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Candidate 1,2,#,*

mud volcanoes in the Northern Plains of Mars

1,* 1,* 3,*
Edwin S. Kite , Niels Hovius , John K. Hillier , Jonathan Besserer
1. Department of Earth Sciences, Cambridge University; 2. now at Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of
California, Berkeley; 3. Université de Nantes; # poster author (; * abstract author.

Abstract Figure 6. Håkon Mosby mud volcano.

Barents Margin, Earth; bathymetry from
multibeam sonar. Viewed from N. Long axis
We describe large moated domes from the Scandia region, near of volcano extends 1.5 km. Source: Beyer
et al., 2005 [21]
the Phoenix landing site, Mars. The Scandia Tholi are the only large
moated domes on Mars, and have been previously interpreted as
basaltic volcanoes [1], mud volcanoes [2], or glacial kames [3] Their
morphology corresponds closely to that of terrestrial submarine
mud volcanoes. However, dome spectra lack the signatures of
phyllosilicates or evaporites. No hypothesis satisfies all our
observations, but we interpret the domes as the probable result of
either mud volcanism (MV) or, less likely, magma-ice/magma-water
interactions. Either would require a stratigraphic column enriched
in volatiles to substantial depths.
Figure 7. Dome 13 in our catalogue.
Borealis back-basin, Mars; topography from

Context laser altimetry. Viewed from S. Long axis of

structure extends 50 km. Red is
-4433m, white is -4863m.
The straight ridge extending
The domes and associated mounds and ridge-bounded SE across the moat is an artifact.
depressions are largely contained within a basin, the 'Borealis back-
basin,' approximately 1500 km x 700 km and 400 m deep. A saddle
at an elevation of -4850m near 78N, 240E connects the Borealis Olympia dome
back-basin to the Borealis basin, which is the lowest region in the Figure 2. Location of catalogued domes.
northern hemisphere of Mars [Fig. 3]. The northward extent of the Topography has been detrended
to remove basin slope.
basin is obscured by the Olympia dome, which is up to 600m thick.
Studies of crater fill in the northern plains using a differential

-0.4 0 0.2 (0.8-1.1)?

compaction model suggest a post-basement sedimentary cover
thickness that is greatest in the Borealis back-basin and Scandia
basin [4]. Lineations defined by multiple domes are subparallel to
Discussion: isostasy
the continuation of extensional grabens associated with Late Isostatic considerations indicate that, if the domes formed subaerially,

approx. depth below plains, km

Hesperian / Early Amazonian diking at Alba Patera. Moreover, their source reservoir must be below the Early Hesperian flood basalts,
mound chains are radial to Alba Patera. because the thickness of the Vastitas Borealis Formation is insufficient
The stratigraphy of the Northern Plains of Mars is not well known, to engender 400+ m of extrusional relief. If dome-forming material is
and endmember stratigraphic hypotheses have very different mud with a density of 1.8 - 2.3 g/cm3 , and the overburden has the
implications for the history of water on Mars [5-6; Fig. 4]. Among density of basalt, our results indicate a depth to the source layer of
the lacunae in our understanding are:- 1) what fills the gap (if there 535-1367 m. This brackets the inferred thickness of the Hesperian
is one) between the top of the Early Noachian basement and the flood basalt [7], and tends to support the proposal that ancient ocean

bottom of the Early Hesperian basaltic flood lavas [7] - igneous sediments are present at depth beneath the Northern Plains [5].
materials, or ocean sediments?; 2) how is ice distributed as a Alternatively, if the dome-forming material is silicate magma with a
function of position and time? Here we address these problems density of 2.65 - 2.9 g/cm3, our results indicate a depth to the source
through a geomorphological study supported by analysis of near- layer for an overburden with the density of basalt of ~3.5 km. This
infrared spectral data. might represent a magma chamber at or near the top of the buried-
Figure 4. Endmember stratigraphic hypotheses crater-bearing basement [16] .
for the Borealis back-basin. Absolute depths very
Results of morphological analysis Figure 3. Hemispheric context. Stereographic
projection centred on N Pole; prime meridian extends poorly constrained. Left: Thick layer of Noachian

