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1. Buffer is device/storage area 1. Where data are temporarily stored 2. Where data is permanently stored 3.

Where data error occurs 4. All of the above 5. None of these 2. A network geometric arrangement in which a single connecting line is shared by a number of nodes is called 1. Car Topology 2. Bus Topology 3. Truck Topology 4. All of the above 5. None of these 3. An error in a computer program is referred as 1. Bug 2. Bit 3. Virus 4. All of the above 5. None of these 4. Circuits that provide a communication path between two or more devices of a digital computer system is 1. Car 2. Bus 3. Truck 4. All of the above 5. None of these 5. A fixed number of adjacent bits that represent a particular character or symbol are referred as 1. Byte 2. Octal 3. Bubble 4. All of the above 5. None of these 6. Cache memory is a 1. Small buffer storage 2. Permanent storage 3. Main memory 4. All of the above 5. None of these 7. The total number of digits (symbols) available to represent numbers in a positional number system is referred as 1. Number system 2. Base 3. Power 4. All of the above 5. None of these 8. Cache memory is 1. Smaller and faster than main storage 2. Bigger and slower than main storage 3. Smaller but slower than main memory 4. Bigger and faster than main memory 5. None of these

9. Cache memory 1. Is a Static RAM 2. Increases the speed of processing by making current programs and data available to the CPU at a rapid rate 3. Both 1. and 2. are true . 4. Both 1. and 2. are false 5. None of these 10. Following is false for BASIC 1. Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code 2. High-level interactive programming language 3. Works in time sharing environment 4. Low level object oriented language 5. None of these 11. A unit for measuring data transmission speed that describes the capacity of a carrier is referred as 1. Baud 2. Bit 3. Bond 4. All of the above 5. Batch 12. A process of trying out a new product by independent users before it is finally manufactured/developed 1. Alpha test 2. Beta Test 3. Gamma test 4. All of the above 5. None of these 13. A selection, choice, or condition involving two possibilities is referred as 1. Unary 2. Binary 3. Octal 4. All of the above 5. None of these 14. Base band System is 1. A networking system 2. Where the channel support a single digital signal 3. Both 1. and 2. are true 4. All of the above 5. None is true 15. One of the early coding systems, based on the idea of converting each digit of a decimal number into its binary equivalent rather than converting the entire decimal value into a pure binary form is 1. ASCII code 2. BCD 3. ASCII-8 4. All of the above 5. None of these 16. In Batch processing 1. Several computer programs runs one after another without human interaction to run each program individually

2. Several computer programs runs one after another with human interaction to run each program individually 3. Selected computer programs runs one after another with human interaction to run each program individually 4. All of the above 5. None is true 17. BISYNC is 1. Binary synchronous 2. A process of transmitting data 3. A half-duplex, character oriented, synchronous data communication transmission method 4. All of the above 5. None of these 18. A device that is used to transmit data from one location to another is referred as 1. Storage 2. Memory 3. Carrier 4. All of the above 5. None of these 19. Programs developed by an outside supplier and provided to the user in a machine readable form is known as 1. Canned programs 2. Beta program 3. Alpha program 4. All of the above 5. None of these 20. A binary numbers are represented by 1. Digits 0 and 1 2. Digits 0, 1, ..., 8 3. Digits AB, C,... 4. All of the above 5. None of these 21. BIOS is responsible for 1. Handling the particulars of input/output operations 2. Output operations 3. Input operations 4. All of the above 5. None of these 22. BIOS is an abbreviation for 1. Binary Input/Binary Output 2. Binary synchronous 3. Binary digit 4. All of the above 5. None of these 23. BISYNC is an abbreviation for 1. Binary Input/Binary Output 2. Binary synchronous 3. Binary digit 4. All of the above 5. None of these 24. The overall design, construction, organiz-ation and interconnecting of the various components of a computer system is referred as 1. Computer Architecture 2. Computer Flowchart

3. Computer Algorithm 4. All of the above 5. None of these 25. A number system with a base of two is referred as 1. Unary number system 2. Binary number system 3. Octal number system 4. All of the above 5. None of these

1. (1) 2. (2) 3. (1) 4. (2) 5. (1) 6. (1) 7. (2) 8. (1) 9. (3) 10. (4) 11. (1) 12. (2) 13. (2) 14. (3) 15. (2) 16. (1) 17. (4) 18. (3) 19. (1) 20. (1) 21. (1) 22. (1) 23. (2) 24. (1) 25. (2)

Common Written Examination :2011 (English Language)

Direction: In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, four words are suggested. One of which fills the blank appropriately. Find out appropriate word in each case. The Reserve Bank has taken a bold (46) in the development of money, the government securities and the foreign exchange markets in (47) of their critical role in overall growth and development of the economy and (48) in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. The approach has been one of simultaneous movements on several fronts, graduated and callibrated, with an (49) on institutional and infrastructural development and improvements in market microstructure. The pace of reforms was contingent (50) putting in place appropriate systems and procedures, technologies and market practices. Initiatives taken by the Reserve Bank have brought about a (51) transformation of various segments of the financial market. These developments by improving the depth and liquidity in domestic financial markets have (52) to better price discovery of interest rates and exchange rates, which, in turn, hae led to greater (53) in resource allocation in the economy. The increase in size and depth of financial market has (54) the way for (55) use of indirect instruments. 1. (1) interest (2) participation (3) step (4) role (5) None of these 2. (1) point (2) tune (3) view (4) pursuit (5) None of these 3. (1) decisively (2) reluctantly (3) visibly (4) particularly (5) None of these 4. (1) equilibrium (2) emphasis (3) appeasement (4) overload (5) None of these

