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Myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

Myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves Myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves
Myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves Myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves Myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

Myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

Myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves Myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves Myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

1-I live here by myself Vivo aqu solo.

2-I cut myself with a knife. Me cort con un cuchillo.

3-I painted the house myself. Pint la casa yo mismo. 4-Bring me a mirror. I want to look at myself. Treme un espejo. Quiero mirarme.


1-They found themselves in serious trouble. Ellos se encontraron en serios problemas. 2-They themselves wrote the article for the newspaper. Ellos mismos escribieron el artculo para el peridico. 3-The boys bought themselves a dog. Los chicos se compraron un perro.

My conclusion is that the use of reflexive pronouns that they serve different contexts already which itself encompasses as they can be displayed as of uniquely in singular form or another form that is plural therefore these include that they are the ones that indicate that the action expressed by the verb falls on the same subject that does it and not other people or objects. In other words, the subject and the object of the sentence are about the same person, also reflexive pronouns are used to give emphasis. In this case, usually placed after the subject or the end of the sentence after the word that emphasizes.

mi conclusion es que el uso de los pronombres reflexivos es que estos sirven para diferentes contextos ya que en si engloban como se pueden mostrar como de forma unica en forma singular o de la otra forma que es plural por lo tanto se pueden estos mencionar como que son aquellos que indican que la accin expresada por el verbo recae sobre el mismo sujeto que la realiza y no sobre otras personas u objetos. En otras palabras, el sujeto y el objeto de la oracin recaen sobre la misma persona, Tambin los Pronombres Reflexivos se utilizan para dar nfasis. En este caso, usualmente se colocan posterior al sujeto o al final de la oracin a continuacin de la palabra que enfatiza.

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