SAP MM: Automatically Populate SGTXT in MIGO

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Automatically Populate SGTXT in MIGO

SAP has provided standard user exit EXIT_SAPMM07M_001 (Enhancement MBCF0002) to Populate Material Document item text (SGTEXT) automatically.

Step 1 : Create Enchantments Project in CMOD

Step 2 : Assign Enhancement MBCF0002 to Newly Created Project

Step 3 : Activate The Component

Step 3 : Add the required Code in the Include in Function Exit (EXIT_SAPMM07M_001)

Example ABAP Code

IF I_MSEG-KZVBR = 'V' and I_MSEG-BWART = '101'. e_sgtxt = i_dm07m-maktx. ELSEIF I_MSEG-BWART = '201' and i_mseg-sgtxt is initial. e_sgtxt = i_dm07m-maktx. ELSE. e_sgtxt = i_mseg-sgtxt. ENDIF.

Code Explanation : IF Movement Type is 101 and Posting is Consumption Copy Material Short text to SGTEXT Field in Material Document Item Else IF Movement Type is 201 and SGTEXT is Initial (Empty) Copy Material Short text to SGTEXT Field in Material Document Item

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