Neoplasm in Huddling Stain Image in FCM by K.Muthu Kumar, PSN College of Engineering, Melathediyoor

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on


Issue 3 volume 2, March-April 2013 ISSN 2249-9954

Effective Classification of Anaplastic Neoplasm in Huddling Stain Image by Fuzzy Clustering Method

B.Vijayakumar and 2Ashish Chaturvedi and 3K. Muthu Kumar

1Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CMJ University, Shillong, Meghalya, India. 2Arni School of Computer Science and Application, Arni University, Indora (Kathgarh), Himachal Pradesh, India. 3 PG Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PSN College of Engineering,Tirunelveli,Tamil Nadu,India.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT This paper presents a new attempt for classifying and analyzing the H&E Stain of distinctive types of brain tumor image and perceiving the region of brain tumor in the intracranial parts of skull in the human body alsopredicting about the meticulous tumor type based on the features remains incognito. In brain tumor images classification, it is indispensable to classify the numerous assortments of tumor tissue cells for ascertaining more efficiently.The tumor prominently headway from either Glial cells and astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, ependymomas and the H&E Stain of various tumor tissue image consists of a nugget of dissimilar objects incorporates necrosis tissue, normal tissue and H&E Stain of microscopic images through Euclidean distance metric and Fuzzy K-Means clustering craft images that segment the H&E image by color separation for identification of quirky tumor. The classification procedure has been applied to nine real data sets, epitomizing different orientation in the tumor tissue region and augmentation through spatial constraints. Experimentation is carried out o the H&E Stain of microscopic malignant brain neoplasm in MATLAB Environment.
Keywords: Classification, brain tumor,MRI image, Fuzzy,Clustering,microscopic image and H&E Stain


_____________________________________________________________________________________ I.INTRODUCTION The perlustation of a brain tumor can be very daunting for patients and their families. Even though, the Neurosurgeons perform a biopsy or removal of brain tumor, Neuro-oncologist prescribe chemotherapy drugs for the treatment of brain tumors,radiation oncologists prescribe the radiation therapy for brain tumors, the Neuroradiologists who helps to review the Scan based on X-ray, CT, PET, MRI, fMRI image of brain tumor in extracted form and the Neuropathologists can only identify the tumor of types cells based on the information provided by Computing through some Three dimensional volumetric projection of extended atomic Microscopic images. Hence, it is very important to trajectile the brain tumor extracted images and classify it through the trained set of images for automation computing. The abnormal growth of cells arises from brain and around brain structures are generally considered as a tumor or lesion. The causes of tumors in our body are still unknown and some of the possibilities include exposing to high penetration ionizing radiation especially continuous usage of cell phones and heredity concerns based on family history are surmountable towards brain tumor.The tumor,also called a mass that grows inside the intracranial region of limited space of the brain and it expansion alters the brain cells causes some symptoms like headache,vomiting, blurred vision ( visual abnormalties ) and speech difficulties because of the damage in the left temporal lobe or motor cortex considered as focal symptoms Page 1

International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on

Issue 3 volume 2, March-April 2013 ISSN 2249-9954

and leg cramps based on the grade of tumors.The brain tumors are classified into four grades based on the intensity and it categories into Gliomas and non-Gliomas.The Gliomas involving in the supportive or glial cells present in the White Matter of brain and there many types of glial tumors are astrocytes,oligodendrocytes,Glioblastomas multiforme,brain stem gliomas, and the ependymal cells.The Non-gliomas occur in other brain parts includes meninges (tissue coverings the brain) and nerve sheath and the tumors arise from meninges cells are called meningiomas and tumor starts from nerve sheath are called acoustic neuromas,vestibular schwannomas and neurilemmomas. The shape of the tumor differs prominently and around 120 types of tumors are identified. The oligodendrocytes has fried egg shaped cells and astrocytomas has star shaped cells [1].In this paper, we framed a new idea that combines image processing computation towards microscopic image to identify the various types of tumors and categorized.

