Monitor Business Performance: Best Practice

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Dashboard Manager: 1. It offers metrics, alerting, it provides deeper analysis, and alter business rules and conditions change.

2. Help to 1. Help to monitor business performance 2. Understand business drivers 3. Deploy personalized dashboards 1. Monitor business performance: by Define Critical Performance Metrics across the Enterprise Through enabling users anywhere to track the status of the business via their dashboards. The built-in metric engine offers you flexibility to define, monitor, and store any metric over time. By combining metrics monitoring with advanced, proactive alerting, we can improve management effectiveness by focusing on key issues. You can then make faster decisionssaving time and money Track Key Performance Indicators over Time to Identify Trends It stores metrics over any calendar period using rebuilt calendars or your custom calendars Avoid Unpleasant Surprises By receiving alerts about a change in conditions, we can avoid unpleasant surprises. Dashboard Manager has an integrated rules engine to proactively monitor large numbers of metrics. Flexible enough to handle both internal events (such as refresh of a metric) and external events (such as data warehouse refresh)

reports) 2. charts(pie, line, vertical and horizontal) 5. gauge(custom breakpoints and colors) c. select columns to summarize and define custom formulas: ex: record counts, Avg, high/low. d. select grouping: FY and then FQ, Account and then sub account, sales manager and then rep. e. select objects to include: custom fields located toward from the bottom. f. order the field. g. set filter conditions: and is defult condition h. create chart. Benefits: 1. Aggregating multiple report results for easier digestion. 2. standardize the information management decisions are based upon. 3. leader boards 4. custom break points reports. 5. can be refreshed anytime. Best practice: Setting up: Identify users who will have Manage Dashboards permission User folders to organize dashboards and control visibility Ensure that underlying reports are accessible to the run time user Deploying Develop reports and dashboards in personal folders, save to public folders when ready Leverage reports that use My Team filters Clone dashboards and change the run time user Create dashboards for others or temporarily grant required Permissions Using Right-click on an individual dashboard graphic to send as an attachment Email picture Add your dashboard to the home page show top three Elements Manage from the application for improved adoption Pipeline Review Calls Board Presentations Departmental Reviews Individual Performance Reviews (One on Ones) Metrics: Metrics(charts) are the customized dashboards which provides easy to read view into thier business analysis, Users can point-and-click on any of the graphs in a dashboard to drill-down, slice-and-dice, and analyze the details associated with that indicator. VisualCalc(Metrics) Dashboard reports then allow you to communicate the results of your analysis to others. VisualCalc Dashboard also allows you to easily export your indicators to Excel for additional reporting or integration purposes. Finally, intuitive application management tools enable users to easily manage and administer their overall dashboard settings. Metrics: its a numerical measure that represents business data in the relationship of one or more dimensions. An

2. Understand business drivers

Dashboards can effectively provide metrics, alerts, and analyses to help your organization help its employees understand their business activities. Gain Extreme Insight through Interactive, Advanced Visual Analytics Analytic templates include correlation, stoplights, speedometers, Pareto charts, maps, and many more Move from Interactive Metrics to Detailed Analysis users to go from summary-level metrics to a detailed report

3. Deploy personalized dashboards: Dashboard

Manager drag-and-drop functionality, users can reap immediate benefits by building dashboards without the help of IT. The time you save implementing, deploying, and maintaining dashboards will reduce your total cost of ownership (TCO). And meanwhile, your IT and business users are able to focus on higher value activities. Typs of reports: 1. Standard reports: ex; sales report, administrative reoports, product and asset reports, activity reports. 2. Custom reoports: creating custom reports majorly 8 steps. a.Select data source: and also select custom objects too. report type: 1. Tabular(sort by label with max values displayed) 2. Summary 3. Matrix(compare multiple

example would be: gross sales by week. In this case, the measure would be dollars (gross sales) and the dimension would be time (week.) measure across more than one dimension such as gross sales by territory and time is called multi-dimensional analysis Key Performance Indicators (KPI): A KPI is simply a metric that is tied to a target. Most often a KPI represents how far a metric is above or below a pre-determined target.

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