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1. The operating system is an example of a computer C. a. object b. file system c. program d. desktop 2.

Most operating systems are comprised of three main components: the B, the file system, and the shell. a. desktop b. kernel c. user interface d. code 3. The B keeps track of directories and files. a. kernel b. file system c. shell d. user interface 4. Before the days of Windows, users interfaced with the operating system through a D interface. a. graphical b. object oriented c. command utility d. command line 5. The C is often used as part of a path. a. comma b. forward slash c. backslash d. semicolon 6. B allow(s) us to organize our files so we can more easily find them

a. Navigation b. Folders c. Desktop d. None of the above 7. The D folder is the default place that most applications want to store your data files in. a. Start menu b. Recycle Bin c. Program Files d. My Documents 8. C is referred to as a path using the proper syntax. a. c;windows/desktop b. c:> c. c:\windows\desktop\My Documents d. c:winnt/system32 9. D keeps track of the computers around you in a networked environment. a. My Computers b. FTP c. Add Network Place d. My Network Places 10. Many operating system directory structures are D. a. discrete b. disparate c. virtual d. hierarchical 10. The A of a directory structure is the topmost directory on the disk. a. root b. tree

c. subdirectory d. base 11. C Explorer is a Web browser that allows to more easily navigate the Internet. a. Windows b. Netscape c. Internet d. Microsoft 12. A Explorer is a tool that lets you more easily navigate the files and folders on your computer. a. Windows b. Netscape c. Internet d. Microsoft 13. The C wildcard is used to replace an infinite number of characters. a. ! b. ? c. * d. & 14. The B wildcard is used to replace a single character. a. ! b. ? c. * d. & 15. To select noncontiguous files, hold down the B key when selecting the files. a. Alt b. Ctrl c. Shift d. Space Bar C

16. An example of an operating system is _______________ A Windows XP B UNIX or LINUX C MAC OS D All of the above Answer D 17.Two basic two types of record access methods are A Sequential and random B Direct and immediate C Sequential and indexed D Online and real time Answer A 18. A chip having 150 gates will be classified as A MSI B SSI C LSI D VLSI Answer A 19. Which of the following Operating System does not implement multitasking truly? A Windows 98 B Windows NT C Windows XP D MS DOS Answer D 20. Which of the following is an example of a spooled device? A The terminal used to enter the input data for a program being executed. B The secondary memory device in a virtual memory system. C A line printer used to print the output of a number of jobs. D None of the above. Answer C 21.Which runs on computer hardware and serve as platform for other software to run on? A Operating System B Application Software C System Software D All

Answer A 22. Execution of two or more programs by a single CPU is known as A Multiprocessing B Time sharing C Multiprogramming D None of the above Answer C 23. A bootstrap is A A memory device B A device to support the computer C A small initialisation program to start up a computer D An error correction technique Answer C 24. Memory on your computer where data is stored temporarily is called A. RAM B. ROM C. BIOS D. CPU Answer A
25. Which is the first program run on a computer when the computer boots up? A. B. C. D. System software Operating system System operations None

Answer B

21. All windows have a D name. A) B) C) D) 3 menu bar Thumbnail dialog box title bar

located at the top of the window that displays the program's

2.The two ways to arrange multiple windows on the desktop are: A) B) C) D) 4 3.Which of the following is not a type of folder view: A) B) C) D) 5 4.A window that is displayed whenever the program requires additional information from you is called a(n): A) menu bar filmstrip Tiles Cascades Thumbnails Details cascade and tile drag and drop point and click minimize and maximize

B) C) D) 6 5.When a command is not available for selection until certain other conditions are met, it is called a(n): A) B) C) D) 7 6.To reverse your last action or command, you would use what feature: A) B) C) D) 8 7.Which of the following is not an option when shutting down your computer: A) B) C) D) 9 8.A file that has a specific application program attached to it that will open when the file is opened is called a(n): Log Off Switch User Stand By none of the above Drag Boot Cut Undo dimmed command unavailable command dialog box none of the above dialog box none of the above

A) B) C) D) 10

subfolder hyperlink associated file pane

9.The opening screen for Windows and the place where you begin your work using the computer is called the: A) B) C) D) task pane dialog box desktop insertion point

Questions on computer network and internet:

1. Internet is a. a local computer network b. a world wide network of computers c. an interconnected network of computers d. a world wide interconnected network of computers which use a common protocol to communicate with one another ANS: D 2. The facilities available in the internet are (i) electronic mail (ii) remote login (iii)file transfer (iv)word processing a. i, ii

b. i, ii, iii c. i, ii, iv d. ii, iii and iv ANS: B 3. Internet requires a. an international agreement to connect computers b. a local area network c. a commonly agreed set of rules to communicate between computers d. a World Wide Web ANS: C 4. Internet uses a. Packet switching b. Circuit switching c. Telephone switching d. Telex switching ANS: A 5. Internet data is broken up as a. fixed length packets b. variable length packets c. not packetized d. 64 bytes packets ANS: B 6. The packets of an internet message a. take a predetermined path b. take a path based on packet priority c. go along different paths based on path availability d. take the shortest path from source to destination

