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Damper Winding Inuence on Unbalanced Magnetic Pull in Salient Pole Generators With Rotor Eccentricity
Mattias Wallin, Johan Bladh, and Urban Lundin
Department of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University, SE-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden
The inuence of three different damper winding congurations on unbalanced magnetic pull (UMP) in salient pole synchronous machines with rotor eccentricity has been investigated. Continuous and noncontinuous damper windings resulted in different damper winding currents, but their effect on the UMP was found to be very similar. Measurements of the UMP, damper bar currents, and air gap ux density were performed on a 12-pole generator with a static eccentricity under no-load conditions. Finite-element simulations of the different congurations detailing the damper winding induced ux changes are also presented. Index TermsDamper winding, eddy currents, hydropower generator, rotor eccentricity, synchronous generator, synchronous machine, unbalanced magnetic pull (UMP).


OTOR eccentricity causes magnetic unbalance, which can cause problems with bearings and rotordynamical stability. If the eccentricity is time dependent, detrimental vibrations can also appear. On asynchronous machines, unbalanced magnetic pull (UMP) has been investigated thoroughly, mainly because of the resulting noise and vibrations [1]. UMP on large synchronous machines has drawn less attention, mainly due to the larger air gaps. Despite this, there has been cases where there has been mechanical contact between the generator rotor and stator, and the subject requires further study. The UMP is reduced by saturation [2], parallel stator connections [3], eddy currents in the rotor core [3], [4] and damper bars [5], [6]. Pole eld windings connected in parallel can also reduce the UMP caused by rotor eccentricity. On induction machines, [7] showed that the introduction of an additional winding for damping purposes could substantially reduce the UMP caused by dynamic eccentricity under certain loads. In addition to a reduction of the radial force, the introduction of damper bars also introduced a tangential component to the UMP. Although the phenomena has been known for a long time, UMP reduction due to the damper winding currents has not been extensively studied on synchronous machines. References [8] and [9] describe damper winding measurements on stationaryeld rotating-armature synchronous machines, while [10] and [11] used slip rings to transfer damper winding data. Neither of these studies performed measurements on machines with a noncentered rotor. This paper focuses on the analysis of the tangential component and the reduction of the radial UMP caused by the damper bars, even though other characteristics of the generator can have a larger impact on the UMP. It is shown via measurements and


simulations that the force reduction is relatively small. The measurements have been performed on an experimental generator where the damper bars can be recongured for investigation of the effects of damper winding design. The analysis is aided by nite-element simulations, particularly for the description of the forces and for comparisons with larger generators, where measurements are difcult to perform. II. METHOD A 12-pole vertical-axis synchronous generator was used to collect the experimental results presented here. The experimental generator has a completely recongurable damper winding with three insulated and individually removable damper bars per pole and detachable interpole connectors. Approximately the outer third of the pole body is laminated with 2 mm steel. The eld windings of all poles were connected in series, and the stator winding consisted of one circuit. A more detailed description of the experimental equipment can be found in [12]. As a complement to the measurements, nite-element (FE) simulations were performed on the experimental generator and on a 28-pole production generator. Details of the generators can be found in Table I. A static eccentricity on the experimental generator was created by moving the axially suspended stator horizontally in the

Manuscript received November 15, 2012; revised February 28, 2013; accepted April 15, 2013. Date of publication April 23, 2013; date of current version August 21, 2013. Corresponding author: M. Wallin (e-mail: Color versions of one or more of the gures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TMAG.2013.2259633

0018-9464 2013 IEEE



Fig. 3. Circuit diagram of a section of the conguration D13-C seen from rotor , shaft. In the noncontinuous winding, D13-NC, the interpole connectors, are not present and no interpole currents, , can ow between the poles. The direction of rotation is counterclockwise. Fig. 1. Denition of the geometry and the position of the two stator ux density hall sensors. The origin coincides with the stator center. The rotor angle 0 is dened as when the pole with sensors mounted is at the smallest air gap, i.e., in the positive -direction.

