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Esoterism and Exoterism

The definition given by Rumi: Exotericism is the outer shell, Zahir (istakhwan-bone) and
Esoterism is inner Batin (mughaz- bone marrow). One is obvious and visible and the
other more subtle and hidden. Zahir and Batin are also two names of Allah in the Qur'an.
While exoteric approach may deny the presence of esoteric domain, the people of esoteric
approach would know the necessary existence of the outer shell as lesser reality. The
difficulty of exotericism resides in its limited and narrow conception, which leads to
rejection of higher or inner aspects of a religion. And the pre-eminence of esoterism lies
in its universal approach, which accepts the lower as an aspect of total reality. The
exoteric approach towards esoterism can be of two kind: one is a total denial of esoterism
like that of Wahabis which leads to conflict and declaring esoterism as falsification of
religion, the second is a reasoned or rather a rational acceptance of esoteric aspects of the
religion without being able to fully understand or attain to it.

A comprehensive definition of esoterism and exoterism in given religious atmosphere

would always include a description of relation between the two aspects.

In the Islamic matrix the relationship can be best understood by the metaphor in which
esoterism is the castle where the King (Intellect) with His Infinite Treasures reside. The
castle is situated in the center of the vast and open territory (exoterism) of the Kingdom
where the laymen live. The gate (initiation) of the castle is guarded by the strong Soldiers
(angels) and can only be opened from inside and only those who are invited by the King
(Waliallah) are allowed to enter. There is no possibility of storming the gate nor there are
any backdoors to allow the buglers to sneak in. Not only the castle but also the entire
immense territory belongs to the King who is the only Sovereign and Owner of the rich
Kingdom. Besides those who are allowed inside the Castle and have a continuous vision
of the King which alone sustain them, a great majority which lives on the vast territory
are sustained from whatever grows on the rich and fertile land and which the King out of
His generosity allows them to appropriate. There are few who, though not allowed inside
the Castle as yet, nonetheless receive some very precious Gifts from the King through
His special emissaries and it is these people who keenly acknowledge His generosity and
always remain sincerely grateful to Him for His favours. They are King’s faithful subjects
and very obedient servants. The remaining majority, also receive their sustenance from
the land which belongs to the King without much efforts on their part but fall short of
true gratefulness and are confused about the whole situation and ignorant of existence of
the Owner and Sovereign King. Due to their ignorance and confusion they develop
ingenious philosophies, from scientific to occultist, to make sense of the visible world.

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