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Are Mega-Preachers Scandal-Prone?

By David Van Biema, Sat Sep 29

Juanita Bynum's story may read like soap opera, but her travails are a reminder of the longtime
magnetism between celebrity Pentecostal preachers and scandal. The 48-year-old regular on the Trinity
Broadcasting Network (TBN) made her reputation with a sermon renouncing pre-marital sex to search for
a holy partner. She appeared to find one in a minister named Thomas Weeks III, wed him in a $1 million
on-air ceremony, and together they went out to preach and teach the perfect Christian marriage. Then, in
August she accused him of badly beating her in a parking lot (he has been charged, but claims he "walked
away" from the confrontation), and said she planned to seek a divorce - and to become the "new face of
domestic violence." A dramatic reversal of fortunes, certainly, but hardly the first in her particular corner
of Christianity.

Bynum's misfortune coincided with the divorce by an even more popular Pentecostal figure, Paula White,
and her co-pastor husband Randy, of the Without Walls International megachurch in Tampa, Fla. Divorce,
once a taboo in evangelical culture, is now a fact of life. But the Whites' apparently no-fault parting
appeared so matter-of-fact - few details were offered, and neither partner seemed to take a time out from
preaching - that some grumbled about the unchristian notion of marriage as a convenience. Then there
was the drugs-and-call-boy-abetted exit of marquee-name Pentecostal pastor Ted Haggard from his
leadership of the National Association of Evangelicals. Clearly, Pentecostalism is facing testing times.

Some suggest that the risk of high-profile meltdowns may be in the very nature of Pentecostal leadership
roles. "There's a lot of soul searching in our movement right now," says J. Lee Grady, editor of Charisma
magazine, because of the spectacle of highly successful preachers losing their way. "There's a saying,
'Your anointing can take you to a place where your character cannot sustain you.' I'm hearing that a lot
more often these days."

"Anointing" refers to the Pentecostal belief not only in the conversion experience, but in a "second
anointing in the Holy Spirit" that bestows such gifts such as speaking in tongues, healing and
prophesying. From its emergence in Los Angeles exactly a century ago, it has tended to be exuberant,
physical and generally more theologically adventurous than its evangelical cousins. And despite
thousands of pastors and churches that pursue their joyous vision without taint, scandal has dogged some
of its most prominent figures. Among the best-known were the late 1980s downfalls of televangelists Jim
Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart: Bakker, who was undone by charges of fraud, and Swaggart who was
caught with a prostitute, had preached a "theology of prosperity" suggesting that there would be divine
rewards in this world for those who donated to the ministry.

Some critics, such as Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Convention's Southern Theological
Seminary, see the movement as hardwired for scandal. "The Charismatic movement is so driven by
emotion and by passion that it sometimes lacks both theological and moral accountability," he says.
Others, such as Tim Morgan, an editor at Christianity Today, see it as a more organizational problem - the
absence of the kind of internal oversight common in mainline Protestantism and more recently in non-
Pentecostal Evangelicalism. "Quite a few of these independent churches feel they are beholden to God
alone," says Morgan.

But Anthea Butler, a professor of religion at the University of Rochester in New York believes
Pentecostals are no more trouble-prone than other Protestants. "The same sort of thing is happening to
Baptists and Presbyterians," she says. "Except for one big thing. They are not media figures." Notes
Charisma's Grady: "There's something about someone who is excited about the things of the Holy Spirit
that makes them want to get up and proclaim it" - often on TV. "But you'd better have character, or there's
going to be a national scandal."

Many supporters and critics of the Pentecostal movement agree that a troubling factor is the recent
resurgence of the prosperity theology (known, among other terms, as Word of Faith or neo-
Pentecostalism), which introduces a material aspect to worship that could be an inducement to sin.
Practitioners of prosperity philosophies of varying intensity include some of the biggest names in
Pentecostalism, including the Whites, Joyce Meyer and Creflo Dollar. None of these has had trouble with
the law, although in 2006, after years of fencing, Joyce Meyer Ministries came to agreement with local
authorities to pay 52% taxes on parts of its headquarters, which the county had maintained were a
business. Nonetheless, Hank Hanegraaff, a non-Pentecostal evangelical broadcaster who calls himself the
Bible Answer Man, expresses concern "about people out there emptying out their bank accounts so their
daughter with leukemia can be healed." He recently read on the air a editorial by Grady denouncing
"Celebrity Christianity," which described the case of an unnamed female evangelist whose appearance
contract included a five-figure honorarium, a $10,000 fuel deposit for a private plane, a five-star hotel,
room-temperature Perrier and two bodyguards. The column ended, "May God help us root out the false
apostles ... who are making the American church sick with their.... money-focused heresies."

