Christ For Africa Mission-July. 09

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Issue 7 & 8 09 July/August 2009

SOUTH AFRICA … Country of Contrasts.

Johannesburg, South Africa … …
On June 5th, 2009 Br. John and Anita greeted the brethren, family, friends and loved ones to return to the
USA. As usual there were hugs and tears, mingled with prayers, as goodbye’s were exchanged. The long 16 hour trip
from Johannesburg SA, back to Atlanta Georgia, and then on to Phoenix Arizona, an extra 6 hours, finally brought
us safely, with bags intact, tired, but happy to be here in the USA.
The Lord blessed our visit in Africa, and from the moment we arrived there, we were on the move, covering
as much distance as possible in the time we had set aside. The Easter conferences were well attended, the brethren
were happy to see each other and reported that God was working in their areas of ministry. Souls were being saved,
baptized, counseled and discipled; Young people turning their lives to the Lord, many surrendering to the ministry,
as they felt the call of God to full time service. While many young children, found
abandoned in the villages, or along the roadsides, are taken into the homes of our
Indigenous Pastors, Evangelists, and church members, there are still hundreds of orphans
who are being taken care of by older siblings, wandering around rummaging through
trash looking for food. Orphanages stay full, when 2 or 3 children die from Hiv/Aids
every week, there are 4 or 5 more being admitted continuously.
Please Pray for these orphans.

Spring Valley ... There are still great numbers of refugees who flock to the larger cities.
They do not have any place to live, and are not only homeless, but jobless… They move in large groups, and when
they find an open piece of land, they stop and set up camp … bringing along their pieces of
cardboard, tin, wood and whatever they can carry, and in a day or two, they form a small
village and move in … There is no running water, sewer, electricity etc., and when it rains,
the roofs leak. One person in the household tries to get a job and supports the rest of the
family… One of these Squatter Camp Villages, called Spring Valley has been evangelized, they
built a small tin shack church, and while we were there, they dedicated their new church, a
concrete block building, see below.
Dedication of the new church building at Spring Valley,
was a joyous occasion. Bibles were distributed to new con-
verts and members. A new generator was donated with a
sound system, microphones and speakers, to help evangelize
the people in this squatter village.


Outreaches are planned twice a month, usually on the open soccer field close to the church on a Saturday,
where they invite the people to join in … recently The Strong Man Ministry brought testimonies, and demonstrated
their strengths, telling the people how God saved them and changed their lives—from drug and alcohol addiction,
to working and serving in the ministry, telling others about the love of Jesus.

“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 KJB
Another recent outreach, all the youth from nearby congregations joined
together, on the soccer field, handing out tracts, sharing the gospel one to one,
praying for people, leading them to the Lord, inviting them to the church and tent
on the property, to have soup and a sandwich, then to stay and view the Jesus Film.
Most young African people love to play sports, and the youth come to play
soccer with the people, they have no shortage of players,
and soon there are 2 teams, and a crowd of spectators
on the sidelines, cheering them on. Young Christians hand out tracts, share the
gospel, and others serve hot dogs and lemonade. Many of these people do not have
proper meals on a regular basis, this is one of the ways to minister to their physical
needs at the same time as ministering to their spiritual needs.

God sent His Son to die for the entire World — Not just for Africa !

No man can solve all the problems of the world and of South Africa. “Even with the best of intentions, one
can only help in a small way. But God has a plan that includes all the peoples in South Africa. And when it
happens — and it will happen — To Go d B e Th e GLORY !

Happy Birthday: Anita & Br. John both celebrate their birthdays in July:
Anita July 6th, and Br. John July 31st.

Their Prayer of Thanks to the Lord for sparing them both :

Lord, help us to be strong yet gentle, To be giving, yet able to receive graciously, Amen.

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Christ For Africa Mission is a faith-based Mission

John & Anita Newton

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.

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