Voltage, Frequency, and Phase-Difference Angle Control of PWM Inverters-Fed Two-Phase Induction Motors

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4, JULY 1994


Voltage, Frequency, and Phase-Difference Angle Control of PWM Inverters-Fed Two-Phase Induction Motors
Do-Hyun Jang, Member, IEEE, and Jong-Soo Won
Abstracf- A phase-difference angle (PDA) controlled DC voltage source, the amplitude of output voltage cannot pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) inverter is proposed for be controlled. Hence, the motor speed control capability is adjustable speed drive for the two-phase induction motors. weak, and the motor efficiency at slow speed is low because Output waveforms are fixed over the whole operating range of the motor. The motor torque is controlled not by the of magnetic saturation. The conventional pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) inverters modulation of the phase voltage, but by the PDA. Based on the selected harmonic elimination (SHE) PWM technique, represent the best solution for the reduction of the harmonic the commutation angles of the output voltage are calculated. content of the output voltage. However, the application to Several characteristics of the two-phase induction motor driven the two-phase induction motors has been restricted, because by the PDA inverter are analyzed. Second, a hybrid PWM inverter is proposed also to compensate for the degradation the drives are too complicated for small two-phase induction of the efficiency at small PDA. Not only the PDA but also the motors [l]. In this paper, a new type of inverter, the phase-difference voltage amplitude and frequency are used as the parameters for controlling the torque of the motor in the hybrid inverter. The angle (PDA) controlled PWM inverter, is proposed for adspeed characteristics of the two-phase induction motor driven by justable speed drive for small two-phase induction motors. the hybrid PWM inverter are more flexible than when the motor in driven by the conventional PWM inverter, which requires Instead of the voltage amplitude and frequency, the PDA between two winding voltages is used as the parameter for adjustable communication angles. controlling the motor torque. Based on the selected harmonic elimination (SHE) PWM technique, the commutation angles I. INTRODUCTION of the output voltage are calculated. Several characteristics of MALL two-phase induction motors had been popular in the two-phase induction motor driven by the PDA-controlled servomechanisms since the 1940's. In general, the speed inverter are analyzed. Second, a hybrid PWM inverter, which combines the PDA control for two-phase induction motors is carried out by adjusting the control winding voltage by the quadrature control control and the voltage control, is proposed to compensate signal of an AC amplifier while exciting the reference winding the degradation of the efficiency at small PDA. Not only the voltage with constant frequency and amplitude. This typical PDA but also the voltage amplitude and frequency are used control method had been widely used because an AC source as parameters for controlling the motor torque in the hybrid is usually available and an AC amplifier is drift-free. However, PWM inverter. Several characteristics of two-phase induction motor driven by the hybrid PWM inverter are analyzed. the drift ability of an AC amplifier is not satisfactory. The advent of low-cost power semiconductor devices in the early 1960's solved the drift problem of DC source, so 11. TORQUE CONTROL OF TWO-PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS in servomechanisms, the two-phase induction motors were The theoretical methods to control the torque of two-phase replaced with DC motors, which are easy to control and have a high efficiency. But DC motors have some disadvantages, induction motors are as follows [3]. such as the friction between the commutator and brush, 1) Voltage control: This method can be divided into two which causes high maintenance cost and shortens work life. types. First, the voltage v b supplied to the winding of Therefore, AC motors are being studied again to reduce phase B may vary from 100 to 0 [%I, while the voltage maintenance cost and to increase work life. V, supplied to the winding of phase A remains constant, The ratings of two-phase induction motors are usually low, and the PDA is fixed at 90". Second, the voltages so simple inverters are needed. Although the two-step inverters supplied to the two windings may vary together, whereas reported earlier we simple and cheap 111, [2], the harmonic the amplitudes of the two winding voltages are equal contents of output voltage are relatively high, and, with a fixed to each other, and the PDA is fixed at 90". Frequency control should be taken into account as the voltages vary Manuscript received March 1, 1992; revised March 22, 1994. in the second method. D.-H. Jang is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Hoseo University, Asan-Kun, Chungnam, Republic of Korea. 2) PDA control: The PDA between two winding voltages J.-S. Won is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National may vary from +90 to -goo, whereas the amplitudes University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. of two voltages are fixed and identical to each other. IEEE Log Number 9404409.