Discussion: triggering
from bottom centre of figure. White: location of ocean sediments [5] as source for MV. Right:
domes and ridge-bounded depressions. Orange: Volcanic materials extend to basement; domes
Dome morphology is diverse, but an example showing many of the gypsum-bearing dunes. Green arrows: discharge are due to silicate volcanism. A periglacially-
direction from circum-Chryse channels. Yellow and modified mantle (blue) coats the terrain,
observed features is the 40x50 km Dome 13 [Fig. 7]. Maximum underlain by the Vastitas Borealis Formation Tectonic convergence aids MV on Earth by pressurizing shale piles,
red arrows: Spillover points at -4850m and -4350m
elevations (~420m above plains) are at the summit of a 7x5 km respectively. Black contours at -5000m, -4800m, and - (light green), Late Hesperian and perhaps earlier
generating anticlines that localise the buoyant mud, and weakening
basalts (light orange), and ancient basement
marginal peak. Just as the marginal peak is associated with a pit, 4600m.
breccias and sediments (purple/yellow). faults that provide mobile mud with access to the surface [17].
the dome as a whole is encircled by a moat. Moat width (~2.5km) Although wrinkle ridges, interpreted as blind thrusts, are present in
and floor elevation does not change with azimuth from the dome
centre. The interior shows evidence for (formerly more complete?) Interpretation the study area, both the orientations of individual dome long axes and
the lineations defined by adjacent domes are oblique to the
marginal and interior annular ridges. Marginal slopes reach 5 - 8°. continuation of wrinkle wridge trends beneath our study area.
By drawing numerous profiles in gridded MOLA toporaphy from All bodies with silicate crusts and diameters >103 km in our solar system show Possible alternatives to tectonic convergence as triggers for MV
the dome centres to a hand-picked dome edge, and averaging the widespread basaltic volcanism, but only Earth has confirmed MV. Therefore, include:- 1) Rapid (> 10 mm/yr) sedimentation: Rapid sedimentation
results between domes (n=29), we confirmed the visual impression when assessing an extraterrestrial construct, one should assign a high prior following the most recent catastrophic-outflow event would led to
of multiple ridges in many domes. Aspect ratio is (0.93±0.22)%. The probability to igneous volcanism. However, (1) The suite of dome morphologies transient overpressure of fluids in the sediment pile. We provisionally
best-fitting simple cone has aspect ratio (rise:run)~1:100 = 0.53° can be matched one-for-one with MV in the S Caspian Basin [e.g., 11] and Gulf assign the mud source to sub-basalt, inferred Noachian – Early
slope, confirming the remarkably low relief of the domes Relief is of Cadiz [e.g, 12], although Martian domes have diameters ~5 times greater Hesperian, outflow or ocean deposits (Fairen et al., 2003). It is difficult
(418±90) m, diameter is (49±16) km. The amplitude of internal than their largest terrestrial counterparts. (2) Moat morphometry excludes to see how a fairly uniform outflow-deposit load could expel mud
roughness on dome surfaces is greater than that on the flexural origin and suggests collapse during withdrawal of material from a from such deep deposits. However, if the mud eruptions occurred into
background plains, making the domes resemble welts. Most domes subsurface reservoir. Collapse moats are found in association with major a transient flood deposit of water or ice, eruptions sourced from within
have central peaks, which have 5°-9° flanks. Their extent is always submarine MV on Earth. (3) The slope-aspect anomaly suggests that near- the post-basalt cover could generate the observed relief. In that case,
7x4 km or similar, and they are often accompanied by peak- surface dome material has been subject to incomplete insolation-driven overpressure would be a possible trigger for mud volcanism. 2) Ice:
marginal pits which resemble subsidence features. Concentric rings processing, and that dome near-surface material was partially volatile. However, Differential loading (107 Pa in the vertical) of a regionally connected
(indurated ring-faults or, less likely, flow features) are present in 6 it is possible that dome near-surface material is compositionally distinct from mud reservoir by an advancing or retreating ice sheet would expel
domes and possibly present in an additional 6. Inner ridges are material making up the bulk of the domes. (4) Few volcanic constructs are mud outboard of the ice-sheet margin through any pre-existing
always circular, even though parent domes are always elliptical. found closer to Alba Patera, inferred to have triggered dome construction. So fractures. Increased reservoir temperature, following thermal
Moat width and depth show no correlation with dome height, there must be a major increase in the fusibility of materials overlying dykes in insulation by overlying ice, would decrease mud viscosity and exsolve
excluding flexural origin for the moats. Mean moat width is our study area. Granitoid rocks are extremely rare on Mars, but volatile-rich CO2. 3) Diking: The intersection of hot hydrothermal fluids circulating
(2.3±0.37) km (n=12). This narrow range of values suggests that deposits satisfy this requirement. (5) Mars has thick sediment piles, permitting above dykes with a thick, ice-rich sediment column could have directly
moat width is related to reservoir depth, and that the reservoir is of MV. Crater fill studies suggest that the Scandia and Borealis back- basins contain triggered MV in the planes above the dykes [18-19]. Alternatively,
the same order as the moat width, that is, fairly shallow. However, the greatest thickness of post-Late Noachian sedimentary cover in the entire graben radiating from Alba Patera may have created planes of
moat width does increase with dome diameter, and the largest Northern Plains [4], making these preferred MV locations. We infer that the weakness later exploited by pressurized fluids.
moats show box-profile, deep moats. These observations are most domes were likely emplaced by MV.
consistent with moat origin by collapse after removal of material
from an underlying reservoir, as expected for mud volcanism.
Slope-aspect relationships in the domes region show significant
deviations from randomness. After detrending, the relative Although puzzles remain and work is ongoing, these results support
frequency of slopes facing S or N exceeds other aspects; this excess the previous suggestion [2] that the Scandia Tholi were emplaced by
has local maxima at (S±5°) and (N±5°). Because N-facing slopes are MV. If confirmed, this may have implications for the ease of future drill-
more abundant than S-facing slopes, S-facing slopes must be, on rig access to ancient sedimentary deposits in the Northern Plains.
average, steeper. A control region at the same latitude shows no There is also a tempting geographic link with young evaporates [20].
comparable anomaly.