Fig. 2. Position of the air gap ux sensors and the damper bars seen from above.

negative -direction. The geometry and the mechanical angle are dened in Fig. 1. In the literature the directions and are sometimes referred to as the radial and the tangential direction. A. Damper Winding Congurations Three damper winding congurations were investigated with respect to the damper winding currents, the resulting changes in air gap ux density, and their effect on the UMP. The UMP at standstill and at rated speed but without any damper winding was measured for reference purposes. The following measurements were taken: 1) at standstill; 2) without damper winding (WD); 3) with a continuous damper winding with damper bar 2 only (D2-C); 4) with a noncontinuous damper winding with damper bars 1 and 3 (D13-NC); 5) with a continuous damper winding with damper bars 1 and 3 (D13-C). The position of the damper bars can be seen in Fig. 2, while Fig. 3 shows the circuit of item 5) above, D13-C. D13 indicates that damper bars 1 and 3 are used, and C indicates that it is a continuous damper winding, i.e., that the interpole connectors, represented by the impedances in Fig. 3, are mounted. Removal of interpole connectors creates item four, D13-NC, where NC stands for noncontinuous. Finally, positioning of only one damper bar in the middle slot shown in Fig. 2 and mounting of the interpole connectors results in item 3), D2-C.

Congurations D2-C and D13-NC isolate the ux density changes caused by inter- and intrapole currents, respectively, and the former will also show to which extent currents normally ow between adjacent poles or across a larger section of the rotor. D13-C is expected to exhibit a combination of the currents, and resulting ux changes, of D2-C and D13-NC. Initial measurements indicated that the effect on the UMP from the damper winding was small on the experimental generator. Mechanical and magnetic unbalances of the rotor resulting from manufacturing inaccuracies gave rise to vibrations in the system, further contributing to a low signal-to-noise ratio. A large relative eccentricity, , was hence required for the force measurements but protruding sensors and safety concerns limited the maximum relative eccentricity to 0.44, a value used in all measurements. Earlier tests have shown that a eld current of 15 A did not cause any magnetic saturation, and this current was used in both measurements and simulations. The generator was operated at no-load and rated speed. B. Measurements The UMP was measured with strain gauges mounted on the bars xating the stator in the horizontal plane. Hall sensors placed on the inside of the stator and on a rotor pole were used to measure the air gap ux density. Two Hall sensors were placed on stator teeth. Their positions are shown by S1 and S2 in Fig. 1. The positions of the two rotor sensors are shown in Fig. 2, together with the numbering of the damper bar slots. Distances in the gure are shown as a fraction of the stator slot pitch, . Current Hall sensors used to measure the damper bar and interpole connector currents were positioned at the current arrows in Fig. 3. The insulation of the damper bars prevented any unwanted intra- and interpole currents. A photograph of the holder for the damper winding current sensors can be found in Fig. 4. Data was collected at 10 kHz, which is equivalent to 1200 data points per revolution. Except for the strain gauge signals, which have been amplied, the measurements have not been subject to ltering or any other form of manipulation. Data collected on the rotor side were transferred wirelessly to the stationary logging system and later synchronized with the statorside data through signals from two optical sensors.





A. Forces Eccentricity forces were both measured and simulated. Table II contains a summary of the results from the measurements. The standstill of 405 N stems from a magnetic unbalance of the rotor and the direction of displacement not coinciding exactly with the -axis. The 30% reduction in UMP seen in the measurements for WD is caused by the eddy currents mentioned in [3] and [4] in the unlaminated parts of the rotor core. This reduction in the total UMP is the result of an even larger reduction in and a new force in the -direction , which also causes a rotation of the UMP in the direction of rotation by approximately 15 from the smallest air gap. A small increase in the damping of the UMP, compared to that from the eddy currents in the rotor core only, is seen in all the damper winding congurations, but the eddy current effect dominates the change in UMP to the extent that it is not possible to draw any detailed conclusions about without a comparison to simulated results. One thing that can be said with condence is that congurations D13-NC and D13-C produce a larger compared with WD and D2-C. The cause of this force is discussed below. The results of the simulations are summarized in Table III. Eddy currents are not included in the simulations, and any change in UMP can be attributed solely to the damper winding. The nding from the measurements, that the two congurations with two damper bars produce the largest , is corroborated by the simulations. Contrary to the measurements, the simulations show an increase in the UMP for D2-C. A description of the ux changes causing these forces and the reduction in UMP are presented in Section III-D. On the experimental generator, the damper winding was connected with nuts and bolts instead of being soldered, and contact resistance contributed to the low damper winding currents and the small effect on the UMP. To get equivalent damper winding currents in the simulations, the resistances had to be tuned manually. With the initial theoretical resistances in the simulations,

Fig. 4. On one of the poles, the damper bar and connector currents were measured with Hall effect current transducers placed on the lower side of the rotor. A sensor is mounted around each damper bar above the at copper piece. The interpole connectors, the two black cables, pass through two more current sensors. In the picture, all three damper bars were mounted. This conguration was not part of the experiments.