But Pentecostals tend to be forgiving of their preachers' lapses - both Bakker and Swaggart are back in the
ministry, for example - because of a theological distinction between Pentecostalism and more austere
forms of conservative Christianity. Says the University of Rochester's Butler: "Calvinism is [God's] grace,
one time. This is grace after grace after grace. You can mess up a thousand times."

So, will this forgiving trait help Bynum keep her flock? Yes, say Butler and others. "Where else can you
say that you were the church Jezebel," marvels Butler, "and then recast yourself as a pure, holy single
woman living a godly life, then all of a sudden you get married in a big elaborate wedding to a bishop,
with 40 bridesmaids and then go off and have a ministry with that husband and tell other church couples,
'This is how to love your husband because we got it right'? - and then your husband beats you up in the
parking lot, and now you're an advocate for domestic violence?"

Yet Harvard African-American studies and religion scholar Marla Frederick says many of the women
with whom Bynum's preaching resonates have seen just as many reversals as in their own lives, and they
yearn for a God who will ride the roller coaster with them. "Pentecostal faith is really about the power of
the Holy Spirit to instantaneously transform life," she says. But she admits she personally is troubled that
"taking a personal story and turning it into a narrative of triumph also becomes something that can be
marketed for profit."

Indeed, beyond the scandal of the moment, Pentecostalism has produced a culture of superstar preachers
whose lives are always at risk of being turned into something close to secular entertainment.

~ examples of rebuke courage

Note: I lost a long time Internet friend because I sent her the indicated news article. She had worked
for TBN for 5 years. I did warn her Biblically about condoning about wrong preaching,
prophecies, and Christian leader lifestyles.

--- In, "Marcella" <moderator@...> wrote:

> Wow! A believer with backbone and a pastor at that! Surely the Judgment of
> God has come to the house of God. We all should be speaking to the spirits
> of greed, compromise, corruption, and divorce in the church Let us all be in
> prayer that the chastisement will lead them back to God and away from the
> world. GBY Marcella
Wow! A believer with backbone and a pastor at that! Surely the Judgment of God has come to the house
of God. We all should be speaking to the spirits of greed, compromise, corruption, and divorce in the
church Let us all be in prayer that the chastisement will lead them back to God and away from the world.
GBY Marcella
Apostle Brian S. Lewis warns you can't sow a seed to get out of your problems.
August 29, 2007

Apostle Brian S. Lewis, senior pastor of All Nations Church of Los Angeles, did what few, if any,
pastors are willing to do publicly.
He spoke out on Paula White's imminent divorce and Bishop Thomas Weeks attack on his wife,
Juanita Bynum.

In "The Pressure of the Press (Part 3)," a sermon posted on YouTube, Pastor Lewis said, "… Why do
you think what happened with Bishop Weeks and Juanita Bynum? That's the rod of God's correction. You
can't lie to God. Don't be deceived for God is not marked. For whatever you sow, you shall reap."

He acknowledged that he knew the sermon was going to be on TV.

"You know what I feel like telling them … and this is me being sarcastic," he said, "…Bishop you
wanna get out of jail, you don't wanna have to go to jail and to have to experience a trial and you don't
want your ministry to fail, why don't you sow a seed? Why don't you sow a seed for the next 12 months?
Why don't you sow $100,000 a month for the next 12 months and watch your deliverance?"

"Juanita Bynum, you don't like what you went through? You don't like being stomped in the groin?
You don't like being beat by a man, why don't you just sow a seed?" he asked. "You know why God is
judging you because you can't sow a seed to get out of your problems…"

Paula White didn't escape the pastor's path either.

