest unit of any sub-atomic particle.
The spherical region shown in the above diagram filled with these Vethons is the visible universe
that we live in. The radius of it must be million times bigger than the extent of the visible
universe calculated by the present day science. So the space that we see around us are filled with
these Vethons.

The massive collection of Vethons within the massive sphere also rotates around the center of
the Static, as one big ball. This is also due to the self-compressive nature of the Static. The Static
always keeps compressing itself due to its infinite potential energy. [6]

These Vethons also whirl around itself. New Formative Dust particles and Vethons always get
created in the boundary of the visible universe.

Third stage: Origin of repulsive force - Yogans - Universal

When Vethons are initially created from the static Space, it revolves around itself at a very fast
rate, due to the continuous self-compression exhibited by the Static. Thus the Formative Dust
particles inside the Vethon get more and more magnetized. Several of such heavily magnetized
Formative Dust particles that form up the Vethon, gets thrown out into the Static space around it,
with immense velocity. These thrown out Formative Dust particles are called Yogans. These
Yogans die out in the Static space, in very small amount of time. This process of Yogans dying
out in space creates a magnetized region around the Vethon.

The radius within which the thrown out Yogans die out is the place where the magnetism of the
particular Vethon is felt. This is a repulsive force to the self compressive force exerted by the
Space. This repulsive force keeps away all other Vethons that try to come closer to it, due to the
self compressive force of Space. [7]

Such Yogans are emitted continuously by all the Vethons that form up the Universe. So the
whole Universe is always filled and connected together by the magnetism of all the Vethons.
This is fundamental nature of Magnetism and is rightly called Universal Magnetism.

Fourth stage: Aggregation of Vethons into higher Sub

Atomic Particles
Like the aggregation of Formative Dust particles into Vethon, Vethons themselves aggregate as
higher sub atomic particles. Based on the amount of Formative Dust particles that a Vethon has,
and based on the Vethon's self rotation speed, it aggregates and becomes higher sub atomic
particles such as the different types of Quarks.

Vethathiri has not used his intuition to detail out the variety of higher sub atomic particles that
has resulted from Vethons. I think he has left it to the Sub Atomic Particles researchers to
describe this stage exactly, if required by Science. Using the meditation techniques suggested by
Vethathiri, they can find out how Vethons led to the formation of Quarks, Electrons, Protons and

He has stated that Electrons are made up of faster spinning Vethons and they are more
magnetized than Protons and Neutrons. When the speed of the Vethons constituting the Electrons
reduces, it aggregates more Vethons of similar speed and become Protons which are lesser
magnetized and more massive than electrons. But they are more magnetised and less massive
than Protons. Further, when these protons much lesser in speed, they becomes Neutron, which
are even less magnetized but more massive than Protons.

It should be noted that which a set of particles are subject to self compression of Space, the
heavier particles which are less magnetized moves or assumes the centre and the lighter and
more magnetized particles revolve around them. Thus Electrons revolve the Protons. And from
this, I assume Protons revolve around the Neutron.

Now considering that these particles are just some kind of collection of Yogans in definite
proportions, we move on to the next stage.

Fifth stage: Aggregation of Sub Atomic Particles into 5

physical states
This stage explains the formation of 5 boothas - the 5 physical states of the universe.
1. The collection of Vethons in this Universe is called as Akash in Vedic texts. It is the first
physical state.
2. As the Static surrounding the entire dynamic universe keeps compressing all the things
present in it, the Vethons get closer to one another and result in formation of simple
atoms and molecules like Hydrogen. These molecules are gaseous in nature. This
explains the formation of air. (Second physical state or bootha).
3. Now when these air molecules get denser, it results in formation of hot air, which is
nothing but fire. (Third).
4. The combination of fire and air result in a more denser state called water or liquid.
5. The combination of above 4 physical states result it in the final and much denser physical
state called soil. (Fifth).
All matter in this universe can be classified into these 5 physical states.

Sixth stage: Formation of life as a single celled micro-

The 5 states of matter when combined in right proportions result in the formation of a life. The
same thing is said by today's science. But it leaves out the first physical state called Akash (or
ether or Vethons). Vethons are the most important element for the formation of a life. When the
rest of the 4 physical states form a particular and unique cell structure, that become capable of
'trapping' a collection of Vethons within its boundary. This collection of Vethons starts whirling
around the structure due to the self compressive nature of space. This process is generally
associated with sudden electric shock given to the inert cell, such as striking of lightening. This
results in the formation of basic life. A single celled life.

