Academic Procedures Rules and Automation

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Academic Procedures Rules and Automation Twelve academic procedures have been automated through the Student Information

System (SIS), below are the Workflows, Conditions, Limitations and the Original form.

Important Notes: A paper based form for an automated procedure will not be accepted. Each academic adviser is responsible only for his/her students; each faculty is responsible only for its students. If a head of department has been assigned from the university administration he/she will become a part of the procedure. SMS message will be sent to the student when he/she applies for the procedure, if the request has been denied by any one through the procedure before the registrar another SMS will be sent to the student with denial, if the registrar performed the request an SMS with confirmation will be sent to the student. If the faculty member has more than one role in the work flow (e.g. Advisor and Dean) he/she approves the request only once and the system will assign his approval to all roles. Some limitations will be applied on the entries depending on the academic calendar, student status, program academic plan, etc.

1. Postponement Request : Student (apply for the request) Academic Advisor (Approve) Chairman (Approve) Dean(Approve) Registrar (Perform on the system) Students can apply for this request during a limited period before the registration ends on the Academic Calendar and they will not be able to apply after that date. Students status should be Active to be able to apply for this request. Student can postpone only two consecutive semesters and no more than three nonconsecutive semesters during his/her duration of study. 2. Drop Semester Request Student (apply for the request) Academic Advisor (Approve) Chairman (Approve) Dean(Approve) Registrar (Perform on the system) Students can apply for this request during a limited period specified on the Academic Calendar and they will not be able to apply after that date. Student should have registered courses to be able to apply for this request. This request is to drop the whole semester and not only one course. 3. Suspension Removal Request Student (apply for the request) Academic Advisor (Approve) Chairman (Approve) Dean(Approve) Registrar (Perform on the system) This request can be used for students with suspended status (Low GPA).

Students can apply for this request during a limited period specified on the Academic Calendar and before the registration ends and they will not be able to apply after that date. If student applied for this request during late registration then a late registration request will be included in this request. Students status should be Suspended to be able to apply for this request. 4. Dismissal Removal Request Student (apply for the request) Academic Advisor (Approve) Chairman (Approve) Dean(Approve) VRAA(Approve) Registrar (Perform on the system) This request can be used for students with suspended status (Low GPA). Students can apply for this request during a limited period specified on the Academic Calendar and before the registration ends and they will not be able to apply after that date. If student applied for this request during late registration then a late registration request will be included in this request. Students status should be Dismissed to be able to apply for this request. Dismissal cant be removed for more than once except with the University Council approval. 5. Block Removal Request Student (apply for the request) Academic Advisor (Approve) Chairman (Approve) Dean(Approve) Registrar (Perform on the system) Students can apply for this request if the student status is Blocked for not registering during the registration period or for any other academic reasons. Students can apply for this request during a limited period specified on the Academic Calendar and they will not be able to apply after that date. Students status should be Blocked to be able to apply for this request. Student should apply for this request during four semesters at most of being blocked. If student applied for this request during late registration then a late registration request will be included in this request. Block cant be removed for more than once except with the University Council approval. 6. Add Course Registration Request Student (apply for the request) Academic Advisor (Approve) Registrar (Perform on the system) Student can use this request after the registration ends to add more courses. Students can apply for this request during a specific period of time. Students status should be Active to apply for this request.

7. Drop Course Registration Request Student (apply for the request) Academic Advisor (Approve) Registrar (Perform on the system) Students can apply for this request to remove course(s) from the academic record permanently and retrieve course(s) fees to his/her balance if possible according to rules and discount rates. Students can apply for this request in a specific period of time, they cant apply after the registration ends and courses are being added to academic records. Students status should be Active and he/she should have registered courses to be able to apply for this request. 8. Request for Course Withdrawal Student (apply for the request) Academic Advisor (Approve) Registrar (Perform on the system) Students can apply for this request if he/she wants to drop one course with grade of W, if student needs to drop more than one course he/she needs to apply for each course alone. Students can apply for this request in a specific period of time. Students status should be Active and he/she should have registered the course(s) he/she wants to drop to be able to apply for this request.

9. Transfer Request Student (apply for the request) Dean- College to transfer to (Approve) Dean- College to transfer from (Approve) Registrar (Perform on the system) Student can apply for this request to transfer his/her major(program) inside or outside his/her college. Students can apply for this request during a specific period of time. Students status should be Active and he/she should have no registered courses in the semester he/she wants to transfer in. Student can transfer his/her program twice at most. Students academic record will maintain his/her finished courses with their grades and his/her GPA after transferring to the new program. Dean of the college that the student will transfer to should approve the transfer before the dean of the college the student is transferring from. 10. Denial Removal Request Student (apply for the request) Academic Advisor (Approve) Chairman (Approve) Dean(Approve) Registrar (Perform on the system) Student applies for this request to remove a DN grade for a course that has a DN letter grade on the SIS; its not to be used to remove the DN of the course on the LMS. Students can apply for this request during a specific period of time.

The course letter grade should be DN to apply for this request. If absence percentage exceeds 50% then the request will be denied no matter what students reasons or excuses were. The academic advisor will not consider the request unless the accepted and stamped official excuses from the student affairs excuses committee are provided. 11. Incomplete Final Exam Request Student (apply for the request) Academic Advisor (Approve) Chairman (Approve) Dean(Approve) Registrar (Perform on the system) Students use this to request a make up exam for the final exam because of absence and not during the semester for midterm exams make up requests. Students can apply for this request during a specific period of time. The academic advisor will not consider the request unless the accepted and stamped official excuses from the student affairs excuses committee are provided.

12. Course Substitute Request Student (apply for the request) Academic Advisor (Approve) Chairman (Approve) Dean(Approve) Registrar (Perform on the system) Students apply for this request if he/she needs to compensate for a core course with another course under university conditions : 1-student is expected to be graduated. 2-the core course is not available in that semester, there is a conflict with another course, course canceled or stop teaching the course. Student can apply for this request during a limited period of time.

13. Register a course without finishing the prerequisite. Student (apply for the request) Academic Advisor (Approve) Chairman (Approve) Dean(Approve) Registrar (Perform on the system) 14. Register less than Minimum credit 12,3(hours (not including Thesis or Coop). Student (apply for the request) Academic Advisor (Approve) Chairman (Approve) Dean(Approve) Registrar (Perform on the system)

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