Homework3 Web Slider

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Joyojeet Pal, Assistant Professor

Tech tools help disabled enter workplace

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Assessing credibility of online resources

Devan Donaldson, PhD

Want to see and hear what UMSI is about?

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Margaret Hedstrom, Professor

Want to see and hear what UMSI is about?
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Creating better paths to big data

Rahul Sami, Associate Professor

Manipulation-proof recommender systemsresources

Want to see and hear what UMSI is about?
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Tetradic Color Harmony

R: 0 G: 147 B: 68

R: 0 G: 173 B: 239

R: 101 G: 44 B: 144

R: 237 G: 42 B: 123


On the right side of the slider, I used rectangular backgrounds which are related to the professors research area, which provides a more better user experience. Introduction of the professor is showed in the top grey rectangular area to draw users attention. To keep consistence, the gure of the professor are arranged to face the same direction. On the navigation part, arrow shape is used to create an asymmetric balance.



First the text are all in white color to clearly di erentiate with the background. To emphasis the name, title and video link, I dropped a grey rectangular shadow behind it, and it is also on the top of the slider. So I am using emphasis with position and color here.

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