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Magick is everywhere all you have to do is believe

Edition Four - January 2012


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My religion is simple. My religion is kindness. ~ Dalai Lama

An Ezine written for witches by witches. If you have comments or suggestions, please contact us.

In This Issue...
Kitchen Witchin: Corned beef and cabbage!! Yummy!!

Bewitching Buys
While out on a midnight stroll through the misty forest you come across a small cabin, one that you swear isn't there by day. A warm glow of a candle burning on the window sill of the cabin casts it's light across a magickal herb and flower garden that seems to come alive in the light of the moon. The inviting glow of the candle draws your nearer. When you reach the door you hear a cheerful voice inside, "Please, do come in!" As you walk in you are greeted by the glorious scent of rich, incense burning and a red-head standing behind a counter surrounded by curious bottles full of mysterious brews and potions...
Merry Meet! My name is Moon and I'm the potion brewin' witch of Moonlit Herbals! Our shop is full of magickal wares from ritual oils and incenses to spell candles, bath and body items and crystal floor washes and just about everything in between.
LUNAR PHASES th January 9 - Full Moon th January 16 - Last Quarter th January 23 - New Moon th January30 - First Quarter

In the Witchs Garden: Lavender. Correspondences, uses and more! Pagan Parenting: Teaching the Element of FIRE to your witchlets Imbolc: Spring is on its way Polls. Which Gods do you follow... Simple Spells and chants: Simple Imbolc blessing

Featured Item: Imbolc Hand-rolled Beeswax Candles Two Imbolc hand-rolled herb and beeswax candles, one ivory and one sunny yellow, that have been charged and blessed for your magickal Imbolc workings. They each measure approximately 4 inches tall by 3/4 inch thick and have a burn time of about 1 to 1 and 1/2 hours which is perfect for most spells.
PLEASE NOTE: MOONLIT HERBALS is on vacation until Feb. 6, 2012.

SAVE the DATE...

Important Dates in January

Upcoming Sabbat: nd February 2 -- Imbolc

Do you have an idea for the next issue of Practical Magick: the EZine? Do you have a recipe youd like to see featured? Have a Letter to the Editor you would like to see included? Have an Ad to be featured? Do not hesitate to contact me at any time:

Practical Magick a Pagan Ezine for Witches by Witches

Kitchen Witchin:


- 5 pounds (approx.) Corned beef brisket - 1 large Onion stuck with 6 whole cloves - 6 Carrots, peeled and sliced - 8 Potatoes (any type you favor), peeled and cubed - 1 teaspoon Dried Thyme - 1 small Bunch Parsley - 1 head Cabbage (about 2 lbs) cut in quarters or sliced if you prefer if that way Put corned beef in a large pot and cover with cold water. Add all other ingredients except cabbage and bring to a boil with the lid off Turn to simmer and cook for 3 hours. Skim fat from top as it rises. Remove the thyme, parsley and onion. Add cabbage. Simmer for 20 minutes until cabbage is cooked. Remove the meat and cut into pieces. Place on center of a large platter. Strain the cabbage and season it heavily with black pepper Surround the beef with the cabbage, carrots and potatoes You can serve this with your favorite style of horseradish sauce if desired.

Another fabulous recipe from a reader:


Jarrid and I hope that you all enjoy this recipe and the blessings that it may bring to your table.


advertising spaces used by bees in their Correspondences Gender Masculine Element Air Lavender is extensively used Celestial Body Mercury in aromatherapy. Due to Day Wednesday its antiseptic and antiinflammatory attributes, Lavender essential oils were DREAM PILLOWS used during World War I to disinfect floors and walls in Combine together in a hospitals. Infusions of bowl: lavender are said to soothe 1 cup mugwort bug bites and mild burns. 1/2 cup rose petals Lavender has a calming 1/2 cup german quality and can be used to chamomile treat anxiety and sleep 1/2 cup of sweet issues. It is important to hops note that lavender oil is a 1/3 cup lavender buds powerful allergen and 1/3 cup catnip pregnant and/or breastcrushed feeding women should not 1/4 cup peppermint ingest this herb. 2

