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Preparation for Heavenly Living Correspondence School

TW 403 from PFHL Course 411-- Trust

(special compilation of verses by Bill Stevenson)
Directions: Answer the thought provoking questions. Notice the subtitles. Sometimes the question or
questions will refer to more than one passage, so before answering such read all
Scripture until the next question. This assignment is worth 3 units, so write at least 4
quality pages (single spaced lines and no redundancies).
Introduction: Trust is so important, especially in a Christian’s growth in faith. The word “believe” in
the New Testament usually means “believe with complete trust as if one’s life depended
on such”. Remember, it wasn’t just Judas who did not completely trust Jesus Christ
about what He said about Him being resurrected from death. They were very scared after
the Crucifixion.
1.) What do these passages say about trust? How is trust related to doubt?
Matthew 28:16-20 John 20:18-31
Wrong things and people to trust in:
2.) What .is vanity? What does recompense mean? Why would trusting in vanity lead encourage one
to lie and become wicked?
Job 15:31 Isaiah 59:1-5
3.) What does trusting in your own heart mean? What are you relying on for your decisions? What
does trusting in beauty mean? What does trusting in one’s own righteousness mean?
Proverbs 28:26 Isaiah 47:10-15 Philippians 3:4-9
Ezekiel 16:15 Ezekiel 33:13 2 Corinthians 1:9
Hosea 10:13 Luke 18:9-17 2 Corinthians 10:7
4.) How can trusting in other human beings be wrong?
Psalm 41:9 Jeremiah 17:5-6
Isaiah 30:1-13 Isaiah 36:4-6
5.) What do trusting in horses, chariots, “my bow”, and “my sword”, “all of his armor” mean? How
could trust in such things go against God’s desires for us?
Isaiah 31:1 Psalm 44:6-8
Psalm 20:6-9 Luke 11:21-23
6.) What does trust in wealth or riches mean? What kind of problems have you had in such trusting?
How could a wealthy Christian man or woman avoid such trusting?
Psalm 49:6-14 Proverbs 11:27 1 Timothy 6:17
Psalm 52:1-7 Jeremiah 48:7-8
Psalm 62:9-10 Mark 10:17-31
Incomplete trust:
7.) How is the following problem not just true of the Jews back in Jesus’ human ministry time? How
do even professing Christians have incomplete trust of the Bible?
John 5:18 & 45-47
Trust in God the Father:
8.) Why trust in God?
Jeremiah 17:7-8 Daniel 3:28 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Psalm 5:11-12 Psalm 31:1-20 Psalm 57:1-3
Psalm 13:5-6 Psalm 32:10-11 Psalm 73:24-28
Psalm 16:1-3 Psalm 33:16-22 Psalm 84:11-12
Psalm 17:6-7 Psalm 34:8-9 & 22 Psalm 91:1-6
Psalm 25:1-6 & 16-21 Psalm 86:2-7 Proverbs 30:5
Psalm 26:1-5 Psalm 71:1-5 Nahum 1:7
Psalm 28:6-7 Psalm 36:7-10 2 Corinthians 1:7-11
9.) How can one say that God the Father or Jesus Christ is his or her “rock”? his or her “fortress”?
his or her “shield”? his or her “deliverer”? his or her “salvation”? his or her “high tower”?
his or her “refuge”? his or her “Savior”? his or her “buckler”?
2 Samuel 22:1-3 & 31-33 Psalm 9:9-10
Psalm 7:1 Psalm 18:1-2 & 30-32
10.) How does trusting in God show to others?
Ruth 2:11-12 Psalm 40:1-5
Psalm 37:1-6 & 38-40 Psalm 64:10
11.) What does trusting in God lead to?
2 Kings 18:1-8 1 Timothy 4:10 Proverbs 31:10-12
Psalm 55:3-4 & 10-12 1 Peter 3:1-7 1 Timothy 5:3-5
12.) What actually is required in order to trust in God? Why is complete trust in God required for
being sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance (as Jesus indicated in John 14-16)?
Psalm 4:3-5 Psalm 143:8 Psalm 119:42
Psalm 112:4-8 Proverbs 3:5-6
Psalm 118:8-9 Proverbs 16:18-25
13.) How frequently and long should trusting in God last?
Psalm 62:8 Job 35:9-15 Isaiah 26:2-4
Job 13:15-16 Psalm 52:8-9
Trust in Jesus Christ and all of His teachings:
14.) What is trusting in Jesus Christ related to?
Psalm 2:10-12 Luke 24:13-26
15. What does trusting in the name of Jesus Christ mean? What does the Gentile part of these
passages mean in regards to trusting God? (See Romans 11 before answering this question.)
Matthew 12:14-21 Romans 15:11-13
16.) What does trusting in Jesus Christ lead to?
Isaiah 12:1-2 2 Corinthians 3:4-13 Ephesians 5:18
Ephesians 1:12-14 Psalm 22:22 Hebrews 13:10-15.
Compassionate trust:
17.) For each of the below Scripture passages and verses, state what kind of compassionate trust is
stated or implied.
2 Corinthians 5:9-11 1 Thessalonians 2:3-6 Philemon 21-22
2 Corinthians 13:4-6 1 Timothy 6:20-21 2 John 12
Hebrews 13:18 Philippians 2:19-24 3 John 13
Final questions:
18.) What was David’s problem at this time in his life? How would you counsel him or someone like
him who had the same questions? (Remember what the ending Beatitudes say in Matthew 5 and
what Jesus warned His Disciples about in John 14-16.)
Psalm 22:1-8
19.) How would you teach the following anagram?
T= truthfulness
R= respect
U= understanding
S= steadfastness (especially in promise/vow-keeping)
T= tolerance (of the other's preferences)

Note: Using E4 Group, the verses in this course were copied from The
Holy Bible: King James Version. 1995. Logos Research Systems, Inc.: Oak Harbor, WA.

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