5. (1) by (2) for (3) against (4) upon (5) None of these 6. (1) trivial (2) jubilant (3) fastidious (4) significant (5) None of these 7. (1) addressed (2) contributed (3) initiated (4) evolved (5) None of these 8. (1) measures (2) activism (3) debacle (4) efficiency (5) None of these 9. (1) paved (2) repaired (3) dug (4) elevated (5) None of these 10. (1) revolutionised (2) indiscriminate (3) flexible (4) arbitrary (5) None of these

1. (3 ) 2. (4) 3. (4) 4. (2) 5. (4) 6. (4) 6. (2) 7. (1) 8. (1) 9. (3) 10.(3)

Common Written Examination :2011 (Mental Ability) Verbal

1. If Step IV reads to restrict the use of air conditioners, which of the following will definitely be the input? (1)use to of the air conditioners restrict (2)restrict the to of air conditioners use (3)the air conditioners of restrict use to (4) Cant be determined (5) None of these Directions: Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: A famous museum issues entry passes to all its visitors for security reasons. Visitors are allowed in batches after every one hour. In a day there are six batches. A code is printed on entry pass which keeps on changing for every batch. Following is an illustration of pass-codes issued for each batch. Batch I: clothes neat and clean liked are all by

Batch II: by clothes neat all are and clean liked Batch III: liked by clothes clean and neat all are and so on 2. If pass-code for the third batch is night succeed day and hard work -to for, what will be the pass-code for the sixth batch? (1)work hard to for succeed night and day (2)hard work for and succeed night to day (3)work hard for to succeed night and day (4)hard work for to succeed night and day (5) None of these 3. If visit in zoo should the time day is the pass-code for the fifth batch, zoo we the should visit day time in will be the pass-code for which of following batches? (1) II (2) IV (3) I (4) III (5) VI 4. Sanjay visited the museum in the fourth batch and was issued a pass-code to fast rush avoid not do very run. What would have been the pass-code for him had he visited the museum in the second bitch? (1)rush do not avoid to run very fast (2)rush not do-avoid to run very (3)avoid rush not do to run very fast (4) Date inadequate (5) None of these 5. Subodh went to visit the museum in the second batch. He was issued a pass-code length the day equal of an night are. However, he could not visit the museum in t he second batch as he was a little late. He then preferred to visit in the fifth batch. What will be the new pass-code issued to him? (1)and of are night the length equal day (2)and are of night the length equal day (3)and of are night the equal day length (4 )an d of are th e night len gth day equal (5) None of these 6. If ass-code for the second batch is to confidence hard you leads work and success, what will be the pass-code for the fourth batch? (1)leads success to you hard confidence and work (2)leads success you to hard confidence and work (3)leads success to you hard confidence work and (4)leads to success you hard confidence and work (5) None of these 7. If the pass-code issued for the last (sixth) batch is and pencil by all boys used are pen, what will be the passcode for the first batch? (1)pencil and pen are used by all boys (2)pen and pencil used are by all boys (3)pen and pencil are used by all boys (4)Pencil and pen are used all by boys (5) None of these 8. If the pass-code for the sixth batch is not go the way to of out do, what will be the pass -code for the third batch? (1)Of do to out go not way the

(2)of to do out not go way the (3)of to go out do not way the (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these Directions: Study the following information to answer the given questions: A word rearrangement machine when given an input line of words, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and the steps of rearrangement: Input: Over you pat me crow easy to. Steps: (I) pat over you crow easy to me Steps: (II) crow pat over you to me easy Steps: (III) over crow pal to me easy you Steps: (IV) to over crow pat easy you me and so on. As per the rule followed in the above steps, find out the appropriate step for the given input in the following questions: 9. If Step II of an input is ge su but he for game free, what would be step VI? (1)a for but fine he game su (2)for free ge game su he but (3)free ge for but game su he (4)he ge su but game free for (5) None of these 10. If step IV of an input is blue navy kit lime se get, which of the following would definitely be the input? (1)navy get lime out kit se blue (2)lime navy get kit se blue out (3)lime blue navy kit get out se (4)kit blue navy se get out lime (5) None of these 11. Input: but calm free are so not eat. Which of the following will be the 3rd step for this input? (1)so free but calm eat are not (2)but calm are free not so eat (3)are but calm free not eat so (4)but so free eat are not calm (5) None of these 12. If step V of an input is put down col in as mach sa , what would be the 8th step? (1)down in put much sa as col (2)in put down cot much sa as (3)much in put down sa as col (4)col put down as much sa in (5) None of these 13. Input: rim bye eat klin fe to low Which of the following steps would be fe low rim to bye klin eat? (1) VIth (2) vth (3) IVth (4) IIIrd (5) None of these Directions: A word arrangement machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it following a particular rule. The following is the illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement:

Input: Put pocket hand watch he for them. Step I: Put for he watch hand pocket them. Step II: Put he for watch pocket hand them. Step III: Put hand pocket watch for he them. Step IV: Put pocket hand watch he for them. And so on goes the machine. Study the logic and answer the questions that follow: 14. If Step III of a given input be fly sky birds my su fur say, what is the seventh step of the input? (1)fly sky birds my su fur say (2)fly birds sky my fur su say (3)fly fur su my birds sky say (4)fly su fur my sky birds say (5) None of these 15. If Step VII of an input is slow ran dhurwa pat hak dig vi, what is step V of that input? (1)slow dig hak pat dhurwa ran vi (2)slow hak dig pat ran dhurwa vi (3)slow hak dig pat ran dhurwa vi (4)slow ran dhurwa pat hak dig vi (5) None of these

1. (2) 2. (3) 3. (4) 4. (1) 5. (1) 6. (1) 7. (3) 8. (5) 9. (3) 10. (1) 11. (4) 12. (5) 13. (2) 14. (1) 15. (2)

Non Verbal

1. (2) 2. (3) 3. (3) 4. (4) 5. (2)

Common Written Examination :2011 (Numerical Ability)

