Questions and Observations

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A2U2 Neighboring Faiths 2013-14

Questions & Observations for Field Trips

When we visit another church / congregation / religious group (or even our own), please pay attention observe and take some mental notes (or written notes if appropriate) Here are a few questions to ask / things to observe on a field trip: Building:
What does the building look like? Any unusual architecture? Is it a traditional church? Does it have a spire (church tower?) Are there windows? Is there a garden? First impressions What do you notice most? Is it welcoming?


What does the sanctuary look like? (sanctuary is the worship space) How are the chairs arranged? Are there pews / chairs / kneeling benches? A circle? Can people see each other? Is there an altar? A pulpit? What does it feel like being in there?

Decorations, images, quotes:

How is the sanctuary decorated? Are there any pictures? Statues? Stained-glass windows? Quotes?

Religious symbol(s):
Does this religion have a religious symbol unique to their faith? What is it? What does it mean?

Sacred objects: Does this religious group use any sacred objects? (you can guess)

Priest / minister / rabbi / leader?

Who leads this church / religious group? What is their title? Do people dress a certain way?

Dress code:

Holy book:

Is there a holy book? Who wrote it? When? Is it in a particular language?


Are readings from the holy book? What other readings are there? By whom?

Parts of the service: Note what parts of the service you notice. If there is an Order of Service or program handed out, please safe it for reference.


Is there a sermon / homily? What is it about?

Are lay people participating? (lay people are people from the congregation) What do they do? Music, singing: Is there music? Singing? Does the congregation participate? Are there hymns?

Rites / ritual actions:

Does the service have any ritual actions in it?

Youth group / childrens program: Does this congregation have a youth program / RE? Coming of Age: Is there a ritual for Coming of Age of young people? What is it? Food and socializing: Is there socializing, food / drink shared after the service? Diet:
Is there a certain diet in this religion? Are certain foods forbidden to eat?

These questions you may have to guess or well learn about them:


What do people in this religion belief in? Are there any dogmas? (things one HAS to believe in)

Concept of God: Is there a God / Goddess / one or several?

Ethics and values?

Does this religious group live by certain values or ethics? What are they called? Are there rules, laws? Is this religions involved in Social Action to live their values?

Evil / sin / punishment?

Does this religion believe in sin? What is the punishment for sins / wrongdoing? Does this religion belief in any evil? Devil?


What religious holidays are celebrated?

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