ANS: C 7. The time taken by internet packets a. can be predetermined before transmission b. may be different for different packets c. is irrelevant for audio packets ANS: C 8. By an extranet we mean a. an extra fast computer network b. the intranets of two co-operating organizations interconnected via a secure leased line c. an extra network used by an organization for higher reliability d. an extra connection to internet provided to co-operating organization ANS: B 9. A world wide web contains web pages a. residing in many computers b. created using HTML c. with links to other web pages d. residing in many computers linked together using HTML ANS: D 10. A URL specifies the following: (i) protocol used (ii) domain name of server hosting web page (iii) name of folder with required information (iv) name of document formatted using HTML (v) the name of ISP a. i, ii, iii, iv b. ii, iii, iv, v

c. i, iii, iv d. i, ii, iii, v ANS: A 11. A search engine is a program to search a. for information b. web pages c. web pages for specified index terms d. web pages for information using specified search terms ANS: D 12. HTML stands for a. Hyper Text Making Links b. Hyper Text Markup Language c. Higher Textual Marking of Links d. Hyper Text Mixer of Links ANS: B 13. HTML is similar to a a. word processing language b. screen editor c. scripting language d. search engine ANS: A 14. DMSP stands for (A) Distributed Mail System Protocol (B) Distributed Message System Protocol (C) Distributed Message System Pool (D) Distributed Mail System Pool Ans: A

15. Which Layer is not present in TCP/IP model? (A) Application Layer (B) Internet Layer (C) Transport Layer (D) Presentation Layer Ans: D 16. Address belongs to (A) class A. (B) class B. (C) class C. (D) class D. Ans: C 17. The term byte stuffing refers to: (A) data stuffing used with character oriented hardware. (B) data stuffing used with bit oriented hardware. (C) data stuffing used with both (A) & (B) (D) data stuffing used with byte oriented hardware. Ans: A 18. FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interconnect) is an example of (A) token ring. (B) token bus (C) star topology (D) multipoint network. Ans: A Q.11 Hardware that calculates CRC(Cyclic Redundancy Check) uses: (A) Shift register (C) Both (A) & (B) ANS: C 12. In IP addressing scheme, class used for multicasting is: (A) Class A (B) Class B (C) Class C (D) Class D Ans: D (B) Xor unit (D) Instruction register

13. CIDR stands for (A) Classified Internet Domain Routing (B) Classless Inter Domain Routing (C) Classless Internet Domain Routing (D) Classified Inter Domain Routing Ans: B 14. The total number of class of IP address are (A) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (D) 9. Ans: C 15. Network address prefixed by 1110 is a (A) Class A address (C) Class B address ANS: B 16. In cyclic redundancy checking CRC is the (A) divisor (B) quotient. (C) dividend (D) remainder. Ans: D 17. Which one of the following uses the greatest number of layers in the OSI model? (A) Bridge (B) Repeater. (C) Router. (D) Gateway. Ans: D 18. ATM is an example of (A) Ring topology (B) Star topology (C) Bus topology (D) None of the above. Ans: B (B) Multicast address (D) Reserve address.

19. The first part of the address in electronic mailbox identifies: (A) Users mailbox (C) Both (A) & (B) Ans: A 20. Protocol used to monitor and control network devices operates at: (A) Application layer (C) Network layer ANS: A 21. DHCP stands for (A) Dynamic Host Control Protocol (B) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. (C) Dynamic Host Connection Protocol. (D) None of the above. Ans: B Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. 22. Application layer (layer 4) in TCP/IP model corresponds to: (A) Layer 4 and 5 in OSI model (C) Layer 6 and 7 in OSI model Ans: C 23. UDP (User Diagram Protocol) is (A) Connectionless (C) Connection oriented Ans: D 24. A network address prefixed by 1000 is: (A) Class A address (C) Class C address ANS: B 25. Which of the following is a platform free language (B) Class B address (D) Class D address (B) Message Oriented (D) Both (A) and (B) (B) Layer 5 and 6 in OSI model (D) Layer 1 and 2 in OSI model (B) Transport layer (D) Data Link layer (B) Computer on which mail box resides (D) None of the above

(A) Fortran (C) C Ans: D 26. A digital signature is (A) scanned signature (C) encrypting information Ans: C

(B) Assembly (D) Java

(B) signature in binary form (D) handwritten signature

27. A computer system that permits multiple users to run programs at same time (A) Real time system (C) Time sharing system Ans: D Multi tasking system 28. Telnet is a service that runs (A) Television on net (C) Cable TV network Ans: B 29. SMTP is a (A) Networking Protocol (B) Protocol used for transferring message between end user & Mail Server (C) Protocol used for smart card message interchange (D) Encryption Standard Ans: B 30. A firewall is (A) An established network performance reference point. (B) Software or hardware used to isolate a private network from a public network. (C) A virus that infects macros. (D) A predefined encryption key used to encrypt and decrypt data transmissions. (B) Remote program (D) Telenext (B) Multi programming system (D) Multi tasking system

Ans: B

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