1. The sum of three consecutive natural numbers each divisible by 3 is 72. What is the largest among them?

1. 25 2. 26 3. 27 4. 30 5. 26 Answer: (3) 2. The numerator of a non-zero rational number is five less than the denominator. If the denominator is increased by eight and the numerator is doubled, then again we get the same rational number. The required rational number is: 1. 1/8 2. 4/9 3. 2/8 4. 3/8 5. 3/8 Answer: (5) 3. Find the greatest number that will divide 640, 710 and 1526 so as to leave 11, 7, 9 as remainders respectively. 1. 36 2. 37 3. 42 4. 29 5. 47 Answer: (2) 4. Jayesh is as much younger than Anil as he is older than Prashant. If the sum of the ages of Anil and Prashant is 48 years, what is Jayeshs age in years? 1. 29 2. 30 3. 24 4. 25 5. 28 Answer: (3) 5. A bag contains one rupee, 50-paise and 25-paise coins in the ratio 2 : 3 5. Their total value is Rs. 114. The value of 50 paise coins is: 1. Rs. 28 2. Rs. 36 3. Rs. 49 4. Rs. 72 5. Rs. 50 Answer: (1) 6. A tempo is insured to the extent of 4 5 of its original value. If the premium on it at the rate of 1.3 percent amounts to Rs. 910, the original value of the tempo is: 1. Rs. 78,000 2. Rs. 78,500 3. Rs. 80,000 4. Rs. 85,000 5. Rs. 87,500 Answer: (5) 7. By selling 45 lemons for Rs. 40, a man loses 20%. How many should he sell for Rs. 24 to gain 20% in the transaction? 1. 19 2. 18 3. 24

4. 22 5. 23 Answer: (2) 8. In a ratio, which is equal to 3 : 4, if the antecedent is 12, then the consequent is: 1. 10 2. 16 3. 20 4. 22 5. 18 Answer: (2) 9. A, B and C are employed to do a piece of work for Rs. 529. A and B together are supposed to do 19/23 of the work and B and C together 8/23 of the work. What amount should A be paid? 1. Rs. 320 2. Rs. 345 3. Rs. 355 4. Rs. 380 5. None of these Answer: (2) 10. A boy rides his bicycle 10 km at an average speed of 12 km/hr and again travels 12 km at an average speed of 10 km/hr. His average speed for the entire trip is approximately : 1. 10.4 km/hr 2. 10.8 km/hr 3. 12 km/hr 4. 14 km/hr 5. 13 km/hr Answer: (2) 11. From a pack of 52 cards, two cards are drawn together at random. What is the probability of both the cards being kings? 1. 1/19 2. 27/29 3. 35/256 4. 1/121 5. 35/121 Answer: (4) 12. An automobile financier claims to be lending money at simple interest, but he includes the interest every six months for calculating the principal. If he is charging an interest of 10%, the effective rate of interest becomes: 1. 13% 2. 10.25% 3. 15% 4. 11% 5. None of these Answer: (2) 13. A towel, when bleached, was found to have lost 20% of its length and 10% of its breadth. The percentage of decrease in area is: 1. 11% 2. 12% 3. 20% 4. 28% 5. 33% Answer: (4)

14. What is the difference in exports between the periods March to May and June to August (in $ million)? 1. 418 2. 592 3. 5790 4. 585 5. None of these Answer: (4) 15. If the exports of company B in the year 2003 were Rs. 77 crore, then, what were the imports of the company in that year? 1. 86 crore 2. 107.5 crore 3. 103.95 crore 4. 101 crore 5. None of these Answer: (3)

Common Written Examination :2011 (Current Affairs) Nilekani Panel Submits Report on Cash Transfer Scheme
UIDAI Chairman Nandan Nilekani submitted the report of the committee headed by him regarding direct transfer of subsidy to the beneficiaries, to the Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee. The interim report of the task force on direct transfer of subsidies on Kerosene, LPG and Fertilisers suggested creation of a Core Subsidy Management System (CSMS) for maintaining information on entitlements and subsidies for all beneficiaries. The CSMS, as indicated in the report, will provide increased transparency in the movement of goods, level of stocks, prediction and aggregation of demand and identification of beneficiaries. Nilekani Panel on Cash Transfer Scheme Highlights of Recommendations Nade in Interim Report Submitted by the Panel LPG: Phase I: Cap consumption of subsidised cylinders (Policy decision of government and not a specific task force recommendation). Phase II: Consumers buy LPG at market price, with direct transfer of subsidy to their bank account. Phase III: Identify and target segmented customers for subsidy.

Fertiliser: Phase I: Information visibility up to the retailer level. Phase II: Direct transfer of subsidy to the retailer. Phase III: Farmers buy fertilisers at market price, with direct transfer of subsidy to their bank account.

Kerosene: Phase I: Cash transfer through state governments. Phase II: Cash transfer to accounts of beneficiaries. Report recommends creation of centralised software for the product and service transfer. The poors have been recommended to get the share of subsidies directly through bank branches, Automated Teller

Machines (ATMs), business correspondents, the internet or mobile banking channels. Pilot projects for such direct cash transfers have been recommended to begin in seven places Tamil Nadu, Assam, Maharashtra, Haryana, Delhi Rajasthan and Orissafrom October 2011.

