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SOUL: Lord, why are some people more spiritually inclined than others? For
some, spiritual life seems easy and natural, but for others, it appears almost impossible.
Why is this?

SELF: Every man has a twofold nature: one spiritual and one material, one
higher and the other lower. The spiritual or higher nature is dominated by Intellect (that
which is in the Heart) and associated with the meanings. The lower or material nature is
dominated by the senses, including the mind (that which is in the brain). This is the
fleshly or sensory plane, which man shares in common with all other sentient beings.
Heart is man’s unique gift by which he distinguishes right from wrong, spiritual from
material. By Heart, you can know what produces temporary pleasure and death to the
soul, or know what is spiritual and brings eternal happiness to the soul.

There is an eternal competition for the affections of the soul between the two
parties of knowledge and ignorance. The first follows My banner of transcendental
knowledge, while the other follows Satan and his banner of illusion.

In the human form, the soul is situated between the two sides and given freedom
to choose one side or the other. He develops love and attachment for whichever side he
chooses. I woo the soul with a promise of eternal life in devotional service. Satan and
pleasures of this world lure the soul with the promise of immediate sense gratification.
Their pleasures, however, last only for a season, and then their reactions come in the form
of suffering, death.

SOUL: But this doesn’t explain why one person seems to be naturally disposed
toward discipline, while another is totally uncontrolled.

SELF: Yes, it does. You are judging from the viewpoint of this body. In truth,
your body is just the outer shell of your ‘being’. The body is just like the garments that I
have given to your existence in this world of Time and Space and no more. You are the
eternal like My Spirit within the body. You inhabit this body in this world and you will
inhabit another kind of body in the next world (hereafter) according to what you cultivate
during this life. At death, these works and your worship become very prominent and
determine your next life. I told an illustrious devotee of Mine:

On what the mind dwells at the moment of death,

One attains to that state when he takes his next breath.
Therefore, a person who appears to be naturally disposed to discipline and self-
control is, in fact, just more conscious of the moment of death and the next life.
Similarly, a soul who is presently uncontrolled and experiencing difficulties will, given
the necessary attention, find ease and felicity.

Sometimes, people acquire vicious habits during their youth. when they resolve
to change in later life, they will face greater difficulty in attaining dispassion and self-
control. Remember, I love everyone. I am fulfilling everyone’s desires.

SOUL: I never thought of that. You’re so great, Lord. Indeed, I can never
fathom Your greatness.

SELF: Be careful, My dear little friend. Do not get puffed-up and think that
you are now spiritually advanced. That is a dangerous pitfall laid by the opposition. The
warfare is eternal, and you must learn how to protect yourself with My armour of faith
and humility. Otherwise, you are sure to be wounded by the relentless attacks of Satan.

Satan’s attacks are especially strong because you are spiritually immature. Those
who are firmly settled in their faith do not as severely feel them, be it faith in Me, or
indulgence in pleasures of this world at once intoxicating sensually pleasant.

SOUL: But why can’t I have a little of both the sensual and the spiritual, Lord?
Why not enjoy the best of both worlds?

SELF: That is impossible. Either you will hold to the one and despise the other,
or you will sacrifice the other for love of the first. No one should delude himself by
thinking that he can become spiritually pure while living a life of sense gratification.
That is like trying to build a fire by pouring water on it.

The ultimate truth is to surrender to Me. If you cannot undergo some struggle on
My behalf, or endure even a little austerity for My sake, where is your surrender? Rather,
you should relish sacrifice and ordeal in My service, since they are a chance for you to
demonstrate your love for and attachment to Me.

Because few are willing to pay the price, few attain Me or any great degree of
perfection. Indeed, after having made some great sacrifice, a neophyte often falls down
due to unwillingness to give up some relatively minor offense. Sometimes, after
conquering his greatest weakness, after enduring tremendous hardship, he becomes
attached to some small vice and disobeys My order. That fall may then become the
occasion whereby he loses courage and gives up the fight.

And all this from a small but deadly vice! Criticizing a devotee, being proud of
one’s own spiritual successes – these may be enough to revive one’s sinful nature. Then,
with renewed vigor, that old nature completely subdues the careless warrior.. What a

SOUL: That sounds really dangerous, Lord. Exactly how does it happen? I
want to avoid this pitfall.

SELF: Sometimes people are careful not to take what belongs to others and not
to use any illegal means of acquiring wealth, but they are passionately attached to what
they possess. Indeed, they are overly fond of wealth itself and seek it by any and all
allowable means.

Others, legalistically observe the appointed fasts, but otherwise, gorge themselves
with exotic delicacies. Or they rigidly observe the five pillars of Religion and observe
the regulations, but refuse to give up certain frivolous amusements that constitute great
obstacles on the path of pure devotion to Me.

Once started on the downward slide of sense gratification, it is very difficult to

stop. Unbridled senses will swiftly lead even a good soul to be overcome by sloth,
vanity, lust, conceit, and an inordinate desire for profit, honour, and distinction. All these
are detrimental to the soul seeking My eternal service and love.

SOUL: Now I’m terrified, Lord. I don’t know what to do. I’m afraid to go
forward and try for this spiritual life, and I’m afraid to go back. Please help me, Lord.
Tell me what to do. I’m completely dependent on You.

SELF: If you maintain this attitude, you will be saved from many dangers and
misfortunes. Actually, you will come to enjoy and relish the difficulties and hardships
encountered in My service. This is one of the tests of your advancement. They greater
your resolution and determination to surmount all obstacles, the swifter and more
glorious will be your victory. Have faith and courage, My friend. Expect nothing but
difficulty and hardship in My service and wait patiently for My help. Victory is certain. I
promise you this, for you are My devotee and friend.

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