The primitive cell would have had the minimum set of functional units. But just the rotation of
the collection of Vethons within itself is made sure. This collection of Vethons is called as the
life-force particles or the soul.

Fig 1: Soul of a single primitive cell

The collective magnetism exerted by these particles rotating around the cell constitutes the Bio-
Magnetism. It is this Bio-Magnetism that keeps the cell structure in-tact. But as time passes by,
the amount and speed of Vethons in the soul decreases. Thereby the Bio-Magnetism degrades,
and the soul starts losing its ability to keep the structure of the cell intact. Then the structure
collapses and the soul is no longer kept intact within the cell boundary. So the Vethons
constituting the souls gets released from the cell and they mix up with the Akash. This process is
termed as death.

It is the movement of the life-force particles around the cell that makes the cell active and living.
One the life-particles stop rotating around the cell, the cell is said to be dead. The cell no longer
does its functions.
Seventh stage: Human Consciousness
Wondering where this group of Vethons gets the intelligence to control the cell and also cause a
deep rooted evolution that brought up the man kind? Yes, it is due to the Consciousness of the
Almighty or the Static. The whirling life force particles spin around a center. This center is a
very small empty space. Something like there is a vacuum in the eye of a cyclone. This empty
space connects the life-force particles to the Consciousness of the Static. Whatever magnetic
changes that occur to the Bio-magnetism of the life-force or the soul is transferred to the
Consciousness through the life-force particles. Then the Consciousness (Almighty) reacts to it by
controlling the life-force particles. Accordingly the cell changes in its nature, size, structure,
functional units and so on. Thus all the changes that happened from the primitive single cell to
current humans are due to the 'thought' process of the Almighty.

This marks the end of evolution of God or Space as Human Consciousness has the ability to
realize its self. As self-realization is the reason for the birth, the Universal evolution ends with

Supplement: Why does the static evolve?

I have heard of some reasons. I am not yet clear of which one is the correct one.

1. The Almighty wanted to realize its 'self'. It wanted to know who 'it' is. But my doubt here
is that, if it is omniscient, then why doesn’t it know about thy-self. One disciple told me
like this: We always like to see our-'self' if we have a mirror, even though we know how
our face looks. Like that Almighty wants to see it for it-self, even though it knows about

2. It evolved just by its property of self-compressive nature and quivering force. It is just its
property and there is no reason for its evolution.

3. Vethathiri has said this in some places: What would any child or person having abundant
energy do? Can she simply sit quiet? No right? She would start doing something or the
other. Similarly, as the empty space has unbound energy within itself, it couldnt simply
sit quiet. Thus the abundant energy is the reason for its partial conversion into the
dynamic universe.

Copyright Note: All actual writings and concepts of Vethathiri has been copyrighted by WCSC (World Community Service
Center), primarily to prevent erroneous modifications that might get introduced during the course of knowledge transfer.
Visit for details. If you are a WCSC guy, please write or ring me if I have violated any copyrights.

Disclaimer: I am not associated with WCSC. The above is an independent article of mine. It details just my understanding of
what Vethathiri has said in his books, articles, videos etc. It is not the final word. Some of my understanding can be wrong. This
document is subject to revisions, as my understanding improves.

Jaganathan K
+91 - 96633 13224

ksjagan [at] gmail [dot] com

References and Foot Notes

3. It is the frequency of the kinematic quivering force that forms the basic for the principle
of 'time'! It is this property that defines the new dimension of time to the Static.
4. I am still not clear if a center can exist for a omni-present Static.
5. This massive wreckage seems to be similar to the Big Bang. But Vethathiri is not trying
to explain the Big Bang anyway. I feel both are conflicting theories.
7. I think Vethathiri has termed this particular aspect to be anti-Gravity! But it can be seen
that the anti-gravity was formed due to Gravity only. So Gravity is the only fundamental
force in this universe. Thus Gravity is the Unified Force that scientists are searching for.
8. Vethathiri supports the aether particles theory. This theory existed before it was
disproved by Michelson–Morley Experiment. The aether particles, here, are the Vethons.
Light propagates over these particles. I really doubt if light can travel in outer universe,
where there are no Vethons.
9. The science committee of his trust has named the infinitesimal rotating globules to be
Vethons (in tribute to Vethathiri, I think).

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