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Quality and Performance Standards

TASCOM agrees to provide services, considering each circuit involved, based on the following quality parameters:

Circuit availability Delivery Date Delivery fee for frames in case hired service is Service Frame Relay Packet loss fee, in case hired service is of access to internet, or to corporate network based on the IP protocol (VPN IP); Latency in case hired service if of access to the internet or to corporate network based on the IP protocol (VPN IP). The observation period to be considered when calculating the above specified parameters will be that of 1 (one) month, period going from the first to the last day of the month in which service was contracted and supplied to the client. (Julian Calendar). In case the figures specified on the contract are not achieved, TASCOM will be subjected to the payment of penalties described further on in this document, percentages which will be applied over the circuit contracted by the client, free of taxes or any other fees whatsoever.

In what relates to availability, all contracted circuits must have their availability displayed on the Proposal, being it certain that such availability covers equipment and means supplied by TASCOM to the respective addresses of the clients (end to end). Monthly availability of each contracted circuit will be calculated according to the formula hereby described: [(Total Monthly Period STI*) - adding other interruption periods that occurred in a month] / Total Monthly Period STI In case availability goals are not reached by TASCOM, it will be subjected to the payment of the following penalty: STI = add up of all interruption periods in a month's time due to unforeseen on item 10.4 of the Contract.

Difference Between Agreed Availability and measurement (%) Above 0 up to 0,3 Above 0,3 up to 0,7 Above 1,2 up to 2,4 Above 2,4 Above 0,7% up to 1,2

PENALTY 2,5 % 5,0 % 8% 16% 30%

In regard to the delivery date of the circuit, TASCOM agrees to abide by the deadlines pre-established in the cronogram mentioned in item 2.1.4 of the contract. In case of delay in the delivery of the circuit to the client, TASCOM will be subjected to the following penalty, described in the first invoice sent to the client: Delay (Days) based on the set date for circuit activation. 1-5 6-10 11-30 Penalty 5% 8%

It's agreed that the average fix time for the circuit will be of 4 (Four) hours from the time the problem is called in at the Business Contact Center.

Frames received on the destiny end ot the circuit / frames sent from the origin of the circuit

In what regards the delivery fee for the frames with Service Frame Relay, it will mean the fee for frames delivered within CIR (Committed Information Rate) established on the proposal, and will be calculated according to the formula described below:

Over 30

16% 30%

It is further agreed between the parties that the minimal index of the monthly average rate for frames contracted from TASCOM will be of 99.9% (Ninety Nine percent). In case this index is not achieved, TASCOM will be subjected to the payment of the following penalty:

Number of Lost Packets (In-Going and Out-Going) / Total Packets (In-Going and OutGoing) Monthly average loss rate Above 1% up to 1,2% Above 1,2% to 1,4% Above 1,4% to 1,6% Above 1,6% to 1,8% Above 1,8% Penalty 2,5% 5% 8% 16% 30%

In regard to the monthly package loss rate, the parties agree that TASCOM will guarantee a monthly package loss rate less or equal to 1% (one percent) between the presence points (POP's) of the TASCOM IP network, according to formula described below. In case this rate is not observed, TASCOM will be subjected to the payment to penalties established in table below, calculated according to the following formula:

Monthly delivery rate (%) Below 99,9 to 99.7 Below 99,7 to 99,5 Below 99,5 to 99,3 Below 99,3 to 99,0 Below 99,0

Penalty 2,5% 5% 8% 16 % 30%

VPN IP The monthly measurements of time elapsed between the sending and receiving of a 64 byte packet between the origin and destiny POP's inside the TASCOM network, according to each region indicated on the table included in the Proposal.

Internet Access the monthly average of measurements of time elapsed between the sending and receiving of ping packets of 64 bytes among the regional client's access POP's according to table of description contained in the Proposal, until the point of international inter connection in Rio de Janeiro or So Paulo; and

In what latency is concerned, it will be the monthly average of the measurements of time elapsed between the sending and receiving of a ping packet with 64 bytes inside the IP TASCOM network. The latency parameters refer exclusively to Internet access services and corporate network based on the IP protocol (VPN IP), as is described below:

It is agreed among all parties that TASCOM will guarantee latency less or equal to a monthly average of 100 ms (hundred miliseconds) in its IP network, as established previously. In case this rate is not achieved, TASCOM will be subjected to the payment of the following penalty: Difference between measured and guaranteed Penalty latency Until 10 ms Above 10 ms up to 20 ms Above 20 to 30 ms Above 30 to 40 ms Above 40 ms 2,5% 5% 8% 16% 30%

All parties agree from the beginning that the penalties applied to TASCOM for not fulfilling the parameters set forth on this attachment shall be reverted to the client in the form of credit, which will be granted on the following invoice until the second month following the verification of the fact that originated the penalty, being it certain that this credit will be effected based on the prices being practiced by the time of the invoice. All parties agree that in the case of the indexes reflecting the quality parameters agreed on with the client not being achieved by TASCOM during a period equal or higher than 3 (Three) consecutive months, the client may cancel the circuits whose indexes have not been supplied properly, by sending a letter of notification to TASCOM, without incurring any penalties for this cancellation. It is agreed that this item should prevail over the content described in Item 13.3, letter D and 13.4 of the Contract, not being applicable the provisions set forth in item 16.7 of the contract. The quality indexes that reflect the parameters set forth on this document shall be measured and sent to the client in the form of monthly detailed reports. All parts agree the total amount of compulsory discounts as described in item 10.1 of the contract can't be higher than 100% (One hundred percent) of the value owed by the client to the company referring to the corresponding circuit, without taxes and contributions.

It is agreed that the penalties foreseen in this attachment will not be applied to TASCOM in cases set forth in item 10.4 of the contract, being it agreed upon that all penalties possess an exclusively compensatory nature, the client having anything further to claim other than what has already been agreed, reason for which TASCOM finds itself exempt from any additional responsibility, in cases of non-fulfillment of the quality indexes agreed upon in this attachment.

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