REL210 Exam 1 Review

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Religion in the American Experience: Exam #1 Review: Dr. Cotter 1.

What is the name of the Italian mariner, sailing under the Spanish flag, who wanted to go east by sailing west? Christopher Columbus 2. Was commissioned by Queen Isabella as the Admiral of the Ocean Sea on 30 April 1492. Christopher Columbus 3. During the Age of Exploration, Portugal appealed to the Holy See, the papacy in Rome, to settle the competitive tension between its archrival, Spain. Pope Alexander VI responded by drawing an imaginary line running down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. This became known as: Papal Line of Demarcation 4. The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) divided newly discovered lands outside Europe between: Portugal and Spain 5. In a papal bull, Sublimis Deus (The Sublime God), issued in 1537 by Pope Paul III, declared that: On 2 June 1537, Paul III promulgated the papal bull Sublimus Dei against the enslavement of the indigenous peoples of the continent of America Indians were human beings, not subhuman beasts; forbade their enslavement 6. In 1492, the co-sovereigns of Spain, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand: Killed Jews Exiled about 100,000 Jews from Catholic Spain 7. What is the name of the Dominican missionary, who, in 1616, received the title of Defender of the Indians for venting his fury against his countrymen because of their cruel treatment of the native peoples? Alison Defender of the Indian Bartholomew Las Casas 8. What is the name of the Jesuit missionary who travelled through northern Mexico (Sonora) and southern Arizona on behalf of Catholic Spain in the late 1600s and early 1700s? Eusebio Francisco Kino 9. What is the name of the Portuguese mariner whose crew became the first known people of circumnavigate, or sail around, the globe? Ferdinand Magellan, Died in the Philippines

10. In 1519 a Spaniard named ______________ sailed from Cuba to explore the Yucatan Peninsula with 11 ships, 550 men, and 16 horses.

Hernando Cortes

11. Like other Europeans, the French were charmed by the idea of a Northwest Passage, which was: A waterway shortcut from Europe to Asia 12. The Great Case of Liberty of Conscience (1 pt. each): Who (its author)? William Penn What? A religious pamphlet When? 1670 Where? England, while imprisoned Why? to argue for religious freedom 13. Arrange the following English monarch is chronological order, according to their reign: Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary Tudor, Elizabeth I (c) 14. Founded Quebec, which became the capital of the colony of New France: Samuel de Champlain in 1608 15. George Calvert, who held the title Lord Baltimore, founded a colony, which he later named Maryland, where _____________ could practice their religion freely. Catholics 16. Maryland Toleration Act of 1649: A law mandating religious tolerance for Trinitarian Christians 17. Which best describes the relationship between religion and government in the Massachusetts Bay Colony? Puritans dictated both government and religious matters, fine line of separation of government and religion (puritan exegesis gave government right to punish religious malfeasance) 18. __________________ was founded as a Holy Experiment to provide settlers complete political and religious freedom. Pennsylvania 19. In 1635 the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony banished _________________________ for religious heterodoxy. Roger Williams 20. In January 1639, settlers in Connecticut, led by Thomas Hooker, drew up: The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 21. Took over as the director-general of New Netherland in 1647: Peter Stuyvesant

22. In 1664, unannounced, English ships attacked the fort and island of Cape Verde operated by the Dutch West India Company off the Guinea coast of Africa, while English colonists seized islands in the West Indies and New Amsterdam (renaming it __________, after Charles brother James, the lord High Admiral and Duke of _______). New York; York 23. What was the Great Migration? And when did it occur? In 1630s, mass migration of 20,000 people from Old England to New England 24. What was the name of the Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Company? John Winthrop 25. William Laud was: Archbishop of Canterbury 26. The Chesapeake refers to a chunk of land in: Virginia 27. The Massachusetts Bay charter was revoked in __________ by whom ___________? 1680s James II 28. Sir Edmund Andros was: Governor of Virginia Lieutenant governor of New York Governor general of New England 29. The Dutch Stadtholder, Prince William of Orange, was a: The last Stadtholder of the Dutch Republic, and between 1795 and 1806 he led the Government of the Dutch Republic in Exile in London. Calvinist. Accompanied by an armada of 500 ships, he invaded England and overthrew his uncle and father-in-law, restoring Protestantism in the Glorious Revolution. 30. In North America the Glorious Revolution was essentially a reaction to the far-reaching innovations in government, administration, and justice introduced under James II (Thought it was William of Orange?-yes) - disagree with original (see below) William of orange overthrew james II and introduced the glorious revolution 31. Beginning in the 1650s and continuing under the restored Stuart monarchy, Parliament enacted a succession of measures designed to ensure, among other commercial goals, Englands monopoly of the bulk of the colonies imports and exports. What were these acts called? Navigation Acts 32. Increase Mather was minister in Boston and President of Harvard during the:

Glorious Revolution

33. Because Pennsylvania was owned by William Penn, it was considered: A Proprietary Colony 34. William Penn was a ________________ (name of religion). The ______________________ is the doctrine that there is something Divine, Something of God in the human soul. Quaker The doctrine of the inner light 35. Individuals who signed contracts to cover the cost of transportation to the colonies were called: Indentured Servants 36. The Treaty of Tordesillas established which of the following? Established rights of exploration and colonization between Portugal and Spain 37. What is the name of the founding father of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)? Ignatius of Loyola of Spain in 1534 38. Discuss some of the notable differences (geographical, religious, political or otherwise) between New Spain, New France, New Netherland, and New England. New Spain (2pts): Catholic, missions, building, south New France (2pts): Catholic, Quebec New Netherland (2pts): Protestant, religious quasi-tolerance New England (2pts): Protestant, Puritan stronghold 39. What was the Cambridge Platform (1648)? A declaration of principles of church government and discipline, forming a constitution of the Congregational churches. Author: Richard Mather; rejected congregational autonomy 40. What was the name of the first domine (minister) to lead a congregation of the Dutch Reformed Church in America? Johannes Michelius 41. The Puritan movement began in: Elizabethan England, from 1558 to 1603 42. Working closely with Sir Walter Raleigh in 1584, Richard Hakluyt presented to Queen Elizabeth A Discourse Concerning Western Planting. Here he pleaded for what was to become Englands distinctive approach to the New World: Dr. Cotter said that they were going to approach colonization in a way comparable to how Spain was doing it - to not just settle, but to prosper and flourish.

The document makes the following points: 1. The British Empire must convert the Native Americans to Christianity. 2. In the future, the empire should not buy exotic goods from the Spanish empire, but directly by his colonies. 3. The English people without work can come here. 43. Why did Increase Mather return to England in 1688? Negotiate restoration of the colonial charter, revoked by James II 44. Puritans were: Religious reformers who wanted to purge the Church of England from its Catholic corruptions Zealous Protestants Calvinists who followed the Reformed theology of the Franco-Swiss reformer John Calvin 45. The Selling of Joseph? (1pt each) Who? (its author): Samuel Sewall What? The first pamphlet condemning slavery and the African slave trade. the story of Joseph is alluded to in an allegorical sense to reflect on the hypocrisy in Puritan society, namely, the African slave trade When? circa 1700 Where? Colonial Massachusetts, more specifically, Cambridge Why? Rejects the notion that Africans suffered under the curse of Ham (the idea that the son of Noah was not covered by the blood of Christ) and we are therefore morally obligated to enslave them. Rejects the notion that the slave trade could be justified because it brought pagans to the gospel. Even if Abraham had owned slaves, the Israelites were strictly forbidden from buying and selling one another as slaves. Thus, all men are co-heirs and slavery is wrong. 46. Identify the following quotation: While I plead the Cause of Truth and Innocence against the bloody Doctrine of Persecution fo r cause of conscience, I judge it not unfit to give alarme to my selfe, and all men to prepare to be persecuted or haunted for cause of conscience. (1pt each) Who? Roger Williams What? The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution, a book arguing for a wall of separation between church and state When? 1644 Where? Published in London, England Why? The relationship between civil and ecclesiastical powers - argues against state sponsorship of religion

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