Countrys Exports Register 45.7% Growth in Q 1 Of 2011-12:

Countrys exports in June 2011 rose for the third month in a row by growing 46.4 per cent to $ 29.2 billion, driven by high-end products such as engineering goods. Imports increased 42.4 per cent to $ 36.2 billion. About one-third of this import bill was accounted for by petroleum, oil and lubricant. This resulted trade deficit at $ 7.7 billion. During the first quarter of 2011-12 (i.e. April- June 2011), exports rose 457% to $ 79 billion. With imports growing 362% to $ 110.6 billion, the trade deficit stood at $ 7.7 billion. Export sectors good performance was well supported by various industries like engineering, oil, electronics, drugs, chemicals and readymade garments. The main components in the import bill on the other hand were oil, gold and silver, machinery, electronics and pearls/ precious stones. Oil import bill has been a major head in countrys total import bill. During the first quarter of 2011 -12, oil imports rose 18 per cent to $ 30.5 billion and it is projected to be around $ 120-130 billion during the entire financial year 2011-12. Machinery imports valued at $ 9 billion showing 49 per cent growth. With 71 per cent growth electronics imports went to $ 7.6 billion. It may be recalled that during last year 2010-11, merchandise exports had grown 37.55% to $ 246 billion compared with 2009-10 while imports were up 21.6 per cent at $ 350 billion, resulting trade deficit at $ 104 billion. The government has set a target of $ 500 billion worth of exports by 2014 and doubling of Indias share of global exports by 2020.

RBI Asks Government To Improve Expenditure Quality:

RBI in its quarterly review of Monetary and Credit Policy 2011-12 pointed out the risk of high fiscal deficit pushing up inflation and consequently it suggested central government to improve the quality of expenditure to contain demand in the economy.

Trade Figures (Ap11) ExportsThe Break-up Sector Engineering Oil Gems &jewellery Readymade garments Manmade yarn & fabrics Cotton yarn & fabrics Electronics Drugs & pharma Chemicals Value ($ b) 23 14 9.25 3.6 1.2 1.5 2.8 3.08 2.9 (% growth) 94 60 19 34 30 9.1 69 25 52 Oil Pearls, gems Gold & silver Machinery Electronics Chemicals Coal Iron & steel Transport ImportsThe Break-up Sector Value ($ b) 30.5 7.5 17.7 9 7.6 4.5 3.7 2.7 2.5 (% growth) 18 10 200 49 71 19 27 -10 34

equipment Plastics & linoleum Leather Mica, coal & ores Marine products 1.5 1.1 2.7 0.6 50 26 270 27 Ores & scrap Vegetable Oil Resins & plastics Fertilisers 3.4 2 1.8 1.28 37 55 0 -28

As per RBIs viewpoint, the large fiscal deficit has been a key source of demand pressures, therefore, fiscal consolidation is critical to maintain inflationary pressure in the economy. The government can support RBIs efforts to achieve low and stable inflation by re -allocating resources to finance supply bottle-necks in food and infrastructure.

Outstanding Liabilities and Gross Fiscal Deficit (as % of GDP) Year 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 (BE) 53.7 49.9 48.5 Outstanding Liabilities 5.4 4.7 4.6 Gross Fiscal Deficit

Despite the hike in administered prices of fuel products, RBI still finds an element of suppressed inflation in the economy. As per RBIs estimates, about 1 per cent of gross domestic product is still to be financed and becomes a major portion of this subsidy Bill. This subsidy Bill will result in inflationary pressure which, according to RBI is a major concern on the part of the government.

Food Accounts Largest Share in Consumers Spending : NSSO

NSSOs 66th round of survey household consumer expenditure reveals that Indians are still spending a major chunk of their expenditure on food items. The survey, covering the period from July 2009 to June 2010 shows an average rural household to have allocated 53.6 per cent of its monthly consumption expenditure on food items. The corresponding share for urban household was less, at 407 per cent. According to the latest figures on consumption expenditure, per capita consumption expenditure in a month was 88 per cent more in case of urban India compared to rural. India during 2009-10, a trend which was more or less five years ago.

Share of Food in Total Consumption Expenditure (in%) Year 1987-1988 1993-1994 1999-2000 2004-2005 Rural 64.0 63.2 59.4 55.0 Urban 56.4 54.7 48.1 42.5




Per capita expenditure on consumption for the bottom 10 per cent of the people in rural areas was five times less than the top 10 per cent of the people while in case of urban parts, it was 10 per cent less. Survey results show that cereals still make up the largest chunk of an average Indian households consumption budget15.6 per cent in rural and 9.1 per cent in urban areas. This is followed by fuel and light (9.5 per cent in rural and 8 per cent in urban), milk and milk products (8.6 per cent and 7.8 per cent), vegetables (6.2 per cent and 4.3 per cent) and clothing (4.9 per cent and 4.7 per cent). The survey has estimated the all-India average monthly per capita expenditure at Rs. 1,053.64 in rural and Rs. 1,984.46. The States among the top in spending are Kerala (Rs. 1,835.22 in rural and Rs. 2,412.58 in urban areas), Punjab ( 1,648.92 and Rs. 2,108.79), Haryana (Rs. 1,509.91 and Rs. 2,321.49) and Maharashtra (Rs. 1,152.79 and Rs. 2,436.75). The States at the bottom of the consumption chart are Bihar (Rs. 780.15 and Rs. 1,23754), hhattisgarh (Rs. 783.57 and Rs. 1,647.32), Orissa (Rs. 818.47 and Rs. 1,548.36) and Jharkhand (Rs. 825.15 and Rs. 1,583.75).

Institutional Credit Disbursement to Agriculture Sector Shows Big Rise in 201011:

Institutional credit disbursement to agriculture sector during 2010-11 registered a big rise. As against the target of Rs. 3,75,000 crore for agriculture credit in 2010-11, the banking system disbursed Rs.4,26,531 crore to the agriculture sector, thereby exceeding the target by around 13.7 per cent. As per the data released by the Ministry of Agriculture, out of the total disbursed credit of Rs. 4,26,531 crore, Commercial Banks, Cooperative Banks and Regional Rural Banks contributed Rs. 3,14,182 crore, Rs. 69,076 crore and Rs. 43,273 crore respectively. Thus during 2010-11, the share of Commercial Banks, Cooperative Banks and Regional Rural Banks in total disbursed credit stood at 73.7 per cent, 16.2 per cent and 10.1 per cent respectively. During 2009-10, as against the target of Rs. 3,25,000 crore for agriculture credit, the banking system disbursed Rs. 3,84,514 crore to the agriculture sector, thereby exceeding the target by about 18 per cent. For the financial year 2011-12, the target of disbursing agriculture credit to farmers in Rs. 4,75,000 crore. It is worthnoting that government is providing concessional crop loans to farmers from the year 2006-07. The farmers who repay loans well in time get concession on their crop loans. In 200910, this concession was 1% which was raised to 2% in 2010- 11. For 2011-12, it now stands at 3%.