"Paula White, who are you to divorce your husband," he asked. "Who are you to step out of the
authority and the anointing that your husband has over your life? Who knows what you did but divorce is
not of God unless there was some type of infidelity, unless there was somebody that was unfaithful and
none of you better ever marry again because you'll be in an adulterous marriage…"

Last week, Paula and Randy White announced their decision to divorce after 17 years of marriage.

On August 21, a bellman stopped Bishop Weeks from beating Juanita Bynum in an Atlanta hotel
parking lot. The Bishop fled the scene but later turned himself in to authorities.

On Sunday, August 26, Weeks stood before his Global Destiny congregation and blamed the devil for
the accusations. He faces charges of aggravated assault and terroristic threats.

Pastor Lewis wrote in his email newsletter, "I am sensitive to Juanita Bynum and I am praying for her
recovery spiritually, emotionally, and physically, as well as, for the members of the White family;
notwithstanding, I am dealing with the spirits of greed, compromise, corruption, and divorce in the

Visit the pastor's Web site at

See his YouTube sermons here:

This came to my mind as I read the responses to the above and the in the following pages. It was
written by a Christian martyr many years ago:

From John G. Elliott:

Characteristics of a fleshly ministry:
1. striving-- trying to open a door of opportunity on my own effort
2. frustration
3. burn-out
4. self-promotion
5. selfish ambition
6. shallowness
7. pleading for money

Characteristics of a Holy Spirit-led ministry:

1. historic evidence of the work of Divine Providence of opening and closing doors for ministry
2. peace and contentment
3. freshness
4. the promotion of God, not self
5. humility
6. spiritual depth
7. adequate provision

The following was in the e-mail Marcella sent me from the pastorandclergyinfo group:
Posted by: "Vickie"
Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:33 am (PST)

This was excellent.. Praise God for a pastor with the boldness to speak the truth. I am praying for
Paula and her about to be ex husband because I used to support her ministry until I saw an abrupt
change in her shows.. three out of four of her shows focused only on gaining material wealth, not
winning souls for the kingdom and that turned my husband and I off of watching the shows when
she had Donald Trump and other millionaires on her show asking people to focus on wealth. I
believe that God wants us to prosper in all areas but there’s no where in the Bible where He says we
should pursue material things.. quite the opposite.. We are to fulfill the great commission and win
souls for Christ. and to follow in His steps. that is our mission not getting rich especially when you
get rich off of others.
Rev. Vicki

Posted by: "Ginger"
Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:14 am (PST)

How sad! Needless to say this could bring hundreds of thousands of baby utterly sad. I stopped
watching TBN almost entirely except for the VanImpe's and Hagee, and Parsley (but I'm watching
him too... He's been really hustling up funds too the past couple of years) Dwight Thompson,
DuPlantis and Copeland.. There’s too much excess at TBN... I just can't cope with Jan and her
outrageous vanity. Yeah I 'm sure she loves God, but remember what it says about a Christians'
walk... They sure live well!! Now if they lived like Billy Graham.... I'd follow them off a cliff almost
if you understand what I mean... Their tree bears good fruit; there is no obvious corruption within
his ministry.... No gold plated chairs, tables crystal... Everything about Trinity network is Excess.
Worldliness. .. But thank God, they're still anointed to help save souls... But man oh man do they
turn me off! It totally disgusts me to see all the lavish sets and stuff.... Its just disgusting.. .

Rebuke of Prophetess Bynum, Paula White, and others...
Posted by: "Frances Lloyd"
Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:00 pm (PST)

I write this out of my heart for all of us. Yes, I am disappointed that these ministries have drawn
negative publicity recently. First of all, you must be sure that your information is correct. Have you
ever been able to depend on the secular press to report spiritual things correctly? You know that
you should temper each report with the knowledge that they are selling papers and the worst
possible slant on the story is what they will use. How do you really know what is going on? Are you
sure it is discernment and not judgement?

I am not accusing. My words as always are for edification, exhortation, and compfort. (You know
the reference) I am merely bringing it to your attention that we should always pray about every
ministry. If God does not lead you to listen to them, then excercise your wrist and turn them off the
TV. If you have noticed things in their ministry that do not add up, just when do you cross from a
necessary warning and gossiping? The word say touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no
harm, right? Are we so sure that these ministers are no longer God's anointed? Have you ever
sinned or made a mistake? Did God forgive you? Did He allow you to keep going? Does He hold it
against you after it is forgiven? You know the Word of God.

