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Writing Programs Office Department of English | Texas A&M University


Introduction For this section, write a brief sentence to identify each element:

Subject: TAMU bus stops need to have shade. Purpose: The purpose is to build something to provide shade to bus riders. Main Point: TAMU bus stops lack shade. Bus stop shelters need to be built to provide protection from the sun to bus riders. Incentive for Audience: Exposure to the sun for too long can have harmful effects on health; installing shelters will help protect from damaging health risks like cancer and heat stroke. Context: During early fall, late spring, and summer semesters the temperature can easily reach over 100 degrees Fahrenheit at TAMU. Students waiting at bus stops in these conditions are in danger of heat stroke and in long-term danger of cancer unless they are waiting in the shade. Forecast Structure: To explain the need for shelters and to determine student reception to them being build I conducted a survey and researched adverse health effects associated with waiting in a poor climate. Conducted a survey a. Created questions based on secondary research b. Solicited respondents by messaging friends on facebook and posting to my class group forum Conducted internet research by consulting a. i. Looked for adverse health effects of sun exposure b. i. Looked for adverse health effects of sun exposure c. i. Looked for arguments from a similar proposition to my proposal d. Jim Baker | September 25, 2013


Methodology For this section, make an outline where you list each of the major steps you took to gather your data, then list subpoints that explain each step:



Writing Programs Office Department of English | Texas A&M University


Results For this section, make an outline where you list the outcomes for each data point you listed about, then list subpoints that explain each outcome:

1. i. Looked for pricing of shelters Survey a. Majority who took it ride the bus as a primary means of transportation b. Only about 50% of the respondents feel the University should provide shade at bus stops c. Nearly 75% of respondents would not be in favor of a slight raise in the transportation fee to cover the costs of adding bus shelters Internet Research a. Sun exposure can lead to skin cancer b. Sun exposure can lead to eye problems c. A similar proposal made arguments that heat exhaustion or heat stroke are risks of no shade at bus stops d. In 2009 one particular shelter cost approximately $15,000 for purchase and install



Discussion For each research data source that youve used, complete the following sentence by replacing the statements in parentheses with your interpretation of the implications from the data:

Claim: The results of my Survey suggests that the student population is not really against the idea of building bus stop shelters, but it is not really for it either. The student population also seems very against the idea of raising the transportation fee to cover the costs of shelters. Claim: The results of my internet search suggests that waiting in direct sunlight can indeed cause harmful effects on the body such as cancer or damage to the eyes. A similar proposal also argued that waiting for the bus without shade could put riders at risk for heat stroke or heat exhaustion, but I could find no significant medical evidence for this claim. I did find that prolonged heat exposure would cause damage, but it would most likely have to be for a longer period than one would be waiting for a bus. I suggested a price of $30,000 per shelter in my proposal this claim is probably an over estimate as I found a source from 2009 saying total cost would be $15,000. Even with rise in prices it would probably be no more than around $20,000 per shelter today. Because (my interpretation of this data) is true, I recommend (a specific course of action).


Conclusion/Recommendations For each of your conclusions or recommendations, complete

Jim Baker | September 25, 2013

Writing Programs Office Department of English | Texas A&M University

PURPOSE SECTION ACTIVITY following sentence by CLAIMS TO the replacing the statements in parentheses with information MAKE from your discussion section: YOUR CASE

Jim Baker | September 25, 2013

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