Flow of Institutional Credit to Agriculture Sector (in Rs. crore) Agency Target Commercial Banks 2,50,000 Cooperative Banks Regional Rural Banks Total 45,000 30,000 3,25,000 2009-10 Actual Credit Disbursement 2,85,000 63,497 35,217 3,84,514 Target 2,80,000 55,000 40,000 3,75,000 2010-11 Actual Credit Disbursement 3,14,182 69,076 43,273 4,26,531

1. Which one of the following Public Sector Organisations has offered largest ever equity offer ? 1. SAIL 2. Coal India 3. Power Grid 4. Shipping Corporation of India 5. None of these 2. Through which one of the following sources domestic funds are raised by Companies ? (a) IPO only (b) FPO only (c) Commercial papers 1. Only (a) and (b) 2. All (a), (b) and (c) 3. Only (a),and (c) 4. Only (a) 5. Only (c) 3. Which one of the following was the reason owing to which Govt. want Reserve Bank of India to tighten prudential norms for NBFCs? 1. To reduce liquidity in the market 2. It is as per Basel II requirements 3. It is as per Bank for International Settlement (BIS) directives 4. It is to protect NBFCs from any impact of possible economic slowdown 5. None of these 4. In the financial year 2009-10, which one of the following Banks has made highest Total dividend Payout? 1. SBI 2. PNB 3. Bank of India 4. Canara Bank 5. None of these 5. In respect of which one of the following countries, India has proposed non payments for import of crude oil ? 1. Iran 2. Iraq 3. Kuwait 4. Sudan 5. U.A.E.

1.(2) 2.(3) 3.(4) 4.(5) 5. (1)

Common Error (Articles, Prepositions)

1. Articles: There are three articles in Englisha, an and the. A and an are called indefinite article.The is the definite article. An article is placed before a noun. If there is an adjective before a noun, the article is placed before the adjective: a train, a fast train, an incident, an unusual incident Note: We can never use a singular count noun alone, that is, without a/an/the/my/some/any etc. 2. A/an: Singular count nouns take the indefinite article a/an with them: a ball an egg a dog an elephant Uncount nouns do not generally take an article with them. we do not generally say

a milk a beauty a wisdom for milk, beauty, wisdom cannot be counted. 3. We use a with singular count nouns beginning with a consonant sound: a girl a map a university a union a one-sided affair a one-rupee note Note: That the words university, union, and one begin with a vowel but no a vowel sound. University and union begin with the yoo sound while one begins with the w sound. Well-known words which begin with a vowel but take a with them are: European uniform union unit universal usual useful eau-de-cologne 4. An: An is used before words beginning with a vowel sound: an umbrella an opportunity an honest boy an honourable person The letter h in honest and honourable is not sounded. Common words in English which begin with an unsounded h are: heir heiress honest honorary honourable hour hourly 5. In abbreviations, if consonants begin with a vowel sound, they take an before them: an M.P. an S.P. But if consonants begin with a consonant sound, they take a before them: a Ph.D. a B.Ed. 6. Note the use of a in the following phrases: a pity a shame a pleasure a noise a rage a nuisance a headache a toothache

a bad cold in a whisper in a low voice in a loud voice to be at a loss 7. The definite Article the: The, the definite article, is a weakended form of that. It is pronounced as (di:) when it preceded a vowel sound and as do before a consonant sound. In meaning also, it is weaker than that. Instead of pointing out, it defines, particularises or singles out: I have read the book you are talking of. (not any book but a particular book that is being referred to) The artists who came to seem me today are quite accomplished. (not any artists but the ones who came to see me today) 8. In the examples given in 7, the book and the artists are particularised by two adjective clauses. In certain cases, a noun's being particular may be clear from the context and it may not have any defining expression with it. The is also prefixed to such a noun: Shut the door. (the door of the room in which we are sitting) He was brought before the Principal. (The Principal of the institution in which he was studying) The king pardoned him. (the king we are talking about at the moment) 9. If I am looking at the picture of a room, I can talk about the ceiling, the floor, because there is only one ceiling and one floor, but I cannot talk about the wall if there are more than one walls in the picture because I would not be talking about the only one. I can, however, talk about the left wall and the right wall because there is only one left wall and one right wall in the picture. 10. More about the: We use the definite article the 1. with superlatives and the words used in the superlative sense: the best student in the class the Chief Justice the Prime Minister 2. when special emphasis almost equivalent to the use of the superlative is intended: He is the leader today. (the greatest leader) This is just the thing. (the right thing) This is the way to solve this problem. (the proper way). 3. even in comparative degrees when one of the two items is singled out in preference to the other: He is the moon, the world, (But not: He is the finer batsman than others. The correct form would be : He is a finer bats man than others.) 4. with things of which there is only one in our world, or things which are otherwise well known but do not begin with a capital letter: the sun, the moon, the world, the equator, the north, the east. 5. in place of possessive adjectives: I hit him on the head. (= his head) Disappointment stared him in the face.( = his face) 6. with common nouns when one noun is used to represent the whole class or species: The horse is a faithful animal. The lion is the king of animals. 7. with an adjective with a plural notion to indicate a class of persons: The rich should help the poor. (We can say: Rich men should help poor men But not: The rich men should help the poor men.) 8. as an adverb in case of certain comparatives: The more we get, the more we want. The harder you work, the better it will be. 9. to suggest distribution: (= each) We can buy oranges by the dozen. Cloth is sold by the metre.


