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KAM I s aia h I s r a e l

A d u lt E d u c at i o n G u i d e 20132014


Torah Study Every Shabbat, 9:3010:30 AM

Rabbi Frederick Reeves

Rabbi Reeves leads an engaging discussion of elements of the current weeks Torah portion. Participants are always eager to engage one another in discussion, and a good time is had by all. If youve always wondered what the big deal with the Torah is, this class is a great way to find out. Although from time to time, Hebrew words will be explained, no Hebrew knowledge is necessary for the class. Coffee, tea, and water are served. Sunday morning lecture series Sundays during Religious School, 10:30 AM 12 PM Religious school is not just a time for children there are learning opportunities for adults as well! Join us for one of these engaging presentations. Selected dates and topics are below; check for more detail. October 6 Representative Barbara Flynn Currie, Majority Leader, Illinois House of Representatives October 27 Julie Getzels, Executive Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary, Art Institute of Chicago November 3 Josef Stern, William H. Colvin Professor of Philosophy, University of Chicago November 24 Melvyn Shochet, Kersten Distinguished Service Professor of Physics, University of Chicago, The Higgs Boson: If not the God Particle, Then What Is It? December 8 Shawn Allison, Composer, From Sermon to Score: Setting Rabbi Wolf s Words to Music December 15 John E. Woods, Professor of Iranian & Central Asian History, University of Chicago, The Jews of/and Iran

Munch & Learn Second Tuesday of the month, 121 PM Bring your lunch and join us for an engaging discussion of a different topic every month. While the topics are generally on a Jewish theme, sometimes more general topics are discussed. Dessert, coffee, and tea are provided. October 8 Rabbi Reeves November 12 Granite Amit, artist December 10 Kate Grossman, Chicago Tribune journalist and education expert January 14 Susan Alitto, Chair of Hyde Park Village, discussing senior issues February 11 To be announced March 11 Gordon Quinn, film maker, discussing the 1963 school boycott April 8 To be announced May 13 To be announced Bible Class Sunday during Religious School, 9:3010:30 AM Adrien Bledstein

Genesis and the Origins of Jewish Wit: Tricksters and Binders is a weekly class to explore means of survival in Genesis 24-50 in the three generations following Gods promise to Abraham and Sarah. We will read each chapter and discuss stories familiar to biblical writers to explore how Hebrew narrators in Genesis drew upon and satirized tales from Sumer, Babylon, Ugarit, and Egypt, presenting a new way for humans to think about themselves in relation to the divine. Hebrew Classes Hebrew is one of the most beautiful languages in the world, full of poetry and imagery in almost every sentence come and discover its beauty with us! It doesnt hurt that learning Hebrew will also help you understand our worship service... Beginning Hebrew Sundays during Religious School, 9:3010:30 AM Cantor Miriam Eskenasy Our Beginning Hebrew program starts at the very beginning with a comfortable learning curve for students new to the Hebrew alphabet. The textbook focuses on reading skills, particularly reading and understanding our prayer book. Advanced Hebrew Mondays, October to May, 6:307:30 PM Cantor Eskenasy This class will go beyond the basics to cover advanced grammatical concepts, vocabulary, and more. Introduction to Judaism Tuesdays, December 3 March 8, 79 PM Rabbi Reeves & Cantor Eskenasy

Learn the basics of Jewish thought and practice in this 17-week introductory class. The course presents a mix of study, discussion, and practical experiences designed for those exploring a Jewish life for themselves interfaith couples, non-Jews considering conversion, and Jews looking for adult-level basics. Classes discuss topics such as prayer, holidays, life cycle events, and history.

Taste of Judaism Tuesdays, October 15, 22, and 29, 79 PM Rabbi Reeves

This class for beginners, Jewish or not, explores the topics of Jewish spirituality, ethics, and community values. It is designed for those who would like to explore or re-explore the foundations of our tradition and are looking for an entry into Jewish life. A Taste of Judaism has achieved remarkable success with unaffiliated Jews, those who are not Jewish but who are interested in learning about Judaism, interfaith couples and their families, and those considering conversion. Hebrew Poetry of the Golden Age of Spain Tuesdays, November 5, 12, and 19, 78 PM Rabbi Reeves In the 12th century, a new Hebrew phenomenon occurred secular Hebrew poetry. In this class we will learn about the poetic structures and themes used in this poetry, the poets themselves, and the cultural environment in which they lived. We will also read a number of their poems in English translation. Death of the Gods Hints of Polytheism in the Biblical Text Tuesdays, January 14, 21, and 28, 78 PM Rabbi Reeves Although the final editors of our Biblical texts were certainly monotheists, the source texts they used to create the Bible frequently show evidence of a past in which the existence of multiple deities was recognized. We will read a number of these texts, including one which might portray the destruction of these other gods by the Israelite God. Passover and Easter Spring Holidays that Unite and Divide Tuesdays, March 18, 25, and April 1, 78 PM Rabbi Reeves In this class we will look at the similarities and differences between the Biblical festival of Passover, the way the Christian Last Supper is portrayed in the Christian New Testament, and the modern Passover Seder. We will discuss how these similarities bring us together and the differences that still remain. Biblical Songs Tuesdays, May 6, 13, and 20, 78 PM Cantor Eskenasy Did you know that the bible has many songs in it? Hundreds in fact! We all know some of the most popular ones such as The Song of the Sea or Psalm 150... but you would be surprised how many others there are and where they are interpolated in prosaic texts. Come and learn some of these ancient songs giving us a little glimpse into biblical life. We will explore their poetry, significance and music in three one-hour long sessions during the month of May.


MLK Food Justice and Sustainability Weekend Tu Bishvat, Food Forests, and Sustainable Urban Design January 17 19

Weinstein Scholar-in-Residence Weekend February 28 March 2 The Jacob J. Weinstein Committee, with support from a bequest by Paul Gerstley, is planning a weekend of learning and dialogue on the New Jewish Family. The weekend will examine the many forms of new contemporary Jewish families, who comprises them, and how religious institutions can meet their changing needs.


Ongoing Torah Study Munch & Learn During Religious School Sunday morning lecture series Basic Hebrew Bible Class October Taste of JudaismTM Advanced Hebrew November Hebrew Poetry of the Golden Age of Spain December Introduction to Judaism

January Death of the Gods Hints of Polytheism in the Biblical Text MLK Food Justice and Sustainability Weekend February Weinstein Scholar-in-Residence Weekend March Passover and Easter Spring Holidays that Unite and Divide May Biblical Songs

For up-to-date information throughout the year, visit and join our email list.

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