13.4 21.09 3.3 7.9 0.9 Gliblastoma Astrocytomas Ependymomas oligodendrogliomas 10.31 medulloblastoma meningioma pituitary tumor craniopharyngioma 2.3 Nerve sheath 3.9 lymphoma All Other




Fig 1.1: Stastical data of brain tumor distribution by CBTRUS Medical imaging helps to accurate measurement of the internal aspects of the structure of the tumor. The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the most frequently used imaging technique in neuroscience and neurosurgery for these applications. MRI creates a 3D image which perfectly visualizes anatomic structures of the brain such as deep structures and tissues of the brain, as well as the pathologies.The analysis of soft tissue boundaries of medical imaging involves a series of steps which includes extracting the tumor image and analysis the microscopic tumor tissue and finally classifying the tissues based on the Neural Network trainer for automated detection and computation of brain tumor types. The accurate extraction of internal structures of the brain tumor is of great interest for the study and the treatment of tumors. It aims at reducing the mortality and improving the surgical or radio therapeutic management of tumors. In brain oncology it is also desirable to have a descriptive human brain model that can integrate Page 2

International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on

Issue 3 volume 2, March-April 2013 ISSN 2249-9954

tumor information extracted from MRI data such as its localization, its type, its shape, its anatomofunctional positioning, as well as its influence on other brain structures. Existing methods lack significant roles in the medical image classification characterization of abnormalities are still a challenging and difficult task.


The Central Nervous System and peripheral nervous system are the two main nervous system present in the brain structure and it consists of Gray Matter (GM) and White Matter (WM). The Gray Matter control brain activity and cortex region cover the brain which is made of glial cells and the gray matter nuclei ( colostrum ) are located deep within the white matter. The myelinated axons are considered as white matter fibers that connect the cerebral cortex with other brain regions [3]. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF ) consists of nutrition rich glucose,salts,enzymes and WBC's present between the lower part of brain and spinal cord.The meninges is present in the intra cranial of brain and act as protective layer.The cerebrum parts of brain is divided into two hemisphere regions,the right and left cerebral hemisphere and consists of four lobes including parietal,frontal,temporal and occipital lobe at the back of the brain.The cerebellum located at the back of the brain and it consists of outer GM and internal wm.The brainstem connects to the spinal cord consists of midbrain,pons and medulla oblongata.The diencehalon layer is the central structure of the brain and consists of thalamus,hypothalamus and pituitary gland and communicated through ventricles [4].

DENDRITE MYELIN SHEATH SOMA AXON NUCLEUS Figure 1.2 Structure of Axon in human brain
In the vertebrate animal, the brain appears to be a most complex organ and contains many billions of neurons depends upon the cerebral cortex,each connected through synapses or axon to another few hundred of neurons and it communicates very quickly in irregular patterns that withstand fault tolerance. It carry trains of signal pulses and secrete hormones and it differentiate from Glial cells inside the human body and it support metabolic support and structural support. The neurons are covered by a fatty substance known as myelin sheath which contains rich in nerve fibers and hence the tumor cells has tended to grow in foreign body and gain energy and similarly, Glial cells also involve in brain metabolism through controlling the chemical fluids like ions and nutrients around the neurons and this is the main reason tumor grows only in brain [4].

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on

Issue 3 volume 2, March-April 2013 ISSN 2249-9954


A brain tumor is an intracranial mass produced by an uncontrolled growth of cells either normally found in the brain such as neurons, lymphatic tissue, glial cells, blood vessels, pituitary and pineal gland, skull, or spread from cancers primarily located in other organs. Brain tumors are classified based on the type of tissue involved, the location of the tumor, whether it is benign or malignant, and other considerations. Primary (true) brain tumors are the tumors that originated in the brain and are named for the cell types from which they originated. They can be benign (non cancerous), meaning that they invade surrounding tissues. They can also be malignant and invasive (spreading to neighboring area). Secondary or metastasis brain tumors take their origin from tumor cells which spread to the brain from another location in the body. Most often cancers that spread to the brain to cause secondary brain tumors originate in the breast, and kidney or from melanomas in the skin [2].

Fig 1.3: Brain Tumor Classification by Worth Health Organization An abnormal tissue that grows as mismanage cell division in our body system is considered as a tumor or lesion.Brain tumors are named after the cell type from which they grow ( e.g: Gliblastoma, meningioma or ependymomas ). They may be primary or secondary. Treatment options vary depending on the tumor Page 4