Fill in the blanks with a, an or the where necessary: 1. more you read, more you know. 2. stone hit him on head. 3. fox is very clever animal. 4. Only rich can afford comforts of modern times. 5. I have elder brother and younger sister. sister is wiser of the two. 6. If you are looking for entertaining as well as educative magazine, this is magazine for you. 7. sun rises in east and sets in west. 8. India is a little to north of equator. 9. oranges are sold by dozen. 11. Articles with Proper Nouns 1. Proper nouns, as a rule, do not take articles with them: Shakespeare was a great playwright. (Shakespeare) Samudragupta was a great warrior. (Samudragupta) 2. But if a proper noun is used as a common noun, it may take with it some article: He is a good playwright but not a Shakespeare. (not as great a playwright as Shakespeare) Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India. (as great a playwright for India as Shakespeare is for England) 3. We need the definite article the with the names of:
Rivers Seas and oceans Mountain ranges Holy books Trains, ships ship). Newspapers and the Filmfare, the portstar Well-known the Qutub Minar Countries U.S.A., is a common noun.) Peoples, parties The whole families the Ganga, the Yamuna the Red Sea, the Atlantic Ocean the Alps, the Himalayas the Bible, the Ramcharit Manas the Himgiri Express, the Ashoka (the name of a the Pioneer, magazines the Hindustan Times, the Gateway of India, buildings the Red Fort, (if their name contains a common noun) the the U.K. (In United States of America, States the English, the French, the Whigs the Khans, the Kapurs

Prepositions Prepositions of Time A number of prepositions may be used to denote time: from Monday; after my return; during the night; till tomorrow; before the bell rings; a quarter to ten. In most cases, it is easy to decide which preposition to use. The following prepositions, however, need special attention. 1. At, on, in 1. At usually denotes a definite point of time but can also be used for indefinite periods: at 7 p.m.; at this moment; (Definite at midnight; point of time) at the end of the class; at night; at dawn; (indefinite at Durga Puja; at Diwali. periods)

2. On is used with days and dates: on Monday; on 1st May; on the annual day; on a May afternoon. 3. In is used with parts of the day, and with months, years, seasons: in the morning; in September; in 2004; in winter. 4. In is also used with the future tense to show the period in which an action will happen: in a week; in four hours. 5. In and within. In means at the end of; within means before the end of: I shall be back in a week. (when a week is over) I shall be back within a week. (before a week is over) 2. By By refers to a point of future time and denotes the latest time at which an action will be over: The competition will be over by 6 p.m. (It should be over before it is 6 p.m., but the latest time at which it can be over is 6 p.m.) They will have declared the result by tomorrow evening. 3. For For is used with periods of time to show the duration of an action. It is mostly used with perfect continuous tenses though it may be found with other tenses as well: This discussion has been going on for two hours. I have worked in this office for two years. For may sometimes be omitted also: I have been busy the whole morning.(for the whole morning) 4. Since Since marks the point of time at which an action began. It is used only if the action has continued till the time of speaking; hence it is found with perfect continuous tenses. Unlike for, it can never be ommitted: She has been teaching in this college since 2001. A cool breeze has been blowing since morning. 5. From From denotes the starting point of an action and is used in all cases except when the action has continued till the moment of speaking. It is almost invariably used with to or till: The examination will be held from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. He was the Chief Minister of the state from 1999 to 2002. 6. At, in 1. At has the idea of an exact point and is, therefore, used with houses, villages, small towns. In has the idea of a larger area and is used while speaking of bigger towns, states, countries, etc.: at Karol Bagh in New Delhi; at Ambala; in England; at the end; in the middle. 2. At conveys the idea of a general neighbourhood; in conveys the idea of something contained: We say at the table to take our lunch. Please wait for me at the Regal PVR. Turn left at the next crossing. There are two Pepsi bottles in the refrigerator. You will find the stapler in the drawer. 7. On, upon

On is used while speaking of things at rest; upon is used with things in motion: The file is on the table. The dog sprang upon the table. 8. Above, over Both above and over mean higher than. Sometimes we can use either of them: The flags waved over our heads. The flags waved above our heads. But over can also mean coverning, or vertically above: My father put a blanket over me. There is a fan exactly over the table. 9. Below, under Both below and under mean lower than and sometimes we can use either of them. But under means vertically below. It also has the idea of contact: There was a beautiful lake below us in the valley. His shoes were lying under the table. She put the keys of the wardrobe under her pillow. 10. Into Into denotes movement towards the interior of something: He jumped into the well. One stream flows into another. Figuratively: We have entered into an agreement to export handicrafts to some European countries. 11. For For is used to denote direction when the verb shows the beginning of a movement: The children leaves for the school at 7 a.m. We shall soon set off for Mumbai. 12. Against Against shows pressure or contact: He threw the goods against the wall. Prepositions of direction from. Most common among these are: from, off, out of: 13. From From is used with the point of departure: He brought these books from the market. He had already gone from home. 14. Out of It is the opposite of into. It means from the interior of: He took a few books out of the Cupboard.
A person who is out to destroy all government and order Government by the people The whole mass of air surrounding the earth One who is not sure of the existence of God A medicine which prevents infection by killing germs One who does something not professionally but for pleasure A statement open to more than one interpretation One who makes an official examination of accounts Anarchist Democracy Atmosphere Agnostic Antiseptic Amateur Ambiguous Auditor

Marrying more than one wife or more than one husband at a time The science that studies plants The science which studies natural processes of living things People working together in the same office or department The state of remaining unmarried The action of bringing into completion To give one's authority to another Study of the relation of living things to environment The action of looking within or into one's own mind Introspection One incapable of being tired Indefatigable A letter, poem, etc. whose author is unknown Work for which no salary is paid One who looks at the bright side of things One who cannot read or write A game or battle in which neither party wins Holding established opinions Hater of women The study of the origin and physical and cultural development of mankind The science which studies the crust of the earth The science which studies animals

Polygamy Botany Biology Colleagues Celibacy Consummation Delegate Ecology

Anonymous Honorary Optimist Illiterate Draw Orthodox Misogynist Anthropology Geology Zoology

Antonyms & Synonyms Synonyms

Abandon : Leave, forsake. Abridge : Shorten, curtail. Abundant : Plentiful.