C. Finite-Element Analysis As a complement to the measurements, the generator was modeled in a 2D nite-element software. One objective was to isolate the effect of the damper winding from the reduction in UMP caused by eddy currents in the solid sections of the rotor core [3], [4]. Static eccentricity is introduced to the simulation by the permeability method presented in [13]. A sliding mesh is used in the air gap. The mesh is ner in regions of interest and where the eld is time varying or the construction contains complex detail, leading to a mesh with half a million elements. The mesh has been tested for convergence. External circuit equations for the damper winding currents are solved simultaneously with the nite-element problem, directly introducing the currents to the FE formulation, where they affect the air gap ux. Forces are calculated using the Maxwell stress tensor method. III. RESULTS In a machine with a nonuniform air gap, the ux density experienced by a pole will vary, depending on rotor position. The oscillating magnetic eld in the rotor will induce currents in the damper winding and eddy currents in nonlaminated rotor components. These currents give rise to a magnetic eld opposing the variation in ux density, which has an effect on the UMP.




D2-C produced a small reduction in , and the effects both on and were larger for all damper congurations. The 28-pole production generator described in Table I was simulated for comparison. Table IV contains a summary of the results. For both the continuous and the noncontinuous winding congurations, the reduction in UMP is approximately 40%. In the simulations, the damper winding resistances on the 28-pole generator are calculated from the copper resistivity only, i.e., they do not contain any contact resistances, resulting in higher damper winding currents and a larger effect on the UMP. On a real production generator, the damper winding joints are soldered, which also results in low connection resistances. Another cause for the larger effect of the damper winding on the 28-pole generator is that the damper bars span a large proportion of the pole shoe width. In a production generator, the rotor spider is normally laminated so the effect of eddy currents in the iron will be small compared with their relative size on the experimental generator. Taken together, the laminated rotor spider, the lower damper winding resistance, and the larger damper bar distance result in a higher effect of the damper winding relative to the iron eddy currents on a production machine compared with on the experimental generator. On the experimental generator, the effect on the eccentricity forces from the damper winding was so small that a comparison between the damper bars positioned in slots 1 and 2 and slots 1 and 3 would not have produced a signicant change in the UMP. Instead, the effect of damper bar separation was investigated through simulations. Fig. 5 contains the results. Contact resistances were not included, and material resistivity only was used to calculate the damper winding resistance for these simulations. The damper winding resistance thus obtained was less than a fourth of the actual resistance on the experimental generator. The pole body width is 3.5 , and it can be seen that the positive effect of an increasing damper bar distance starts to taper off as this value is approached. The forces at 2.2 in Fig. 5 give an indication of what the changes in UMP would have been in the experiments had the damper winding had a negligible contact resistance. B. Flux Density Three different ux density measurements for the case comes from the rst rotor D13-NC are shown in Fig. 6. ux density sensor. The main feature of the graph is that the ux density is higher where the air gap is small, but it can also

Fig. 5. Simulated UMP reduction as a function of damper bar separation at a relative eccentricity of 0.44. To show the effect of the damper bar distance more clearly these simulations were performed with a lower damper winding resistance than the simulations described in the tables. Distances are given in the stator slot pitch . The tick marks on the -axis are the distances simulated. Zero indicates the absence of a damper winding.

Fig. 6. The air gap ux density for D13-NC. See Figs. 1 and 2 for the positions of the sensors.

be seen that the small air gap gives rise to larger stator slot harmonics. The two other graphs are from the two sensors attached to the inside of the stator. s three small grooves around the amplitude 0.5 T are caused by the damper bar slots in the pole shoes. As with the slot ripple in the rotor signal, this effect is more pronounced where the air gap is small; it can barely be seen in the signal of . The reduction in ux density in the center of the poles is discussed in Section III-D. The ux density is a function of the permeance, , which is inversely proportional to the air gap length , according to . Since and is constant, this can after differentiation be solved directly for the s which provide the highest rate of change of . According to Faradays



