Down To Heaven, Up To Hell

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(Some excerpts from The Tree of Arousal)

WHEN WE FALL IN LOVE there is a sort of organic gasp, the system goes into shock and we are put on red alert to defend our circuits from overload and burnout. We are in the grip of something beyond our control. At Level 4 we now suspend judgement and close down, unable to fulfil our function as arbiter of moral values. At Level 5 we are reckless and beyond restraint, transmitting lunatic messages of rapture at the perfection of the beloved who may well be seriously below average. And without Level 4 to tell us to Get a grip, this person is not worth it, we overload, forsake reality and take refuge in Bali Hi Disease: I want to take you to a special island. At Level 3 we fall into an ardent swoon, planning the wedding and a blissful future. Although our instincts at Level 2 warn: Watch out, this ones weird. Well get hurt, we have been abandoned by the common-sense and humour of Level 4 and languish with unrequited love. At Level 5 we pick up on this and start writing suicidal poetry. The system is in meltdown. And we are off. Our tiny bark is sailing into a sea of pain. The poor benighted object of our passion is hoisted onto the masthead as a mascot. The sandcastles of coquetry were long ago washed away by our first foolish infant babblings of delight and we have lost all status, all mystery, all power. All we have left is ourselves. And our pounding heart. We have gasped, we have sobbed, moaned, gazed, meditated profoundly, then sorrowfully, then critically, and finally pragmatically on the portrait we have painted of them, and now we have nothing left but suffering. Do not suppose we are fools; we are not dupes of our despair, we know they are not worth it. We have plumbed their depths, assessed their dysfunctions and their hang-ups; and now we love them for their tiny imperfections, their tricky shifts of mood, their odd dislocations, the passing shadows of their past, their sadness, their failures and their grief. God help us we understand them. We know more about them than God himself. We see the darkness and the underside and coldly, pragmatically, they ravish us and render us helpless. We do not even love them anymore; love has got nothing to do with it. We are sailing into the roaring forties without hope. Hope? We do not even expect to survive. We are here for the pain. We have this appointment with ourselves to suffer here, now, and like this. Our lives are trimmed to a point, focussed on anguish. We are artists. We paint in absinthe with blood-soaked brushes. Indomitable, we haul our weight of sorrow day after day, and we are beautiful in our suffering. And nothing can be done until time stabilises the situation, allowing Level 4 to return rational and refreshed from a good break. Eventually the new relationship will be assessed according to normal criteria and Bali Hi Disease will have run its course. And there may even be a happy outcome.

BALI HI DISEASE the great escape. For those who have not seen South Pacific the song goes:
Bali Hi seems to call me/ Where the sea meets the sky/ Come to me your special island/ Bali Hi, Bali Hi. Bali Hi I hear you calling/ Where the sky meets the sea/ Here am I your special island/ Come to me, come to me.

It is the ultimate escape from reality to an island which only exists as a metaphor for an unfulfillable longing. We all catch Bali Hi Disease from time to time, but some are more susceptible to the virulent effects than others. Level 2 can expose a fault line in the personality, a weakness for the impossible dream that may go unexplored most of our lives. But when we catch BHD a rift opens in the clouds and after many years silent anguish the sun bursts through, angels sing, flowers bloom, bells ring and our true greatness is finally revealed: Ah at last! I knew it would come one day. BHD has an insistent driving quality that makes it compulsive, and its unrealizable nature increases its allure: I have been appointed to do this . . etc. Then unreality blossoms, careers are abandoned, marriages break up, homes are sold, life-savings squandered, mortgages taken out to pay for whatever has hooked our soul up into a land of marvels. Some projects may be well worth doing and our aura of conviction can inspire others to flock to us in supportive admiration. But we may also find ourselves alone with our vision against a hostile world that challenges its legitimacy. Then our certainty increases; we have a special mission and are being tested to the limit etc. so we lock horns and fight on. BHD usually lasts 23 yrs and when it wears off there is nothing we can do to recapture the dream. The best prophylactics are a limited income, a limited life-style and a limited sphere of influence. If were unlucky enough to be in a position of power we may do untold harm and greatly impair or endanger the lives of thousands, because, in spite of all the evidence, we believe it is the right thing to do.