Behaviour : Demeanour. Bias : Predilection. Brutal : Savage, cruel.

Callous : Hard, cruel. Calm : Quiet, tranquil. Casual : Uncertain.

Damage : Loss, harm, injury. Decorate : Adron, embellish. Deformity : Malformation, disfigurement.

Earnest : Serious, solemn. Emergency : Exigency. Exceptional : Unusual, rare.

False : Untrue, spurious. Fascinate : Charm, enchant. Ferocious : Fierce, savage.

Geniune : Real. Gigantic : Colossal, great. Guilt : Sin, crime.

Haughty : Arrogant, proud. Hazardous : Dangerous, risky, perilous. Humility : Modesty, politeness.

Illiterate : Unlearned, ignorant. Imperious : Authoritative, dictatorial. Impertinent : Impudent, insolent, shameless.

Jolly : Jovial, merry. Judicious : Discreet, prudent.

Knavery : Fraud.

Laborious : Assiduous, industrious. Lament : Grieve, mourn. Lethargy : Sluggishness.

Magnificent : Splendid, grand. Marvellous : Wonderful. Meagre : Small.

Nice : Pleasant, agreeable. Notable : Remarkable, memorable. Notorious : Infamous.

Obliterate : Destory, efface. Obsolete : Antiquated. Opportune : Timely.

Pensive : Thoughtful. Perennial : Permanent, perpetual. Persuade : Induce, urge.

Quaint : Queer, odd, singular. Queer : Strange, odd. Questionable : Doubtful.

Radiant : Bright, brilliant. Refined : Elegant. Rejoice : Delight.

Sacred : Holy, consecrated, pious. Satiate : Satisfy. Scanty : Slender, meagre.

Talkative : Garrulous. Temperate : Moderate. Thankful : Grateful, obliged.

Ugly : Repulsive. Urbane : Polite, courteous, suave. Urge : Press, incite.

Vacillatge : Waver Venerable : Respectable. Vigilance : Watchfulness.

Wealthy : Rich. Wickedness : Evil. Wild : Savage.

Yield : Surrender Yielding : Submissive.

Zeal : Passion. Zenith : Top, summit.

A Ability : Disability. Accept : Reject, refuse. Acquit : Convict. B Barbarous : Civilized. Barren : Fertile. Base : Noble. C Callous : Soft, tender. Care : Neglect. Censure : Praise, applaud. D Danger : Safety. Deep : Shallow. Delight : Despleasure, sorrow. E

Early : Late. Elevation : Depression. Emancipate : Enslave. F Fabulous : Actual, real. Failure : Success. Fickle : Constant. G Gain : Loss. Genuine : False. Gloomy : Gay. H Happiness : Sorrow, sadness. Help : Hinder. Honour : Dishonour, shame. I Imperative : Optional. Increase : Decrease. Inhale : Exhale. J Joyful : Sad, depressed. Junior : Senior. Justice : Injustice. K Kind : Cruel. Knowledge : Ignorance. L Lack : Plenty. Legal : Illegal. Legible : Illegible. M Mad : Sane. Malice : Goodwill. Master : Servant. N Natural : Artificial. Noble : Base, Ignoble. Normal : Abnormal. O Obstinate : Yielding. Offensive : Pleasing, defensive. Optional : Compulsory. P

Part (n) : Yielding. Part (v) : Join. Particular : General. Q Quick : Slow, tardy. R Raise : Lower. Rash : Steady, cautious. Rear : Front. S Sacred : Unholy, profane. Satisfaction : Dissatisfaction. Scanty : Plentiful. T Tedious : Lively. Temperate : Intemperate. Thankful : Thankless. U Ugly : Beautiful. Union : Disunion, discord, split. Urban : Rural. V Vain : Modest. Violent : Gentle. Virtue : Vice. W Wane : Wax Want : Abundance. War : Peace. Y Yield : Resist. Youth : Age. Z Zeal : Indifference. Zenith : Nadir.

Idioms and Phrases

Back out to withdraw from a promise, contract : I felt grieved when he backed out of his promise to help me. Back up to support; to sustain : He backed up his report with relevant statistics. Bear upon to be relevant to : This argument does not bear upon the subject under discussion. Blow up to explode : The mine blew up and all the labourers working inside were killed. to reprimand or scold : If you continue to be negligent, the teacher will blow you up.

