PFHL Course 153 - Answers To Wrong Control Tendencies (By Bill Stevenson)

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Preparation for Heavenly Living Correspondence School

PFHL Course 153 -- Answers to Wrong Control Tendencies

(by Bill Stevenson)

Directions: First, figure out why some of the words. Then write an essay about how you personally
relate or have experienced the concepts below and mention about individuals in the Bible
and individuals you know who had/have the indicated qualities. This assignment is worth 2
units, so write at least 2 quality pages (single spaced lines and no redundancies).
Note: There are rare exceptions to the below. Most might use the words “influence” or “persuade”
instead of “control”, but really the latter is their desire.
1.) World leaders want to greatly influence their respective country's inhabitants. The United States President
wants to at least feel like he is greatly influencing or actually controlling Congress and national affairs.
2.) United States Senators and Congressmen to greatly influence most of their respective constituents and
campaign financiers.
3.) Movie producers, advertisers, and clothes designers want to greatly influence the consumers.
4.) Entertainers (including athletes) want to control their respective audiences.
5.) Business owners, managers, and supervisors want to control their employees.
6.) Teachers want to greatly influence and to control their students.
7.) Preachers, evangelists, ministers, and priests want to greatly influence their respective congregations.
8.) Friends, lovers, and spouses want to greatly influence or/and to control their respective beloved.
How can one not think and live in the above indicated ways?
First he or she should try to acknowledge God the Father (and recognize providence) and be thankful in
everything he or she is able do. Then live the following translation of Proverbs 3:5 & 6: “Trust in the Trinity
(God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit) and the promises in the Bible for Christians with all of my
heart and mind, relying not on my own understanding or past successes. Then the Holy Spirit will give me
directions for what to say and do.” Philippians 4:4-8, and Romans 8 & 12 in any Bible can give more
understanding in the just mentioned-- “God's advice for the best ways we should think and relate to others.”
True Christians should be “catalysts” of God's forever love.

How can you keep control of yourself in your home and in public? The following came to me in a Bible
study class on the passage in Mark about Jesus and Peter walking on the water:
C -- character & Christ-likeness
O -- obedience
N -- needs & notions
T -- thinking & temper & tolerance
R -- reverence & relating to God
O -- observations
L -- learning & love with Holy Spirit help via Proverbs 3:5-6 living

Through Me
(by Roy Lessin)
Through me, let there be kind words, a warm smile and caring heart.
Through me, let there be a willingness to listen and a readiness to understand.
Through me, let there be dependability, steadfastness, trust, and loyalty.
Through me, let there be compassion, forgiveness, mercy, and love.
Through me, let there be every quality I find, O Lord, in Thee.

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