THE TERRITORIAL ANIMAL & THE MAN FROM THE FAR COUNTREE At Level 2 we are sensitive to our environment and live in a state of heightened awareness, fearing intruders and suspecting strangers. Unprepared for change, we have evolved rituals and rigid habit patterns to protect and defend us. We control our territorial boundaries, be they physical, emotional or psychic, and are locked into our own power-base. We defend no moral or ethical position, just a status quo long sanctified by habitual use. (Clinging on to a dead marriage or a meaningless job for example.) Inflexibility hardens into an entrenched position until it gets brittle; then it may become either volatile or dangerous, (see the killings in the car-park), or suddenly irrelevant overnight. This could be due to an unexpected identity crisis compelling us to re-evaluate our lives according to unforeseen needs and new criteria, and this would give us some control over the outcome. But if we are too scared to change and really locked into a stultifying existence, we may attract a visit from The Man from a Far Countree, the stranger who rides into town beloved by many Westerns. This outsider is an intruder who disrupts our life, shakes our convictions, challenges our identity and questions our assumptions. He is an unsettling force for change. He may be an actual person or a new liberating energy in our lives that wakes us from our complacency and revitalises us, toppling all habitual customs and carefully constructed edifices. Marriages may disintegrate, homes may be sold, careers and children abandoned, leaving nothing but smoke and wreckage. Then he disappears, his mission

accomplished. This is a catastrophe for us at Level 2 where nothing is ever trivial or inconsequential. But it can be a turning point too, and the forces liberated by this change may enable us to begin again and do it differently.

THE ARTIST At all Levels we are artists and squeeze the world like an orange to paint with the juice. We tell the truth but not your truth. We colour our faces yellow because we hate pink, decorate ourselves like totems and wear incomprehensible clothes. Our magnetic field zings with life; we suck you in, glut you with too much stuff then spit you out reeling. We love you too much for your own good, but essentially you are not our business so dont get between us and the sun. Well take your money and confuse and frighten you, but we are not as mad as all that because we have work to do. We have an intolerable patience in pursuit of the exact, but we have no time to waste and if you bore us we will throw you out. We are unruly, inconsistent and illogical, balancing on a precipice of pain, breaking our nails to scrape the glamour off the surface to get at what is underneath. We submit to living in your world but are crushed by the banality you take for granted. Our feelings are too strong and your unkindness bruises us and hurts our minds. Our nervous system barely supports our work-load because we ask so much of it. Work is our religion; it exposes us to ourselves and we die of it. Every day.

TRAVELLING, DOCUMENTATION AND LISTS At Level 5 we move around. We keep the holiday industry in business. Partly this is restlessness; but theres a driven quality to the sightseeing, as if the world has to be collected and the data recorded and documented before it wears out. Because God said to Adam: I hope youre naming those flowers you admire so much. Sure said Adam. Why should I do that? So you can make a list said God. Right said Adam. Thats good is it, a list? Well you would be Adding to the Sum of Human Knowledge said God. Alright! said Adam enthusiastically. Id better get going then. And then youll be a Scientist added God. Oh Wow! cried Adam. Come on Eve were going to name everything and make a list and then well be Scientists and can Add to the Sum of Human Knowledge. Great! cried Eve. And it will get me out of the house! At Level 5 we have to see everything, even the nasty bits, which is why we take our cameras everywhere. If we dont photograph it there is a danger it may not exist and this would critically shorten the list. We may even collaborate with Level 4 to become a travel writer and increase the sum total of places on the list to be visited. We have no deep relationship with the parts of the world we go to at Level 5, but we may take part in information gathering of a high order if sufficiently motivated: e.g. the classification of flora, fauna, ancient sites, endangered species human or otherwise, migration patterns, oceanic flow, tidal charts, ice-cap measurement and all global climate change

statistics. This disinterested, highly charged, vocational activity is heroic in its way and is our ultimate glory and justification at Level 5.

