Langham Conference Ede

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Text: Joshua 1:1-9 It is a historical literature Historical& social context: Moses was commissioned by God to lead the Children of Israelites to the promised land (Exo. 3:8) but when he disobeyed God at the water of Meribah (Num. 20:11), he was decommissioned to lead them (Num. 20:12) and the lot fell on Joshua to lead them ( Deut 1:37-38). Moses died as God said (Deut. 34:5-8) People: Israelites Keywords: service, death, boldness, courage, strength, meditation, obedience, success, commandment Main verbs: obedience, meditation, possessing, succeeding Emphasis: Be strong and courageous vs 6,7,8, obedience, 7,8 Contrast: dont be timid, discouraged 6,7,8; leave and forsake Link: Joshua 1:5 ; As I was with Moses so will I be with you, the word of God is important in success Imagery: divine presence vs 5&9. God was imputing confidence in Joshua, the promised Land vs. 3&4 C: outline The reality of Moses death vs. 1 The commissioning of Joshua vs. 2 Assurance of victory vs. 3-5

The charge vs. 6-9: obedience, meditation, courage Heartbeat: divine assistance for an assignment Evening session on Joshua 1:1-9 Title: the beginning of a new assignment He was chosen by God to continue where Moses stopped He was to step into a new assignment 1) Consider the past vs. 1 How did past leaders handle the assignment? 2) Consider the future with clear focus on God vs. 2&3 The urgency of the new assignment/task 3) Consider the vast opportunities and challenges ahead vs. 4-5 There is enough benefits but resistance 4) Consider the promises of God vs. 3-5 5) Consider the roadmap (the word of God vs. 7-8) Make the word your life 6) Consider the promise of his presence

Text: Isaiah 2:1-4 Side A UNDERSTANDING THE PASSAGE IN CONTEXT 1. kind of literature: prophecy 2. historical & social context author: Isaiah, the son of Amoz in the days of the kings situation: the children of Israel had abandoned God for idolatry People: the children of Judah.

3. Literary context: restoration of the land UNDERSTANDING THE CONTENT OF THE PASSAGE o Keywords: mountain, days, Zion, war, weapons o Verbs: judge, exalted, teach, walk, beat o Emphases: repentance, establishment, lifting o Links: Jerusalem and the temple becoming the worlds greatest attraction, God teaching His people o Contrasts: war and peace (vs. 4&5), obedience and disobedience (vs. 5) o Imagery: mountain (vs.1&2), weapons of war () OUTLINE o A peep into the future Vs.1&2a A prophecy given about the events of the last days

o Exaltation of Gods temple Vs. 2b&3

The establishment and exaltation of Gods temple was foretold

o A restored nation Vs.3b &4 A land that epitomized peace, judgment and obedience to Gods law would emerge o A great invitation Vs. 5 There was a call to walk in Gods light

HEARTBEAT : A desolate nation was promised restoration of righteousness, peace and desire to serve God. Side B (Crossing Bridges) Step 5: look here Title: Promise of Restoration and hope Heartbeat of the message: when men repent and walk in Gods ways, they will be restored and exalted Introduction: God said in Isa 1:19-20 if ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. God is always at work to reconcile us with Him even when we err. Outline the structure of the message: o Gods unfailing promises Gods word will never return to him unfulfilled

o Divine upliftment When God lifts a people up, they become a point of attraction

o Evidence of restoration

When a people are restored, there will be desire for obedience, harmony, peace, rule of law prevails.

Further details on sermon outline

What must I explain Power of God Lifting from God A restored people Other bible references Jer 32:17, Ps 119:89 Gen 37 Luke 15 What application His promise of salvation for him that believes When God lifts us, no one can change it Repentance and alliance with God brings about restoration as in case of the prodigal son Every blessing is conditional Mt 11:28-20

God is faithful to his promises even in our unfaithfulness. He will restore He said in Isa 1:19-20 if ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. God is always at work to reconcile us with him even when we err

Evening session on Isa 2:1-5 Title: The mind of God for the Church The mountain stands for governmental authority Dan 2:35,Amos 4, Col 2:15, 1Pet 2:9 The church as the main spiritual authority The church is like a lighthouse. God expects me to shine as a light/ the church as the city set upon a hill Mt. 5:14 The church as a sacred place for the nations vs 3a The church as a sacred place for instruction vs 3b o To produce the nature and character of God

The church as a sacred place for producing changed agents who will keep producing changed agents

Let us begin in the light of God. We must make the word of God as the yardstick for decision

Psalms 23:1-end Literature: Poetry

Historical and Social Content Author: David Situation: A reflective thinking of His past life as a shepherd People: Israelites Literary context: a description of a shepherd- sheep relationship, having being a shepherd of a flock before B Keywords: the Lord, Shepherd, green pastures, still waters, valley, death, soul, enemies, rod&staff, goodness, mercies Verbs: anoints, overflows, restores, lie, leads, comforts, walk, follow, dwell, fear Emphases: the Lord is my Shepherd, surely, yea, though Imagery: a shepherd leading his flock, green pastures, still waters, valley of the shadow of death, a rod and staff, a table C vs 1:- the Benevolence of God Gods everlasting provision was attested to by David Vs 2-5a:- the unveiling of His goodness The different facets of His benevolence was explained (leading, guidance, correction, protection, safety, restorer, confidant, sacrifice) Vs 6b :- Davids resolution David resolved to keep an everlasting relationship with God D Heartbeat : Davids assurance of everlasting provisions provoked eternal commitment to Benevolent God

SIDE B Title :who is your Shepherd? 1) We will convince our congregation to make the lord their shepherd and be eternally committed to His leadership and benevolence Target audience: Elites 2) The benevolence of God o We are assured of Gods everlasting provision The goodness of God revealed o We will explain the different facets of Gods benevolence Our resolution o We will resolve to keep everlasting relationship with the Benevolent God 3) Vs. 1:- explanation of the concept of shepherding /sherperd-sheep relationship Jn. 10:2-4 Vs. 2-6a:- explanation of the phases of Jesus care/ benevolence Mt 9:30-32 Application: Ps. 32:8, Jn. 10:12-13, Joel 2:26-28, Rev 7:17 Vs. 6b:- explanation of the concept of salvation, making the Lord our shepherd to take care of our needs and assurance of provision.


The Lord is benevolent, He cares for us, if he is made our shepherd, we are guaranteed of continual provisions which will provoke our eternal resolve to follow Him

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