Vocations 1

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Vocation is the life-calling of every person and is created in everyone by God. It has many elements including work, personal growth and development, career and possibly marriage.

For your information

Vocation has its origins in the Latin word vocatio meaning a call or summons.

Vocation as a life-calling is a much broader reality than just a job. Over a lifetime ones vocation may involve many jobs or may involve no job at all. To understand where each persons vocation comes from, it is necessary to recall the two creation stories that open the Book of Genesis. In the stories God teaches that men and women have been created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). God is the creator of the universe and continues to sustain and to develop this creation today. This extends to the earth and the environment, people and what is required to sustain them. All people are called to contribute to this ongoing work of creation and bring it to fulfillment. Men and women reflect Gods image and likeness by contributing to the Creators continuing activity. They do this by using their God-given gifts in following their vocations. In the creation stories, they are told: fill the earth and subdue it. (Genesis 1:28)

The word subdue here means developing the goodness in creation. However, because of selfishness, greed and other weaknesses caused by original sin, human beings have often tried to subdue the earth in harsh and self-serving ways. Rather than dominate the earth, exploit its resources or damage and pollute the environment, the creation stories call on people to: cultivate and take care of it. (Genesis 2:15)

Gods original intention was for people to see the good in every created thing, as God does. According to the first (Priestly) creation story: God saw all he had made, and indeed it was very good. (Genesis 1:31)

In your journal, write about any concern you have for the future of the planet and the people on it. Do you have a role model who is working to make the world a better place? Why is this person significant to you and how might you be able to follow their example in the future?


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God has given people the gifts needed for their vocation
Each person is unique and has a God-given vocation to contribute in a particular way to Gods creative activity in the world today. Ultimately, everyones true and lasting happiness will depend upon whether or not they use their particular gifts to follow this vocation. God has given each person the gifts needed to follow their vocation in whatever role they pursue. Many people have the gifts needed for marriage. Some have the gifts to be good parents as well as being married. Some have the gifts needed to live singly and even to devote their lives entirely to the service of others. God provides the gifts needed by those who are called to follow people-orientated careers such as nursing, teaching, social work, the priesthood and Religious Life or follow environmentally-orientated careers, such as landscaping, environmental science, farming and gardening. God also provides the gifts for other careers, such as those related to commerce, administration, politics, community leadership, law and order, the arts and entertainment or scientific exploration.

God has given each person the gifts needed to follow their vocation in whatever role they pursue.


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