0885-8993/94$04.00 0 1994 IEEE





Fig. 1. Schematic representation of two-phase induction motor. Fig. 3. Vector diagram of two unbalanced winding voltages.

Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit for two-phase induction motor under the unbalanced condition (in terms of phase A).

The first method of (1) has been used in conventional torque control of two-phase induction motors, and the second method of (1) has rarely been applied to two-phase induction motors by means of recently developed inverters [4]. However, the PDA control method of (2) has not been applied until now.

circuit of phase A winding of the two-phase induction motor under unbalanced conditions. The phase voltage is composed of the forward voltage V& and backward voltage Vab, which correspond to the forward and backward revolving field, respectively. Similarly, the equivalent circuit o f phase B has the forward voltage Vbf and backward voltage v b b . As shown in Fig. 3, the relationship between the forward voltages V,f and Q,f of two phases is balanced as V b f = j V , f . The same is true for the backward voltages, that is, v b b = -.jvab. The two revolving fields rotate in opposite directions with respect to each other. Thus, the two winding voltages V, and Vb are expressed in terms of V,f and V&,as follows:

A. Torque Formula
Fig. 1 shows the schematic representation of two-phase induction motors, where the windings of phase A are located 90' from the windings of phase B in space, and the impedances of the two windings are identical. It is assumed that the fundamental voltages U , , U b are supplied to the two phase windings, as follows:

Therefore, if V, and V b are known, Vaf and V a b can be expressed as follows:

The torque generated by each component can be easily evaluated. Their algebraic sum becomes the net intemal torque, and is expressed as follows:

where K(=Vb/V,) is voltage ratio, and wi is synchronous where V,fl and Vabl represent the amplitude of the voltage angular velocity, and 4 is the PDA between two winding induced by the forward revolving field and by the backward voltages. If V, and V b are identical and 4 is fixed at go", these revolving field, respectively, and their squares are expressed expressions represent the two balanced winding voltages in the as follows: voltage control wherein the motor torque is controlled by the voltage amplitude and frequency. This method is regarded as a balanced operation. If V , is constant and r#~ is fixed at go", these expressions represent the two winding voltages in a typical servo system where of two-phase induction motors wherein the motor torque is controlled by the voltage ratio K . On the other hand, if V, and v b are constant and identical, these expressions represent the two winding voltages in the PDA control wherein the motor torque is controlled by the PDA between two winding voltages. These two methods are regarded as an unbalanced operation. The torque of the two-phase induction motors under unbalanced operation can be analyzed by a symmetrical coordinate method invented by Forescue [ 5 ] . Fig. 2 shows the equivalent






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(b) Fig. 5. Waveforms of the output voltages of two-phase inverters. (a) Two-step inverter. (b) PDA-controlled inverter.

B . Torque Characteristics of Two-Phase Induction Motors under Unbalanced Conditions

Using (14), the torque generated in two-phase induction motors under several control methods is analyzed on a test motor 03 = 2, T I = 117 R, z1 = 125 R, x , = 828 R, SPEED TZ = 517 R, x2 = 15.6 0, f = 60 Hz, V, = V b = 100 p.u. V). Fig. 4 shows the speed-torque curves of the test motor under several control methods. Torque characteristic under the balanced voltage control is shown in Fig. $(a), in which the two winding voltages and frequency vary under the constant volthertz ratio (V/f = 5/3), and $ is fixed at 90'. Torque (c) characteristic under the unbalanced voltage control is shown Fig. 4. Speed-torque characteristics of two-phase induction motor under in Fig. 4(b), in which the voltage of phase B is vaned several conditions. (a) Balanced voltage control (l'/f = 5/3). (b) Unbalanced and the voltage and frequency of phase A is fixed. Torque voltage control. (c) PDA control. characteristic under the PDA control is shown in Fig. 4(c), in which 4 is varied and the two winding voltages are fixed. The PDA control of Fig. 4(c) shows several features in its A f ( K ,4) = (1 K 2 2Ksin$)/4 (12) torque characteristic. First, for a negative phase angle, the Ab(K,4>= (1 K 2 - 2Ksin4)/4. (13) motor can be made to operate in quadrant I11 to where the other methods cannot reach. This feature of the PDA control Substitution of (8) and (9) into (7) yields the following enables a two-phase induction motor to easily reverse the equation: rotating direction by changing the PDA. An excellent braking capability is another feature of the PDA control. The inherent capability of the plugging operation can be exploited to shorten the braking time to a standstill.