In the Witchs Garden: production of honey. Lavender

Lavender is a member of the mint family. The leaves are long and narrow and the flowers vary in colour from blue to violet to purple. Lavenders flourish best in dry, well-drained, sandy or gravelly soils in full sun. Lavender has several cullinary uses. It has a mild-sweet flavour and is often paired with sheep or goats milk cheeses. Due to its abundant nectar, it is common

Stuff your pillows tight and sew shut. Rest this by your head at night.

Ladies fair, I bring to you lavender with spikes of blue; sweeter plant was never found growing on our english ground." ~ Caryl Battersby

Comments? Suggetions? Drop an email to:

Practical Magick a Pagan Ezine for Witches by Witches


Candles should be lit in the home to Eucalyptus, and Patchouli represent the growth and strength of Sacred Gemstone: Amber, Beryl, the Sun. Bloodstone, Carnelian. Imbolc is a time to rejoice in love and fertility and to focus on purity.

Imbolc is the Sabbat that belongs to the Celtic Goddess Brigid, who in later times became revered as a Christian Saint. It is often a festival of ewes milk, as herd animals have often either given birth to their first offspring of the year, or are pregnant. This is a time to begin preparation for the first crop planting and the plough is an important symbol as well.

Correspondences: Deities: Maiden Goddess Aspect,

Virgin Goddesses, Brigid Traditional Foods: Apples, pomegrantes, meats (esp. pork) Herbs and Flowers: Rosemary, Pennyroyal, Sunflowers, Mugwort, Calendula, Sage, Thyme, Incense: Bay, Cedar, Clove,

-- Imbolc Blessing -The maiden comes to bring us light, The winter dies and all is bright, The frozen ground shall disappear, All shall sprout for Spring is near!

Pagan Parenting: Teaching the Elements -- FIRE

Connecting with the Element FIRE is associated with stringed instruments. Help your child to create their own stringed instrument just give them some supplies and let their creativity soar!! Play the instruments outdoors to connect with the FIRE ELEMENTALS. Check out PAGE 6 for a fun print out colouring page!!

Witchy Words


The elements are our building blocks of life. They provide us with everything we need to survive. FIRE is a purifying and masculine energy. It symbolizes the fertility of the God. FIRE is associated with the south, colour red and may also be represented by a triangle. The Pagan star, the pentagram, is symbolic of the elements. FIRE is represented by the lower right hand point.

Dragons are fun!!

Dragons are the mystical being associated with FIRE. Have your children pretend to be draongs or find colouring pages of lizards and dragons. Visit a pet store to get close to some friendly, mini dragons (lizards). Your children will love the hands-on experiences! ROAR! Comments? Suggetions? Drop an email to: 3


:: Imbolc Words ::

Practical Magick a Pagan Ezine for Witches by Witches

A Witchy Poll:
Please pop over to the Practical Magick Fan Page on Facebook to participate in this poll...

Which Deities do you mainly acknowledge or follow? a) Roman b) Greek c) Norse d) e) f) g) Egyptian Irish Other All of the above or no set pantheon

Results will be posted in next issue.

Do you have a blog, podcast or shoppe? If youd like to get the word out about your site, just drop me an email and let me know your ad could be HERE in the next issue of Practical Magick!! And best of all its FREE!!!

advertising spaces

Links of Interest
Many of the AMAZING images shown here are from

In the next issue...

Pagan Parenting teaching the elements resumes with WATER In the Garden: Catnip

Kitchen Witchin: a new recipe

Lunar Magick: Lunar Dieties


Comments? Suggetions? Drop an email to:

Practical Magick a Pagan Ezine for Witches by Witches

Printable Colouring Page

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