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Divine Assurance

(Compiled and written by Bill Stevenson)

Note: Many of the following indicated Bible verses were from Jack Taylor's “Who We Are In
Christ” list. So I have changed some of my responses to first person tense. I hope that you
can identify personally too.
John 3:16-- eternal life
guarantee of not perishing
Romans 6:23-- eternal life in Christ Jesus
1 John 2:25 & 5:11-15-- eternal life in Christ Jesus
access to God via prayer
John 10:27-29-- communication via the Holy Spirit with Jesus Christ
eternal life
guarantee of not perishing
divine protection (never being separated from God the Father)
Philippians 4:6-7-- divine guarding of my heart and mind through Christ Jesus
Romans 5:1-- peace with God the Father
Romans 5:10a-- reconciliation to God the Father
Romans 5:17-- abundance of grace
the gift of righteousness reigning in my life through Jesus Christ.
Romans 6:2-6-- newness of life with resurrection power
freedom from being slaves of sin
Galatians 2:20-- capability to live by faith in Jesus Christ instead of living for selfish reasons
Romans 6:12-14-- capability to not let sin reign and have dominion in my body,
not obeying lusts and being unrighteous
the right to present oneself to God the Father completely righteous
Romans 12:1-2-- capability to present to God the Father my body
as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Him
freedom from being conformed to this world
capability to be transformed by the renewing of my mind
so that I can prove what is that good, acceptable,
and perfect will of God the Father
Romans 8:1-- having no condemnation
capability to live be guided by the Holy Spirit instead of selfishness and lusts
Galatians 2:16-21-- divine justification by faith in Christ Jesus
capability to live to or for God the Father
Ephesians 2:8-10-- divine Salvation by grace
being created in Christ Jesus for good works
already prepared and desired by God the Father
Colossians 1:10-14-- capability to live worthy of Jesus Christ, fully pleasing Him
being fruitful or successful in every good work and increasing
in the knowledge of God
being strengthened with God’s divine power for patience, longsuffering
with joy and thankfulness
qualification for future partaking of Christian inheritance
from God the Father
deliverance from the power of sin and Satan
transference into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Romans 8:28-39-- God’s providence (involvement) in making happenings in my life
result for good
being called or appointed for God’s purpose
being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ
being justified and later glorified by God
being freely blessed by God the Father
being represented and defended by Christ Jesus
in relation to God the Father’s expectations of holiness
having nothing separate me from the love of Christ Jesus
eventually being more than a conqueror over condemners, tribulation
distress or calamity, persecution, hunger (famine), destitution, peril, or sword
1 Corinthians 15:58-- guaranteed that my labor is not in vain
2 Corinthians 1:22-- having Salvation guaranteed by the Holy Spirit being in my heart
Ephesians 1:12-14-- being to the praise of God’s glory
having my Salvation sealed by the Holy Spirit,
Who is the guarantee of the future inheritance
2 Corinthians 4:1-- God’s mercy
2 Corinthians 5:17-- being a new creation of God
future new experiences
2 Corinthians 5:21-- the opportunity to become part of the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus
2 Corinthians 9:11-- being enriched in everything for all liberality,
which causes thanksgiving by others
Ephesians 1:7-- having redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ
having forgiveness of sins according to the riches of God’s grace
Ephesians 2:8-- being saved from death penalty of violating God’ Law through faith (not works)
Philippians 1:6-- being confident or assured that God will complete my sanctification
Hebrews 12:1-11-- ability to lay aside every hindrance and sin
which easily ensnares (traps or tempts) me
ability to live the challenging life of a Christian
while my faith is being completed by Christ Jesus
Philippians 1:20-- ability to be bold in magnifying Christ Jesus in my speaking and doing,
even in dying
Philippians 3:20-21-- citizenship in Heaven
which helps my eagerly wait for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
future transformation and conformation of my body
to Jesus Christ’s glorious body
Hebrews 3:6-- the opportunity to be in the house of Christ Jesus until the end of the Age of Grace
Hebrews 3:14-- being able to become partakers of Christ Jesus
if I steadfastly keep confident of my Christian faith
John 6-- the opportunity and ability to partake of Christ Jesus via spiritual food and drink
from the Holy Spirit and the Bible
Hebrews 4:1-- the promised future entering into supernatural rest provided by God

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