LESSON 3.1motion

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Unit Subject Grade / Terms Time : Junior Height School 1 NGAWI : Science - Physic : VIII / 1st semester. : 6 X 40 minutes.

A. Standard competence: 3. To understand motion concept, part of work, force, and energy in daily life. B. Basic competence: 3.1. To analysis experimen data of uniform straight motion and non-uniform straight motion and aplication in daily life C. Indicators to achieve competence: 1 The student can do experiment uniform straight motion by using a ticker-tape timer. 2 The student can make and analysis a graph correlation between distance (s) and time (t) from uniform straight motion. 3. The student can get the formula of speed = distance traveled : time taken 4. The student can indicate sample of uniform straight motion in daily life 5. The student can do experiment Non uniform straight motion by using a ticker-tape timer. 6. The student can make and analysis a graph correlation between distance (s) and time (t) from non uniform straight motion. 7. The student can get the formula of acceleration = change in velocity : time taken 8. The student can indicate sample of non uniform straight motion in daily life D Objectives Learning. The Students are : 1 Can do experiment uniform straight motion by using a ticker-tape timer. 2. Can make and analysis a graph correlation between distance (s) and time (t) from uniform straight motion. 3. Can get the formula of speed = distance traveled : time taken 4. Can indicate sample of uniform straight motion in daily life 5. Can do experiment Non uniform straight motion by using a ticker-tape timer. 6. Can make and analysis a graph correlation between distance (s) and time (t) from non uniform straight motion. 7. Can get the formula of acceleration = change in velocity : time taken 8. Can indicate sample of non uniform straight motion in daily life Material Subjects: Uniform Straight Motion and Non Uniform Straight Motion Learning method: Learning model: i Cooperative learning. ii Direct instruction. b Method: i Experiment ii Discussion. a Activity. a First lesson. 1 Preface activity. ; Motivation:


; ;

If you walk 3 m from your sit to the board, and 3 m back from the board to your sit, what is the total distance? And What is your displacement?

Experiment prerequisite: ; Be careful in experiment, dont play in laboratory, read procedure before experiment. Main activity. Teacher ask the students to make groups. Teacher give worksheet to the student and ask the student to read procedure before do experiment Teacher ask to the student for take material and apparatus. Students do experiment start in a group. Teacher monitor activity student by give score in activity The student keep the material and apparatus if the experiment finish. The student in a group make a graph based the experiment data. One or two group present the experiment result. The student make report and collect to teacher. Closing activity. Teacher and students make summary. Teacher gives spoken test about uniform straight motion.

2 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 3 ; ; b

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Second lesson. Preface activity. ; Motivation: ; Prerequisite knowledge: ; Prerequisite experiment. ; Teacher gives information to students in order to be careful in using sulfite acid. b Main activity. c Closing activity. ; Teacher and students discus to make activity summary. ; Teacher gives assignment to find material around house. And then categorize them into acid, alkali, or salt materials. Sources. Student's book. Students worksheet. Aparatus and material experiment

Evaluations. a Evaluation technique. i Written test. ii Performance test. b Evaluation instruments. i Essay. ii Procedural checklist test. c i Examples of instruments. Essay test. 1 The car have take on distance 120 km in time 3 hours. What is the speed it? 2. Write the formula of acceleration by change in velocity : time taken 3. Give 3 sample of uniform straight motion in daily life! 4. Give 3 sample of non uniform straight motion in daily life!

Class : . Group : Name : 1. 2 .. 3.. 4

Performance Test
Observation Sheet for experiment uniform straight motion Aspect 1. Arrange of instrument is correct 2. Do activity with orderly 3. Cooperation with group 4. To get experiment data Total Scor Report sheet Aspect 1. Title 2. Objectives 3. Material and equipment 4. Procedur 5. Experiment data 6. Graph 7. Analysis and conclution Total Skor 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 100 Skor Max 30 20 20 30 100

Head Master of Junior High School 1 Ngawi

Ngawi, June 2010 Science Teacher

Hadi Santoso, S.Pd, M,M.Pd. NIP. 19560207 1977 1 005

Sudirman, S.Pd. NIP. 19650301 198703 1 017

UNIFORM STRAIGHT MOTION A Objectives : 1 The student can do experiment uniform straight motion by using a ticker-tape timer. 2 The student can make and analysis a graph correlation between distance (s) and time (t) from uniform straight motion. 1 2 3 4 5 6 C 1 2 Apparatus and material a ticker- tape timer, railway, stopt watch, power supplay. ruler troly Procedure: Take the apparatus from mechanical box Arrange the apparatus like the figure is

or your teacher that explain . Railway possession straight 3 Turn on the power supply, free the car and click stop watch about 1 minute or until you get dot in tape timer. 4 How many dot can you get in 1/2 minute? 5 How many dot can you get in 1 second? 6 How long the distance for 1 second? 7 How long the distance for 2 second? 8 Cut for each 5 dot, and arrange in your book (like bellow)

9 10

Make a graph by using arrange the cut tape in vertically position! Predict how the distance for 5 second! Make conclusion base your graph!

Observation Sheet
Class Group : : Group Name : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Date : Date : Date : Date : Date : Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Skore 5

1. Eksperiment about: 2. Eksperiment about: 3. Eksperiment about: 4. Eksperiment about: 5. Eksperiment about:
Aspect 1. Arrange of instrument is correct 2. Do activity with orderly 3. Cooperation with group 4. To get experiment data Total Score Value

Score max
3 2 2 3 10

Value : Skor/skor max x 100 Report sheet

Aspect 1. Title 2. Objectives 3. Material and equipment 4. Procedur 5. Experiment data 6. Graph 7. Analysis and conclution Total Value Score 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 20 Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5

Value : Skor/skor max x 100

Observation Sheet
Class Eksperiment about
Aspect 1. Arrange of instrument is correct 2. Do activity with orderly 3. Cooperation with group

:7 : Uniform straight motion

Date :

Score Group Group Group Group Group Group 1 2 3 4 5 6

0 - 30 0 - 20 0 - 20

4. To get experiment data Total Score

0 - 30 100

Report sheet
Aspect 1. Title 2. Objectives 3. Material and equipment 4. Procedur 5. Experiment data 6. Graph 7. Analysis and conclution Total Score max 5 5 5 10 25 25 25 100

Group Group Group Group Group Group 1 2 3 4 5 6

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