Reed Notes

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THE NATURE OF THE CREED *Creed comes from the latin word "credo" which means "i believe". *described as the synthesis of faith,profession of faith,symbols of faith,code o f beliefs and articles of faith. *the creed presents the synthesis of the fundamental truths of the catholic chri stian faith grounded on the sacred scriptures. B. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CREED *SUMMARY OF BELIEFS - it is a means of communicating the christian message to the world -it grounds the christian faith in christ's truth. - it unites catholic in thier common commitment to christ and for inter-religiou s dialogue for non-christians. *PLEDGE OF LOYALTY - it is a public confession of the triune god and the church *PROCLAMATION OF IDENTITY - the creed helps ground the believers self-identity. - it dentifies who catholics are and what they stand for as disciples of christ, united in his church. *BASIC DOCTINAL GROUND FOR AUTHENTIC CHRISTIAN LIVING - it acts like a skeleton (outline/guideline) supplying the framework and suppor t needed for living and growing(maturing) in our catholic faith. C. THE HISTORY OF THE CREED - the early preaching of the good news of christ's resurrection developed the li turgical acclamation of the early christian communities. - there is ONE SOUL,ONE FAITH,ONE GOD,AND FATHER OF ALL,who is over all,and is i n all (eph 4:5-6) - as the early churches develops, so did the creeds for they were needed in the catechetical instructions to prepare converts to baptism. - the early creeds were profession of faiths used in baptism that grounded the f aith of the christian communities. - the narrative elements grew from the trinitarian pattern of the classic creeds namely: 1. THE FATHER IS THE CREATOR 2. JESUS,THE SON-BECAME MAN ,DIED AND ROSE FROM THE DEAD FOR OUR REDEMPTON. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS UNITING US WITH CHRIST - the trinity is seen through a christocentric focus,for it is through with and in christ that we learn and experience the father and the holy spirit. D. TYPES OF CREEDS -from it's earliest days, the church used brief summaries to describe an outline of it's most essential beliefs. - the catholic church uses two very old creeds regularly as part of it's liturgy and other prayers. there are other number of other catholic creeds as well. *APOSTLE'S CREED -older -brief and simple -it is considered to be a faithful summary of the apostle's teaching. - it is the ancient baptismal symbol of the church at rome. - as an elaboration of the early roman creed of the 3rd century, it was a formul a of belief in twelve articles,containing the fundamental doctrines of christian ity, whose authorship tradition ascibes to the apostles. -it preserved the unity and purity of doctrines of the christian faith.

-it was also used at the liturgical ceremonies,especially in the celebration of the holy eucharist. *NINECE CREED - longer creed -contains additional language explaining our belief in the trinity -it incorporated some additions to the apostle's creed formulated by the COUNCIL OF NICAEA, the first ecumenical council held in 325. - the FIRST COUNCIL OF CONSTANTINOPLE IN 381 confirmed and promulgated the FAITH OF NICAEA. - as response to the ARIAN and MACEDONIAN heresies, this creed formulated the ba sic truths about the person of jesus, the holy spirit with added articles on the church,baptism, the resurrection and the etenal life. *ATHANASIAN CREED - an ancient and tradional creed. -it was origianlly contributed to ST. ATHANASIUS,WHO DIED IN 373 A.D. (this cree d is no longer officially attributed to him) - it is also called the QUICUMQUE VULT, after it's first words in latin. this beautiful creed contains a detailed mediataton on the nature of the trinity . LESSON 8: GOD AND HIS CREATION *I BELIEVE IN GOD - to believe in god means to surrender completely to god our intelligence and wi ll. to believe in god means to love him - god exists. there is only one god. he has revealed himself as HE WHO IS. his v ery being is truth and love. even though he has revealed jimself, he remains a m ystery beyond understanding. - god is at the same time one in nature, and in three persons : father,son,and h oly spirit,co-substantial,co-eternal and co-equal. thhis is the central mystery of the christianity. - god is one, all perfect being,supreme spirit who had no beginning ,and who wil l never had an end. - a being who possesses every perfection (omnipotence="all powerful",omnipresenc e="all present/present everywhere" and omiscience="all knowing") in an infinite degree. * THE FATHER ALMIGHTY - god the father is the first person of one god,the trinity -we dare to call god,the father only through the merits of jesus. he taught us to call god FATHER. - we can call god father only because of our union with jesus. through union wit h jesus, we become adopted sons and daughters of god the father. this is called DIVINE FILIATION, and is the essence of the good news and pope john paul II - god is father because he is the first origin of all things, and beacuse of his loving care for all of us as his children . and as his,children, we share his d ivine life with us in his spirit. - god is almighty because he is all powerful and nothing is impossible to him. t he catholic liturgy says" god,you show your almighty power above all in your mer cy and forgiveness-by converting us from our sins and restoring us to his friend ship by grace. *CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH - god created everything in existence ,material and immaterial. the one,true god made the world and everything in it form nothing by his almighty power. - the world was made for the glory of god. he freely choose to create to show f

orth and communicate his glory- his unlimited love and goodness. - as almighty god,he is the PANTOKRATOR, the creator and ruler of all things. -heaven exists. it is the immaterial dwelling place of god. - god upholds and sustains creation, is actively involved in it's unfolding and development in time , and is the loving master of the world and of it's history. we can percieve god's work of creation through the apparent order and design in the natural world. - god deliberately created man as female and male: equal in value and dignity,di fferent in nature and complementary in purpose. woman was appointed man's helpmate,his devoted companion in marriage. -while the creation accounts in genesis may use symbolic language ,it teaches pr ofound truths about creation,man, the fall,evil and the promise of salvation. -the devil, the fallen angel is real.he is the ultimate source of all evil, -adam, as the first man freely choose disobedience to god,resulting in loss of m an's original holiness and justice, and brought about death. we call this state of deprivation of original sin. - the victory of salvation won by christ is greater then our loss due to sin.

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