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__________________________________________________________________ Differential Calculus ____

Note : All functions ( except hyperbolic ) starting with C have - ve differential. Formulae : S.No
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Constant xn Sin x Cos x Tan x Cosec x Sec x Cot x e a
ax x

zero n . xn Cos x - Sin x Sec2 x Cosec x Cot x Sec x Tan x Cosec 2 x e a
ax x

.a . log a

log e x log a x Sin 1 x Cos 1 x Tan 1 x Cot 1 x Sec 1 x Cosec 1 x Sinh x Cosh x Tanh x Coth x Cosech x

1 / x 1 / x . log a e

1 / ( 1 - x2 ) - 1 / ( 1 - x2 ) 1 / ( 1 + x2 ) - 1 / ( 1 + x2 ) 1 / x . ( x2 - 1) - 1 / x . ( x2 - 1) Cosh x Sinh x Sech2 x Cosech2 x - Cosech x Coth x

___Compiled By : Vaishnu Dass, For any queries, call 9662464238 or mail at vdsoccer@gmail.com______

__________________________________________________________________ Differential Calculus ____ continued formulae : Differentiation S.No

24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Sech x Sinh 1 x Cosh 1 x Tanh 1 x Coth 1 x Sech 1 x Cosech 1 x :

Sech x Tanh x 1 / ( 1 + x2 ) ( x2 - 1) -1/2 1 / ( 1 - x2 ) - 1 / ( x2 - 1) 1 / [ x 1 - x2 1/2 ] - 1 / [ x 1 + x2 1/2 ]


Also termed as Ab Initio , Delta Method and Using Limits The derivative of a given function using first principles can be obtained using the above formula : f(x) = Lim h0 f(x + h) - f( x )

where, h is a small increment in x. PRODUCT RULE :

If f(x) and g(x) are two differentiable functions of x , then f( x) . g(x) is also differentiable such that : d / dx [ f(x) . g(x) ] or simply , D ( U .V ) = V.D( U) + U. D ( V ) = f(x) . d/dx { g(x) } + g(x) . . d/dx { f(x) }

QUOTIENT RULE : If f(x) and g(x) are two differentiable functions of x , and g(x) 0 , then f( x) / g(x) is also differentiable such that : d / dx [ f(x) / g(x) ] = g(x) . d/dx { f(x) } [ g (x) ] 2 or simply , D( U / V ) = V. D( U) V2 U. D ( V ) + f(x) . . d/dx { g(x) }

___Compiled By : Vaishnu Dass, For any queries, call 9662464238 or mail at vdsoccer@gmail.com______

__________________________________________________________________ Differential Calculus ____ continued formulae : Differentiation

CHAIN RULE : If y = f( x) be a derivable function of u and g = f(x) be a derivable function of x , then u = f{ g(x)} isa derivable function of x and dy / dx = dy / du . du / dx

DIFFFERNTIATION USING PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS : If y = f(t) and x = f(t) be two derivable functions of parameter t , then dy/dx = ( dy / dt ) / ( dx / dt )

DIFFFERNTIATION OF IMPLICIT FUNCTIONS : If equation is in the form of f ( x ,y ) = 0 , in which y is not expressible directly in terms of x , such a function is called Implicit function in x and y . In such a equation , we differentiate in such a manner : For eg : x2.y2 + y2 - x2 = 0 , - 2x = 0 or or

Differentiating w.r.t. to x we have (2x)y2 + x2 ( 2y2 . dy/dx ) (dy / dx ) dy / dx = [ 2x2. y +

2y . dy/dx =

+ 2y ]

2x - 2x. y2 Q.E.D.

( 2x - 2x. y2 ) ( 2x2. y + 2y )

DIFFFERNTIATION OF ONE FUNCTION W.R.T. ANOTHER FUNCTION : Let f(x) and g(x) be two functions of x. In order to find the derivative of f(x) with respect to g(x) , we put u = f(x) and v = g(x) . Now find du / dv = ( du / dx ) / ( dv / dx ) . . the required derivative.

DIFFFERNTIATION OF LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS : When the given function is a power of some expression or a product of a expression , we take logarithm on both sides and differentiate the implicit function so obtained.

___Compiled By : Vaishnu Dass, For any queries, call 9662464238 or mail at vdsoccer@gmail.com______

__________________________________________________________________ Differential Calculus ____ continued formulae : Differentiation

DIFFFERNTIATION OF INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS : The following results on Inverse functions must be remembered a. b. c. d. e. f. g. tan 1 [ ( a b) / ( 1 + ab ) ] tan 1 [ ( a b) / ( 1 + ab ) ] tan-1 [ ( 2x ) / ( 1 - x2 ) ] tan-1x + cot-1(x) = = tan-1a tan-1a - tan-1b - tan-1b :

= 2 tan-1x

= p / 2. = p / 2.

sec-1x + cosec-1(x) sin-1x + cos-1(x)

= p / 2. = 2 tan-1 x

sin-1 [ ( 2x ) / ( 1 + x2 ) ]


F( X)

f1(x) f2(x) f3(x)

f1(x) f2(x) f3(x)

j1(x) j2(x) j3(x) f1 j1


then F ( x )

f1 f1 j1 f2 f3 f2 f3 j2 j3


f1 f2

f1 f2

j1 j2 j3

f2 f2 j2 f3 f3 j3

f3 f3

Standard Substitutions of Algebric functions : i. ii. iii. iv. ( a2 - x2 ) ( a2 + x2 ) ( x2 - a2 ) ( a + x ) ( a - x ) : : : : Put x = a sin q Put x = a tan q Put x = a sec q Put x = a cos q or or or or x = a cosq x = a cotq x = a cosecq x = a cos 2q

** All the above substitutions are also true at a = 1

___Compiled By : Vaishnu Dass, For any queries, call 9662464238 or mail at vdsoccer@gmail.com______

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