International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on

Issue 3 volume 2, March-April 2013 ISSN 2249-9954

type, size and location; whether the tumor has spread; and the age and medical health of the person. Treatment options may be curative or focus on relieving symptoms. Of the more than 120 types of brain tumors, many can be successfully treated. New therapies are improving the life span and quality of life for many people [1], [8]. IV. MEDICAL IMAGE COMPUTING The investigations to confirm the presence of a brain tumor tissue involves many modality techniques based upon the intense usage of it. It includes CT Scan ( computed tomography ) identify the inner aspects and structures of the inside body through x-ray.The thin region slice obtained through the rotation of the scanner.The CT Scan localizes the tumor regions and defining its dimensions, morphology but it is not sensitive for small pituitary tumors,brain stem tumors or low grade astrocytomas and MRI Scan (Magnetic Resonance Imaging ) spreads rotating magnetic field inside the human body which alters the changes inside the atomic nuclei and the information is simultaneously recorded to construct the three dimensional image through its gradients and arbitrary orientation.It not affects the body system since it passes non ionizing radiation [5]. The MRI specialization types range from DTI image which enables diffusion to be measured in multiple directions to examine the connectivity of different regions in the brain and FLAIR (Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery) technique used to reduce the fluid contents inside the skull region through the pulse sequence of excited and inversion [12]. The MRI image slices the input brain image into axial, coronal and sagittal for better enhancements are given in figure 1.4 (Courtesy to Aarthi Scans,Tirunelveli,India)




Fig 1.4 : MRI Scan is slicing the image in three planes

The gadolinium-based agent used to embellish the presence of soft tissues like neoplasm and blood vessels to improve the visibility of internal structures for enhancement. It localizes the tumor and nearby structures with a high-resolution image, it also diagnosis of sub-tentorial tumors, intra-axial tumors for planning in three-dimensional imaging for pre-surgical analyzing. The DTI (Diffusion Tensor Imaging ) maintains the connection between the tumor border and white matter and the corresponding tumor growth,regression are compared in the white matter while MRA (Magnetic Resonance Angiography) establish the relationship between the tumor region and blood vessels through a contrast agent like gadolinium to generate the signal of image in a single plane. The MRS (Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy) evaluates the biological information about the tumor depends on the metabolic activity and Page 5

International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on

Issue 3 volume 2, March-April 2013 ISSN 2249-9954

biochemical information.It helps to differentiate the tumor active regions from the necrosis or dead cells.Finally, the advance method of MRI which applied in neuro-surgical planning to localize the temporal resolution of the image by the feedback mechanism.It spreads the BOLD (Blood-oxygen-leveldependent) agent to map the neural activity in the spinal cord and the brain[6].The PET Scan ( Positron Emission Tomography) introduces gamma rays emitted by positron tracer and it is an optional test to gain further details about an MRI image through the level tumor absorbs the sugar content and it differentiate scar tissue and recurring tumor cells and send the information to a computer which creates live image.The PET scansacquired data through multiple ring detector and it coincidence the entire tissue layer form two or three dimensional image [7].

The brain tumor is classified in various grades from pilocytic astrocytoma as Grade I to GBM as Grade IV and it's based on the aggressive form that spreads around the CSF region in the intracranial area of the spinal cord.







Schwannomas Craniopharyngiomas Chordomas

Fig 1.5 Various types of Anaplastic tumor of H&E Stain images. Page 6

International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on

Issue 3 volume 2, March-April 2013 ISSN 2249-9954

In pathology, the tumors are differentiated by the shape and orientation of cells through the popular staining method in histology known as Hematoxylin-and Eosin stain ( H&E Stain )The hemalum is the mixture of aluminium ions, oxidized haematoxylin and immersion of an aqueous solution of rosin which distinguish the color shade ranges from pink, red, blue and orange. The staining through H&E dye extracts the microscopic structures present in the sample [9]. The primary tumor starts in the brain and metastatic tumor spread to the brain from the other part of the body. The astrocytoma in grade III as anaplastic astrocytoma which contains mix of cells and cells grades and having tentacle like projection in a cluster form whereas the oligodendroglioma has fried egg cells with compact nuclei in its histological appearance.Similarly,the ependymoma morphological appearance also different and composed with regular oval nuceli in a elongated structures[1].The below H&E Stain of tumor image are the most basic forms of tumor and its distribution are uneven and the pathologists differentiates the various types of microscopic tissue.The following stained images of most common brain tumor tissues orientation in different clustering form[9].