SWEARING, SMUT, TABOO AND THE THING IN THE TROUSERS. Still getting it up? This is hard-core Level 5 and the perilous daily greeting of Breton pensioners in the supermarket. The thing in the trousers frightens us because we dont know what its going to do next. When we want it its not there; when we dont want it, it comes in droves like the number nine bus. Smut is driven by the engine of this core embarrassment, though small children laugh helplessly and inexplicably at anything to do with bodily functions. So at Level 5 we have collaborated with the subconscious Level 2 to create the concept of Taboo. The breaking of this Taboo is such a risky business that it can only be released by abandoned, knickers-wetting laughter. Our sexual fears and raptures are locked in together down at Level 2, and our laughter is released courtesy of the mouthpiece Level 5, who keeps a dodgy and precipitous line open for this purpose. We fall over the precipice, and marvellously we are not dead but more alive than ever; our laughter celebrates this survival. Liberated from the fear of death for an instant, we breathe more freely, and insanely open ourselves up to what life has to offer. But it is knife-edge stuff; clowns are notoriously frightening and we do not feel safe with this tragic self-exposure, it could so easily be us. Bad language, the naughty child that puts a glint in our eyes when we are too old for anything else, seems to be Level 2s volcanic reaction to exasperation, forcing expletives through our juvenile mouths at Level 5, and producing for an instant an uneasy whiff of sulphur from the depths. Swearing, once a sanctified protection against a perilous and unpredictable fate, has become the index of loss of power and an inadequate vocabulary.

RELIGION Harold be thy name. As a complex, subtle and repetitive programme of rituals and habits giving us precepts of good behaviour and family values, above all Religion is safe. At Level 5 we hand down traditions, and we are reassured and solaced by the calming rites. And we may feel a genuine source of spiritual support and relationship in the like-minded community who join us to reiterate the loved words and phrases. It is a comfort and help in times of affliction, and a wonderful source of hymn tunes and ineffable church music. Except that at Level 5 we have no judgement or discrimination, no ability to sort the wheat from the chaff and test the value of ideas. Here we learn things by rote, repeating them parrot-fashion without understanding the implications. So we can absorb the prejudices and preconceived ideas, the stereotypes and extremist polemic, the violent opinions and the flaky views, along with the most elevated, spiritually inspiring and sweetest soul-magic to be found on earth. And sadly this honey so thrillingly sugars the pill that we do not even feel our gorges rise as the poison slips down.

LEVEL 2 (subconscious) (THE HIPPOCAMPUS IS THOUGHT TO BE CONCERNED WITH STORAGE OF LONG-TERM INSTINCTIVE MEMORIES AS PART OF THE LIMBIC SYSTEM.) So we are off again. Down we go as the great tree thrusts its roots deep into the earth. A microphone plunged into the soil here will pick up the groans and creaks and sighs of the tree itself as it gropes its way downwards into the dark. A subterranean night-time world with fleeting glimmers of roots and the constant roar of sap; we have lost all bearings, we are blind, our ears are filled with growling whispers and moans. We are leaving the light of consciousness for ever, pledged to the night. But do not be afraid, for the deeper we go the stronger we get . . . . . We cannot loiter here except in dreams, for we can be swept away by hideous currents. It is dangerous to leave behind the world of colour TV, going to the pub, taking the kids to school, parking meters. But it is too late to return, because if we have come this far we know the truth lies before us and we have an urgent, agonising hunger for it. Artists and writers may feel compelled to enter this country of the lost, for they know it is filled with gold. It is the world of Lucifer. And at Level 2 already we feel his tongue in our mouth. It is filled with gold and unseen assets. It is the badlands of passion and revelation, of crazed delights undreamt of at other levels; it curdles the blood. There is no underlying principle, no judgement or formula; all is a sickening white-hot mix of uncensored images and glee. It goes beyond what we asked for and there is no going back. Beauty and madness share the same bed, and all hope is lost for moderation. Once we are touched by Level 2 we are changed for forever. How can we go back to colour television? It is a hot-bed of creativity and fecund images. We must surrender ourselves to enter Level 2. We have an inner need to do this or we wouldnt have come; it is beyond the usual and not safe. We need to mine seams rich with the birth and death of things, rotting and fertile, swarming with life. The foul and reeking dwell here decomposing in the dark. We are pledged to parturition, to bringing forth monsters painted with blood and lovely beyond belief. Macbeth lives here, so do Tamburlaine, Salome, Ivan the Terrible and Genghis Khan. At Level 2 our blood is hot and red; it is the only paint thats red enough to dye our garments with.