Break down of a car; a piece of machinery; to go wrong so that it will not function : The car broke down on our way to Mumbai. to collapse; to succumb to uncontrollable weeping : She broke down completely on hearing the news of her husband's death. to succumb to a nervous collapse through overwork or worry : He worked so hard that his health broke down near the examination. Break off to end; to discontinue; to desist : We had to break off our conversation when he arrived. She broke off in the middle of the story. She did not like his nature and broke off the engagement. Break up to disperse; to dissolve : The college will break up for the Puja holidays on 25th October. The meeting will break up after the President has addressed the audience. Bring up to rear : Those brought up in adversity are able to cope with life better. Call forth to provoke : The minister's views on the disinvestment policy of the government called forth a good deal of bitter criticism. Call out to shout : I called out to him but he disappeared in the dark. to announce by calling or shouting : The Manager called out to the peon that he was being immediately fired. Call upon to order; to require : I was unfortunately called upon to give evidence against him. Carry on to continue : If you carry on working hard, your business will soon flourish. to manage : He carried on his business so well that he soon amassed a huge fortune. Cast away to throw aside : You must cast away all your apprehensions and accept the offer. Catch up with to overtake; to draw level : Last week I had to stay late at the office to catch up with some pending files. Come off to take place : The prize distribution came off on Tuesday last. to turn out successful : His speeches at the conference always came off beautifully. Cry down to deprecate; to make little of : You must not unneccessarily cry down the conduct of others. Cry out against to complain loudly against : The opposition parties cried out against the fast pace of the globalisation of the Indian economy. Cut out designed for : Your were cut out to be a lecturer in a college. Drop in to visit casually : On my way to the college, I dropped in at Mira's place. Drop out As the race progressed, many children dropped out. Fall back to recede; to retreat : On seeing the armed guards, the civilians fell back. Fall down from a higher position to a lower one : The branch gave way and he fell down into the canal. Fall off to withdraw; to drop off : Some of our subscribers have fallen off. Friends fall off in adversity. Fall under to come under : This colony does not fall under my jurisdiction. Get along to prosper; to progress; to proceed : Well, doctor, how is your patient getting along? It is simply impossible to get along with him. Get on with to live pleasantly together; to progress : How are you getting on with your studies? Get into to be involved in : It is easy to get into scandals but hard to come out unscathed. Give in to surrender; to yield : I gave into her repeated requests and accepted the offer. Give over not to do any longer : It is time you gave over pretending that you have access to the Prime Minister.

Go after to follow; to pursue : The policeman went after the thief but the latter managed to escape in the dark of the night. Go down to be accepted : The terrorist attack on WTC will go down in history as one of the worst acts of terrorism. Go without to remain without : he is so poor that sometimes he has to go without food. Go by to follow : I am sorry to disappoint you but we have to go by the rules. to elapse (used of time) : Months have gone by but I have not called upon him. Hang about to loiter near a place : Last evening I say your friend hanging about your house. Hang upon to depend upon : The success of any venture hangs upon the seriousness with which it is undertaken. Hold out to endure; to refuse to yield : How long can you hold out against starvation? to continue : Sugar stocks are not likely to hold out very long. to offer : She held out her hand to the Prince. Hold to abide by : Whatever resistance there might be, I will hold to my decision. Keep off to ward off : His stern looks keep off the flatterers. to maintain : They have been trying to keep up their standard of living though there has been a considerable decline in their income. Keep up with to keep pace with : You read too fast; I cannot keep up with you. Knock out to win by hitting the opponent insensible in a boxing bout : The challenger was knocked out in two minutes.

Directions (Q.111): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold in the passage to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. What is immediately needed today is the establishement of a Wrold Government or an International Federation of mankind. It is the utmost necessity of the world today, and all those persons who wish to see all human beings happy and prosperous naturally feel it keenly. Of course, at times we feel that many of the problem of our political, social, linguistic and cultural life would come to an end if there were one Govenment all ovet the world. Travellers, businessmen, seekers of knowledge and teachers of righteousness knowvery well that great impediments and obstructions are faced by them when they pass from one country to another, exchange goods, get information, and make an efforts to spread their good gospel among their fellow-men. In the past, religious sects divided one set of people against another, colour of skin or shape of the body set one against the other. But today when philosophical light has exploded the darkness that was created by religious differences, and when scientific knowledge has flasified the superstitions, they have enabled human beings of all religious views and of all races and colours to come in frequent contactwith one another . It is the governments of various countries that keep poeple of one country apart from, those of another. They create artificial barriers, unnatural distinctions, unhealthy isolation, unnecessary fears and dangers in theminds of common menwho by their naturewant to live in friendshipwith their fellow-men.But all these evilswould cease to exist if there were one Government all over the world. 1. What divides people of a country against another? (a) Different religions (b) Different language (c) Different social and political systems of different people (d) Government of various countries

2. What is the urgent heed of the world today? (a) The establishment of an international economic order. (b) The establishment of a world government. (c) The creation of a cultural international social order. (d) The raising of an international spiritual army. 3. What will the world Government be expected to do? (a) it will arrange for interplanetary contacts (b) it will end all wars for all time to come (c) it will bring about a moral regeneration of mankind (d) it will kill the evil spirit inman 4. Choose the word which is SIMILAR in meaning as the word "righteousness" as used in the passage. (a) rectitude (b) religiosity (c) requirement (d) scrupulousness5. Which of the following problems has not been mentioned in the passage as likely to be solved with the establishment of world Government? (a) Social Problems (b) Political Problems (c) Cultural Problems (d) Economic Problems 6. Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word 'implediments' as used in the passage. (a) handicaps (b) furtherance (c) providence (d) hindrances 7. The most appropriate title of the above passage may be ........... (a) The evils of the world order. (b) The man can make his destiny. (c) The need of world Government. (d) The role of Religion in theModern Times. 8. What was the factor, according to the passage, that set one man against another? (a) Material prosperity of certain people in the midst of grinding poverty. (b) Superior physical strength of some persons. (c) Colour of skin or shape of the body. (d) Some people being educated and other illiterate. 9. The theory of racial superiority stands falsified today by ........ (a) knowledge derived from scientific advances. (b) the ascendancy of peoplewhowere here to fore considered of inferior racial stock. (c) the achievements of the so called backward countries in every field of life. (d) the precedence given to the physical powers of different races. 10. In the part religious sects ............. (a) united the people with one another. (b) Interfered in political affairs. (c) did a good job by way of spreading message of love and peace. (d) divided one set of people from another.

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