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Vocab List:
Technopole, Agglomeration, Deindustrialization, High Threshold, High Range, Location Theory, Least Cost Theory, Friction of Distance, Break of Bulk Point, Just-in-time deliveries, Intermodal connections, International Division of labor, container system

Key Concepts:
Central Place Theory, Industry vs. Services, Bulk Gaining vs Bulk Reducing Industries, Labor intensive vs capital intensive industries, Fordist vs Post fordist industrial activity

Global Industrial Patterns: Four major Industrial Belts in the world: Western & Central Europe, North America,
East Asia, and Russia & the Ukraine. For industrialization to happen a country needed to have a close proximity to coal fields and connection via water by port

Western and Central Europe:

The first site of Industrialization, the first country of which was England. The European Coal and Steel Community was created in this region, it was the foundation for the European Union and was created due to industry. The European Coal Belt lies across the countries of France, Belgium, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Poland. Germany is the strongest of the Industrial powers in EuropeThe destruction of European factories was actually a good thing, from an economic standpoint. The destroyed factories benefitted from being rebuilt by Americans and given cutting edge technology. standpoint. The destroyed factories benefitted from being rebuilt by Americans and given cutting edge technology. A very notable port in Europe is Rotterdam in the Netherlands, over 85% of European goods came through or went through this port. Quickly surpassed Europe after ww1 largest and richest coal fields, they are located in between the Appalachian Mountains and the Great Plains. New York, a very important port; it is also a break of bulk point The Steel Belt, or Industrial Belt, of the Upper-Midwestern United States is now being called the Rust Belt; Industry is leaving the area ..going overseas, or heading south. This area mainly focused on light industry during Tsarist rule This area doesnt import raw materials, as it has a rich supply of their own. Such as the Ural Mountains, which have a high amount of ore deposits. Volga River is a major Industrial Factor, as it is used to generate power, among other things. During the rule of Peter the Great, St. Petersburg was chosen as the capital and chief industrial area. Japan and China are the two most notable, non-colonized, industrial powers. the two strongest industrial powers in this region Although Japan industrialized first, China did so at a faster pace and on a greater scale, once it started. Japan is an industrial power, considering its small size, lack of resources, and overall work force. In an event called the Meiji Restoration, Japan became the world power it is today. It accomplished this by becoming less traditional, and more industrious The Kanto plain in Japan is a major industrial area, and is the cluster of 3 cities; Tokyo, Yoohama, and Kawasaki.

North America:

Russia and the Ukraine:

East Asia:

Hottelling Model
Focused on the issue of locational interdependence = Where two vendors would locate in relation to each other The location of an industry cannot be understood without reference to the location of other like industries. Only maximization of sales is considered Example: Ice cream vend ors on a beach

Industry vs. Services

Services: Consumer services, Business services, public services.
Example of services: retail, entertainment, health, education. Jewelry shops, dry cleaners, pest removal MDCs = 75% service, 25% industry Threshold and range Industry: bulk-gaining industries vs. bulk reducing industries, Seeks to maximize profits by minimizing production costs. Site Factors: labor, land, capital. Situation factors: proximity to inputs and markets, transport choices. production cost of a labor Labor intensive vs capital intensive

intensive product
Bulk Gaining vs. bulk reducing industries
Bulk reducing: Processing is located as close to inputs
as is reasonable, minimizes transportation costs by shipping only what is valuable. Example: copper mining Bulk Gaining: Processing is located as close to market as is reasonable. Transportation is the most important factor. Example: automobile industry, Soft drink industry.
labor capital

production cost of a capital intensive product

Capital Labor

Labor-intensive vs. capital intensive industries Labor intensive- high labor costs (percentage of total cost)
Example: T-shirt production Capital intensive- high capital costs (percentage of total costs), low labor costs Example: Auto Assembly

Loschs Model

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