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Abacus is a global distribution system (GDS) which is operated by Abacus International Pte, Ltd. It was founded in 1988 which headquartered in Singapore and owned by Sabre Holdings and eleven Asian airlines. It has its own entries to handle the system which is little bit different and little bit same to Amadeus and Galileo System. The entries which are used in the booking of abacus can be find below:

Encode / Decode
Abacus has got its own commands for encoding and decoding the cities, countries and airports. Here I have described briefly about the commands which might be useful for you while operation abacus system. Aircraft / Equipment Type Encode aircraft equipment type - W/EQ-(aircraft manufacturer) For Example - W/EQ-AIRBUS Decode aircraft equipment type - W/EQ*(aircraft equipment type) For Example - W/EQ*320 AirlineEncode airline name - W/-AL(airline name) For Example - W/-ALQATAR AIRWAYS Decode airline code - W/*(airline code) For Example - W/*TG Airline /Ticketing Baggage Agreement (ATBA) Display ATBA by code W/*DL*AAW/*(airline)(airline) For Example - W/*DL*AA Display ATBA by code - W/*(carrier code)*-AL(carrier name) For Example - W/*BA-ALUNITED

AirportEncode airport name - W/-AP(airport name) For Example - W/-APDELHI Decode Airport Code - W/*(airport three- letter code) For Example - W/*FCO

AssociateEncode a specific car associate - W/-CR(car rental company name) For Example - W/-CRALAMO Decode a specific car associate - W/CR*(two-letter car code) For Example - W/CR*AL

Encode a cruise line - W/-CL(cruise line name) For Example - W/-CLPRINCESS CRUISES Decode a cruise line - W/CL*(cruise line code) For Example - W/CL*PC Encode a hotel chain - W/-HL(hotel chain name) For Example - W/-HLRENAISSANCE Decode a hotel associate - W/HL*(two-letter hotel code) For Example - W/HL*OM Encode a specific tour associate - W/-TR(tour associate name) For Example - W/-TRWALT DISNEY Decode a specific tour associate - W/TR*(two-letter tour code) For Example - W/TR*AD Encode universal associate name - W/-AS(associate name) For Example - W/-ASHERTZ For Example - W/-ASGRAYLINE TOURS CarEncode car company name - W/-CR(car company name) For Example - W/-CRHERTZ Decode car company - W/CR*(two-letter car code) For Example - W/CR*AL CityEncode city name - W/-CC(city name) For Example - W/-CCKATHMANDU Decode city code - W/*(three-letter city code) For Example - W/*ROM Country / US StateEncode country name - HCCC/(country name) For Example - HCCC/NEPAL Decode country code - HCCC/(country code) For Example - HCCC/NP Encode a US state - HCC(state name) For Example - HCCWASHINGTON Decode a US state - HCC(state two-letter code) For Example - HCCRI HotelsEncode hotel chain name - W/-HL(hotel chain name) For Example - W/-HLHYATT

Decode hotel code - W/HL*(hotel code) W/HL*OM - or - W/HL*QOM Travel AgencyEncode travel agency name - W/-TA(agency name) For Example - W/-TAABC TRAVEL Decode pseudo city code - W/*(pseudo city code) For Example - W/*B4T0 Display Travel Journal Record of the agency - W/TA*(pseudo city code) For Example - W/TA*3T0D

PNR Creation
To To To To To To To To To view the availability of specific airlines - 122decktmlhrqr sell a seat in specific class - 01u13ll* insert the name field - -RAI/SUJAN MR inset the agent phone number - 9 362023 4364842/Marshyangdi Travels and Tours-a insert the business nujmber - 9 9803275300/SARAN-B show the booking time limit ok - 7T-OK show the reference name - 6SARAN end and retrieve - ER ignore and retrieve - IR

Ticket Issue
To issue ticket in abacus system, first of all we need to assign a hard copy of printer in order to get print out of master copy of issued ticket. The command for assigning printer will be itself saved in F12 button by Abacus team by providing specific LN IATA number for a printer . If not, we can assign printer manually too. To assign printer following commands can be done. To start the ticket printer designation - WIN To set the Printer LN IATA number - PTR/<Printer LN IATA number> To assign a printer - DSIV <Printer LN IATA numger> After assigning printer, we can go ahead to pricing an itinerary and issue ticket. For this, we can follow the below steps : To To To To price itinerary without TST creation - WPA price itinerary with TST creation - WPAQR price itinerary with specific tax exception - WPAQRTE-NQ select and store the fare at line1 to crate the TST WTFR1

To view the stored TST in the PNR **W To delete the TST from PNR WD To issue the ticket WTAQRFCASHKP0DPEETRER

There are mainly two steps to check the status of ticket and stored fares and taxes. To check status with pnr - *T and then, WETR*2 To check status by ticket number - WETR*T157XXXXXXXXXX

To void the ticket in abacus system, we can follow simple steps: a. Display pnr b. *T c. WETR*2 or WETR*T157XXXXXXXXXX d. WETRV e. WETRV

Re Issue / Revalidate
To change the date of issued ticket in abacus system, following steps can taken for re-issue and revalidate the itinerary date To show old tax and fare with new tax - WIY*ENPR/NPR16000 (old fare) /PD1130NP/PD6760YW/2400XP

To re-issue or revalidate the ticket - WTET9109419958860/12 (segment no.) //05MAY12 (date o issue)KTM/10302434FA/CCASH/0*EFCASH

For partial refund, following steps can be taken : Activate Quick Refunds and Exchanges (QREX) functionality. See TJR - Price Quote Reissue. Assign your ticket printer.

You can issue a partial refund with no active Passenger Name Record (PNR). The Sabre system will create a reference PNR for the partial refund transaction and an item is added in the *T field of the PNR. You cannot void TR items that are created by the system as a result of a refund transaction. The system does not store a Price Quote Reissue (PQR) record in the reference PNR.

Prior to beginning a partial refund you must determine the value of each used coupon or flown segment. You may want to verify this value with the carrier. Fares on tickets issued from all partial refund transactions are not guaranteed should you receive a debit memo from the carrier.

Note: If the original fare of the flown segments does not have to be recalculated, this information may be found in the retained fare (*WS or *PQ) or in the retained fare history (*WSH or *PQH) of the active PNR. You can then copy and paste the data into the memo area of your screen. Refund data is automatically sent to the refund audit trail when you use the QREX mask process. All paper and electronic ticket transactions are automatically captured in the ticket image database. If you need to cancel a refund transaction, follow the formats on this page.

Note: If you are processing refunds through QREX, and you report your transactions to BSP (including BSP Canada/Bermuda), a Refund Exchange Notice (REN) prints instead of a Refund Exchange Authorization (REA). The default number of REN copies to print is 3; if you want to print a different number of copies, you can set the TJR indicator for the number of BSP REN Copies.

Sales Report
To know the daily report of ticket issue, refund and void, the given below commands can be used in Abacus System To view the sales report - DQB* To view the sales report of specific date - DQB*21JUL

Special Services
Sometimes we need to give a message to airlines regarding passenger's preference and status. Through below commands, we can provide a message to a specific airlines. To insert message for airlines - 3OSI QR THE PAX IS VIP

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