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Jack and Lily Establishing shot shows us the rural setting and gives notions already of where they

belong. You two used to bath together - Shared experiences. Quite intimate. Reminiscent tone establishing a connection that they had since they were young. Foreshadowing. Jacks perception of Lily is based on stereotype. - Girls are boring - with an exasperated tone. Jack believes that they have different identities therefore they cannot belong with each other. Stereotype - Mum is knitting Dont go far - but he crossed his ngers - So hes lying. Jacks costuming links him to the rural environment. Blue jeans, checkered shirt, gum boots and its very male like. His clothing is quite stereo typical as well tting a female stereotype. Hes isolated - monologue of him talking to a radio operator that doesnt exist - show isolation. Jack to base Putting mud on his face connects to the place. Giving a sense that they do belong together - Part of the rural environment on his face is symbolic. The fact that he looks at Lily through the guns cross is showing that he is hostile towards her. Different identity, Thus they cant belong together. - There is a camera shot through the gun scope. (Gun scope is super-imposed on the screen) Costuming of Lily - Book and a blanket. A red coat which alludes to little red riding hood. Small size of the scope demonstrates the narrow-mindedness of Jacks perception of Lily. The way that Lily is dressed if very stereotypical of a girl. (Little re riding hood again) - Her identity is stereotypically female and showing that she is independent. That she can go to that place on her own making her seem a little more tough. Metaphor of Lily being the enemy base Long shot of hay bales which are symbolic of barriers which he must overcome to belong. Jack moves past these to eventually form a relationship with Lily. The clouds symbolise unease - pathetic fallacy. Camera technique links with the uneasy shaky hand-held style camera The composer uses Onomatopoeia - POW through the character of Lily which subverts her traditional gender roles. Costuming links them to their rural area and their environment and also is another similarity which they have - linking to belonging. close up shot of the hands touching symbolises the connection that they have made - Belonging. Music is country style - major tonality. which carries a positive feeling. Lily says A dead wombat - Jack replies with Cool!

Near the end - the weather is calmer and more light. He didnt have the gun in this shot which shows how he has over come that barrier to belonging. Gun - Barrier of hostility, prejudice and in the end he has dropped it. Pathetic fallacy - More light, less wind. Positive and happy. Nw happy relationship. The unease died down and the low angle shot of them climbing a hill - hill being a metaphor of a barrier to over come something together linking to a shared experience.

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