law, this is, ignoring other effects, where the induced damper winding voltages will be largest. With , the positions of the maximum absolute rate of change of the permeance are 47 and 47 . If the relative eccentricity is less than 0.44, the positions of maximum rate of change will occur at angles larger than 47 from the smallest air gap. Measurements place the maxima near 55 . Inspection of the rising and falling anks of in Fig. 6 show that the steepest sections are near these angles as well. Two explanations for the discrepancy are an error in the true relative eccentricity during measurements and iron eddy currents. The variation in introduces a time-varying ux density in the rotor. In the experimental generator with its solid rotor core, this will result in large eddy currents, which will cause a attening of the ux density curve and also move the points of highest rate of change in the ux away from the smallest air gap. The eddy currents reduce the UMP present at standstill. Due to the radial rigidity of the experimental setup and the large effect of the eddy currents on the UMP, the eddy currents rather than any inaccuracy in the setting of the eccentricity are believed to be the main cause of the shift in the positions of maximum rate of change of ux density. Another effect seen here, and even more clearly in the case without damper winding, is the increased ux density towards the tail end of the poles. Since the measurements are performed with open terminals, this distortion of the magnetic eld is attributed to losses distorting the magnetic eld. The fact that the slanting is more prominent in the small air gap, where the slot ripple will cause larger eddy currents in the metal near the air gap, supports this conclusion. C. Damper Winding Currents Fig. 7 contains the measured damper bar currents from the conguration D13-NC. The jagged shape of the curves are caused by the stator teeth. Another feature of this conguration is that one current is a mirror of the other. Without interpole connectors, it must hold that is equal to in Fig. 3. It can also be seen that the largest currents are induced at 55 and 80 . These positions are shifted from the point of highest rate of change in the ux density discussed in Section III-B. Two possible explanations for this are the eddy currents, which have the same effect as a reduction in relative eccentricity, i.e., increasing the distance between the positions of maximum rate of change, and the inductance of the damper winding, which will delay the current relative to the rate of change and the resulting voltage. In the next plot, Fig. 8 for D13-C, the sum of the two damper bar currents is nonzero. Since currents can also ow in the interpole connectors, does not have to equal . The four currents combined will, according to Kirchhoffs current law taken at any point in the circuit, sum to zero. The two interpole currents have narrow peaks in their absolute values near 50 . This shows that the main interpole currents ow between two adjacent poles when these poles are in the region of fastest decreasing ux density. Simulations were used to more clearly separate the damper currents into intra- and an interpole components. The damper winding currents are driven by the voltage induced in the

Fig. 7. Measured damper bar currents for D13-NC.

Fig. 8. Measured damper bar and connector currents for D13-C.

damper bars by the ux density changes. Fig. 9 shows the ux caused by the eld current with an open damper circuit. The dashed line shows the position of one of the damper voltage measurement circuits. From the damper bars, the return cables go inside the hollow rotor shaft. Some of the ux lines pass through the circuits for damper bars 1 and 3, while the circuit for damper bar 2 is more or less parallel with the eld lines. Fig. 10 contains the simulated damper voltages. The damper voltages for bar 1 and 3 have their largest amplitude near 50 where the rate of change of ux density is high. For damper bar 2, on the other hand, the peak is at the smallest air gap. The damper winding currents match the voltages well, given the slight phase shift caused by the inductance of the damper winding circuit. In the congurations D2-C and D13-NC, the currents take different paths. D2-C has one damper bar per pole, and any current in one bar will be matched by corresponding currents in the interpole connectors and the damper bars in the other poles. Current can ow from one side of the machine to the other, but interpole connector resistance will cause the majority of the ow to occur between poles in close proximity of each



Fig. 9. Magnetic eld from rotor eld current. The positions of maximum rate of change of ux density are indicated by the two arrows.

Fig. 11. Simulated current components.

Fig. 10. Simulated open circuit damper bar voltages.

Fig. 12. Simulated normal air gap ux density induced by the damper winding currents only, i.e. with the eld current set to zero. The rotor position for this plot can be seen in Figs. 13 and 14.

other. D13-NC does not have any interpole connectors and the currents in the two damper bars will have the same amplitude but the opposite sign, as seen in Fig. 7. Fig. 11 shows the damper bar currents produced in congurations D2-C and D13-NC tted to the current from D13-C. For D13-NC and D13-C, the leading rod was used. Even though the resulting coefcients are not equal to one, the good t indicates that the currents in D13-C has two distinct origins: inter- and intrapole effects. D. Damper Winding Current Effect on Air Gap Flux and Eccentricity Force The reduced ux density in the centre of the poles in graph in Fig. 6 is an effect of intrapole damper winding currents. In this case, the currents create a ux opposing the increase in ux density as the pole approaches the smallest air gap. Since the currents lag the induced voltage, the effect remains even at the smallest air gap, where the difference between the voltages induced in bars 1 and 3 is zero.

