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English III 3rd Semester August- December 2013 Mr. Eduardo Gamez Ed Gamez@facebook Malakh71@hotmail.


Class objective: This course is designed to enable the student to interact effectively with others in English in a wide variety of communicative situations. Biography: Open Mind by Tim Bowen English- Spanish Dictionary Online Help: Your key is at the end of the book.

1st Period Units 1 &2 Language use: can understand and respond to a short talk also talk about cultural activities Vocabulary: can talk about internet activities also can use and understand descriptive adjectives. Grammar: Can use and understand the simple past and past progressive. Can use and understand comparatives and superlatives Pronunciation: can correctly pronounce vowel + consonant + e sounds. Life skills: can identify sources of information. Can compare and contrast social norms in different cultures

2nd Period Units 3&4 Language use: can understand an informal discussion about travel plans. Can read and understand a short article. Grammar: can use and understand possessive pronouns and whose. Can use and understand the present perfect with ever and never. Pronunciation: can use correct stress with possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives. Vocabulary: can talk about travel plans. Can talk about feelings. Life skills: can listen actively to someone.

3rd Period Units 5&6 Language use: can understand and respond to an informal discussion about music. Can talk about living spaces. Vocabulary: can describe personal reactions to different types of music. Can use phrasal verbs to talk about house hold chores. Grammar can use and contrast the present perfect and the simple past. Pronunciation: can distinguish between and produce the sounds\\ and \e\ Life skills: can define a narrow focus for a presentation.

Class behavior: In class it is expected from the student to be attentive and ready to answer. The usage of polite vocabulary towards the instructor and classmates its highly appreciated.

English III 3rd Semester August- December 2013 Mr. Eduardo Gamez Ed Gamez@facebook

All real doubts and questions are accepted. No mockery will be tolerated. 1st call: goes without punishment 2nd call: will be punished with 5 points 3rd call: will be a written report Remember that all reports are cumulative and three consecutive reports will lead the student to a three day suspension. Evaluation Method

Evaluation by period
1st period: Thursday August 16th What are the effects of the technology? Thursday August 22nd Talking about the past events ex. the fall of the twin towers, the Olympic games of 1996. What is your position against terroristic acts? Friday August 30th Describing peoples reactions to different events. What is your position when it come to the organized crime? Monday September 9th Test 2nd period:

3rd period:
Friday October 18th State your position about heavy rock music? Thursday October 24th Describing music In your opinion what are the three most important things about Music? Monday November 4th Many students believe that studying in a foreign place its better than studying at their own hometown what do you think?

Friday September 20th Vacation plans and preferences State your position on expensive end of the course trips? . Friday September27th possessions and travel essentials Many people believe that taking everything you need in a trip its better to be bought back at home and not at the destination place. What do you think? Friday October 4 Do you think that Carbon prints are accurate giving age to things discovered recently, such as Dinosaurs or equipment? Friday October 11th Test

Review Week: November 11 to 15

Friday November 8th Test

English III 3rd Semester August- December 2013 Mr. Eduardo Gamez Ed Gamez@facebook

30% Test 30 % Essays 10% Homework 20% Books 5% Good behavior and participation 5% Use of dictionary Essays will not be taken after the date given unless the reason was a death and life situation It will be one page long: Introduction, 3 reasons to sustain your topic and conclusion. Tests wont be recuperated ( once again only in a death and life situation)

I wish you all a great semester!! You, young people are responsible for your own future DB Eduardo Gamez

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