Results of spectral analysis

OMEGA visible/near-IR spectra of the domes show no significant
differences between dome and non-dome terrain. Both band References: [1]Garvin, J., et al., Icarus 145(2), 648-652, 2000. [2]Tanaka,
K., Nature 437, 991-994, 2005. [3]Fishbaugh, K.E., and J.W. Head, LPSC
depth methods and linear unmixing models [8] yield compositions Figure 5. a) Terrestrial seismic impedance data
33, 1426, 2001.[4] Buckzcowski, D., J. Geophys. Res. 112, E09002,
dominated by ferric oxides and pyroxenes, everywhere in the for S. Caspian submarine mud volcano (from
[22]. b) Regionally-detrended digital elevation doi:10.1029/2006JE002836, 2007. [5] Fairen, A.G., et al., Icarus 165(1),
region. Some structures are visible, e.g. in low-calcium pyroxene model of Dome 5. c) Interpretation of DEM, with 53-67, 2003. [6] McEwen, A.S., et al., Science 317, 1706-1709, 2007. [7]
(LCP) unmixing ratio [Fig. 1], but there is no general correlation with putative indurated ring-faults marked by yellow
dashed lines. Head, J.W., et al, J. Geophys. Res. 107 (E1), doi: 10.1029/2000JE001445,
topography. This spectral uniformity may be due to recent 2002. [8] Combe, J.P., PhD thesis, U. Nantes, 2005. [9] Tanaka, K. et al.,
mantling. However, if it reflects the composition of the dome USGS Scientific Investigations Map 2888. [10] Carr, M., and J.W. Head, J.
interiors, the observations favour but do not require dome origin Geophys. Res., 108 (E5), 5042, doi:10.1029/2002JE001963.2, 2003. [11]
by silicate volcanism. If the domes were emplaced by MV, the
spectral data may indicate that they tap a source layer of similar
Discussion: alternatives Evans, R.J., et al. Basin Res., 19(1), 153-163, 2007. [12] Somoza, L., et al. ,
Mar. Geol. 195, 153-176, 2003. [13] Ghatan, G. J., et al., J. Geophys. Res.,
composition to the adjacent plains, which are believed to have Could the domes result from magma-ice or magma-water interactions? 108 (E5), 5045, doi:10.1029/2002JE001972. [14] Tuffen, H. , J. Geophys.
been reworked from Late Hesperian flood deposits [9-10]. At present, we disfavor magma-ice or magma-water interaction as a Res., 112, B03203, doi:10.1029/2006JB004523. [15] Wohletz, K.H. and
Zimanowski. B. , Terra Nostra 2000/6, 515-523, 2000. [16] Frey, H., et al.,
hypothesis for dome origin because:- most importantly, subsidence moats with Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(10), 1384, doi:10.1029/2001GL013832., 2002.
the characteristics we describe are lacking in terrestrial tuyas; kilometre- [17] Kopf, A.J., Rev. Geophys. 40(2), art. no. 1005., 2002. [18] Tanaka, K.L.,
wavelength, hectometre-amplitude surface roughness would also be Fourth Mars Polar Sci. Conf. #8024, 2006. [19] McKenzie, D. and F.
unexpected for tuyas; if dome extrusion was triggered by Alba Patera-radial Nimmo, Nature 397, 231-233. [20] Langevin, Y., et al., Science 307, 1584-
dyking, it would be surprising that silicate volcanism only nucleated at great 1586, 2005. [21] Beyer, A., et al., Mar. Geophys. Res., 26(1), 61-75, 2005.
distances from the volcanic centre; the rise:run (1:100) of the Martian domes is [22] Stewart, S.A., and R.J. Davies, AAPG Bull. 90(5), 771-786, 2006.
very low compared to relevant terrestrial analogues; and, least importantly, the
Scandia Tholi do not resemble extrusive structures in Cavi Angusti, previously
interpreted as tuyas [13]. Acknowledgements: E.K. acknowledges financial support from
However, magma-water and magma-ice interactions can produce a very wide Pembroke College, Cambridge, and from a Berkeley Fellowship. We
range of morphologies [e.g., 14], and their physics is incompletely understood thank Talfan Barnie and Andy Lea-Cox for assistance, and Michael
[15]. Therefore, we continue to investigate this hypothesis. Manga for comments.
Figure 1. Left: Hypersthene/albedo percentage using linear unmixing
model. Right: MOLA topography (m) draped over shaded relief. OMEGA
3.9km/pixel track.

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