To isolate the ux caused by the damper winding currents, stationary simulations were performed where the eld current was set to zero and the damper bar currents were set to the values given by the simulations of D2-C and D13-NC presented in Table III. Fig. 12 displays the resulting ux densities. As a consequence of the changing air gap length, the direction of the damper induced ux changes relative to the eld ux twice per revolution. For D2-C, this happens at 45 and 65 , while, for D13-NC, it takes place close to the smallest and largest air gaps near 0 and 180 . Figs. 13 and 14 show the eld lines for these current distributions. In both cases, there is some damper slot leakage that do not contribute to the reduction in UMP. In several poles, the conguration D2-C generates a ux that goes from the pole to the stator and closes in the same pole. This results in a reduction of the eld induced ux in one part of the pole and an increase of the ux in another part of the pole. Theoretically, the net effect should be an increase in the UMP since . The tangential component of Maxwells stress tensor caused by the damper winding did not signicantly alter the UMP and is



Fig. 13. Flux distribution caused by the current in the damper winding with one bar per pole and interpole connectors (D2-C).

Fig. 15. Incremental eccentricity force caused by double product of the damper . The rotor position for winding normal ux and the rotor eld ux, this plot can be seen in Figs. 13 and 14.

together, result in a reduction of the UMP and a tangential force component. IV. DISCUSSION The effect of the damper winding on the UMP was small relative to that of the eddy currents in the solid parts of the rotor core. On the experimental generator only the outermost few centimeters on each pole was laminated [12], and this is believed to be the cause of the large eddy current effects seen in Table II. Another reason for the large eccentricity required to give any measurable effect of the damper winding on the UMP is that the damper bars in the experimental generator only cover a small part of the pole width and have high contact resistances. The reduction of unbalanced magnetic pull from the damper winding is strongly dependent on the distance between the leading and trailing damper bars and the damper winding resistance. Given unfavorable characteristics, the effect on UMP from a damper winding could be smaller than from saturation, investigated by [2], parallel connections in the stator [3], [14][16], or, in a solid rotor, eddy currents [3], [4] for a given eccentricity. Other parameters inuencing the effect of a damper winding on UMP is whether the rotor has unlaminated sections, in which case eddy currents will contribute to the reduction of UMP, the air gap length, and the rotational speed of the generator. V. CONCLUSION The effect of damper winding conguration on unbalanced magnetic pull has been measured and simulated. Even though very large relative eccentricity was used, the effect of the damper winding on the eccentricity forces was small. One reason for this was a high damper winding resistance. Measurements revealed that eddy currents in the solid rotor core contribute signicantly more to the reduction of the eccentricity forces in a machine with a solid rotor spider. Simulations presented showed a strong dependence, in the relevant range, of damper bar opening on the reduction in UMP.

Fig. 14. Flux distribution caused by the current in the damper winding with two bars per pole and no interpole connectors (D13-NC).

omitted below. The normal stress for any air gap circumference increment is calculated as , where and are the ux densities caused by the eld current and damper winding current respectively. will be small, but the double product, , reduces the modulation of the normal stress around the air gap. Measurements and simulations were done at ux densities well below saturation so the combination of the rotor eld and damper induced uxes should be linear. Fig. 15 shows the incremental normal force components calculated from only. The resulting total force can be calculated through integration around the air gap. Both the increasing and decreasing nature of the ux contribution from D2-C makes the analysis of the effect on the UMP difcult, but Table III shows that there is, in fact, a slight increase in the UMP. D13-NC gives rise to forces in the opposite direction of the UMP in the upper and lower right part of the graph, which, taken



ACKNOWLEDGMENT The research presented was carried out as a part of Swedish Hydropower Centre (Svenskt Vattenkraft Centrum)SVC. SVC has been established by the Swedish Energy Agency, Elforsk, and Svenska Kraftnt, together with the Lule University of Technology, The Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, and Uppsala University (website: The work of J. Bladh and U. Lundin is supported by SVC. The work of M. Wallin is nanced within Elektra, a research program created by ABB, Elforsk, and the Swedish Energy Agency. This work was supported in part by Carl Tryggers Stiftelse. The motor that the generator used in the experiments was based on was donated by Svante Leonsson at GE Hydro, Kristinehamn. REFERENCES
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Mattias Wallin received the M.Sc. degree in mechanical engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, in 2008. He is currently working towards the Ph.D. degree at the Department of Engineering Sciences at Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. His main research interest is the electromechanical interactions in hydropower generators.

Johan Bladh received the M.Sc. degree in engineering physics from Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, in 2007. He is currently working at the Department of Power Technology at Vattenfall Research & Development AB, lvkarleby, Sweden, and working towards the Ph.D. degree at Uppsala University. His main research interest is hydropower generators and power system dynamics.

Urban Lundin received the Ph.D. degree in condensed matter theory, with a focus on models of strongly correlated electrons, from Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, in 2000. From 2001 to 2004, he worked on transport properties of nanostructures under the inuence of magnetic elds at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. In 2004, he took up a position as a Senior Lecturer and Researcher at Uppsala University, with a focus on energy conversion systems, mainly for hydropower applications.

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