I am like each of you in this respect. I don't like the characteristics of some ministries. Dereck
Prince speaks in monotone. It bugs me. So what. He speaks truth. Kenneth Copeland teaches
propsperity. It is in the Word of God. (3 John 2 and a bunch more scriptures say so) He receives
offering only once a week on Fridays. It is true that I have seen some ministries over the past thirty
years begin to "major" in bringing in money. I have turned them off. I overlook Jan's appearance
because of the record for soul winning and evangelizing. Not one minister alive is perfect. Only God
is. Do you destroy them all because they were big enough to get into the press? I venture to say,
there are many more wrong things going on in ministry, but they aren't large enough to interest the
press. I have also seen a large amount of God's people using it as an excuse to quit giving at all. Is
that what you want? How far would your ministry get if everyone quit giving? Can you support it
out of your personal earnings without ministry earnings? How can you work full time in ministry if
you don't have earning from ministry? The scripture says (1 Corinthians 9:14) Even so hath the
Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.

Yes, discern privately and pray for each of the ministries that God is showing you needs prayer.
Don't rebuke someone unless you are speaking to that individual privately with the proper
witnesses as the Bible instructs. If you are telling everyone else and not that person, you are
gossiping. (1 Timothy 5:19) Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three
witnesses. (not 1000's)(2 Thessalonians 3:14) And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note
that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.(2 Thessalonians 3:15) Yet count
him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

I love each of you and I respect my elders and apostles. I am obligated by the Holy Spirit, to
speak what I believe that He has given to me to say.

Prophetess Frances Lloyd

Daily Golden Footprints

Re: Rebuke of Prophetess Bynum, Paula White, and others...
Posted by: "RevRick
Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:08 pm (PST)

In a message dated 10/28/2007 3:01:05 P.M. Central Daylight Time,

francesngrady@ writes:
Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. (not 1000's)(2
Thessalonians 3:14) And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no
company with him, that he may be ashamed.(2 Thessalonians 3:15) Yet count him not as an enemy,
but admonish him as a brother.

I love each of you and I respect my elders and apostles. I am obligated by the Holy Spirit, to
speak what I believe that He has given to me to say.

Prophetess Frances Lloyd

Daily Golden Footprints

************ *****

I agree dear Sister, very well said...God bless you!!!

In His Love
In His Service
Rev. Ricky Joe Thompson
_C.A.S.A. Recovery Ministries Webpage of the member of_
(http://prisonminist the Prison Ministries network
_NEWSTARTS Prison Ministry - Oklahoma City,Oklahoma_
(http://netministrie charmin.exe/ CM05753)
_Rev. Rick's Testimony of God's Love and Healing Power_
(http://hometown. 3010/myhomepage/ faith.html)

1Co 12:9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of
healing by the same Spirit;

Re: Rebuke of Prophetess Bynum, Paula White, and others...
Posted by: "Vickie Shaull-Groth"
Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:13 pm (PST)

I am in agreement as well even though I voiced my thoughts on focusing too much on earthly riches
and not enough on the saviour.. However. .it is not my place to stand in judgment and I don't accept
every word as truth that I read (or listen to) in the media.. God is very clear about not touching the
annointed. And if someone offends us we can always turn the TV or the radio off and pray for them.
Rev. Vicki

Re: Rebuke of Prophetess Bynum, Paula White, and others...
Posted by: "frances lloyd" francesngrady
Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:29 pm (PST)
Have You “Killed” Any Ministries Lately?
Daily Golden Footprints
Wednesday, October 3, 2007

We all understand that scripture in (Exodus 20:13) Thou shalt not kill. It is one of the Ten
Commandments that many of us memorized as a child. THOU SHALT NOT KILL. Of course not
murdering is what it is talking about. The Lord gave me another thought on it years ago. I heard
this message at least twenty-five to thirty years ago from a pastor friend of mine. You know that
God is in it when you can remember it that many years later. This pastor always prayed through
daily and got a “Word” from God before it was given. When it is prayed through, then it is just
exactly what you need to hear that very day.

