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UDL Instructional Lesson Plan

Team 7:
Christina Verrette Brooke Mattingly Ellen Smoot Alicia Savoy

Grade: 1st Subject: Phonics

Class Size:
24 Students

I. Purpose of the Lesson What will the students learn? How does this learning fit within
broader unit goals? Why is this learning meaningful, important and appropriate? What will the students say or do that will serve as evidence of learning?

Standard (Use MD State Core Curriculum):

RF3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. (SC, 1) contd from p. 5 RF3.d Use knowledge that every syllable must have a vowel sound to determine the number of syllables in a printed word. Count and segment syllables orally. Identify the vowel sound in spoken and written one-syllable words. Identify the number of vowels and syllables in printed words.

Lesson Objective:
TSWBAT identify phonemes at the beginning, middle and end of various words.

Formative Assessment (planned for use in this lesson):

After presenting students with a phoneme, we will observe their reaction time moving to the object they feel represents that phoneme. We will ask one student per group if the phoneme is spoken at the beginning, middle or end of word.

II. Instructional Decision-Making What knowledge of students influences my instructional decisions in this lesson? How will my instruction respond in order to remove barriers to learning and/or build on students strengths?

Knowledge of Learners
Knowledge of Age-Level Characteristics (Yardsticks by Chip Wood) (Ages Six to Seven)

Instructional Decisions based on this knowledge

We will incorporate many breaks throughout this activity. Not only will this give the children time to think about their next move but it will also prevent them from becoming tired and worn out. After presenting the children with a phoneme, we will require that everyone stand still and think for at least ten seconds before allowing them to make a move. This will help elevate the childrens fear of being rushed and make them less tense. We will remind the children to walk slowly to the object they feel best represents the phoneme and let them know that the order that you get to the object is not important. We will praise for effort and taking chances. Since most students are not comfortable with vowel sounds we will make sure to stay positive, even with the struggling students. Before starting the game with the students, we will remind them of their classroom rules; one being keep your hands to yourself. Since tattling is a very big problem in the classroom, we will also remind the students to be a danger ranger and only inform the teacher if their classmates actions are physically harmful to others. We will praise the children on their efforts, even if they are struggling with the vowel phonemes. We will hope that the students have never played a game similar to this before. Students will sound out words for themselves to determine what objects best represent the phoneme. Through kinesthetic learning, students may develop a better understanding for vowel sounds compared to the paper and pencil approach.

Easily tires. Sometimes tense.

Wants to be first, Competitive. Sometimes a poor sport. Touchy.

Sensitive to others feelings, but sometimes tattles.

Needs constant reinforcement.

Likes new games; ideas. Learns best through discovery.

Knowledge of Academic Readiness (based on pre-assessment) Once hearing phoneme out-loud, students

After one of the instructors shares the next

are able to figure out different words that have that phoneme.

phoneme with the class, they should be able to determine which objects have that phoneme in the name.

Students are able to sound out words outloud, more successfully than silently to themselves.

Students will be encouraged to think outloud and try to spell the words to themselves before making their move to the object they feel best represents that phoneme. Since students have already been introduced to the phonemes, they should already feel comfortable participating in this exercise after the re-teaching warm-up activity.

Students have already been introduced all of the phonemes in the alphabet, but could use some reinforcement on the vowels.

Knowledge of Subgroup or Individual Needs (IEP accommodations, ELLs, G/T, other strengths/needs)
Yeslin - ELL, whose first language is Spanish. She displays that she has reading difficulties. Jason - ELL, whose first language is Chinese. Requires directions be repeated. Morgan & Zeke - both have speech IEPs which require weekly speech therapy. The Spanish translation will be written and spoken in the Prezi Presentation. It will also be written on the cards during the activity. After explaining the directions we will have one student repeat the directions in their own words. The Chinese translation will be spoken and written in the Prezi Presentation. It will also be written on the cards during the activity. Spoken words will be used when we play the audacity recording in the Prezi. This will help them with their pronunciation.

Knowledge of Interests and other Motivational Factors Fond of team games, working in groups, and adventure stories.

Create a game using objects and pictures for students to locate in the classroom. The children will be encouraged to work with each other to determine which phonemes can be found in the names of the different objects.