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111. DRIVEDESCRIPTION The first term in (14) shows the positive component of the torque generated in two-phase induction motors, and the second term shows the negative component. Fig. 5 shows the main structure of the PWM inverter-fed two-phase induction motor. It consists of a two-phase induction motor, a half-bridge type inverter, a driving circuit,


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Fig. 6. PDA-controlled inverter-fed two-phase induction motor.

a fixed DC voltage source, and a microprocessor. In the two-step inverter-fed two-phase induction motor reported earlier [l], [2], the square voltage waveforms with C$= 90, are supplied to the two windings, as shown in Fig. 6(a). This inverter can operate two-phase induction motors without a microprocessor, because its topology is simple. The speed of the two-phase induction motor driven by two-step inverter is controlled by the frequency only. Therefore, as the frequency is lowered, the magnetic flux in the core becomes saturated, which results in poor efficiency and weak speed control capability. In addition, the square voltage waveform has significant harmonics of low order. An excellent torque characteristic is expected if the PWM technique such as that used in three-phase VVVF induction motor drives is applied to two-phase induction motors. However, it is undesirable, because the complex and expensive drives are required for small two-phase induction motors. Therefore, this paper proposes a simple and inexpensive adjustable speed drive of two-phase small induction motor. The PDA control method for controlling the torque of twophase induction motor is applied to the proposed inverter, named the PDA-controlled inverter. Fig. 5(b) shows an output voltage waveform under PDA control that exhibits an arbitrary phase difference between the winding voltages. The winding voltages are modulated based on the selected harmonic elimination (SHE) PWM technique [6], and their waveforms are not subject to change over the whole operating range of the motor. The motor torque is controlled not by the modulation of the phase voltage, but by the PDA. The proposed inverter offers the following advantages.



Fig. 7. PWM waveform by the SHE PWM technique and its harmonic analysis ( M = 8).

In the PDA-controlled inverter, however, the motor efficiency decreases as the PDA approaches 0. This shortcoming is analyzed in detail in Section V, and its compensation is discussed in Section VI. IV. IMPLEMENTATION OF SHE PWM

The SHE PWM technique [6] for calculating the commutation angles of the output voltage is mathematically the best in eliminating harmonics. For application of the SHE PWM technique, M commutation angles in 1/4 cycle should be determined, where M is the number of specified harmonics to be eliminated. It yields M nonlinear equations, which are solved by the Newton-Raphson iteration method. The PWM waveform for M = 8 is selected in this paper, as shown in Fig. 7. The harmonics up to the seventeenth (2M 1) order are eliminated, and the fundamental component remains nearly 1. The dominant harmonics are nineteenth, twenty-first, and twenty -third. The switching angles are stored in a ROM. It requires such a small capacity of ROM that can be stored, with PDA control software, in a built-in memory of a one-chip microprocessor. Fig. 8(a) and 8(b) show the experimental output voltage waveforms of the PDA-controlled inverter. The harmonic spectrum of the output voltage is shown in Fig. 8(c). Since the commutation angles need not be changed, The shape of PWM waves remains unchanged, even though the hardware and/or software are relatively simple to the PDA varies and harmonic spectrum nearly agrees with implement. that of Fig. 7. In conventional adjustable-speed PWM drives, both the amplitude and frequency of the voltage should be adv. ANALYSIS OF MOTORCHARACTERISTICS justed in order to meet the constant volthertz (V/f) Several characteristics of a test motor driven by the PDArequirement. In the PDA-controlled inverter, however, they are fixed throughout the operation, which further controlled inverter are shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. In evalsimplifies the implementation. uating analytical characteristics, it is assumed that the effects The speed reversal can easily be carried out by simply of the magnetic saturation of the core and the harmonics of changing the PDA without any auxiliary device. the output voltages are negligible. Fig. 9(a) and 9(b) show


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Fig. 8. Experimental PWM waveforms and harmonic analysis. (a) At o = 90'. (b) At o = -15'. (c) Harmonic analysis.