So here is the “Word” the Lord is wanting you to have today… Suppose Pam, who should have
known better, did something really wrong to Deb. Pam was supposed to be a mature Christian. Pam
should have known better. Deb told Karen (just to warn her about Pam, at least that was her
excuse). Later on Pam prayed through about what she had done. She was doing a great job for
Jesus for several years following. She then had the opportunity to minister to Karen. Karen had
heard the stories about what Pam did way back then. Because of the things that Deb had told her
about Pam, Karen had lost all confidence in Pam even though it was thirty years ago and Pam had
since made things right with God years before. Pam had learned her lesson and never did it again.
Karen did not receive her need met because all confidence in Pam had been “killed” by Deb.

The point is how do you know that you aren’t “killing” the confidence one person might have in
another person when you repeat something? Even though that person was wrong at the time, they
could pray through, but your stories, though true at the time, have fixed it to where they can never
do any good for the Lord with that person you told and any that they told. All that the person can
remember is what you said about them years ago.

Be careful what you tell whether it is true or not is irrelevant. Think about it this way. I am
praying for them to get things right so I am not going to tell those things that I happen to know.
(Proverbs 17:9) He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter
separateth very friends.

Unforgiveness turns to bitterness. Lack of forgiveness can harm many people. (Hebrews 12:14)
Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. (Hebrews 12:15)
Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up
trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.

My question is “Have you killed any ministries lately?” Is it your job to be sure a transgression
destroys someone’s life? Or are we to pray them back into the fold?

In Him,
Pastor/Prophetess Frances Lloyd
www.hearingthevoice ofGod.mysite. com
dailygoldenfootprin ts@gmail. com

Partners, if you enjoyed this email devotion, please forward it to a friend or to add or remove a
name from this list, please write via return email.
Saturday Night, Prayer, Praise, Word, 5 PM, 211 Northgate, Waxahachie, Tx 75165. For
information or directions see website. Please use this address to reach us via US mail for prayer
requests, good reports, or offerings.

Re: Rebuke of Prophetess Bynum, Paula White, and others...
Posted by: "Ginger"
Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:08 pm (PST)

There is a world of difference between DISCERNMENT and JUDGEMENT. I see that within the
body of Christ a great many of us have much confusion over these two things. I would that we all do
a dilligent search on BOTH actions; it will certainly help in this situation.. And YES we ARE fruit
inspectors. AND tree inspectors; and VINE dressers. Those who are filled with the Spirit of God
gives witness to what is of God; the flesh always defends itself, the Spiritual pray and wait for God
to lead. But once God has spoken, we are obligated to accept His ruling.

Turning off the TV or radio is ok when we cannot address or confront the error but when it
comes like it is here; within our group, it needs to be dealt with. Paula white, and the others have
been "outed". Now it behooves all of us to pray for them and try to restore them to fellowship,
however what they have spoken in the recent past, the money they became lovers of... That entire
line of "Christianity" must be held suspect because their walk was compromised during the recent
past, during the time when their pulpit messages were coming forth; and I feel suspect to the same
spirit of deception that was working on their minds, came out of their mouths.

That is my view and until someone can come up with a better one according to the Word, I intend
to stand by it. If we are filled with the Spirit of God we KNOW when a lie is being taught... Its like
hearing a beautiful symphony with the pianist hitting flat keys instead of sharps.. while much of the
music is perfect, that nagging flat note keeps on popping up. If we are close to God we will hear it
and give heed. These people must be outed... What they did must be told to all the body, to teach
them right from wrong and to out the devil... Covering up a believers's sin is to have a part in it, I
will not do that. People have a right to know what happened so it works as an example to them to
not follow in their footsteps. Prayerfully and in the spirit of truth learn from their mistakes!

This is certainly not Judgement. It is the spirit of truth VS a lie.


Re: Rebuke of Prophetess Bynum, Paula White, and others...