Multicultural Considerations/ Equity Measures

Implications for this Lesson

With each object used throughout the game, we will provide the students with the Spanish and Chinese translation of the word. We will also have a Prezi presentation that will clearly say the words in all languages.

By incorporating the different language translations into the lesson, students will have a greater understanding of differences between the English language and the different languages of their classmates.

Some of the students are tactile learners.

By letting them get up to use the smart board and activinspire, they will have an easier time learning the material for the lesson.

Academic Language Demands

Scaffolds to support language development in this lesson

Students may confuse words used in this assignment with their synonyms, making the assignment more difficult. Words used in this assignment 1. Ukulele 2. Oval 3. Unicorn 4. Music What the students may confuse the objects for 1. Guitar 2. Circle 3. Horse 4. Note

We will introduce each object used in the game as well as provide labels. Since students are able to read, the labels will be used to aid them in the game.

III. Instructional Procedures What instructional strategies and sequence will I use to
ensure that every child is a successful learner?

Instructional Materials and Technologies:

Stuffed Animal Monkey, Dice, Zebra, Unicorn, Cat, Elephant, Zebra, Duck, Elephant, Pig, Duck, and Cube. Signs for Acorn, Cake, Five, Oval, Snow, Music, Red, and Igloo. Worksheet for teaching vowel phonemes. Notecards with pictures and words. Smartboard to display worksheets and activity. Computer includes Prezi, activinspire, and audacity.

Management Considerations (Procedures, Transitions, Materials, Behavior):

1. Ensure all students have used the lavatory before we begin the lesson. 2. Students will raise their hands to answer questions. 3. Take notice of any students who are disruptive during the lesson. Warn these students that inappropriate behavior will not be accepted. After 3 warnings, the student will have his or her name placed on the yellow behavior chart. 4. Call on all students equally and ensure that everyone is participated. 5. If students are having trouble staying focused or not being enthusiastic, have students get up jump in place and stretch for approximately 30 seconds. 6. Have the students come up one at a time to use the smart board. Make sure there isnt any running in the classroom.

Instructional Sequence Planned Beginning

Warm-up Motivation Bridge

Approximate Time

Teacher will introduce the lesson by informing students that we are going to discuss vowel sounds today by playing a game. Ask the students if they know the difference between long and short vowel sounds. Ask the students if they can think of any words which contain the long and short vowel sounds: //, //, //, //, //, //, //, //, and // (phonemes).

5 Minutes

Development of the New Learning

(Clearly explain instructional activities in sequence.) (Think I Do, We Do, You Do or Modeling, Guided Practice, Independent Practice)

1. Teachers will explain the different vowel phonemes, how they sound and how they are altered by the letters within words. 2. Teachers set the example by giving examples of the long and short vowel sounds. 3. Teachers will show examples of words with the vowel sounds taught during the lesson using a Prezi presentation. The teacher will say the vowel sounds then point to the sound in the Prezi. Audacity will then repeat the sound for repetition purposes. Repeating the phonemes will hopefully help the students remember the sounds when they play the game. 4. Objects and pictures containing the long and short vowel sounds will be placed around the classroom at eye for the students to see. These objects and pictures will contain a label with the name of the object or picture in English, Spanish and Chinese characters (as well as phonetically spelled). 5. Practice Round: Teachers will introduce the names of all of the different objects to ensure that the students understand how the words sound.

6. Students will work in teams consisting of members at their tables. a. One of the phonemes will be chosen at random. b. The teacher will say the phoneme out loud, multiple times to make sure all students have heard the sound correctly. c. The teams will discuss which objects around the room have that phoneme in the name d. The students will be given 20 seconds to discuss their answers before being instructed to move to the object. e. The teacher will dismiss one table at a time to go to the object they picked. f. Each group that gets a correct answer will gain 1 point. 7. Repeat process until all phonemes have been discussed. 1. Using activinspire and the smart board, have students connect pictures of objects with their correct vowel sounds. 2. Teachers will work with students who are having trouble understanding the lesson.

Enrichment or Remediation
(As appropriate to lesson)

1. Summarize what the students have learned during the lesson.

Planned Ending (Closure)

Summary Homework

10 minutes 2. Assign each table group with an object used in the game. Have them identify the vowel phonemes in the word and find another classroom object that has the same phoneme.

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