The stain image consists of multiple color patterns and the luminosity and chromaticity indicates various distinguish regions and the Euclidean distance metric in MATLAB helps to find the difference between two color patterns.Then, the Clustering is a way to separate groups of objects and to avoid the local minima the K-means clustering treats each object as having a location in space.

abc Fig 1.6: a)Chordomas tumor cells in R&E Stain, b) Image labeled by cluster index, c) Object-1 cluster d e f d) Object-2 cluster e) Object-3 cluster f) Segment the Nuceli into Separate Image.

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on

Issue 3 volume 2, March-April 2013 ISSN 2249-9954

It finds partitions such that objects within each cluster are as close to each other as possible, and as far from objects in other clusters as possible. K-means clustering requires that you specify the number of clusters to be partitioned and a distance metric to quantify how close two objects are to each other.After discriminating the cluster into three objects, a unique label identifier acquires to individual objects for classification.Finally, the microscopic affected tissue is separated from the unaffected tissue region and stain mark through segmenting the H&E image by color properties and extract the brightness values of the pixels in the cluster and threshold them using im2bw in MATLAB and the processed figure are given below

VII. Fuzzy Cluster Image Classification

The cluster image classification of spectral information involves soft computing method to classify the objects in the tumor tissue cluster images. The soft computing is a flexible methodology that exploits the fault tolerance for uncertainty through neural networks and fuzzy c-Means Algorithm based on the feature resources available in the spectrum of images. The colors of various combinations that present in the given cluster images are Blue (B), Green (G) and red (R). In spectrum measurement, these three color variation extract the specific spectrum information from the object through the Euclidean distance metric and through the HIS-Model hue (H) describes the pure color in terms of the dominant wavelength and it's given by

H cos 1

1 [(R G) ( R B)] 2 1 [(R G) 2 ( R B)(G B)] 2


Again, the saturation (S) gives amplification of white color debasing the real color of the image and it given by

s 1 3* min(R, G, B) (2)
( R G B)

Then, Intensity measure is the average of all combinations of different object color by [14] I= 1 R G B (3) 3
The usefulness of three color models was studied using data from computer simulations and experimental data from an immune-double stained tissue section..Direct use of the three intensities obtained by a color camera results in the red-green-blue (RGB) model. By decoupling the intensity of the RGB data, the hue-saturation-intensity (HSI) model is obtained. However, the major part of the variation in perceived intensities in transmitted light microscopy is caused by variations in staining density. Therefore, the hue-saturation-density (HSD) transform was defined as the RGB to HSI transform, applied to optical density values rather than intensities for the individual RGB channels. The HSD model enabled all possible distinctions in a two-dimensional, standardized data space [15].

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on

Issue 3 volume 2, March-April 2013 ISSN 2249-9954










Fig 1.7 Object separation (affected tumor tissue) of Anaplastic tumor of H&E Stain images. In the next stage, the fuzzy k-Means algorithm applied for finding the intra cluster distance though minimizing the objective function which relevant data point for a set of prototypes:


1 N c 2 X 1 i 1

m x, i

d 2 ( zx, vi)


Here, x , i (x=1, 2,., N, i=1, 2, c) is membership value, it denotes fuzzy membership of data point x belonging to class I, Vi (i=1, 2,, c) is centroid of each cluster and Zx (x=1,2,.,N) is data set (pixel values Page 9

International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on

Issue 3 volume 2, March-April 2013 ISSN 2249-9954

in image), m is fuzzification parameter d2(Zx, VI) is Euclidean distance between Zx and Vi, N is the number of data points, C is the number of clusters. Fuzzy partition is carried on an iterative optimization of the equation (1) based on [12]: 1) Choose primary centroids Vi (prototypes). 2) Computes the degree of membership of all data set in all the clusters:

x, i

1 )(1 / m 1) ( zx, vi ) c ( 2 1 )(1 / m 1) i 1 d ( zx, vi )



3) Compute New centroids V1i:


x 1 N x 1

m x ,i x

m x ,i

and update the degree of membership x ,i according to the equation. 4) If x ,i < stop, otherwise go to step 3 (4)

Where is a termination criterion between 0 and 1, d 2 ( zx, vi )

d 2 ( zx, vi) || zx vi ||2


The above ratio provides better experimental results and preserves intelligibility of image together in the cluster image through the Fuzzy C-Means method and analyses with less time variance factor for image classification for different type of tumors.