Posted by: "frances lloyd" francesngrady
Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:19 pm (PST)

I am sure that the body of Christ is well able to look within their own hearts and know when they
are doing the right thing or not. Yes, we have discernment and we also have sometimes gone into
judgement. Judgment fits in some cases and discernment in others. Each knows who they are. If it
isn't you, ptl. Absolutely pay attention to your discernment and turn them off when they are wrong.
But be careful when you offer opinions. I try to say this is my opinion and this is what I believe that
God is telling me to say. I think it is wise to give these ministries to the Lord. I, myself, would pray
seriously about anything that they have to say right now because they need to be restored. I just
don't want to be guilty of causing even more problems for the body of Christ as a whole. Back when
PTL, Jimmy Swaggert and others fell, the giving in the entire body of Christ plumeted so badly that
most ministries has many layoffs. I have forgotten the exact figure, something like down 75%. The
bottom line, It hurt in soul winning and in all genuine ministry. No, we do not condone sin. But we
don't want to put our personal business belong to the body of Christ into the secular arena. God
knows they will hurt us all, not just the ones who are selling their newspapers at the time. Cast not
your pearls before swine...
Prophetess Frances Lloyd

Re: Rebuke of Prophetess Bynum, Paula White, and others...
Posted by: "Ginger"
Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:44 pm (PST)

That is all well and good, but the bible also says to "mark them" which transgress and avoid them. Now
all of us can banter and bandy this back and forth forever... The TRUTH is that EACH ONE of us will
answer to God regarding our words and attitudes; only God knows the REAL motives behind our words
and works. God has told us to avoid ALL appearances of evil; I know for sure that if these people had
been close to God through all this they would have heard Him Yelling His head off to straighten up,
because that is how he does things... He first ministers to us one on one; then in the mouth of two or three
witnesses, and then IF THEY STILL REFUSE TO REPENT in front of the whole world.

Now based upon this do I say that these people all were given multiple opportunities to amend their
sinful ways and it would have been done with... But obviously they fought God to hold onto their fleshly
hearts.... So God went to step two then step three... We MUST forgive them all because none of us
KNOWS any of the truth; however.... Trusting them again cannot just be done with a handshake & slap
on the back and let them go back to where they were when sin was found in them.. AND by the way;
Annointings do NOT always stay with the person it was given - particularly if they are blatantly sinning.
(Saul) defending them on proper grounds is permissible but once trust has been broken, once their hearts
have hardened, once it becomes NECESSARY to out their sin then their credibility has shown to be

To remain "loyal" to such as these is wrong. It says in the word that people who have to be dragged
before the church are to be turned over to Satan and that is what we must do so that they can see the error
of their ways; once TRUE repentance is demonstrated, then they may be permitted back into the fold but
not back into the position they were in when they had to be removed. They have to earn the trust of the
people again, they must relearn how to resist the flesh, to resist spiritual pride, and again yield to the
Spirits' leading. Trust must only be given again after it is earned

We are told to turn away from such. Till Gods' work be accomplished in them Love the sinner; HATE
THE SIN!!!! Once saved is NOT always saved. If one turns away from God, or is slowly seduced away
from Him.... It is because they weren't fully committed to Him or they would not have fallen to sin in the
first place. That is scripture.


Re: Rebuke of Prophetess Bynum, Paula White, and others...
Posted by: "Ginger"
Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:29 pm (PST)

I am afraid I don't quite understand what you said here. Is God not able to give witness of a good
ministry to one who is seeking one? Of COURSE He is. If giving falls off, then a lot of "fluff" could
be cleaned out by atrition. Every ministry has its "pork" projects... If money is cut back those are
the first to go. I don't believe this is a bad thing. It could very well be an excellent reminder to
others in ministries to stay true to the Word, to the Lord and true to US.

Vanity, - thousand dollar suits, tons of make up that could be better removed with a putty knife,
gold painted chairs, crystal chandeliers. .. I'm sure you know what I mean. Billy Graham has never
ever dressed himself or his family up like showhorses or lived in a multiimillion dollar home and
drove a Mercedes... Yes I believe that Gods' workers should have provision.