the variation of several characteristics as a function of load under the balanced (4 = 90") and unbalanced operations (4 = 45"), respectively. In both cases, the measured characteristics closely coincide with the calculated ones. It should be noted that in the unbalanced operation, the motor speed and efficiency are lower and the power input is higher than those in the balanced operation, as expected. Fig. 10 shows a comparison of the characteristics of the test motor driven by the PDA-controlled inverter and by the two-step inverter under a fixed load (T' = 0.9 N.cm). The motor efficiency and speed increases and the power input decreases as the control parameter increases. Note that the rightmost operating conditions in each figure are the same. When the motor is driven by the PDA-controlled inverter, the power input is lower, and the efficiency is higher than when it is driven by the two-step inverter. While the PDA

While the PDA-controlled inverter has several advantages, the motor efficiency becomes poor, although it is still better than two-step inverter drive for a small PDA. In this section, the hybrid PWM inverter, which combines the PDA control method and the voltage control method, is proposed to compensate the degradation of the efficiency. Not only the PDA but also the voltage amplitude and frequency are used as the parameters for controlling the torque in the hybrid PWM inverter drive. In order to decrease the motor speed, the PDA has to be made small, as shown in Fig. 1 I(a), which causes a poor efficiency. Instead, if the voltage amplitude and frequency are reduced with a larger PDA, as shown in Fig. 1 I(b), the motor efficiency becomes high at low speed. In implementing the hybrid PWM inverter operation, the torque-speed plane is divided into several sections. In each section, the voltage amplitude and frequency are set to be constants with which the commutation angles are calculated by the SHE PWM technique. During the operation, the PWM waveform is fixed as long as the operating point does not



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Fig. 10. Several characteristicsof two-phase induction motor under the fixed load (TL = 0.9N.cm). (a) The PDA-controlled inverter. (b) WO-step inverter.

Fig. 12. Speed-torque Characteristics of two-phase induction motor with five sections. (a) constant Variable v/f.


Fig. 12 shows the speed-torque curves of the test motor driven by the hybrid inverter. In Fig. 12(a), the solid lines are PHASE A t torque curves at 4 = 90" for five different voltage levels where the frequency for each curve is set to have constant voltsbertz = 5/3 V/Hz). The number of sections is arbitrarily ratio (V/f chosen. These curves devide the torque-speed plane into five PHASE B t sections, from section [I] to section [VI. The section [VI, for example, is between the uppermost curve and the next curve. r IUU I I I UUI L I . . ~ I U U I I I u u u Over this section, the voltage and frequency are maintained as they are in the uppermost curve. The operating conditions for each section are given as follows: [I] voltage V = 20 V, frequency f = 12 Hz, the operating range of the PDA 0' 5 4 5 90' [11] 40 V, 24 Hz, 22.5' 5 4 5 90' [111] 60 V, PHASE A t 36 Hz, 32' 5 4 5 90' [IV] 80 V, 48 Hz, 37.5' 5 4 5 90' [VI 100 V, 60 Hz, 41.5' 5 4 5 90'. The operating range of the PDA for each section listed above are evaluated so that the variation of the torque curve PHASE B t can cover all of the operating range. But it poses some U uu U U U u u u u u u u u U U U I problems. For example, suppose the inverter operates on 100 V, 60 Hz, and 4 = 90". Then the torque curve becomes (b) the uppermost one in the figure. Under this condition, as 4 Fig. 1 1 . PWM waveforms in hybrid PWM inverter. (a) The rated voltage is decreased from 90' to a smaller value, the torque curve and the narrower PDA. (b) The lower the voltage and the wider the PDA. moves from the uppermost curve toward the next solid line. move into another section, and the torque of the motor is When the PDA is decreased to the value that yields no load controlled by the PDA. With given voltage and frequency. The speed, the same as that of the second solid line, the torque operating range of the PDA in each section can be determined curve falls on the broken line near the second solid line. by considering the maximum torque of each section. Obviously, there is some overlap between the lower portion



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Fig. 13. Several characteristics of two-phase induction motor driven by the hybrid PWM inverter.

