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Teltonika FM41XX

Configurator v. 1.0


First steps
Connect Teltonika FM41XX (PIN1 for plus and PIN11 ground) to the voltage supply 10-30 V as shown below and GPS, GSM antennas. (GSM is long and thin, GPS is square form)


10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11

1-Wire PWR (+5 V) DIN 4 DIN 3 DIN 2 DIN 1 AIN 4 AIN 3 AIN 2 AIN 1 GND(VCC(1030)V DC)(-)

Put SIM card to mobile phone and remove PIN code request. Insert SIM to FM41XX SIM slot (under the cover).

Connect PC and FM41XX via PORT1/2 cable Install FM41XX Configurator from CD and start it

FM41XX Configurator window is shown in 1 figure.

1 figure FM41XX Configurator window FM41XX has user friendly configurator interface. FM41XX Configurator tools accessible from main menu. Shortcuts make FM41XX configuration process more easily and quickly. Viewed profile number informs which profile is configuring at the moment. Parameters groups contain parameters and parameters values fields. Status bar informs about processes state.

FM41XX powered with 5 profile system, used to describe modules behaviour depending on selected operator. Profile from Flash no. 0 is default and not editable by user. For home network GSM operator profile from Flash no. 1 is used. Profiles from Flash no.2 and no.3 are used to describe FM41XX behaviour when roaming GSM operators selected. Profile from Flash no.4 used to describe FM41XX behaviour when unknown GSM operator selected. It is recommended to start from home network profile configuration. From Shortcuts menu choose Read Profile from Flash no.1 to edit home network profile.

2 figure Loading profiles from flash memory Profiles parameters: SYSTEM Power mode: always on GPS Enable: Enables or disables GPS receiver Min. period: Minimum GPS data time-based acquire interval Min. Distance: Minimum GPS data distance-based acquire interval Time to fix: coordinate resolve timeout GEOFENCE Frame border: Geofence zone border width (recommended 1000 meters) Geofence zone: Geofence zone number (up to 20)

Shape: rectangular or circle Priority: priority of Geofence event low, high or panic. These levels define event information sending to server priority. Enter event: enable or disable zone entering event Exit event: enable or disable zone leaving event X1: Geofence zone left bottom corner X coordinate Y1: Geofence zone left bottom corner Y coordinate X2(R): Geofence zone right top corner X coordinate (Radius of circle when Circular zone used) Y2: Geofence zone right top corner Y coordinate GSM Auto answer: Number of rings after which module autoanswers incoming voice call Protocol: data transport protocol TCP or UDP Min. saved records: minimum positions to send in AVL data packet GPRS Enable: Enables or disables GPRS use Dial number: used to activate GPRS services. Mostly used default number: *99# APN: GPRS Access Point Name (provided by your GSM operator) User name: GPRS user name (provided by your GSM operator) Password: GPRS user password (provided by your GSM operator) IP address: AVL Server IP Address (recommended IP: Port: AVL Server port number (recommended TCP port: 12050) SMS SMS data send: enable or disable SMS use Timeout: SMS send timeout (recommended 60 sec.) Login: module login for SMS Password: module password for SMS Server phone number: Authorized Server phone number for SMS requests, configuration and 24-coordinates binary SMS. Authorized phone numbers: other authorized numbers to control FM41XX

SEND PARAMETERS Send parameters window allow to set GPRS and SMS data send periods, sending schedules, set allowed operator list.

3 figure Send parameters window Send period: GPRS and SMS data send to server period. Module makes attempts to send collected data to server every Send period. Time step: FM41XX is improved with 24-coordinates-in-one-SMS sending mechanism. 24-coordinates-in-one-SMS mechanism is used in areas where no GPRS coverage found. Module collects data every Time step parameter and send binary SMS containing information about last 24 points to server. SMS sending schedule is set in SMS Week Time tab. (recommended 3600000 milliseconds). Send Week Time tab: week time allows setting module GPRS data sending schedule. For example: Allow GPRS data sending work hours only. In this case check all checkboxes from Monday to Friday in week days window and check all checkboxes from 08:00 till 17:00 in Time of day window. Note: FM41XX

operates GMT time.

SMS Week Time tab: week time allows setting module SMS data sending schedule. For example: Allow SMS data sending work several times per day, exclude In this case check all checkboxes from Monday to Friday in week weekends.

days window and

check wished hour checkboxes Time of day window. Note:

FM41XX operates

GMT time.

Operators list: FM41XX perform GSM operator scan interval every 15 minutes. FM41XX switches profiles according to current selected operator. If current selected GSM operator code is in profile list, FM41XX will load one of profiles containing this GSM operator code. Note: Set your home network GSM operator code in operator list in first profile. ACCELEROMETER Coming soon I/O CAN Baud rate: CAN (FMS adapter) baud rate Property input: subscribed I/O property name Priority: event priority Low, High, Panic. These levels define event information sending to server priority. High level: Higher input event threshold Low level: Lower input event threshold Operand: logical operand of averaging I/O values AVG: I/O values count to average ID type: CAN ID length 11 or 29 bit ID Output data mask: Mask used to filter CAN data CAN ID: CAN parameter ID MASK ID: Mask used to filter CAN parameter I/O Coming soon

SAVING PROFILE After editing current profile it should be saved to flash. From Shortcuts menu choose Save Profile to Flash and choose current Flash number. Configure other profiles using same logic.

4 figure Saving profiles to flash memory

GETTING IMEI FM41XX module communicates with AVL server using AVL data protocol. Server has to know FM41XX module IMEI to accept information from module. Click Get from Shortcuts menu to get FM41XX IMEI. IMEI

5 figure retrieving IMEI Contact your sales manager or support team and forward following information: - Your State (Location): - Teltonika Contact Person: - Your Company-Name: - FM41XX serial Nr (on barcode) - FM41XX IMEI - GSM number in World Wide Standard (i.e. +37060000000) This information required to register module on server and create accounts for you.

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