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can representa-ons support a brands image?

QFL: LO: To fully analyse the eec-veness of adverts in aBrac-ng consumers and iden-fy the methods they use to do this?
In one sentence, sum up your ini-al response to this ques-on. Pick out any words from the ques-ons on your sheet that you need to nd deni-ons for.

Who is being represented (age, gender, ethnicity, social class)? Why do you think they were chosen? How does this link to the target audience? How are they being represented? Do they use stereotypes? Are these posi-ve or nega-ve? What is the Heart FM brand image and how does this representa-on reect that? (consider the slogan) What technical, symbolic and wriBen codes are used to create this representa-on? (including typography and logos) How might an audience be aected by this representa-on? What is the eect on society?

What are adverts used to do and how would this aect the media text? What do you know about Heart FM as an ins-tu-on and how has this inuenced the advert? What ideologies can you iden-fy? Where might this advert have been placed? How would this ensure it aBracts the target audience? Why might Heart FM have wanted to use this form of adver-sing? How would they use mul-ple media plaRorms to adver-se their service?

Self assessment:
Which of these ques-ons do you feel condent answering? Which did your nd most dicult to answer?

Your turn
You work for an adver-sing agency and have been approached by a brand (which I will give you) to pitch a new adver-sing campaign to them. They would mean big business, so you will need to impress them. They want to make their brand image clear in a print advert, so you will need to carefully select your model and think about how best to construct your image. What will you need to think about? What signs and signiers will you use to inuence a viewers response? Plan out your ideas.

Adver-sing compe--on: In your groups, create a print advert and a pitch to present next Tuesday. Only the best idea, advert and pitch will get the job. This would be a big account for your adver-sing company, so be impressive! Only one group will win the account.

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