by changing the PDA. The efficiency of two-phase induction motor driven by the PDA-controlled inverter is superior to that of two-step inverter, but it is low at small PDA. Second, the hybrid PWM inverter, which combines the PDA control method and voltage control method, is proposed to compensate the degradation of the efficiency at small PDA. Not only the PDA but also the voltage amplitude and frequency are used as the parameters for controlling the motor torque in the hybrid PWM inverter. Hence, the motor efficiency is improved compared with that of the PDAcontrolled inverter. Also, the speed characteristics are more flexible than when the motor is driven by the conventional PWM inverter, which requires adjustable commutation angles. It is expected that the motor performance will be improved if the number of sections are increased.

of the section [VI and the upper portion of the section [IV]. Generally, the solid line that indicates the torque curve of a section at (b = 90 does not coincide with the broken line that indicates the torque curve at the smallest PDA of the adjacent section. This may cause a problem in speed control when the section is switched from one to another, because of an abrupt change of the torque-speed characteristic of the motor. In order to avoid the abrupt change of the torque at the boundary, the voltage, frequency, and operating range of the PDA in each section are adjusted appropriately. The result is shown in Fig. 12(b), where two limit curves at the boundary of adjacent sections approach each other very closely. The modified values for Fig. 12(b) are as follows: [I] V = 35 V, f = 46 Hz, 0 5 4 5 90 [II] 53 V, 51.5 Hz, 28 5 4 5 90, [111] 70 V, 55.5 Hz, 31 5 4 5 90, [IV] 85 V, 58 Hz, 42 5 4 5 go, [VI 100 V, 60 Hz,45 5 (b 5 90. Note that the V/f ratios in each section are kept to be less than the rated ratio. The motor characteristics-efficiency, power input, power output, and speed-under a constant load are shown in Fig. 13, which is based on Fig. 12(b). From the figure, it is observed that the motor efficiency becomes higher, and the speed characteristic is nearly linearized and continuous at the boundary. It is expected that the motor performance will be improved if the number of sections are increased.

L. M. C. Mhango and G. K. Creighton, Novel two-phase inverter-fed induction motor, Proc. IEE, vol. 131-B, no. 3, pp. 99-104, 1984. G. Rojat, J.L. Mertz, and A. Foggia, Theoretical and experimental analysis of a two-phase inverter-fed induction motor, IEEE Trans. Ind. App., vol. IA-15, no. 6, pp. 601-606, 1979. D. Connelly, The two-phase induction motor used as a servo motor, in proc IEE, pp. 366-374, Aug. 1960. D. Alexa, Static frequency converter for supplying an asynchronous two-phase motor, Pror. IEE, vol. 134-B, no. 1, 1987. C. L. Fortescue, Method of symmetrical co-ordinates applied to the solution of polyphase networks, AIEEE Trans., pp. 1027-1032, 1918. H. S . Patel and R. G. Hoft, Generalized techniques harmonic elimination and voltage control in thyrister inverters: Part I-Harmonic elimination, IEEE Trans. Ind. App., vol. IA-9, pp. 310-317, 1973.

D.-H. Jang (S87-M90) received the B.S. degree from Hanyang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, in 1980, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, in 1982 and 1989, respectively. Since 1985, he has been a Lecturer and an Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Hoseo University, Chungnam, Republic of Korea, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His research interests are in the area of control of motor drives, PWM technique, and ac chopper.

The PDA-controlled PWM inverter is proposed for the adjustable speed drives of two-phase induction motors. Output waveforms are not subject to change over the whole operating range of the motor. The motor torque is controlled not by the modulation of the phase voltage, but by the PDA. Based on the SHE PWM technique, the commutation angles of output voltage are calculated for eliminating the harmonics. The proposed inverter has the following advantages. The commutation angles of the PWM output voltages are fixed, so the hardware and software of the PDA-controlled inverters are simple. Frequency control is not taken into account, because of the fixed output voltages. Speed reversal can easily be done

J.4. Won received the B.S. degree from Seoul National University. Seoul, Republic of Korea, in 1952. From March 1964 to August 1993, he was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, where he taught electrical machine control and design. He is currently a Professor Emeritus at Seoul National University. Mr. Won has published a number of papers on electric machine control and two books on electric equipment. He worked on a technical committee in the international vocational competition from 1968 to 1970. His main research field is electrical machines. In particular, he is interested in the design of fractional horsepower electrical motors, permanent magnet ac motors, and microprocessor-based small motor drives.

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