Rabbit Proof Fence2

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Rabbit Proof Fence

Have you ever read the book written by Doris Pilkington Garimara? If you have not, I will tell you a little. The book is entitled Rabbit Proof Fence. It is a true story based on the experience of Doriss mother and aunt. It takes place in Australia, especially the life about The Aborigines, the first people who live in Australia. This book tells us about a famous escape, a story about courage and determination. The main characters of the story are siblings, and their names are Daisy, Molly and Gracie. Molly is the oldest, she is fourteen years old. She wants to be a protector of the other girls. Daisy is eight and Gracie is ten years old. They were taken from their families because they are half-castes Aborigin children. Gracie and Molly have argued sometimes, but they still loved each other. Gracie, although have different opinions with Molly, she still follow what Molly said, like the youngest among them, Daisy. There is also the settlements black tracker, who the students called Moodo. He is a cruel man and every students are afraid on him. The story tells us about the new-law in Australia, 1931. The white man make a new rule that half-castes children, the children that born from white father and Aboriginal mother should taken by the government. Thats why three girls Molly, Gracie and Daisy were taken from their family. They took by the Policeman from Marble Bar, Constable Riggs. The girls were sent to Moore River Native Settlement. They didnt feel comfortable lived there. Molly, as the oldest prepared a plan to run away from the settlement. They found many problems on their way home. Every people of the government search for them, especially the black tracker Moodo. In the middle of the way, Gracie were separated from Molly and Daisy. Not so long after that, Gracie were caught by the government and sent back to the settlement. Finally, Molly and Daisy arrived home at Jigalong and their family moved to unknown place. The lesson that we can learn from the story is we should fight for what we want. Never give up because life is not always as easy as we think. We should have courage for every problems. Because the storys based on true story, we can learn from the other experience. We can find the suporting sentence on page 35, line 1-5 Finding the fence was a great moment in the long walk . It was a landmark for the Mardudjara people of the Western

Desert, and forthe three runaway girls the fence was a part of their own world . It belonged to their own place, the place that they were trying so hard to get back to . I recommended this book to other readers. This book is not only adventurous but also has an element of culture and humanity. This book deserves to be read by young people today, as in this story reminds us that we must always honor and respect the other cultures.The language that used in the book not can be understand easily. The plot that used also have been arranged well. We can imagine every moments clearly.

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