NOT EXCESS. Jesus could have had His whole apostles riding in camel trains or donkey carts,
fine horses or any other means of transportation, but He didn't... They could all have had fine
clothes, their personal stylists, shoe makers, but His example was humility. That ought to be ours
too. Things like this must be purged from the body of Christ... Sin - hidden sin MUST be removed
from among the flock. Every one of us knows more than a few people who are "Serving" the Lord
with hidden sin... Sin that jades their ministry before the sheep... Sin that is not repented of and
protected rather than brought to the throne to be cast down and out of the believer who is awash in
compromise. Jesus was not "nice" to sinners, he called them VIPERS; painted coffins... Now on
that example, did He hide their sins? Was He protective of them? NO! There should not be any
tolerance of sin among ourselves, if we permit hidden sin within our selves, we will be permitting it
within others. (selah)

A STONE! Is THAT the way to teach an "annointed" man of God caught in sin? Its the way Jesus
did it. Are we not given HIS example to follow? Selah again. When was the last time we shut
ourselves up alone with God and lay on your belly so to speak, not actually...but I mean to just draw
near to God and talk with Him... To share all the stuff you have been putting aside for "later"...
Most of us are so busy that we "minister" to everyone else but ourselves. We too need that one on
one time with our Father, to stay in touch, not just praying but talking to Him; telling Him all our
thoughts about things we're doing.. Yeah he already knows, but I've discovered that when I sit
down with my Dad and talk to Him, I get feedback.
He talks back to me. That's when I get my chastening time... That's when we discuss my attitude
and my thoughts and where they stand in His eyes.... Because that is the only thing that is
important. Pleasing Him is the only thing that is important to me. Nothing else is of any matter if it
doesn't put God or His interests first.. The very LAST thing I want is to resemble a coffin with a
coat of cheap paint; I want Him to be pleased with me... Too many of us have gotten away from that
with our being so "busy" in the kingdom... So busy doing His work to stop and discuss things with


Re: Rebuke of Prophetess Bynum, Paula White, and others...

Posted by: "Ginger"
Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:38 pm (PST)

I'm curious. How do people get titles like Prophetess and prophet? What qualifies them
scripturally to be named thus? I'd very much like to know who first claimed Paula was a
prophetess? How did you get your title? I am not being ignorant here, I am earnestly wanting to
know what qualifies anyone to be called these things.


1 Corinthians 6:1-11
1 Does any of you dare,
when he [or she] has a matter of complaint against another [brother or sister],
to go to law before unrighteous men [and women]
[men and women neither upright nor right with God,
laying it before them]
instead of before the saints (the people of God)?
2 Do you not know that the saints (the believers) will [one day] judge
{and} govern the world?
And if the world [itself] is to be judged {and} ruled by you,
are you unworthy {and} incompetent to try [such petty matters]
of the smallest courts of justice?
3 Do you not know also that we [Christians] are to judge the [very] angels
{and} pronounce opinion between right and wrong [for them]?
How much more then [as to] matters
pertaining to this world {and} of this life only!
4 If then you do have such cases of everyday life to decide,
why do you appoint [as judges to lay them before] those who
[from the standpoint] of the church count for least
are without standing?
5 I say this to move you to shame.
Can it be that there really is not one man among you who
[in action is governed by piety and integrity and] is wise
{and} competent enough to decide
[the private grievances, disputes, and quarrels]
between members of the brotherhood,
6 But brother goes to law against brother,
and that before [Gentile judges who are] unbelievers
[without faith or trust in the Gospel of Christ]?
7 Why, the very fact of your having lawsuits with one another at all
is a defect (a defeat, an evidence of positive moral loss for you).
Why not rather let yourselves suffer wrong
{and} be deprived of what is your due?
Why not rather be cheated (defrauded and robbed)?
8 But [instead it is you] yourselves who wrong and defraud,
and that even your own brethren [by so treating them]!
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous {and} the wrongdoers
will not inherit {or} have any share in the Kingdom of God?
Do not be deceived (misled):
neither the impure {and} immoral, nor idolaters,
nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality,
10 nor cheats (swindlers and thieves), nor greedy graspers,
nor drunkards, nor foul-mouthed revilers {and} slanderers,
nor extortioners {and} robbers
will inherit {or} have any share in the Kingdom of God.
11 And such some of you were [once].
But you were washed clean
(purified by a complete atonement for sin
and made free from the guilt of sin),
and you were consecrated (set apart, hallowed),
and you were justified [pronounced righteous,
by trusting] in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
and in the [Holy] Spirit of our God.

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