Image clustering of various malignant brain tumor tissues of microscopic range in H&E Stain are analyzed through Euclidean distance metric and Fuzzy K-Means clustering and this method can be used for pattern recognition because it provides a good object separation. Developing such tools for characterizing and effectively classifying texture patterns in medical images would greatly assist in the interpretation of clinical images and in investigating the relationship between descriptors of texture and branching patterns and the associations between morphology and function or pathology.The experiment results showed that the brain tumor invading cells has different shape orientation in this proposed scheme with K-Means clustering using MATLAB, the real time operation can be performed on the H&E Stain tumor tissue image and the future enhancements focus on the various types of anaplastic tumor tissue in MRI image are viewed through the Hologram projection of the tissue region in the nano scale ranges. Page 10

International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on

Issue 3 volume 2, March-April 2013 ISSN 2249-9954

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Issue 3 volume 2, March-April 2013 ISSN 2249-9954

The authors are thankful to Dr. P. Suyambu, Chairman, PSN Group of Institutions for his constant support,encouragement and his valuable suggestion and motivation through financially for implementing the resources of the paper publications.His versatile knowledge andenthusiasm towards multidisciplinaryresearch areas paved the way of a new foundation to reach a milestone for younger generations research scholars to learn he is the epitome of success.


Ashish Chaturvedi is a Professor and Associate director of the Arni School of Computer Science & Application at Arni University, Kathgarh ( Indora ), Himachal Pradesh, India from August 2011 to till date and he worked in various posts like Acting Director in Kishan Institute of Engineering & Technology, UP, India. He worked as Head of the Department in the Department of Applied Sciences in Gyan Bharti Institute of Technology from July 2008 to Feb 2011 and he has 14 years of teaching experience in various educational Institutions. He completed his M. Tech in Information Technology, India and other M. Tech by Research in 2012. He finished his Ph.D ( Computer Science ) from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, UP, India in 2006.He is a reviewer of International Journal of Softwa re Engineering and Knowledge Engineering run by World Scientific Publishing Co., USA; IEEE Transaction of Fuzzy Systems ;International Journal of Physical Sciences; International Journal of Computer Applications, USA. He is a patron for series of International Scientific and Engineering Serial Journals includes International Journal of Interactive Computer Communication (IJICC);International Journal of Emerging Science & Emerging Technology( IJESET ); International Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences ( IJPAS ) and International Journal of Arts Commerce Management ( IJACM ). He is authoring two famous Books entitled Physics for Contemporary Engineers & Components of Software Engineering with Galgotia Publications, New Delhi. Under his supervi sion for Ph.D in Computer Science, there are 14 students awarded Ph.D Degree in Computer Science & Engineering on the research related to Neural Network, Pattern Recognition and Medical Image processing. He selected and participated 6 times in the prestigious short term courses conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Rookee, India. He published his research paper in more than 70 International Journals including IEEE Publications. He presented and published many research papers in International Conference and he attended more than 37 International Conference and many National and International Seminars. His research articles entitled Consciousness in Quantum Brain published in STANCE 2005. He gauges his research interest in applying artificial neural networks in various fields like Quantum Physics, Medical Science, Computer Science and Geo-Science. Currently, he is exploring the fields like Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithm, Pattern Recognition, Robotics, Image Processing, Quantum Physics, Geo-Science, Medical Physics, and Graphical Authentication.

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International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Available online on

Issue 3 volume 2, March-April 2013 ISSN 2249-9954

Vijayakumar is a reseach scholar and he obtained his B.E in Computer Science and Engineering, Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering and M.Tech in Computer and Information Technology in MS university in 2004 and he worked as professor and Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in various engineering institutions for past 8 years.He is a member of Many Medical Imaging Journals including BMC journals, SAGE Journals and Journa of the National Cancer Institutue.He participated and proceeds in more than 20 national and international conference and he published more than 15 international journals with impact factor journals ( based on Thomson Reuters ).He currently pursuing his research in BioMedical image computing and processing,Artifical intelligence, Neural Network and fuzzy logic.

Muthu Kumar was born in Tirunelveli, India in 1989. He completed his Bachelor of Information and Technology. He is currently doing M. Tech in Department of Information Technology in PSN College of Engineering. He is a member of BMC Journals, ACI Medical journals,SAGE journals and Journal of the National Cancer Institute. He participated in many international conferences in various states and he published various International Journals related to brain tumor image Computing. His research interests primarily focus on image processing, especially in the methods related to Biomedical image computing and processing, Robotic Surgery and Hologram .

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