THE CALL OF DESTINY It happens in childhood at Level 2, often at seven years old; the knowledge, the calm and unsurprising truth that this is what we have come to do. At that age it is play but not make-believe; we know who we are. And then we lose it, or forget it, and life happens. At the very back of our minds remains the prompting, e.g. Keep going North and thats it. As we have no map were lost most of the time anyway, often dangerously so. We veer wildly in all directions for decades, and it is only after about 40 yrs that we get a jolt when we see a sign saying To the North and we think Thats funny; I was going that way anyway. And because Level 2 is subconscious we follow the road unthinkingly. We dont even know were on it until we come to a parting of the

ways and find all our companions are going West. Not wishing to be alone we accompany them for a long time. We learn to speak their language and try to think like them. We adopt their manners and customs, eat the same food, frequent the same places of entertainment and even marry one of them. But after a while we become uneasy. We dont understand the jokes. We are boring, we make excuses to go home early, we are often silent, then absent. We are listening to different music. And finally we stop in our tracks. It is like a car-crash; the engine cuts out and we can go no further. It is the end of the road and we have to turn back. There is no vision, no flash of lightning; it is a question of survival. A long hard journey takes us a step at a time through dreary days back to the road we were on. And then at last the sign: To the North. Spent and disoriented we collapse. For many days we can do nothing, we are finished. We have lost the past and see no future. But we feel the sun on our face. And at last one day we are able to breathe without fear and stand upright. Then we find a world transformed. Colours dazzle us. We look into the faces of strangers and find friends. We learn to walk again, slowly, taking nothing for granted. We have been saved by the road we did not take. It is taking us. And we dont even know where it is going. But in spite of insuperable barriers, of wearing years of helplessness and pain, there is no more dithering or faltering or turning back. At Level 2 we cannot leave the road we are on because, once chosen, it is the only road; there is no other.

BECAUSE WE LOVE YOU, YOU ARE THE ONE WE LOVE At Level 3 we see through the mess that you are and we have chosen you for your nobility, your quick intelligence, your pain, your laughter, and the glint of true gold shining in your heart. We are Kingmakers. You are beautiful to us, lit pink through the shining spectacles of love. Who would not want to be you? And maybe for a while you will be, sustained by the transforming power of our great hearts. We are so emotionally strong that God has unhesitatingly confided to us the remaking of you, (noble, intelligent, suffering, humorous, golden etc.) and by Golly we do it! Having made you King, we honour you as your devoted subjects and slaves. Who you really are is not the point, because if you dont want to be noble, intelligent, laughing through tears etc. you jolly well should! This persuasive scenario is more flattering than roses or champagne and it may even work, because were stronger and more stubborn than you are. But if you have the force to resist this projection and remain yourself, several things may happen: a. We will not believe it and turn a blind eye. b. We will take you to a psychiatrist. Or c. We may discover we have a real person opposite us and be so turned on by this surprise that we fall in love all over again. This time you will be complicated, perverse, pig-headed, quixotic, and even more interesting than you were before. So you cant win; you remain our King, enthroned in our hearts, and we will honour you, plodding faithfully after you into the distance to love you even beyond death. So there!

SONS OF THUNDER, SONS OF LIGHT Beyond religion beyond madness. And the darkness comprehendeth it not . . Now we are off the map without a compass, who knows where? John the Baptist raving wild-eyed in the wilderness? Or

the son of thunder John the Divine, whose instinct for the light lit those transcendent words, incomprehensible and charged with meaning? We are beyond Religion now; it has been burnt out of us by the white fire of truth. We have broken through the crust of reality here in the scorching light of the desert, and yet we are not mad. We have been mad, but now we are sane and know what we want. We are seeking an understanding beyond reason, an intimate knowledge that side-steps the rational, a short-cut to the truth, where Intuition opens the door . . . . . . . . but here words fail us and there is no more communication from L2 for we are being pulled down by gravity . . . an attraction exerted by the earth itself . . . . our own earth . . . below the level of the roots, deeper and deeper into the dark . . . . towards the opening door . . . and there are no more words . . . .

LEVEL 1 (unconscious) (THE BRAIN STEM IS THOUGHT TO ACTIVATE THE EXPERIENCE OF UNKNOWING AND PRIMORDIAL AWARENESS OF THE SELF) . . . . . no more anything . . . . just silence and an ever increasing pull downwards towards the centre of the earth . . . . where the sense of peace is tangible . . . so that even our breathing is stilled . . . . a stillness steeped in silence . . . . and the deeper we go the stronger we get . . . and the deeper we want to go . . . . . . . . ATMAN. THE SELF. It has been a long journey. There were times when we wondered if we would make it. But here we are. And we can relax now because we are at home. We can kick off our shoes and take it easy. THE TRUTH. We cannot fool Level 1 because we see the funny side. Its a relief to find everything so simple: a slow liberating slide into the truth. We can be who we are here. In fact there is nothing else we can be, for we are like young children, open-eyed, clear-sighted, knowing nothing, seeing all.


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